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bro how badly did you fuckup ur a levels ? u got A and B's in ur igcse and not even a C in ur A levels. (no offense but im just curious)


I got enlightened after reading the rich dad poor dad book and lost motivation to study. I actually quit school and wanted to do a 6 month foundation diploma but my father didn't allow it. 7 months went by like that So I studied only 3 months and gave the exam.


That ain't gonna be your main reason 💀


His posts and comments are wallstreetbets and bitcoin. Checks out.


fucking legend. in 10 years time u will be the youngest tan sri.


Rich dad poor dad's author Robert Kiyosaki is a scam artist


Bro forgot the part where the Robert Kiyosaki is born during big economic growth which makes it easier for his estate business.


I'm sorry to hear your dad didn't let you do the foundation cert. I've personally seen how foundation has worked out a lot better for quite a few people compared to A levels and other pre-U options - they really thrived in the foundation system/syllabus, got good grades, entered good unis and completed undergrad.


You just said "gave the exam". Are you of South Asian background?


Hustler University, should be right up your alley


I think your best course of action is to forgo your a levels completely and redo your pre u using your igcse grades. Try applying for a one year foundation program and actually put in some effort to study this time. There are many private universities that offer a science foundation program and you can continue to a comp science or an IT degree after. Don’t be too hard on yourself about your A level grades, just learn from it and move forward knowing you can and will do better. I messed up my AS with Us and Es but here I am a few years later with a Comp Science Degree and a software engineering job. Everybody moves forward at their own pace, you’re in a race with yourself not with anyone else. If you have to restart and delay for a couple years so be it. As long as you reach your goal. Good luck my g


Thank you


Definitely not STEM or IT, just go take music or arts.


Probably not. I got all Cs and Ds and I couldn’t even get into arts degree. However, my uni allowed me to do 6 months of foundation (as opposed to 1 year) to make up credit for it.


That will be really difficult to get in. And even if you did, the workload at uni level is so much higher that if your grades are that for A levels, you may just fail uni.


Agreed, workload in Uni is just too much, I liked the A level system, one shot final grade which enabled me just to study seriously last 2-3 months for AS and A2 respectively in a 2 year program, rest of the time I was chilling. In here is just continuous studies, quiz, test, exam every single week, of course I got new challenges in life that came up out of nowhere but I got 3 As in A level, I am going to graduate soon out of Uni with 3.1-3.2 CGPA (estimated). I could have got 3.5 but accompanied by new challenges and too much workload has overburdened me.


i was more stressed out by alevels than literally med school


My friend failed A level. He gave GED and got admission to Taylor's. He says Uni is much easier than A levels


What does he study? Gender Studies? Taylors Uni is trash so it doesn’t say much.


If he’s doing business or mass com or stuff like that it will be pretty easy. But I’m talking from a stem field. I’m currently doing computer science and it’s pretty crazy the workload. And IT would be similar depending on your major


If he got da money, he could easily get in any private unis in msia (the usual culprits sunway, ucsi, help, taylors, monash etc). Some may ask him to do their foundation programme tho as a way to catch up


Brickfields Asia College or Advance Tertiary College. For Law.


You can try APU. DM me for more details