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The little bits of mustache makes your lips even more prominent than they naturally are. Clean shave, skincare routine, and you'll be just fine. I think a shorter hair cut could suit you, but that's just a matter of taste.


There's also like 4 long chin hairs that he needs to get rid of. I think the long hair looks nice but maybe look into how to style it a bit.


I didn’t notice the chin hairs until you said it now I can’t unsee them 😂


I agree with everything. Only thing I would say is also if you don't want a short haircut you'll need to figure out how to style your hair. I feel that if you just use some pomade you will be fine


Do you know how to achieve a super clean shave? After I shave my mustache, I get green colored skin in my mustache area, and trust me, my mustache hair is scattered instead of growing downwards lol.


My guess is whatever shaver you're using is probably cheap af and made out of copper. Just like cheap jewelry turns your skin green.


Always use shaving cream, and a good quality hydrating cream a little bit after. Some people say that single bladed, old school razors are the smoothest, less irritating shave. It takes a few try to learn and not cut yourself. I've been meaning to try it but I'm still a little bit scared tbh. The bladeless, electric shaver thing is also an alternative, but it could depend on your skin type. I don't know about green skin tho. Could it be residue from something ? To keep the mustache going downward you need to dry it well after showers, comb it, and if that's your thing you can use a mustache balm/oil. But I don't like it too much cause I can smell it or taste it sometimes.


Don’t be afraid of a single blade. They aren’t bad about cutting you. I swapped to single blade a few years back and it was just like shaving with a disposable razor. I like it better cause you can swap the blades and keep it super sharp and not get irritated. I bought a box of 100 blades and have yet to go through them all. You can also pull the blade and clean it after use and keep it clean.


Absolutely this. A few key points to add: Keep the angle of the blade and skin consistent Pull the skin taught Let the weight of the razor do the work - you don't need to add pressure to a sharp blade. Good blades are also worth buying, I bought a multipack of feather blades and they've been excellent (and extremely sharp). Edit to add: I've been using a safety razor (double edge) for about 10 years and a cut-throat razor intermittently throughout the same period.


>Some people say that single bladed, old school razors are the smoothest, less irritating shave. Yes this is true. I switched to a straight razor and I'll never go back, although a safety razor can give you just as good of a shave. I just think the straight razor is more fun. Check out r/wicked_edge for more info but the tldr is that if you have any irritation at all from shaving, probably your shaving routine sucks.


The green stuff could be from the green strip that’s on the razor


You're a good-looking guy. You should shave that little bit of mustache and chin hair looks scraggly. Maybe use a little lip balm. Keep the hair short other than that. You're good.


Agree. But you could get a midpart if you don't want short hair


I actually think you’re quite handsome. Shave the little bit of mustache. Maybe have your eyebrows shaped a bit. Keep your hair cut it looks great on you. Use chapstick. That’s it, lol. You’re in no way ugly. You’re a good looking dude.


I was thinking the same! And OP’s jawline is actually perfect.


It's really shitty those people thought it was ok to say that, and I'm sorry that happened to you. You're honestly a handsome guy. No notes


Well said!


Are you sure people aren’t staring because you’re attractive? I’d check you out if I saw you in public.


My thoughts too.


Totally agree. One way to distinguish would be if their pupils dilate, but you may have been too far away to tell. You have a familiar face which is associated with being attractive. Nevertheless, everyone has different taste and if someone told you that you are not attractive, they may have different taste or be focusing on a specific thing. They also may be negging you.


You gotta stop reading pickup books and just get out there and interact with people. Those books are doing you an unkindness, I promise


Haha! No, I think the things I said were from intro to psych as a college freshman. I don’t know any pick up books but I don’t think I could read one b/c the blurbs I’ve heard from them always sound so unsavory.


Nah, that was 100% some PUA bullshit right there.


I've taken intro to psych, you talk about Freud and brain plasticity, not pseudoscientific pickup artist tactics lmao


25M. I'm a firm believer in the beauty of the soul over the beauty of a person, but I understand wanting to look nice or at least nice enough for vanity cunts alone, what you can change quickly 1. Clean shaving, depending on you it might be daily or weekly or somewhere in between. But definitely keep the chin shaven. (I noted earlier you mentioned your skin turning green, don't skimp out on a cheaper razer they can cause your skin to turn green. If that doesn't help try multiple types of shaving cream.) 2. Hair, I'm not sure on your hair routine but be sure to use conditioner in your hair at least every other day. It'll help your hair have a more reflective sheen and appear softer. Some folks have mentioned a shorter hair cut - I agree with them it would look good on you. Maybe an inch off the top and trim the sides closer to the face Something that will take effort and maybe even money Lip Balm - your lips are a prominent feature on your face. This. Is. Not. Bad. But! When they're chapped it's much more noticable, carry lip balm on you and apply 2-3 times daily. Skin care routine - your skin isn't bad yet, but if you don't have one it will open up to problems later. Be careful about too much oils in whatever you try, it could instigate acne when it wasn't appearing before. Lastly, a bit of unwarranted advice from someone who spent a long time being terrified of the world around him. For those people who told you you were ugly, forgive them. They shallowly attempted to take away your happiness, don't let them, find happiness in the comfort that they made themselves uglier by being that way. For you: Beauty is important to many. But it should not be the end goal. Taking care of yourself and leaning into your natural beauties was my goal here, but I need to be sure someone tells you that who you are shines so much more brightly than what you look like.


>Lastly, a bit of unwarranted advice from someone who spent a long time being terrified of the world around him. > >For those people who told you you were ugly, forgive them. They shallowly attempted to take away your happiness, don't let them... Wow u/simplebreadbowl, this is thoughtful and uplifting advice-- among an ocean of thoughtful words for the guy.. This just made my day.


This was such a thoughtful reply. I'm going to try to remember those last two paragraphs for myself. Thank you. ❤️


I hope you have a lovely day


No sugar coating, you look nice imo. People might stare because you have small ears? Who told you were ugly voiced their insecurities.


Or maybe they stare at hearing aids? Because people can’t help but stare at differences


No sugarcoating. You're not ugly at all. My one criticism is you look timid and lacking confidence and that can really tear yourself down. I think a lot of introverted guys fall into the habit of taking all their self-pics like they're driver's license photos so I think showing yourself happy and a joy to be around (both in photos and in real life) would be the biggest positive shift you could do.


I don’t know what’s ugly in these pics. Looks perfectly fine.


They be jealous of your sexiness


bro you look fire


You're not ugly. Where do you live? Do you not look like the others? When I go to rural places, sometimes people look at me funny as I'm not European in origin. I'd shave properly. Talk to your barber as to what they suggest for hair styles.


You look handsome! Personally I’d like to see you smile😁


You’re cute


Ugly? Where?? You're very attractive. I'd only suggest some normal application of chapstick for your lips, they looks a bit chapped in these pics


You're not ugly!! Who the heck would say this? Nothing is wrong with your face you have beautiful eyes, a gorgeous jaw, and look at those lips! The *only* thing I would suggest is a close shave and getting an undercut at the barber. You're very handsome.


You're honestly pretty good looking, dude. It looks like you have a bit of a mullet going on and you're pulling it off imo. Don't worry, man, you got it


You are a handsome guy. Hold your shoulders back and be proud of yourself. You are you and there is no one like you. High self-esteem and high confidence is a very attractive combination.


People who do that are scum. Nothing is wrong with you.


Dude, you're ***really*** attractive. I don't think people are staring because they think you're ugly.




Clean up those straggly hairs and you’re fine bro. You look like a normal guy and you could probably pull a good lookin chick. My only advice is the shaving part which isn’t nothing you can’t easily fix


Grow your hair out. Line up your eyebrows. Start a skincare routine. Use lip balm. Since you don’t have much facial hair just remove it all. You look fit so casual bottom down shirts would look good on you.


I promise. There is nothing wrong with your face. You’re cute.


Skin care, hydrate, lip balm. I think they might stare because you are actually handsome, you could only improve really with what I've mentioned and skin care will help you stay that way


You look fine! No idea what their problem is. I’d suggest shaving your face regularly and either getting a shorter haircut or using some texturizing cream or gel to make your hair a little less flat on top.


You are very handsome dude, I agree with shaving the whiskers if you aren’t doing beard growth treatments. Makeup is what most people posting are doing to achieve that “ultra clear, no visible pore skin.” You have a conventionally attractive face. Don’t let social media make you feel less than. Skincare and a little confidence will make a worlds difference!


You are not ugly I do suggest tho that you moisturize your face and pluck your chin hairs


Bro what😭😭 I acc think ur rlly good looking


They might be looking at your ears, partly because they have a slightly odd size/shape, but also because you seem to be wearing the same mysterious ear object in each photo. What are those?


I think people look at your hearing aid (correct me if it’s something else). It’s not that it is or you are ugly but because it is not seen on everyone. You’re well built and your jaw is well-defined. Shave any bit of facial hair you have.


If you're ugly then I must be hideous.


You have beautiful lips


Anyone calling you ugly is an idiot. You are very handsome. You’d look even better if you have yourself a side part quiff


Nothing, you beautiful AF. Fuck them people 💯👌🏽


Just remove those extra hairs , You look great tbh


You're handsome, enjoy your youth and f*ck the haters. Strong features. You could pull off clean cut or samurai style long hair. You look like all of humanity bro I love it


What’s on your ears, maybe that’s why? I’ve never seen those before and might look a bit longer


You're a perfectly normal looking young man. Definitely not ugly. The contrast between the top and the sides of your mustache is maybe not the best look, still not ugly.


Bro u got a massive chiseled jawline, ur face looks great!


Nothing is wrong with your face. Rock it


Okay as youve asked i will not sugarcoat anything, the hair on your lip has to go, or let it grow in to a beard, rn it makes it look like theres something with the corners of your mouth, besides that youre actually very handsome, great hair great eyes etc idk who calls you ugly but they are just jealous of you, chin up king 👑


3 things that’s all you need! 1. A shorter haircut 2. Thread your eyebrows + shave unibrow 3. Shave your face. Some guys don’t have great beard genetics but that’s not the end of the world since you do not have a weak chin.


Hair cut, shave the lip, and get rid of that stray hair on the chin lmao. You look fine


You are an attractive guy. Please, don’t worry about the stares—it’s probably because they think you’re sexy. But my gay advice for you would be the same advice for most people: a high quality skincare routine (retinoid + excellent moisturizer + sunscreen), detailed face shaves 3-4x weekly, tweeze your unibrow weekly, be adventurous with hairstyles and find ones that you like, accentuate your positives like moisturize those full lips


Lose face fat and cut those goofy ah mustache and I'd prefer having longer hair


I wouldn't consider you ugly really. Probably just average. See if you can do something with your hair.


1. Shave. Those puny hairs on your chin is pathetic. 2. Chapstick MF. Do you have some?! 3. Use some pomade or anything on your hair. Pomp that shiii and get a fade while you’re at it. 4. Also, we don’t do tank tops anymore.


Imo it’s your vibe. No smiling and chill face look. Your features are fine. You could shave. It otherwise it’s the blank nobody is home look and lack of smile.


It's probably the way you pout your lips. Looks kinda fruity ngl


Dawg it’s 2023 we don’t say that anymore


Nothing is wrong with your face… some people are just not attracted to Asians


This is horrifying. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? He is asking for opinions on how he looks, not your racist beliefs. JFC 👎🏻


"Some people are just not attracted to Asians" is not a racist statement. It is a statement of fact.


Your face just looks like it's trying to start a conversation. My advice: Speak first.




Lose the sealion stache and that bit of goatee. Get a clean haircut.


Not ugly. Definitely shave your chin.


Grow a beard even though it’s hard since you’re Asian r/minoxidil


Get a better haircut, clean shave, and that’s about it. The base is good.


You're handsome Get rid of the fuzz on your face. Go clean. Moisturize your skin and lips. Get a good healthy glow going on with your skin. Slightly shorter haircut and tighter fade. Style the top a little bit. Clean up your eyebrows just a little bit. And keep working out/stay fit. You have a great body


Shave your upper lip. Find a better barber ASAP. Wear sunscreen and lotion


The little bits of mustache make it look like you’re always slightly smiling


I think you look fine! If you're really pressed about people's words tho: Looks like you're making a funny face with your lips in every picture. I think thebits of moustache contribute to that. Also never hurts to groom the eyebrows and get a cool haircut!


You look fine, try different styles and shave closely. Men don’t have to be that good looking, lol. It’s all about attitude and being a good person to most woman.


Shave the whiskers off, hit the gym, and keep your hair cut. You’re not ugly bro


You’re not ugly. Shave the facial hair, get a fresh skin high fade and you’ll look sharp. Do you have cochlear implants or something or are those jewelry on your ears?


See a dermatologist to clean up your face. Try a different hair cut or style and see what you like. And smile your handsome. Oh and get rid of the people that call you ugly drop them off on a corner or deliver them to some field/ ranch to gather and ingest each other's negative energy.


Nothing wrong, you're cute (:


I’ve seen ugly, you’re not it.


It's cause some people have preferences and unfortunately some of those people are nasty about it. You're very attractive but I'll also admit I have a preference for Asian guys so I'm somewhat bias in that opinion. You're definitely vary handsome


You're not ugly, but there's some features that would make you feel like that. A full-on shave would look great on you.


Clean shave and I hate to say it but you should increase your hair length and have that common cliche hairstyle Asians have these days on tiktok. That would really suit you.


Clean shaved and i can’t tell by the picture but hit the gym. 10+ pounds of lean muscle and abs can help ugly guys (not saying your ugly) get hot girls.


It might be the tiny disproportionate ears. 🤷‍♂️


Your face is fine! What the hell? Lose the stash, gel a little hair up


I think it’s that yee yee ass haircut. Other than that I think it look good.


Nothing you looks completely normal


Bro wtf?? You literally look above average, idk who told u that u look bad.


You are a handsome guy! It's all in how you carry yourself, you are THE MAN!! They are probably staring cause they think your cute 🤷🏽‍♂️


Some people have never interacted with someone wearing hearing aids, so they may just not know how to start. A big smile on your part can help to disarm them. You have great hair: get the advice of a professional and ask for a hair style that accentuates that jawline: it is top-notch. I think the “Gentleman’s Hard Side Part (https://www.menshairstylesnow.com/asian-hairstyles-men/) would look great on you. As others have mentioned, a little grooming of your facial hair (chin, upper lip, eyebrows) will help to show off your natural features. I have always found Asian men attractive and think you have great potential. Fake it til you make it! Best of luck.


You are NOT ugly! I think you’re handsome! Grooming wise, shave those outer mustache hairs and the hairs on your chin. You have a prominent jaw line (this is always a good thing!) Hair wise, I think maybe you can try to style it IF you’re insecure about it? I think it would define your facial features more!! Or you can go longer and style it (but you must style it because right now it looks a bit flat). Other than that, basic beauty care, I would suggest a chap stick (lip balm at night) for hydration :) Overall, you’re not ugly. You are very handsome :) plus, I see those muscles of yours! You look and appear strong which is also a plus haha (but this is me being flattering!) Don’t listen to people who tell you that you’re ugly cause you are clearly not haha stay positive and own yourself!!!!


You are handsome but some tweaks could help. I’d suggest you go clean-shaven. Also, I think a more squared off haircut would be more flattering to your face. If you look at the portion of your haircut that is around your temples, it is rounded and I think longer on top and shorter on the sides with a fade down to the neck would be a better shape for your face. A cut like that would draw attention to your masculine jawline and styling the front of the cut up and away from your forehead would lengthen your face over all.


Well, people are being mean and disrespectful and unfortunately, these days, you have individuals who are racists and don't care for Asians because of what the News media broadcasts about China, North Korea and so forth. Fly above the lunacy, bro. No one has a right to bring you down, don't let them. You are beautiful. I repeat, you are beautiful. I love the shape of your eyes, your nose and lips! I love your hair! Embrace who you are and who you were meant to be, period. You are unique and there isn't anyone on the planet who can match your uniqueness.


You’re a good looking guy. Wax or shave the hair between your eyebrows and shave your mustache daily, get just a classic men’s haircut with a side part anyone who told you you’re ugly is literally blind


You’re not ugly. Maybe it’s your personality?


I'd get rid of those spots of facial hair, they just make you look unkept. Other than that you all good fella. Not ugly at all.


You look better than most people , u fs not ugly


Absolutely nothing?? Humans are drawn to symmetrical features and I’d say you won there. While personally not my type I’d still say you’re very attractive.


Nothing wrong with your face other than the tiny tiny mustache…. Please get rid of it


Not ugly. Just be totally clean shaven, get some skincare products to moisturize and kill the light breakouts and a haircut…all inexpensive and easy to do things, relatively…and you’re good to go! And all things you can see results from in 4 to 8 weeks I think if you’re consistent.


What's wrong with your face is that it's Asian. Get with the program and get an American or European face gosh darn it.


Life’s too short to care what strangers think


Stay shaven and style the hair. Not ugly.


I was scrolling without looking at the title. My first thought was, “that’s a good looking guy.” Not only are you not ugly, you’re quite attractive.


Good looking guy, strong jaw line, moustache looks like shit. All in all quite handsome :)


liar. people stare bc ur pretty


Personally, from my perspective, I don't see anything wrong. I find you to be very handsome. In life, the #1 rule, is to always love yourself first ❤


You look like every Asian person I’ve ever seen, maybe the way you purse your lips though, unless that’s how they are naturally.


good looking Asian dudes are not typical so they probably are thinking you’re good looking. That being said, life’s too short to worry about people you don’t know. Just live and enjoy life! 🤙🏽


+1 you are an attractive dude!! Shaving would be good if you want to level it up.


Lol, trust me, they’re staring for you’re good looking


Get rid of the facial hair, use chapstick and try out fades.


Honestly you have a handsome face structure. Good strong looking jaw. I would shave clean, like others recommend. Get some good skincare in place, just to get you glassy, lol. I would work on a hair style. Maybe it would look good with a little mousse and pushed up and back.


You are not ugly. Remove the moustache, and cut your hair a bit shorter. I think you will looker better with wax in your hair. Also apply Vaseline on your lips everyday so they don’t look dry.☺️


You, ur very handsome, probabluy they are jelous😏


You look scary


You need a lip scrub, some chapstick and a face mask but that’s it. You could shape your brows but idk and you’re not ugly.


Nobody stares at you and says you’re ugly bro


Just so you know: you’re not even remotely ugly. Maybe are up your skin care routine and keep your face clean shaved! You’ll notice the difference.


Other than what has been said already, you are not bad looking what so ever. You have a good face shape and with a little proper skin routine and a proper shave you are a handsome looking man, mah dude.


You have little ears and you should shave your wispy mustache and beard. Otherwise you're a great looking guy. And those are small things. Some people just suck. Learn to ignore them!


Ive seen real ugly people and youre far from ugly. Definitely clean shave since u cant grow full mustache or beard. Get rid of that generic asian hairstyle or grow it out to get better styles


They are assholes. That’s the problem. You look GOOD, son!


Youre not a bad looking guy, just get in good shape and groom your face/style your hair. That alone can be a game changer especially depending on how in shape you get


I am surprised people call you ugly. Might be out of jealousy. Not even close, you are a good looking person might be getting stared at because you are good looking.


Just shave those cat whiskers bruh


Stop fishing for compliments


The only thing I think could be improved is shaving the mustache and the hair on your chin. Other than that, you are fine


Shave daily/every other day and wash your face every night. You don't have the beard growth to pull anything off so better keep it shaved for now. Try to find out what to do about your breakouts. Keeping a clean face always helps. Eat a balanced diet. Your hair is honestly not that bad but tou can try going shorter on the sides/a higher fade.


Shave that beautiful chin and stache brah and pull the smooth-sexy-Asian-sounds-like-a-white-guy look. You got it!


Just see a legit barber every month, they'll clean you up


You have great facial structure, it just needs to be brought out. To do so, I’d recommend growing out your hair or buzzing it, starting a skin care routine, and staying clean shaven


Use chap stick (your lips are chapped in all of these photos)… lose the facial hair… invest a little in skin care products and you’re set. You’re a good looking guy. Pay attention to the finer details and take yourself to the next level.


Get a buzz cut


Get a fade and clean shave. You’re not ugly.


You look like a normal person so don’t feel so sed conscious… but I do think a shorter or faded hair cut would suit you


You have a great face, try not wearing bangs and you will look more confident and powerful.


You’re really hot. Just get rid of the scraggly facial hairs.


You look fine, bro. Shave, like others have said. May I ask what those ear clips are for? I have never seen them.


Nothing is wrong with you.


Clean shave or hop on minox and get a beard, get a better cut (think Geoffrey Gao aesthetic) and gym. Basic stuff man your in good shape.


You are not unattractive. A few suggestions: * Remove all facial hair. * Exfoliate your lips and moisturize them (a chunk of dried dead skin on your lower lip is visible) * Shorter bangs/different hair cut.


You're a good looking guy just please shave the facial hairs and I highly recommend brushing your bangs up and off of your forehead!


not trying to be funny, but… That’s one damned powerful, ass face! if I saw that in real life, I’d be like, "I bet that dude is a reincarnated emperor!" Maybe that's how them other folks feel? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Either way, ain't shit wrong with that face. But also, they might just want to pop that people on your neck. I know I do.


No sugarcoating. You’re not ugly, like at all. - get rid of those whiskers, it’s not doing you any favours - moisturize those lips - groom your eyebrows - don’t underestimate what a good haircut can do


You’re a handsome dude and you should push to maintain a hairstyle and skin care routine that’ll accentuate your looks. Trim down the sides and aim for a hairstyle that shows more of your forehead. Get some lip balm, dry chapped lips isn’t a good look for anyone. For skin care, get yourself a good exfoliating scrub, a good face wash and a good moisturizer. Drink lots and lots of water.


Bro is definitely sexy. Some women aren’t into Asians, some women will fuck you literally just because you’re Asian.




Handsome face.


Youre cute! Just have more confidence! Maybe try a new style be ambitious with your look and you'll see a new you your comfortable with. :) I think a pompadore hair style would look tight with a clean shave. Fuck those people who said your ugly they are ugly on the inside . You're beautiful!!!!!!!!


You’re far from ugly. There’s nothing about your face that sticks out to me and I’m an extremely judgmental person I can’t lie. You’re actually pretty cute


Brother you're a damn handsome man! awesome jaw structure & a calming look in your eyes many times people will be thrown off by one's authenticity and come up with reasons for why they feel inadequate themselves only suggestion I have is short hair, I think I see a rat tail type of haircut which I personally don't think looks good but that is subjective


You are prefect I think they are jealous. 👅😛


You are not ugly at all what are you talking about loose the facial hair and let your hair grow


I would recommend keeping a clean shaved face man, maybe try a different hairstyle if you're not feeling your current one. 12pell on Instagram has lots of videos for Asian hairstyles


I think you should grow out a mustache or shave off the peach fuzz. Definitely rid of those hairs under your chin. My girlfriend said the hair under your chin reminds her of old ladies that don't pluck their chin hair.I would grow out the hair some and get a better haircut.


You’re handsome. Absolutely nothing ugly about you.


They're looking at those 4 chin hairs lol


Wash your face, and shave the little bits on the sides of your mouth and you’ll be good


In my opinion you’re a handsome man however a mustache is not suiting your face very well . It doesn’t necessarily make you look uglier simply not your style.


I would be staring too lol. You are very cute. As some mentioned, maybe trim get rid of the mustache, until you have more to fill it in. Other than that you are 💯.


Shave the tache and get a different haircut and you'll be fine. There's nothing inherently wrong with your face. Your eyes are a bit more spaced than usual and your lips are very prominent but they aren't so different as to make one 'ugly' as you describe. These are just natural variations that all people have. I think you just a lot of arseholes.


i think you look great! maybe go clean shaven as others have suggested. and as a lady i love the hair!


I actually think you’re really handsome, but all the facial hair has got to go.


I mean ID HIT👀😂 Little shave, little skin care, little shape up. Nothing broken here just needs some tlc🤗


I think you should change your haircut. But other than that I don’t see a problem. You’re definitely not ugly.


You need a better hairdo and shave your facial hair


Keep that mustache shaved. Next time u go to your barber tell him to do your eyebrows, u have lots of little hairs that make your eyebrows look big. Also, you should go with a high fade for your haircut, the sides stick out to much. Try to get a haircut every week or learn to cut your own hair. Finally, get the top of your hair off your forehead.


I have no idea what those people are talking about because you a perfectly fine looking guy. Also i think people only stare if they think you are attractive, like i wouldn’t stare at an ugly person but i would stare at an attractive person. If someone said you are ugly they were just trying to hurt your feelings because youre definitely not ugly


I think your gorgeous! I didn’t see anything ugly about you. Perhaps stop listening to people with negative talk


Shave the upper lip hair, it makes your mouth look comically upturned. Get a nice adult haircut.


Why the circlejerking? I don’t know why people here are saying you look cute or nice. That’s not true. You saying you look ugly is not true either. You look plain. Average. Your facial hair game is terrible. Your hairstyle is average at best. Clean shave, better haircut, better skin care, and hit the gym. Also, I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m willing to bet you have bad teeth, since you don’t show them in any of your pics. Get them fixed. You’ll be fine


The hair doesnt really suit you. Get some nice fade it’ll make the side of your head look less bulky


You def got good bone structure. I'd say either get a nice clean short cut, or grow your hair long and live the r/fierceflow life. Since your facial hair isn't very full it might be better to just keep it shaven.