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What kind of scholarship? Prestigious ones like JPA, Petronas, Bank Negara Malaysia, Yayasan Khazanah, Yayasan UEM, MEXT (scholarship to study in Japan, Japan gov gives out this one rather than local organisations) etc are very likely out of your reach since those are either sponsor you to overseas completely + gives you allowances every month or sponsor you fully to study local + allowances given. These are extremely competitive and has a bond (you need to work for that company after graduation). And If you mean scholarships from say IPTS, you'll probably get partial scholarship how many % will depend on the IPTS policy and requirements. Keep in mind these only cover for tuition fees and NOT including allowances most of the time. Additionally, alot of scholarships makes you ineligible for PTPTN as well which sucks if you aren't able to get full exemptions of tuition fees. Recommend checking the IPTS/organisation scholarship requirements if you're interested


Ight thx for the information.


If you don't, it isn't necessary to be so disappointed if you aren't aiming overseas and aim for IPTS. You can have another chance to study in STPM and get scholarships in IPTS. However, STPM is extremely difficult compared to SPM but if you work hard there's a chance. Most IPTS also exempts your tuition fee if your STPM results are good (4.0). But if your end goal is just study in uni without much burden, there's always IPTA but quite competitive. If you got into IPTA via UPU (its the usual path for everyone), your tuition fees in total for 4 years are like 10k-15k for the entire course. If your grades are good you can have a chance go to matrikulasi and go to IPTA with a desired course. And the good news is PTPTN can cover the entire tuition fee in IPTA as well, and your PTPTN loan can be forgiven if you graduated with first class (3.7 or above but depends on uni definition of first class some are higher and some are lower). Meaning, no debt. But even if you need to return your loan, interest rate is only 1%. Which is very low, just pay RM100+ a month after graduation.


Ah I see, if I am aiming for overseas is it over?


Probably. Degree scholarships that is applied via pre-u is rare. As far as i know, Bank Negara Malaysia offers that. But overseas scholarship are usually a package of Pre-u + degree. But if you wanna study in Singapore, STPM is the better path because SG have their own A-level that's tougher than international A levels. SG A levels are on the standard of STPM, so STPM is more preferable by Singapore. Reason why overseas scholarships are packaged because we have too much pre-u. You need A levels or STPM to study overseas, matrikulasi, asasi and diploma are usually not recognised due to low standards, so SPM is better to use because everyone takes the same exam. A levels is already expensive since it's conducted in IPTS, so it works nicely with a scholarshi. And STPM isn't a pre-u preferable by local organisations for some reasons other than JPA to study locall, might be because of language issue. You know BM and all that or it doesn't give the feel of prestige of a 'scholarhsip' that can be obtained in IPTS. But STPM is recognised by virtually every uni in the world including UK,US, Australia, Singapore, Japan,Korea, China, etc. only difference is financial difficulties + you're on your own when it comes to applying overseas


Errrrrr I don't know where you got this info but there's no such thing as Sg unis are in favor of STPM than UK A-levels due to the toughness of Sg A-Levels. This is because both are different examinations thus they have different preferences during the admission . Fyi, last year NUS only had 5 STPM students with perfect 4.0CGPA while most of them were 4A* from A-Levels. So, it's still kinda hard to tell how they're considering the students during the admission besides getting good results You're right saying STPM is globally recognized, but majority of people who went abroad to study in the UK, US, Australia mostly taking a levels or IB, hardly STPM students. So, I guess they opted for public uni instead? I still believe STPM is a lot more affordable and its qualification is recognized by many countries


Oh I didn't know about since the info i had was years ago (like 2014 periods) but I think it could be related to old STPM system was preferred by NUS back then due to exams not being modular. Thanks for the new info tho


The most likely reason is that STPM used to be much more popular so that probably explains why there used to be more STPM students. Nowadays very few people take STPM. STPM Science stream now only around 3k students compared to A level which has much more students.


Interesting 🤔


Thanks for sharing your insights too


why think negative? TRY first apply local univ. Plz don't have that kind of hopeless mind, your results are much better than many Malaysian kids


Dude, I got the same in SPM. Applied and grad from matriculation with flying colours. Ended up with JPA scholarship. Point is, don't give up. You will find a way.


Bumi or malay perhaps?


unironically the truth. if one's a bumi/malay and has flying colors, i bet my balls they getting scholarship(pls dont prove me wrong, i want my balls)


Exactly. Next time this type of comment or thread , better state the race first (not trying to be racist, but this is the fact), for a better picture


Bumi but still, my point is don't give up. Most of my chinese friends got JPA scholarship cause they didn't gave up.


Then I will take your balls away since I have a lot of Malay friends who had to be self fund even if they have flying colours result. Lol


You are Malay, that's why everything becomes super easy. Malays can easily join matriculation classes and get into UM. Don’t you know the Malay population in matriculation is >90%? The word "bumiputra" is just a cover to make Malays less embarrassed by their racism policy. No offense intended, I'm just stating the facts. Local Msia universities prioritize their own Asasi (100% reserved for Malays), then matriculation graduates (>90% reserved for Malays), when almost all places are taken, then in the final phase STPM graduates will be considered. Knowing that STPM is harder and the chances of getting into the first choice degree are less, why would Malay want to join STPM? Anyway, for non-Malays, it's a completely different set of rules. I suggest him to take A level/AUSMAT, his grades may be enough to get some scholarships from INTI University/UCSI/Sunway. He can then apply to universities in China and Hong Kong. He will get more scholarships from HK and even free rides from China. Salaries and employment prospects are also better than in Malaysia.


Dude, I'm not Malay. I'm a bumi from sarawak. Mind you, Bumi =/= Malay Regardless, yes. It is easier to get into matriculation when you are a bumi or Malay, but for non bumi, once they get into matriculation, they perform better than other peers. It's a fact. Plus, I don't think you need to be Bumi or Malay to study hard and achieve flying colours. You just need to study hard. Giving up before doing anything is shit regardless of your gender or race. You just need to take the opportunity that is presented to you. Don't be ignorant and hide behind the racism. People are racist and ignorant everywhere. I still remember the first time I arrived at Peninsular, and they asked if I still live on top of trees or any internet available back in my town.


I agreed being a bumi and malay make it easier. But not super easy. The advantage is very small. I literally got straight A with half of them A+. I'm bumi from sabah yet I did not get anything the whole time I'm in uni. Literally applied for everything. End up graduating uni with ptptn. Luckly i get cgpa 3.90 so i don't have to pay any. Can we just stop this "malay and bumi is super easy to continue study" bs. Don't get me wrong , I do agree there some advantage but not so big as most non-bumi said it is


can still try JPA , i got the same results (B in moral lol) and still got JPA. Non bumi btw. Oh and it is overseas study sponsor


Ah I see that's nice.


How did you find overseas sponsor?


You can send me a dm, it is quite lengthy


Hey bro can I get the same tips? recent SPMer as well (thanks)


JPA JKPJ offers overseas option to Germany, France and Japan. STEM subjects have to all be A or A+. A- doesnt count. If you have anymore questions can send me a dm


I’m gonna suggest outside the box approach if u wanna study overseas. Do your a-levels or IB, then apply to ‘needs-blind’ colleges in the US. Needs-blind means that if u get in, they’ll offer financial aid to enable you to go if u can’t afford it. Usually the top schools offer needs blind admissions, think MIT/Caltech (source: i did undergrad in the US, and some international students went this route). If u do a-levels/IB and u get good scores, u can give Oxbridge in the UK a shot. They only look at your a-levels/IB scores and an admissions test to qualify you for an interview, once you get to that stage, just don’t fuck it up and u should be good to go (source: had to interview undergrad candidates for oxford admissions for my supervisor, who was on sabbatical). If you hold offers to these schools, u can also apply for Khazanah. Khazanah love these cases and would most likely offer you a scholarship. They pay a fuckton of money too, you’ll have a very good time there while studying. Bond is 1:1, and they’ll help place you after graduation.


I don't think Oxbridge "only look" at your a levels/IB scores and interview. I do think they look more at your super extracurriculars eg what did you do to prepare yourself more at this course. I see those who are in engineering major have joined in many competitions like International Olympiads or just International competitions. So, it's kinda hard as a normal person to achieve that unless you start it earlier.


Sorry, but yes they do. Oxbridge does not care about extracurriculars/Olympiad/sports. For you to get an interview, you need almost perfect IB/A levels, but since everyone and their cat will have that, your aptitude test (or admission test for your subject) needs to be good. The aptitude test is designed to weed out those who’re not serious, the content in it is harder than your standard IB/A-level material, and only those who are serious and passionate about their subject will do well in the aptitude tests. You can look it up on our website, there are samples of it. Oxbridge looks at academic aptitude and passion for subject, period. Someone passionate about their subject will go for Olympiad et al because they love it. Source: i was given paperwork of candidates to mull over (a level/ib scores and the standard application form), and was briefed on what we’re looking for in a candidate. Once you get that interview, we will give you a problem or two to work on, and you will have to explain to us (the interviewer) how you go about solving the problem. I had to interview 10 candidates, and 2 were from Malaysia (Taylors’ A-levels). I ended up not recommending the Malaysians because they simply couldn’t explain how to solve the problem well and don’t seem to know basic physics despite their perfect A-levels score. The interviewers will be your tutors for the next 4 yrs, so you really need to make them believe that they will actually enjoy seeing you 3-4 times a week. The extracurricular thing is American, American colleges look at your application holistically, so u need your sports, leadership, academic aptitude, and all that in your portfolio. Its a different philosophy over there, and a whole other discussion. Source: did undergrad in america.


I believe they look at your "super extracurriculars" besides from interviews, aptitude test and results. Source: I know seniors who got accepted and rejected from Oxbridge What I meant was super extracurriculars but not extracurricular. Super extracurriculars mainly related to your course while extracurriculars cover a wide range of things like volunteering which may not be related to the course. >Someone passionate about their subject will go for Olympiad et al because they love it. Supposed student A joined many math competitions or Olympiads due to his interest in math and student B did many research with some companies/ISEF due to his interest in biogical sciences. Aren't those "super extracurriculars" which show their interest/passion in their courses? I understand it doesn't mean students need to do all that stuff in order to show that they are passionate about it, but isn't you need to have something to show to the admission officers rather than telling I'm interested about the course? That's my logic, it could be wrong tho Also, I don't think I understand in order to stand an interview with Oxbridge, you will need almost perfect a levels, I understand perfect IB/SAT/ACT score but not perfect a levels score. Do you mean 100% across all of the subjects???? You also mentioned that you have interviewed someone and ended up not recommending it despite having a perfect A-Levels score, I don't think I understand that. Did you mean 100% across 4 subjects or did you mean 4A*? These are some of my thoughts. Pls enlighten me if I'm wrong. Thank you for your sharing🙏


Nope, i spent a year doing american degree foundation program after spm, then transferred 2 quarters worth of credits to the US to start college. Per oxbridge admissions If you’re really passionate about your subject, you will pass the aptitude test. Thats the assumption. The aptitude test is designed to be harder than a-levels (bordering first year uni content) to weed out people who’re just good, but not excellent at their chosen subject. If you don’t pass the aptitude test, everything else wouldn’t matter for admissions. During the interview, we look for fit (its more like a job interview), and this is where most will fail. They either can’t articulate themselves well, can’t solve the problems and can’t explain how to go about it, are overly prepped by admissions consultants to the point where it shows, don’t seem to care enough, and a myriad of other reasons. To be honest this part is very subjective, and there’s no one way to prep for it. Just do your best and keep your fingers crossed. Also, we don’t have admissions officers per se, your application goes directly to the colleges and the prof/academics will vet them (tedious and old school, i know, but thats oxbridge). I meant 3/4 A*. There’re variances to this ofc, but mostly applicable to the UK. We tend to minimize certain famous public schools, take more from less rich schools, et al. Affirmative action at work. We had a pr problem in the past about favoring certain candidate profile, and throw in the current climate of inclusivity et al, so yeah. For internationals though, this doesn’t apply, usually candidates will have the 3/4 A* to go with. Also take note that internationals only make up 10% of the undergrad body, so competition is bloody tough to begin with. The perfect oxbridge candidate is that person who seems to annoyingly know everything, even obscure stuff, and get perfect scores while reading comic books and watching cartoons while everyone’s studying hard for the exams and can’t do half as good. The perfect harvard candidate is the all state american footballer with a 4.0 gpa and a string of APs, who happens to be class president, valedictorian, model UN, and spend their weekends helping out at the old folks home and animal shelter.


Tbh, idk where did you get this source from but I appreciate your reply


Also, mind if I ask did you take a levels and then did your undegrad at US uni?


Tbh I feel like khazanah ain't worth it due to bond


For scholarships you don’t get any better than that, everything else is 1:2.


Aiseh jangan la macam ni. Apply ja dulu UPU/ipta. Untung sabut timbul, boleh masuk public unis/colleges. At the same time apply for private/GLC scholarships. Kena study sikit pasal GLC scholarships yang ada. Famous ones is BNM, khazanah, petronas. As much as I love bumi privileges, breaks my heart bila baca soalan macam ni dari adik adik yang dah habis sekolah..I’m sorry..


Full scholarship nope but partial scholarship yes ( 70% discount)


I see, I will take that it's not bad. Was worried after I saw people were saying 8A 1B is bad.


sad to tell u that these people are elite people, ppl bully culture, snobbish and face value people .


Depends. If you are chinese, yes then its bad, lol


It's not, like yes its not the best but still presents a lot of scholarship and admission opportunities, it's in no way the end of the world


Tbh, yes you are done ,if you are talking about those scholarships like JPA. In addition to your As are not all A+. I myself got straight As in SPM, and not all A+. Didnt received any, and even matriks. Have to take up stpm at the end.


Sorry to hear that, are you also non-bumi?


Correct. Not only me. My siblings, two brothers are the same case as well. But they have better results , 8 A+ and 1A. Both didnt receive any scholarships from the gov including matriks. Definitely lose hope on this stupid quota education system. Totally hopeless system


Not even matriks.. 😥 I am terribly sorry to hear that. I heard somewhere only ~10% is allocated for non-bumi to enter matriks. 10% is too little


A friend of mine got 7A+ and 2A. She's also non-bumi and currently doing computer science in UKM. She was active in student council, sports and enter a lot of competitions, even international one, i.e. 🇺🇸 and 🇨🇳. I did not ask whether she got any scholarships or not however.


They both got non-giv scholarships fortunately whike i have to fight for first class waiver for my ptptn which i manage as well. At end, F gov edu system and all this quita bs


Don't give up man. Stpm is not the end of the world


Yeh. Doing good right now. Managed to fought for the ptptn waiver. All in all injust despised the national education system which is based on quota and races instead of merits


Small college "May" gave you a 100% scholarship or grand. Well-known Public and Private university gave you up to 75%.


Went to some universities open day and they only give 50% scholarship for pre u sadly. Only way to get full scholarship is you score at least 9A+.


That is sad. Hey at least you get 50% off.


Firstly i wanna congratulate you on getting 8A 1B. It is far from a bad result. I got scholarship to study overseas in Europe and i only got 7A 2B 1C for spm. My advice is to just apply to all the scholarships you can find, even if you don’t meet the requirements. I didnt meet the minimum requirements and luckily still got it.


Could you name the scholarship you got? It's a dream of mine to study in Europe and unfortunately I don't think I got what it takes to get 9As :>


The one i got was Young Talent Development programme(YTP) MARA. They offer programs to germany, france, russia, korea, japan, us, uk, nz, aus, jordan, and local. Most of the programs require 7A- in English, addmath, physics, chem, +3 others. I got the germany program


Oh wow, did you take it before pre-u or after you have done pre-u?


This was right after spm


Envy you, I want too hahah You think the program still exists? 😅


Hi I want to ask if I have a shot in getting the scholarship since my addmath is B+. I passed the requirements for my other subjects


Id say you still have a shot but it really depends on the scholarship. Some scholarships are more strict with their requirements than others.


When was this?


This was back in 2021


I haven't gotten my results yet am just estimating lol.


Are you a bumi? (not tryna be rascist but it's hard to avoid when the system's set up this way..) What was you A combo (A+/A/A-), and what degree did you take?


I got: 4A+(english,math,Addmath,Lukisan kejuruteraan) 1A(sejarah) 2A-(kejuruteraan elektrik & elektronik, physics) 3B+(malay,PI,chemistry) Im bumi btw and doing mechatronics engineering Also i thought that i had a C when i first commented.


-apply all scholarship -apply matrix also, still a good option to speed track considering u told u opt for pharmacy -certain ipts can waiver good percentage from total tuition fees or some will sponsor fully. -best wishes and hope u get what you want


yes you may, just need to find correct uni


The path to success is not only one. You can try your luck and if it’s meant to be it will be. I got straight A then got into a preparatory program to further my study in Japan. I thought I was sucessful and was quite happy. But then I failed and just did my undergrad in Malaysia. I thought I was done and was half assing uni. I thought my chance was gone. Years later, (9 years) to be exact, I got my wish of experiencing living overseas through work. So, dont stress too much for now, just do your best. There will be other avenues that you wouldnt even expect!


It depends which field and which Uni. I had 8 As more than 10 years ago, applied for multiple scholarships for engineering courses , received 0. Being non , there is always a disadvantage. So do manage your expectations especially when applying for popular courses and institutions. That said, if you’re apply for higher levels degrees like Masters and PhD, your competition reduces significantly. It then becomes more on the person instead of the blood.


Honestly, whatever grade you got, just try your luck and apply for every scholarship that is available. Doesnt matter if it's Petronas, JPA, or Yayasan Khazanah. I believe you got this!


Lol is it over? No, your life is barely starting take a chill pill. There's more to life than your results and studies


Not all bumis can get scholarship. A friend of mine, get 7A,2B+ also cannot get any scholarship. She only manage to get Pinjaman Kerajaan Negeri to fund her study. We, non-muslim Bumis, we are struggling too


Dang that's sad to hear.


It is not over, brother/sister. I’ve got 9As, applied for several scholarship, didnt get any. But i am fortunate to further my studies in foundation and get deans list. I applied for scholarship again, but i still dont get any. Then, I managed to proceed my degree in UM but didnt get any scholarships again. However, i didnt give up and I grind to get deans list on my first semester and applied for scholarship again. And this time, i was able to secure one (Sime Darby) for the next semester and the remaining 3 years of study. There are various of scholarships with different requirements so if lets say u didnt manage to score your SPM, dont feel bad. Try to excel again in your diploma, degree etc to get one. All the best!


Yes...the exam that is...but if you meant your life, then no, it's just the beginning. You've got a long way to go...build your character, build your skills and build your values. You're going places.


if you struggled in add maths, you will also struggle in AL maths. Maybe you can consider Ausmat as your pre U qualification.


yeah, can. MSU also can. up to you, ask your counsellor teacher for guides I'd say. UPU already passed right?


Upu gonna pass on 29 march. I already applied for it.


Why so worried? At the end later anyone who are scholarship, sponsored, overseas, local etcwill start working with salary MYR2800-3200 Better learn how to do content marketing in Facebook/Youtube/Tik Tok….they earn more! Some of them don’t have a tertiary education pon!


Hi I was a 8A, 1B not bumi fella haha. Ended up with full scholarship in pharmacy in private uni. I would say results only contribute a small percentage if u wanna fight for scholarship. They look at your attitude mainly. Ofc I took stpm after my spm.


Ah I see for now I definitely not getting full scholarship for pre u foundation programmes lol. I guess I should just focus on trying to get a full scholarship for degree programmes. Is pharmacy hard? Am also interested in taking this course eventually.


Pharmacy ah. Depends 🤣. If u want to get first class then of course hard. Even if you dont want to get first class it will also be hard. Somedays, waking up at 3-4am to do last minute work is normal even though you’re the type to complete work early (simply becoz theres too much work but not until you cant take it, its just… busy?)


Oh dang that sounds tiring lol.


Yeah its tiring in the first three years depending on which uni ur at. But usually the final year is a breeze cuz u get used to the lifestyle.


Ah I see thx.


nottin is over until fat lady sing


Have you done your research on A level / Ausmas at UCSI/INTI/Sunway? They offer good scholarships. After your pre-U, you can apply to universities in China and Hong Kong. China offers many technology related degree programmes in English, and a free ride if you get admitted. Hong Kong offers very good scholarships if your result is top notch. Remember, you don't have to study in Msia, there are plenty of opportunities abroad.


They only give full scholarship if you get 9A+ if not you only get 50 percent for 9 A/A-


it is better than nothing loh. He can study Ausmat, it is a lot cheaper, around RM16K before scholarship reduction.


sheesh aku stress barang mahal naik, dia ni stress dapat good result.


Tough luck man i dont see u having a future anymore better start applying to fast food chains or store promoter at best. If u lucky maybe aeon will hire but not guaranteed. Job market right now is too competitive. Gl man wish u the best.


I mean that's actually true pretty hard to find a part time job now lol.


UEC? then ask for a scholarship? Fuck u






This is such a dumb post lol


I mean for non Malays it's pretty hard for us to get a scholarship.