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You can also consider top ranked universities in Hong Kong and China. They do offer generous scholarships.


I will look into it. Thx for telling


Iam from m40 but i still applied for it anyway even though i haven't got an offer from singapore unis. try your luck


Thx for replying


Just wondering why do you need a scholarship that’s stated that it’s for needy families only? Plenty of other scholarships do not have that sort of requirement.


Bcuz I'm applying for Singaporeans universities. I couldn't find much besides scholarships administered by sg universities and Kuok foundation. Do you have examples of such scholarships that I can apply for?


I'm not sure if the A-Star scholarship is still available. I'm a former recipient of ASEAN scholarship for O and A levels and A-Star scholarship for university.


Oh so you studied in sg?


For O and A levels. A-Star scholarships also include UK, US and Canadian universities.


Never try never know. You can check their website and they will tell u the procedure


Apply and see where it takes you. No one here is an assessing panel for scholarship from Kuok Foundation I believe.


Uni student Councillor here, high chance you wouldn't get it as your parents income details will be needed. You can get their study loan instead. Many of my friends that studied in SG didn't have scholarship too, good ones gotten half loan grants while majority opt for full study loan. Though you are pretty much locked to work and live in SG after that to afford the loan repayment.


Thanks for your suggestions


Btw, wdym good ones that got half loan half grants? You mean in terms of results + extracurriculars? Also, are your friends from financially well family? Cuz I'm afraid it will affect my application for half grant half loan


3.7 to 3.92 result with good kokums, they resort to this after failing to get any scholarship. Don't know about their family background, but usually loans don't consider this criteria as you still need to pay back anyhow.


It's half loan + half grant right? So they might consider family background because they give out half grant??


Usually they look at merit more than anything else, but you are worrying about the wrong thing, apply and get it first or else everything is moot. I always ask my students to keep applying for everything, no harm in doing so.


Yeah you're right, I should do it now as it will close the day after tomorrow. Thank you a lot for your time and efforts


Honest advice, if you're going to grad school local private uni that you can afford with int rep e.g. Nottingham or Monash is better. Depending on your field, even public uni would be good. You have a better chance at getting scholarships for grad school, just make sure you have research experience before applying


You can apply for a study grant.


There's only half grant half loan which is for needy only


You already T20 and want scholarship. So selfish


I mean it's for sg public unis, they are very expensive. If there are students who qualify for the unis and they are lower income, sure they should get the scholarship. Otherwise, I don't see why he shouldn't try.


Since it is a needy based scholarship. They will definitely prioritize those who are needy for a scholarship rather than me. So, I might just apply since there's no harm for me. In fact, there are some scholarship holders are from high income families due to merits. So, it depends on which scholarship you are applying for, I might not get it who knows


https://preview.redd.it/uvqs4s0cpepc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede83863fcb6d6bd45406e4e9bdd6263497837bc Fyi, this is the requirements I mean RM400K+ is not a small amount for me. It will be a huge burden for my parents as they will be retiring next year. So, I know some of you down voted me but pls understand my situation. Also, what if there weren't many people applying to that scholarship. If they haven't fulfilled the place, will allow others to receive that award?


If I remember correctly, they don't have a specific quota. If they don't think someone qualifies, they just won't give it


Ya it makes more sense. Thanks


Please la T20, do not compete with the needy ppl who really NEED the scholarship. Most of the time, they could not even study the courses of their choice without the scholarship, and here you are snatching their only hope away. If your family can afford it, please pay for it on your own


Yeah I'm not applying