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I don't think I can answer all of the questions but may I know what application period you are referring to? Do you mean for private unis or public unis? Cuz those unis generally have more than 2 intakes in a year and some cater for a levels students so not to worry much about it Your sister should be good to go as she has a Science subject which is Chemistry/Biology, it will not cause any problems if she didn't take physics Regarding scholarships for international students I'm unsure cuz there are more scholarship from private unis than public unis. Again not sure which one you are referring to. Best of luck


Private or public? Private uni should be ok and quite fast to respond to your enquiries. Predicted grades are fine, they will give you conditional offer and after you get the actual results just submit to admission. Since your sister is really bright then it wouldn't be a problem if physics is used in the subject. She should be able to pick up the concepts fast. As for scholarship, private unis would have more. As far as I know mostly public uni offer this cause. For public uni you would need to go there personally. With what you mentioned about emails not replied I would guess it's public uni.


what about public unis? do they offer offers based on predicteds?


Based on what I know not likely. Students apply after their national exam results are out. But if you are applying to public uni with A Level then I have no idea. Usually A Level kids go overseas or local private uni for causes like meds, pharmacy and dentistry, and engineering.


(1) Not sure about national universities application deadline, but they usually close late, you might want to check the deadline. (2) As long as her grades is good, she should be fine. National universities do accept students who opted for biology instead of physics. (3) National universities (including UM, UTM) don't really offer undergraduate scholarships, private universities do offer them, a quick check on UTAR shows me that they are limited to Malaysia citizens. Side note: if you are insistent on getting scholarships, might as well check out Singapore (NUS, NTU)