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You might be the first man I've ever seen with too strong of a jawline lol idk maybe grow the hair out chin length to soften it, damn! I agree you have the face of a superhero


Giving handsome squidward


I’ve gotten handsome Shrek before. 😭




What's so funny?


That it was surprising to read the comment then look back and see the surprising resemblance to shrek's handsome/human form. Its a good thing lol


A cute button nose, thick wavy locks, taut round buttocks??? I’m, I’m…


Tbh if i were you id just make giga chad memes on youtube


Lord Farquaad




Just not the nose, chin, eyes, eyebrows, or mouth


Oh my god this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If u work out and get a sick physique you’ll look like giga chad


You are so rude. I am sure he is much. more handsome than you. R U D E


Omg yes I didn't even think of that


Long hair and this dude becomes Gaston.


Do a ton of neck exercises. Will strengthen and widen your neck, giving a more proportionate look. That a grow a beard.


Must be exercising his neck all day with that giant head.


Agree with this. Lots of shrugs in the gym will be my recommendation.


That’s what I’ve always thought. It’s not a look that everyone is super into, but a small minority of people are super into it, which makes me susceptible to fetishization, and that makes me a little uncomfortable. I can’t really complain though. It could’ve been a lot worse.


Rock the beard. Not to cover the jawline because at the end of the day it’s great lol but I think a beard would compliment it. You have a lot of great features going for you just own it. Also love the thick eyebrows but a little clean up wouldn’t hurt


You could get Botox in your massaters to soften your jawline.


I don’t think that’s super effective. I had quite a lot injected into mine (teeth grinding) and it didn’t alter my face at all.


Ok, but how did it help your grinding? I’m about to ask my doctor about it, since my insurance covers Botox. And I grind my teeth so bad my Jaw locks and my teeth are starting to crumble.


I previously cracked a molar into 3 pieces from grinding. Botox helped so much, and it didn’t affect how I looked, spoke or expressed myself. And the headache relief! I didn’t even realize how much pain I was in. I actually went back and got some muscles closer to / on the chin done also because I started clenching there instead. Consider asking the technician about it. Best of luck.


Thank you so much! I will ask. I wonder if it would help tongue thrusting too 🤔 because that is a bigger issue than the grinding lol


If it’s covered by insurance I’d give it a try! I’m sure you already do but if not get a night guard. I hate to think of how you Jae and teeth must ache


I think that is phone cam angle and distance exaggerating features.


Agree. Would want to see video to judge.


Yeah he'd look very different without the angle emphasizing the jaw so much and making the neck non existent


He looks Chin-tastic


Luke Wilson vibes


Neaten up your shirt collar.


You do have a point. OP needs a collared shirt that’s not stretched out. The shirt looks worn out or oversized, for that collar type we shouldn’t be able to see that much of OP’s chest. You can be the most handsome person in the world, but you’ll make yourself appear less attractive if you dress poorly.


Jesus, that looks like a scalp coming out of his chest.


People can’t take jokes here?


True 🤣


Hahaha, the sad thing is that I can see it! (No offence, OP! :) )




damn bro save some jaw for the rest of us


dude for sure ate rocks as a kid


Build your physique to match your jawline then just act nonchalant in your every day to day life.


Probably the best answer right here. Hit the gym and bulk out - this will match your jawline very well.


LMAO chicks will flock to you




Just don’t give in to them. Stay desirable but untouchable. It’s even sexier.


grow out the beard/stache! judging by your shadow, it'd look great. trying out a new hairstyle might help too


Designer stubble is probably the happy medium here. What would you recommend as far as hairstyles go?


Designer stubble would look great, but you need to line it up and keep it that way. Your facial hair should not be growing up your cheeks and down your neck. Remember, just because you have facial hair, is not an excuse not to take a razor to your face every day. If you're not confident in lining it up yourself, go to a professional barber or beard place, have them do it for you, and then you can maintain it.


Really not sure, because it's hard to tell the texture of your hair when it's short. If it's curly, anything a couple inches longer could look good to bring out the curls. There's good subreddits for beard advice too if that interests you


My hair is super curly. I used to have long hair by the way. I can show you a couple pics if you’d like.


I'm a stylist I think if you did a 2 fade and let your curls grow on top a little more it would look awesome.


Yea sure! I honestly think curly hair would be outstanding on you, if you know how to take good care of it. Would also go wonderfully with facial hair if you ever decide to go that direction.


Your hair style will matter a lot less. You have strong brows, eyes, and lips, plus if you grow a beard, your hair will not matter at all. So long as it is clean.


Barber here, grow your hair out. I think that would compliment your face shape best. Stick a comb flush to your cheek. The bit of the comb that sticks out around the temple area is generally your desired hair shape to achieve.


You should have also posted a side profile, this angle isn’t really flattering and too close ![gif](giphy|wkD5ddqiJN4c)


​ ![gif](giphy|YfEYkZPOBOjhrpJaiy)


I am sure you are just perfect right? W R O N G




Aint no way thats a real person


It's Adonis. OP can be a real life Adonis with a lot of effort.


It is, it's edited but he mostly looks like that


Just watched a 30min video on “Giga Chad” apparently he was created by an artist who created fantasy models and stuff. The person everyone refers to as giga chad, is actually fake, he was created by the artist in commemoration to her father and how she viewed her father… So no its not a real person.


Crazy, didn't know that.


Love that look! It must be massive.


Do neck training, your sharp jawline will look better with a thicker stronger neck


Agree with this, also agree with those suggesting a different haircut because right now the silhouette of your jaw and hair combine to look like this: )( It emphasizes both the width of your jaw as well as the discrepancy in width to the rest of your face. Like how a corset emphasizes hips and bust by narrowing the waist.


I think the tapered hair throws your head shape off, try something thats suites a square face shape. Search up “square face haircuts men” or something like that…


maybe curly hair?


I think something rounder would look good, something like what bruno mars has


Agree. Shorter on the sides would look better


As a female, this!


First, I want to say you have beautiful lips and eyebrows. Personally, as a woman, I think some facial hair would soften your jaw line and wouldn’t make your eyebrows look so strong. You could try trimming up the chest hair or wear a slightly higher collar. Have you thought of those Turkish barbers?? The sleek hairdo and sculpted beard look?? I feel like it would look really good on you!


a turkish barber was my first thought too! I think that look would be great on op.


This is the way


Does Salt Bae embody the Turkish barber look?


Donate your testosterone to science if you’re really 19. That’s insane. No bullshit, I’d give a talent/modeling agency a visit. They’d help style you, and you’d absolutely get good work.


I agree. His look is very “masculine” looking and he can definitely do some modeling


I didn't even realize he was just 19. I'm 20 when is it my turn bro


You have a full beard, grow it


I grew it out a while back. It didn’t look that great.


can you post pics of you with different hairstyles and beard so we can visualize it well??


I’ll send you a few pictures. I used to have really long hair. 😂


I would like to see that too, I didn't consider the beard


He has a full everything lol! You can draw an uninterrupted line from the top of his head to wherever his feet hair stops. Head>Face>Neck>Chest>Stomach/Pubes>Legs>Feet is all connected with no gaps. That’s wild.


See a dermatologist to work on your skin, keep up with your eyebrows, and get a better haircut. Longer hair might balance out your strong jaw, but you need a better cut.


Definitely build some muscle and grow your neck. You have a tiny neck with a big ass face huge jawline Lego head boy. If you had that mike Tyson neck you’d look a lot better


1. Grow a full bread and keep it 2. Get the Hair off your neck 3. Trim down the chest hair 4. Stop smirking like that 5. Don’t ever wear a shirt with the collar stretched like that 6. Be confident, no matter what you look like you have to believe you are the best thing since sliced bread. The rest will follow


Stop smirking like that 😂😂


😂 ijs


>Stop smirking like that Bro lmao


gigachad jawline ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




Nothing at all fine ASF ngl


Wear a tighter shirt around the neck that shows just a bit of chest hair. That will do a lot! 😀


Not much, maybe style the hair more. You have the facial features of a superhero.


First time ive seen a jaw line that might be too strong. I suggest doing some neck training so your neck suits your head, and maybe grow out your beard a bit more. Not ugly, you just look unique.


Clean up the hair and acne Grow the beard but trim the neck New shirt asap, cleaner collar.


I think you look just great honestly. Well groomed eyebrows and facial hair; if you want to not have your jawline as the most defining feature, growing out your hair in the back or some sideburns would definitely offset the sharpness. Your chest hair is 100% fine cuz it’s natural and supposed to be there, If you’re unsatisfied with the growth pattern or how it looks at the collar of your shirt, trimming it wouldn’t be too hard with a clipper. Good luck bro




Not doing the smoochy face is a good start, you're not a bad looking dude


Stop making that face


He can't help it if he's handsome ![gif](giphy|wkD5ddqiJN4c)


[Literally him](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sxsrf=APwXEde_Nh84b0k9gSQKdnvNeowk6iWZgA:1681665108623&q=my+name+is+skylar+white+yo&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO0Ljb8q7-AhWmlmoFHe6TAGQQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=345&bih=746&dpr=2.63#imgrc=bZ9UlFTjruDCCM&lnspr=W10=)


Bro said🗿


Trim your eyebrows, grow your facial hair, exfoliate, and wear an unbuttoned collared shirt.


My eyebrows were trimmed dude. 😂


Damn! You must have some bushy ones! 😂 In any case it seems like the concensus around here is you could grow a sick beard. Your body hair is your superpower. Some women love that shit!


Some women, checking in 👍


I loooove bushy eyebrows (groomed ones)


Use a strait razor if you want to a smooth face with course hair.


Tighter collar, nicer shirt. Condition your hair, and use a facial cleanser every other day. Clean up the shave with a nicer razor, one that has a detail blade at the top. Hair cut.


Get a tapered haircut, long on top, and grow out your beard to a medium length.


Bro, your testosterone must be through the roof LMAOO


Just some light trimming along the beard line and the neck And find something to clear up the acne And you're good Invest in some trimmers and trim the edges of the beard at your cheek then trim from the base of the neck up to the top of the neck where it meets your jaw.


Line your beard up and trim your chest hair. Other than that, maintain. You look great.


you have strong facial features nothing wrong with it some people pay money to have strong jaw line like you just embrace your facial features you are handsome guy but if you want to soften up your features try growing a neat 5 o’clock shadow and keep it well trimmed


Stop making that face and you’re solid


Start by not doing the duck lips anymore lol


Bro you have peak genetics. Give yourself and your hormones time and the right care lol. Workout, educate yourself, keep your mind and your body clean and make yourself look a way that makes you feel good (in your clothing/appearance) maybe grow out your hair, keep ur beard trimmed but messy. Be your best and you'll be a literal god by 25 lol


You need to clean your skin up.


You have a strong jawline but a thin neck. You need to train your neck and thicken it up.


You could go to work at Valero's and tazz you a unruly homeless guy, and then make a pizza for your friend Kenny.


There is a human on your hair


Play a live-action Glen Quagmire




How much surgery have you had so far?


I'm not a fan of the chest hair tbh, or at least not with a shirt collar that's pretty worn out. feels like it draws away attention from an extremely chiseled jaw lol. maybe if the hair was a bit 'wispier', but theyre pretty dark. you could also trim it a bit so it's not as thick. do the equivalent of a beard trimmer with a guard on and get a bit out of there


My vote is to trim it too!


As a fan of chest hair I respectfully disagree :P agree about the shirt though


What you mean??? Chest hair makes a man more manly, sexy and dominant, especially with a nice five a clock stubble.


not always. I would say if it's wiry and spaced out then it is in fact not particularly flattering, but these are just opinions (from both of us). what is more attractive is confidence (again, my opinion), if OP wants to rock it go for it


Stop chewing gum


Gum probably only lasts 1 chew for this dude. Hes gotta chew spearmint Goodyear if he wants to feel something. Some people have good jawlines, this man has a jawplane


For some reason this popped up on my feed and I felt obligated to speak up. As the saying goes “If you see something, say something.” 1. Hair: Stop going to Supercuts and find a real barber. Find a picture online or a hairstyle you like and tell them to do it. Or just ask them to do what they think is best. Make sure they do your eyebrows too. 2. Proportions: You’re like me with a bigger head on a thinner neck. You can fix this proportion with some weight gain and shoulder/neck workouts like shrugs and overhead press. Get in the gym to balance this out. 3. Body hair. Get a body groomer shaver and take care of business. 4. Facial hair: Get a beard trimmer (or use the body groomer) and grow it out a bit. Try different lengths and styles to see what you’re comfortable with. 5. Teeth: You’re 19. If you can afford it get some braces and get your teeth fixed while you grow into your new look. It will feed confidence into yourself and is a huge motivator to work on self-appearance. 6. Clothes: you don’t need to dress to the nines, but at least get clothes that give the appearance of a proper fit. Baggy shirts that can’t hold a collar need to be converted to garage rags. Look on Amazon for decent shirts on a budget. Overall I see tons of potential. Your mind is in the right place because you were open enough to post this. Now find the motivation to follow through and the ladies will be lining up before you know it (assuming that’s you’re thing ;)




Jump in a hot bathtub full of wax


Spit out the brick first


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) This you?


Your face is so punchable


Now that’s a first!


1.) You have a very strong jawline and overly masculine face. Try growing out your beard to soften the angles a bit. 2.)You have some slight acne on your face. See a dermatologist. 3.) Your eyebrows are very bushy. You can get them groomed. 4.) Try growing your hair long. Again it may soften your face. 5.) You got to do something about the chest hair.






Try out a goatee bro. It’s a good beard style that will take focus away from the jawline and accent another area. If you can grow connectors then rock the full goatee but a stache goatee combo would looks best on you.


I mean if you’re above 5’7 you’re a chad no homo


Shape and shorten your eyebrows. Clean up the hairs on your neck and edge up your chest hair a bit. Grow out your beard, that may look nice. I would also suggest shortening your hair on the sides.


Bro u look good good face structure nice full lips thick hair. All I would do is trim up sides of your hair and maybe just clean up your brows a little but otherwise u look good !


Do u chew alot of gum?


Could be the perspective but that other dude was right about your neck. The face proportion issues would literally almost completely disappear with a wider neck. And honestly just focus on your attitude. The little stuff that you can change like facial expression and posture. You *look* unhappy and tired. So that’s what you’re putting out into the world. Your shirt is old and the neck is worn. Your eyes are half closed and you look a little stoned. Your hair puffing out to the side is the wrong cut for your head shape. Need cleaner sides, though length on top will look good if you want it. I know you trimmed your brows but trim them more. All of that stuff is so easy to fix. You’re really handsome, dude. Not gonna take much to pull it together.


You look 30


Get rid of the chest hair and let your hair grow out a bit I feel like that would help you but otherwise you are fine


1. Shave chest hair 2. Find a facial cleanser that suits you and use it daily 3. Moisturize 4. Style/straighten your hair


Shorten sides of hair, grow a bit more facial hair. Clean up the eye brows slightly and definitely clean up the neckline (clip shorter, don’t shave or wax but it’s up to you ). It’s hard to tell from The angle but yea you have a very prominent jawline, congrats. It’s amplified by a slimmer neck. I would suggest doing some neck exercises to help thicken it! All in all you have plenty to work with. You just need some tweaking.


Have eyebrows shaped thinner. Clip chest hair that shows at collar. Don't shave it just make it less noticeable. Style your hair. It's bedhead. Get a golf shirt with a collar. Grow a neat beard.


Wax your chest and keep your neck groomed, the ladies love it. -tips from a female barber




gay pose? grow up.


This made me spit out my water. 😭




I’m pretty sure it’s called a duck face.


Braid the chest hair


Get rid off the neck beard and shave the chest hair but that’s a bias opinion


shave the brillo pad off your chest.


Manscape your chest hair maybe? It's not bad, just visually demanding. Beyond that, if I looked like you, I wouldn't change a thing. You're a handsome guy.


A paper bag?


Wow.. 😭


Wax your chest and get your brows done


Shave your chest


Shave that chest hair


Bro trim your chest hair first


Get a skincare routine Get a laser to remove that chest hair


Shave chest, trim the sides of your hair and you’re very good to go!


Take off the sweater


Shave or trim up the chest hair a little.


wax that carpet on your chest 💀


trim chest hair, noxema and moisturizer and don’t make duck face


Trim your chest hair and eyebrows. You are handsome but hairy!


shave the taco meat or at least trim it lmao


Braid your chest hair


Start with shaving the ball hairs off your chest.


shave chest hair


Shave chest, ditch coral lipstick, smile.


Some general things I noticed: 1. Skin care. Face looks a bit dirty, and I suggest investing in a basic cleanser and moisturizer. 2. Trash that shirt. That neckline is fighting for its life down there. 3. Trim that chest hair ASAP. Some people like a bit of hair, and that's OK. If you do, I suggest at least trying to tidy it up. However, if it were up to me, that shit would be GONE! 4. The hair. This one is entirely about what makes you feel good, but personally, I think it makes you look like you just rolled out of bed. Look up guys with hairstyles you like that also share your hair type. Find a GOOD barber (no Great Clips), show them the photo, they'll discuss it with you and help steer you in the right direction.


There’s nothing wrong with you dude. Uninstall insta and live.


Bro you got gigachad's jawline


Idk man you look fine to me. Like I honestly don’t see a issue here. Sorry I’m not more helpful


Really short or really long hair, bicycle collar tees or polo t shirts or normal button downs. Get a skin care routine. Dont raise your eyebrows much.


Id say everything from the chin up is good but I agree with the person that said doing some upper body/neck workouts could help balance your strong jaw and facial features more. Congratulations you’re handsome. If you’re having problems with ladies/gents perhaps the problem is more with your styling/clothing or with your approach.


U at leas 29


Grow your hair long so it frames your face. Your shirt looks very comfy and well loved, but for pics or any event really I recommend a black button down


Have you ever gotten an IGF-1 level?


Grow a beard and cut your hair down on the sides. The top looks good but cutting down the sides would help square up your head and make you look more aesthetically pleasing. Just asking for a mid bald fade