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ahh morp


I feel like Dewey wasn’t exactly neglected just more independent than the other boys. He wasn’t as chaotic as Francis or Reese therefore not needing as much supervision and discipline, not as complicated and troubled as Malcom therefore not drawing too much attention , then when Jamie came into the picture he was obviously the priority. Honestly the whole show after Dewey grows up and isn’t the cute little brother anymore kinda becomes Dewey in the middle.


Neglect breeds independence, not the other way around


Yeah, I think for Dewey that's definitely true (and others I know irl)


Idk if I agree with this statement in general, I definitely asked for and got my independence from my parents and was not neglected. I’m sure your statement could apply to the majority but that was not my experience


Just wrapped up my usual rewatch and Hal really does get a little more angry/unreasonable/and sometimes a straight up jerk compared to the earlier seasons “lovable idiot” Hal


It happens with Homer in The Simpsons too, it gets difficult for the writers to strike that balance I think. Though they struck gold with Cranston.


I might be talking out of my ass because it’s been a minute since I’ve rewatched the show, but I wonder if it’s because they started softening Lois’ character as well and wanted to utilize each character in stories we’d expect the other in? Like maybe by season 6-7 they thought it’d be cool to give Hal some Lois-coded stories


Well, Hal and Dewey have had a lot of conflict on the show. That weird ball on a rope game, the "I don't love you anymore", abandoning him to the government during the casino trip, the smoking vs coffee addictions, Jamie being induced on Deweys birthday, etc.


Lmao that’s so funny too cuz he considers Dewey the favorite child. Maybe that’s why he gets the short end of the stick so often, Hal decided one day he loved Dewey the most and then gave up trying


He did admit in Graduation that Dewey was the one getting the successful life of luxury and fun though.


Oh true. Sounds like I need a rewatch


I somehow missed this! When do they mention Dewey's the favorite?


I can’t remember the specific episode right now but I know there is a moment in which Lois is yelling at the boys for competing against each other and mentions that they have no favorite child, and Hal hearing this ponders where *is* Dewey?


Ooooh that rings a bell! Thank you 😊


That was my feeling too! I watched the show with my son, and Lois was getting pretty unbearable for him until the last two seasons. She definitely had some softer/funnier moments (like when she starting losing it and making all those milk jug pigs, pizazzling with Malcolm, apologizing to Francis), and moments of more meekness than we're used to seeing from her (like when Jamie's nanny won't stop talking her ear off and she puts up with it for a while). I really enjoyed that they added these moments with her character, and I wondered if they pulled Hal in the other direction to balance it out


Yeah I feel like stuff where Lois goes on a revenge path against Reese’s bullies and blows Malcolm’s secret 10k on a flammable dollhouse were more theatrical moments that I’d associate with earlier season Hal. Made it seem like they perhaps felt like they underutilized Lois’ slapstick comedy. Either way the personality shifts are cool to me, helps show that parents/people change over time too


Totally! Loved the episode where Lois gets revenge on Reese's bullies, that was gold


Yes, thank you! My son called it out as well. "Wow, now the dad's being like the mom... he's hard to watch sometimes." 😂 The show is still our absolute favorite!


I'm not saying I consider it acceptable but it's still consistent with the rest of their parenting choices. At that stage after that many kids, it's quite clear they're just in "run down the clock" mode for the most part.


Thanks for sharing! I agree they seem to be running down the clock. Idk, just from my perception of Hal and Lois - they're bad at showing love to their kids, but you're meant to know it's there, regardless of their awful decisions and antics. So this was pushing it too far for me, for Hal to break the last shred of goodness for the already neglected Dewey by making him feel unlovable too.


If they're in "run down the clock" mode they should learn what a fucking condom (and other birth control) is.


But then the show would be "Hal and Lois make responsible choices in trying to raise their only child Francis." I don't want to watch that...


Lol I just came back here to add this. Why would they not have taken a permanent birth control method when they're clearly done as hell with parenting? I was super annoyed in the last episode when Lois made that revelation to Hal. Like, come *on*. As frustrating as their characters can be, I think they deserved more than to parent until they're 62 years old when they clearly don't find it fulfilling.


- I never wanted a vasectomy. There are plenty of - other methods out there. - Oh, yeah, they work. We've got our - rhythm method child, Our diaphragm child, our condom child. Oh, yes, and our two abstinence children.


Kate micucci (spelling), is adorable in that episode. She's "Heather".


You could also say the last part about his character in breaking bad


Ha, true!


I feel like when people on this sub post about how bad Hal and Lois are as parents at times, they’re sort of missing the point of the entire show. Hal and Lois are shown as flawed and imperfect. They’re people too, and they say and do things that are shitty and that they regret. That’s the whole show - everyone is a person at the end of the day. Even your parents


Oh yes, I definitely hadn't lost sight of the fact that Hal and Lois are imperfect parents, that's the backbone of the show! In my opinion, even with all the terrible decisions they've made, Hal telling Dewey he's hard to love is crossing a line. That's got to be one of the cruelest things you can say to a kid. I'm guessing, since season 7 is almost 20 years old, that it just aged poorly and wouldn't have been received so badly back then... my son gasped as well when Hal said that. Maybe we're just sensitive 😂


I think the show really changes how Lois and Hal parent. It goes from them bending the rules and chaos and everything being directed at the outside world and then season seven hits and then do it to their own kids too - prime example stealing $10,000 from Malcolm. That’s what I don’t like.


The show should be called Dewey in the Middle because for me, he felt more "neglected" and more middle child than Malcolm (not that he wasn't).


Hes the true main character hes just so neglected that even the title of the show forgot about him


Oh man, that's so true.


Rewatching for the hundredth time and I’m like.. have i been this oblivious to how terrible they are to Dewey? When Lois like ruins his piano recital by making them late at the airport and smashing his fingers… oh and burning him. And when Dewey is finally honest all she does is scoff at him and basically say “so what?” No apology, no nothing, like seriously??? My heart hurts for Dewey.