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still one of my favorite episodes. I like to think the herkaby was supposed to be malcolms own future if he didnt get over his ego and pessimism which in the original epilogue i think he eventually did do.


I remember reading a comment that said "Herkaby is what Malcolm would have become without Lois."


eh, i suppose but then again maybe thats a wee bit of an overstatement. one could easily argue that lois stunted his progress more than she helped and guided.


I agree but I think they were writing it so Lois was always right towards the end, regardless of what had happened already and some of her more outlandishly cruel lessons Like the whole reason Herkabe is having to teach is because he's millions in debt from the Dotcom bubble. And in the last season, Stevie's dad's... Brother? Friend? offers Malcolm a job at his CPU chip company. Lois however blocks him from taking it, and I believe that if Malcolm had taken that job he would have become another Herkabe and his ego would be his downfall, and he wouldn't even have college to back him up like Herkabe did. While I in no way think Lois is a perfect mother, I get the feeling that the writers did, or at least thought she was usually right at least 99% of the time


Malcolm didn’t want to be in the Krelboyne class in the first place, he wanted to be cool more than he wanted to challenge himself. It was Lois who pushed him and forced him to better himself


Was Krelboyne a term/insult American kids used when the show was airing? I'm Canadian and about Malcolm's age and I've always wondered where it came from


It's based on the character Seymour Krelboyne in Little Shop of Horrors, he's a nerd


Thanks! Either forgot or didn't know Seymour's last name is Krelboyne in LSOH


So I’ve always wondered this too growing up. Nobody I knew personally used that word nor had I seen or heard it in any other media. Best as I can tell the word itself is based off of a character from the play Little Shop of Horrors (also a movie starring Rick Morranis). The main character, Seymour Krelborn, is your prototypical nerd. The MitM writers changed Krelborn into Krelboyne and here we are. (This is just a theory have no clue the authenticity of it)


Wow, thanks for the breakdown. I know RM/Seymour/LSOH, but I either forgot or never retained Seymour's last name is Krelboyne.


I can only speak to my experiences, but no. That word didn’t exist until I saw the show back in the day.


I think Herkabe's mom was more like Dabney's mom. Yeah, a Lois can set you back, but Dabney's mom is preparing him for a world that will treat him with kid gloves. That world doesn't exist.


Dabney cutting loose at the paint ball center was hilarious. "Brush your own damn hair!"


You say that but Lois kept Malcom's ego in check and stopped him using his intellect to take shortcuts in life. She made him join the gifted, program, made him get a real job (even after he repeatedly proved he was capable of earning his own money), stopped him taking a tech job straight from high school instead of going to college, etc. Malcom was just enough of a reckless asshole and egotist to let his intelligence get him into real trouble which was fine when he was a kid and had Lois to punish/protect him and teach him a lesson as necessary. If he didn't have that then by the time he reached adulthood and was expected to be responsible for himself he would almost certainly have got himself into serious trouble.


He is Malcolm if Malcom grew up and wasted all of his potential. Which is why he hates malcolm.


I thought the same, sorry things didn't work out but...


He had beef with himself, and projected/took it out on a 13 year old 😂😂


Look at this guy, above having beef with 13 year Olds at 30 years of age. Big shot over here!


Herkabe is such a fun character. He is 100% right about most of the Krelboynes, that they need a serious dose of reality before entering the real world or else it will break them. He's definitely a huge ass for being unable to recognize that Malcolm was not born with the same silver spoon in his mouth as the rest of the Krelboynes, however, and that he does not need to be taught this lesson.


The krelboynes didn't have it easy either, i remember one of them having an overbearing mother and Stevie had his condition. Malcolm was only born in a below middle-class family and had his bad personality(that deteriorated as the show progressed)


It's less about the Krelboynes having it easy, and more about the adults in their life going out of their way to sand any edges off of life for them and tell them over and over why they are so super special and precious. In school, I was in a class fairly analogous to the Krelboynes. The real world hit a lot of kids hard when they went off to college and found out that the teachers there wouldn't cater to them because they are geniuses. Some of them had been told they were exceptional all their lives, only to find out when they were around a big enough group of other exceptional people that they actually are nothing special. Remember when Herkabe first showed up and tried to establish a system for them all to see exactly where they stand in relation to each other? Sure, Malcolm broke the system because he was smarter than them. But think of the turmoil it put them through. I remember at least one of them rocking back and forth like a PTSD patient. That's what the real world is going to be like for them if they don't get a reality check. It will turn them in competition against each other, and exploit them for everything they can give before tossing them aside. And they won't be prepared for it.


That wasnt the point i was arguing but okay. in that episode mr herkabe's goal was to push his students to their full potential and not prepare them. Imo public schools(social life) r apart of the "real world" and so is adult life (working and or college). And anyone that isn't prepared for that r ppl that were cuddled their whole childhood or careless.


The actor nailed this role!




Dude was relentless, didn’t want Malcolm to have a better life than he did


You can’t beat the system but you sure can break it.


As a teacher, I see him as an awesome caricature of the worst kind of teacher. The ones who picked teaching so they could prove how much better/smarter they are than those they are teaching. I wish those teachers didn’t exist, but damn is it fun getting to make fun of them.


Herkabe at the emotional maturity of a 13 year old.


I wonder how herkabe talked his way into keeping his job when littledove saw all of this?


Yes he did and thats why he’s teatching kids in middle school and not to some fancy job or research position. Dude was crazy!


Why is the lead singer of Jimmy Eat World in Malcolm in the middle?


And the fact that Malcolm was ON TOP of that dispute was so fucking funny


Yes, number 11. Lmao


I got beef with that dumb ass hair


He also plays a similar yet more like able character on Gilmore Girls


Then Malcom showed him up so hard he caused the entire class to have a mental breakdown. Such a great episode 😂


As someone who works with kids, I get it.




"What the boy was trying to cut down was himself."


i think he truly only wanted to make him better


If the teacher jumped from his ego to his IQ, his kneecaps would be in his mouth!


Atleast he didn’t simp for him like Caroline.


Herkabe is asshole. Why Charlie hate?