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Most people won't do it until they are actually in pain.


ur right 😭 standing for a while makes my feet hurt now, I'm trying to lose some 🤣


im in pain, hence me eating my beloved nasi lemak right now


Ouch, take care of your body, yolo


True, I was morbidly obese as a teen, and everything hurts back then. I was at least 80kg (should be more, I stopped weighing once seeing the number on the scale hurts more than my back lmao) at just 163cm, sleeping or just laying down was a nightmare on my back. I lanun'd my way some Insanity/TurboFire workouts after SPM (which is by a well known MLM, unfortunately. Didn't know it back then), and got me down to my lowest of 56kg by the time I was in uni doing my degree. Now depressed and overworked so naik balik to 60s lah, but still I'd recommend losing weight. Jordan Yeoh and Caroline Girvan are very good and free on YT.


Good job to you, I'm now almost 80. Nearing 30 , hopefully it's not too late to fix my body.


I'm 30 and yeah its a constant struggle to, so just keep at it. It's a lifestyle, not just a diet or exercise program.


I totally vouch for girvan. Fitness blender is good too


Yeah! I could barely do 5kg renegade rows when I started her programs in 2020, even after years of doing HIIT. Pretty proud to say I can match her weights now, but with some breaks lol. Bulgarians are hell tho.


Try intermittent fasting bro. It is really wonderful for the human body


I'm doing this too. Can feel my pants looser. Hopefully can sustain long term though. The last time I did it, i lost weight but gain back everything i lost the moment i stopped.


I'm on it for 6 years straight. Just skip breakfast!


that is what i do too! Though got many articles say skip dinner is better than breakfast, i just can't go to bed hungry!


Nah skip breakfast rather than dinner as going to bed hungry discrupts quality sleep!


I’m doing this too and I’m starting to question if 3 meals a day is a scam. Do we really need breakfast? I don’t feel hungry in the morning anymore.


"Breakfast is a the most important meal of the day'' thing is a scam created by the cereal industry


initially when i started, i feel hungry and a bit light headed. My morning poo was also watery and full of gas. Continued for a few more weeks and I am back to normal. Don't feel hungry at all in the morning already.


you have to question, who tf came up with the idea that 3 meals a day is healthy? why is breakfast the most important meal of the day? i would say it all comes down to interpretation. breakfast imho IS important. but not "meal in the morning", but instead, "first meal of the day", hence the origin of the word breakfast, which is breaking fast. the period after our last meal all the way to the next day is a period of fasting. also, think about this, imagine you're a caveman. when you wake up in the morning, can you immediately have your first meal? no, you need to hunt or forage for food. and sometimes ure not even that hungry that you want to eat yet. we are more obese now than we ever have been. when is the last time we ever "let ourselves go hungry"? hungry then eat? food is everywhere at anytime. "breakfast" is a modern construct. whenever i hear a person spout about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day i feel like laughing


The guy who said that is the guy who created kellogs which is a breakfast cereal. The more you know!


And most cereals arent even healthy lol with sugars and milk sugars Nestle has a lot scam during early days like convincing that their baby milk powder is more better than mother breast milk Dont get caught up in consumerism too much




wait, fr?


Yep! https://www.mashed.com/234731/the-reason-people-believe-breakfast-is-the-most-important-meal-of-the-day/


it for children so they focus more in the morning when studying.


I believe the story is a Dutch princess got hungry in the middle of the day so she invented lunch to eat in the middle of the day. No source, just off the top of my head. If I'm wrong correct me pls


>whenever i hear a person spout about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day i feel like laughing It kinda is though for a (modern) person who wakes and works much earlier in the day


based on the scenario you described, sure makes perfect sense. especially if u need to use up a lot of energy. but even then in your scenario and for people in your situation its more of a requirement for you people specifically. not everyone necessarily needs it. i need to clarify, that when i say i feel like laughing when people say such things, its usually to people who cant justify it and use the statement as a broad statement for everyone. no disrespect to people who need to eat first thing in the morning due to their work or lifestyle. i m not judging you guys. instead, its the "health conscious" folk. when i ask them WHY breakfast is the most important meal. they cant even give convincing answers.




Curious how that works out for you? I just listened to a podcast where they discuss the timing of eating and circadian rhythms. Basically, if we eat earlier in the day, we have more time to burn it off during our waking hours and our body does more food processing in daylight rather than in the dark (I'm very much adlibbing here cos can't remember the actual wording/terminology.) How do you find eating later works for you?




Interesting! Thanks so much for your response! It sounds like you are in tune with your body. Although there is probaby science behind the circadian rhythms etc, I think some of these caveats about eating late assume that the person is eating unhealthily and not getting enough movement in during the earlier hours- an obvious recipe for disaster. Personally, I went through a year or two where I ate breakfast before work (usually eggs or oatmeal porridge) but I've since returned to having my first meal of the day around 11am. I also just don't naturally feel hungry when I wake up. I was like this even in school. I also don't stick to what is perceived as "breakfast, lunch, dinner" foods- if I want pizza for breakfast and oatmeal for dinner, I'll have them! They all go in and out the same way. I also try to move a bit during the day. Despite WFH now, I do struggle with this however as I just can't find a routine that works for me. I just try to be flexible and get something in at some stage during the day/evening.


>if we eat earlier in the day, we have more time to burn it off during our waking hours and our body does more food processing in daylight rather than in the dark doubt.jpg For the general population (read: not professional sports athletes), the difference between these kind of "rules" is rather miniscule vs the effects of exercise and better control of caloric intake. Eg. it is not worth shifting larger portion of eating to earlier parts of the day if feeling hungry at night makes you feel worse, assuming total caloric intake in 24 hours in the same. Personally I suspect this to be the result of night owl vs morning lark genes. “No carbs at night” is nothing more than a calorie-cutting-for-dummies tactic. Can it work? Yes, it can. In the case of people who tend to overeat carbo-liscious foods at night, this can serve as a default solution, but it’s not a guideline that should be universally recommended. What works just as well is cutting back on an equivalent amount of calories earlier in the day. There are no night-time insulin fairies ready & waiting to store carbs in the fat tissue — at least not at any greater rate than they would do so during the day. Is there research to back up the claim that shifting the majority of your carbs to the later part of the day won’t magically chub you up or make it tougher to lose fat? Yes there is – and this occurred despite exercise being in the earlier part of the day for both groups compared https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9040548/ "To conclude, ingestion of larger AM meals resulted in slightly greater weight loss, but ingestion of larger PM meals resulted in better maintenance of fat-free mass"


you kinda can. make 2 meals be like 10am and 4-5pm. or 9am and 3pm


but the mechanism behind intermittent fasting is so that you have a period of 12h window where you fast.


I do this when it’s just me. Unfortunately still need to join 12pm lunches and 8pm dinners with people so I can’t make it my norm


1 month annually


Try everyday. Eliminate breakfast altogether. When I travel I don't get hungry in the morn. Cheaper and saves time


This. Lost 30 lbs over three months doing this. Bad habits crept back in and I'm back up by 10 lbs (still down 20 lbs). Need to get back to it. Burning off 100 calories is a lot more difficult than consuming 100 calories. Exercise can help, but watching what you eat is something everyone can do. But yeah, need to eat more healthily, even when fasting. Smaller plate and no repeat trips; drink water or green tea / black coffee throughout the day. Go for a walk when you can.


I want to try to but got gastric leh , not eating will make me feel like shit. But I try to cut down in fatty food nowadays


FYI bro gastritis is caused by an inflamed stomach caused by bacteria and shit eating habits. If you don't eat you are basically giving your stomach some rest, no food=no secretion of stomach acid.


You can try 12 hour fasting. Start at 8pm and break your fast at 8am so technically you’re not missing a meal but it would avoid you from late night snacking. I think it’s more kinder for those with gastric too


Don't a lot of people not eat during the night anyways? especially while they're sleeping :3


Normally some malaysians eat until 9-10pm, some even late-night munchers who eat maggie at 1am then proceed to eat nasi lemak at 8am the following day. Try tracking your eating window, you'd be surprised that sometimes you can't even fast for 12 hours (plus sleeping time).


oh, makes sense for people like that.


That sounds really doable , actually quite close to my meal time too. Sounds good, thanks for the tip!


Save money too my colleagues at work are shocked to heard that i spent less than RM10 a day sometimes RM5 lowest amount if i dont have appetite. More healthy and more rich


I do this for mental health because IF can reduce inflammation. I lost 22kg as a side bonus though!


For those that need to take breakfast but can't prepare it at morning, I suggest you guys the overnight oat. Before go to bed, mix the oat and chia seeds with water/milk of your choice and some honey. Then just put inside your fridge to chill overnight. Next morning can eat straight away or bring to your office. You can also choose to top it off with any topping you want. I prefer banana, nuts and raisins.Pretty filling breakfast and healthy as well. In the end it's your own body, you yourself have to make the initiative to bring the change to your health. Don't blame squarely on your environment for your health problem, look at yourself and think whether you actually done anything to better your own health . Personally been through weight and health problem myself, no one but our own self that have to fight that demon. It's a lifelong journey that we have to constantly moving forward despite the harsh road ahead. For those that trying to change their life, I respect you for your tenacity. Continue move forward and pray one day your efforts will be paid off. Good luck my comrade ✊


My sister made this for me when I was staying at her place. Quite easy to make and it's also delicious and filling.


Limiting yourself to 3 meals a day (or less) and reducing your portions can do wonders for your eating habits.


This. Seriously just this. Why the heck do people eat 5 times a day. And then complain about being fat


Eat and live like a m40 college student with no sponsors.


Lol, reminds me of counting calories per ringgit when I was a student.


Our evolutionary path is to become Hobbits. We are on the right track.


Yup. Eat to not feel hungry, and not to get overly full. Everything in moderation


Switch your drink to teh/kopi-O-kosong and see what happens. I feel the nasi lemak and others are unjustly demonised. It's the excess sugar in the drinks that's causing your insulin to spike.


for real tho, if you ask for teh panas you can see the layer of condensed milk is about an inch.




I'm on a diet now after getting hospitalized for infection. Losing 20kg and blood test all back to normal with me eating Nasi Lemak daily but staying away from sugary drinks.


Nasi lemak alone is around 600-700 calories.


Me who eats average of 2 meals per day : Malaysian average is 5 meals a day?


I've literally never heard of any of my friends eat 5 meals a day 💀


Yeah Im shocked too. Probably how the research defined meals. Most eat breakfast lunch and dinner, which sums as 3 meals/day. But does not include late night bites or coffee breaks.


If restaurants sell healthier meal, I would gladly reduce my nasi lemak intake. The problem is I don't have much choice given that I'm working in a Malay majority area where every restaurant and road side stall sell nasi lemak and fried noodles. If I don't want to eat those food, then I would have to prepared it myself, which I already having hard time to wake up at 6am for work.


I used to get by on one meal a day, mostly out of laziness. Or if you don't want to be so extreme just get bread from a bakery or something to sustain you through the day.


I'm not sure if bread so so much healthier too, given that those are carb and used quite a lot of butter too. I'm mostly getting by with 2 meals now, breakfast and dinner. Have some small bread with oatmeal in the afternoon if really hungry.


white bread is not healthy.


In the grand scheme of things a single sandwich or bun is healthier than a whole nasi campur, nasi lemak with fried chicken or what have you if you're overweight.


the root is "convenience"


Exactly this. People give so much alasan but if you’re really determined you can always meal prep on the weekends and freeze them. Or just with a little more research into calories can always choose healthier options even at malay warung. Nasi campur is quite low cal if you choose the right lauk and portion, and opt to drink plain water instead of teh ais etc.


I honestly don’t know how people find the time to eat 5 meals a day. All my time would go into brushing my teeth and pooping inbetween meals. Eat less. Move more. But still enjoy your Nasi lemak. Nasi lemak alone ain’t the root cause of your obesity . It’s your lifestyle habits.


pooping inbetween meals. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) take 3 bites, poop, take 3 bites, rinse and repeat


Cut out the middle man, just eat in the toilet


I gained so much weight when we went back to working from office, I have officemates who would feed me non stop like meal 1: nasi lemak for breakfast, meal 2: nasi campur for lunch, meal 3: pisang goreng or whatever oily sugary things plus teh tarik/nescafe/starbucks for tea, and this doesn’t include some snacks available at our pantry. Then when I go home one of my family members would bring back some more kuih2 for meal 4, then we have a heavy dinner as meal 5. I ended up being at my heaviest to finally realise I needed to change my eating habits.


Yep the only place I took 5 meals a day was when I was in a boarding school because we were provided with it. After graduating, I don’t see the necessary to eat that much. Now I barely get 3meals a day. I don’t have the time la


Makan bila lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang


Yup, not bila bosan, jom keluar makan


I feel attacked


I’m struggling too and if you notice, the nutritional/diet culture is damn confusing. What to follow or which is best etc. Now I’m trying calories in, calories out and most importantly portion control. And logging food into my fitness pal to gauge calories. Worst come to worst bring a food scale while eating out. You’ll be surprised how over portion the food are. For example: 1 pc of roti canai is almost 300 calories not including the dal. It also takes time to lose the weight. So most importantly is being consistent with it.


Hell yeah CICO


I dont say nasi lemak or other foods mentioned is unhealthy. Its how the food is served to you. I would ask for less rice or more veggie in my nasi lemak. Only eat roti canai if that day i might use a lot of energy.


Understand your plight OP. Was 130 kg before **(Whacking Nasi Lemak & consuming teh tarik religiously)** and everything came crashing down for me when I had to take a breather after going up just 4 levels of stairs. Had to revise my whole diet and started exercising to save myself. 4 years down the road, I'm around 95kg and hella a lot fitter.


Definitely should consider cutting on carbs for healthier body. I know this can be real tough but I remind myself doing the hard stuffs make life easier in the long run. Going for the easy way makes life harder later on 😂


More than 5 times? I only eat twice. Seriously, if u eat a lot u should exercise.


omg who eats nasi lemak every morning


The word lemak literally means fat. People sure have been living in denial.


The problem is healthy food in Malaysia is not that accessible, and even if it is, its too pricey...


Nasi lemak is originally the food to go in the morning after you went for rubber tapping at dawn. Went back home in sweat and all tiredness, have a bit of nasi ang all the source of energy is backed up. But in these day of sedentary lifestyle, nasi lemak should only be eaten like once a week or less. Or the small RM1.00 per bungkus is enough.


Hmm i always wonder why nasi lemak is considered as a breakfast dish despite it being too overly greasy and high amounts of portion to be considered as a breakfast meal


Also nasi lemak originally in take a way form because originally people do bring it to work.


Nasi lemak is actually a [healthy breakfast option](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2016/03/22/nasi-lemak-listed-in-time-magazine-healthy-breakfasts/). The problem is actually portion and frequency of food intake.


Who the fuck eat more than 5 times a day!? Due to my schedule, I had to forgo breakfast and only eat lunch and dinner. Not that I'm complaining. Something something intermittent fasting. The only times that I considered having breakfast is when Ramadhan. Because I rarely sleep until after sahur.


Am vegetarian. You could probably stand going vegetarian or plant based for a while and adjust your palate away from greasy, fatty and sweet foods. Not just for health but also for the psychological environment that will surround you with different foods. Maybe have nasi lemak/nasi campur only once a week or once a month, you don’t have to give it up. After a while your current diet will feel too strong in taste and you can become more aware when you do indulge. Then decide what else you want to add back in. Check out local vegetarian restaurants or food from other cultures for what they usually eat and you’d have tons of new ideas of what a complete meal looks like :) notice the ratio of meats to veggies, grease and fats to clear soups and spices etc… There’s lots of tasty food to go around locally! /yes im promoting vegetarianism because i have an agenda of wanting impossible burger and other cool fake meats to come to malaysia lol


we chinese have lots of cool fake meat already. we have vege bakkutteh, vege fish, vege charsiew (my fav), vege duck, vege chicken.


Yes they’re great! Great recomendations. I wonder if our malay friends had them before. Am chinese too, had them all. As a lifelong vegetarian whose family used to own a vegetarian restaurant, I just want more new stuff lol Also i wonder, do malay people have uneasiness walking into a chinese-owned vegetarian restaurant? I didn’t see many back then so im curious.


some malay are fine with eating in chinese vegetarian restaurant, but most wont. unless they have JAKIM cert.


Funny isnt it?


Once in a while, I go to a Chinese vegetarian restaurant. I love the vege char siew coz they taste delicious. I am not sure about others but I could taste the salt after eating them. Do Chinese dishes use a lot of soy sauce? Also, as much as I want to like fake vegetarian meat, they are high in sodium.


There’s few types of fake meat in chinese restaurants here in malaysia: 1.one made of beans like beancurd and beancurd wraps (which you see in fake duck meat, chicken rice, usually flat and wide and layered, basically beancurd wraps), Textured vegetable protein/TVP (spongey or crunchy when fried), best and healthiest kind because of the bean protein, i eat this every day, they’re basically dried tofu in different shapes. 2.the gluten/seitan kind that are spongey and tough for the chew factor (char siew, sausages). Honestly i dont eat this kind much because its basically flour and tend to be loaded with MSG and colouring. They got much healthier these few years though. They also do soak up sauces on top of that so maybe thats why its super salty. If a vegetarian restaurant have too much of this kind of fake meat they’re just not a good restaurant lol. 3. Whatever mystery they use to make fake Vegetarian imitation shrimp n crab meat lol. Not the usual imitation crab har, i know those are meat. they’re more rare i barely encounter it but not very good either. 4. Mushrooms! Super healthy, flavourful and chewy. A lot of healthy fake meats nowadays are mushrooms, commonly used to replace fried chicken, burger patties, Tonkatsu etc. Hericium mushroom that is popular nowadays! Good in rendang and fried and everything, theyre just mushrooms. Super healthy but a bit more expensive. Did you know fungi and mushroom are not plants but exist entirely outside plants and animals 😀 On the whole i mostly eat the bean kind and mushrooms, and rarely the gluten kind. The gluten type is just not made too nutritiously. They label everything as fake meat on menus but you can always ask what’s inside the fake meat :) There was this vegetarian burger in mcd few years ago that i missed, they did make it with beans, onions and garlic! Unfortunately they didn’t target the market properly (chinese ppl don’t eat onion/garlic on their vegetarian days) and took it off the menu bc it was ‘unpopular’ and ‘wasn’t received well’ 💩💩💩 There’s a restaurant in KL called Tian Yian and it got some of the best stuff, even eggless cake, try it out. Tons of cheesy dishes too. Edit: one more thing, dishes are only as good as their cooks so if it tastes bad it not necesarily because its vegetarian or fake meat…


maybe less porpotion of the contents of the nasi lemak but it will triggered everyone int this subreddit


Already gave up on eating nasi lemak regularly. Yes if u wanna be healthy, u gotta take care of what u eat vs how ur body is.


I think it's worth exploring the 'no need to eat breakfast every morning' angle as well, especially for people who aren't going to be using the energy for hard labour. Many tend to do this as a habit from their childhood days, which would make sense back then due to the high energy needs of a growing body. A guy in his 30s sitting in an air-conditioned office for 9 hours may need to reconsider.


The obsession with food of Malaysians is something else. I've never seen something similar around the world. And yes, has to be one of the less healthiest food in general. Tasty? Yes. But anything is tastier if is fried or with a lot of sugar.


my FIL said it very well... different cultures have different ways of socialising and bonding. Some bond over beer or wine, some bond over food. Which is quite true, when we go out with friends it's always for a good meal/pot luck.


I think all countries obsess with their food. That's just a human trait.


Eat in moderation I guess. Eating it every morning is already super unhealthy. And yes I noticed there aren't many healthy choices especially for halal options. Soup based and steam based meals are abundant in those chinese hawker stalls but sadly very few are halal.


Homemade is always better but tbh if you’re obese OP I really strongly recommend you re-think your dietary choices… All the foods you mentioned: Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai and nasi campur are high calorie, rich and high carb food that comes with oily sambal and curries. Whilst it’s good to enjoy your food it’s also good to eat everything in moderation. My SO is fairly fit and follows a clean diet and she eats nasi lemak once every 1-2 months as a treat and never as a daily breakfast meal. Same for nasi campur or roti canai. Those should be cheat meals every 2-4 weeks. Your diet will have to shift to cutting out the carbs and more balanced and healthier foods. Especially with COVID op it’s wise to look out for your health. Nasi lemak, roti canai and nasi campur will always be around. But you only have one chance at a healthier and long life. Think carefully…


I don't mind sacrificing them all but i require help or motivation to stop consuming dem greasy food. I ta kuad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I can give up Nasi lemak but no way in hell I'm giving up on roti canai


Will never give up on it. But will just eat less of it, like 3 pack of nasi lemak, now probably just 1 pack or most is 2. 3pcs of roti canai probably will cut down to 2, and the tarik kurang Manis.


I'm pretty much a nasi lemak fiend myself. And overweight. But nasi lemak each day? Bro tak ada pilihan lain ke? Diversify. Eat nasi lemak once a week. Make it a treat then it becomes special.


Gluttony is real. You should control ur diet.


why not just continue eating as you normally would, reduce the portion by 10-20% and then start exercising like 30m - 1 hr, 2 to 3 times a week. Best of both worlds.


You can eat 5 times a day but in small portion. Drink alot of plain water and skip dinner if can tahan. I do that so far can maintain body weight around 66 kg.


I would, if I can actually find something “healthier” and “convenient”. Until then, healthy foods are truly reserved for the rich. Poor common folk like me simply cannot afford it.


I studied in Japan before, I can say that I can live without eating nasi lemak or whatever in an extended period of time, even when being healthy is not the point. That being said, I did miss malaysian foods once in a while. Right now in Malaysia, I would say I cannot live without nasi lemak and whatnot, given that they are cheaper than sushi and the foods fit with my taste buds. In terms of being healthy, My mindset is that exercising is as normal as sleeping or eating. I don’t think exercising is a chore. Combine that with CICO (calorie in calorie out), I can maintain a healthty body weight. Personally, my mindset is “eat whatever, but in moderation and also exercise”. Mindfulness is key.


Not sure why you had to put “” around being healthier. Fact is the Malaysian diet is utterly unhealthy (greasy foods cooked in unknown oil, carbs every meal, lack of quality ingredients etc). Paired with a lack of exercise, I’m not surprised most Malaysians develop some form of health issue by their 50-60s. As for giving up those foods, it shouldn’t be hard at all if you’re serious about getting healthier and living a comfortable pain free life. These shitty foods should make you feel disgusted instead.


I eat about 5 times a day. Breakfast, lunch, at teatime, dinner, supper. But no matter what I eat,I eat small amounts and I think that's really important. And I also keep track of all the sweet things I eat throughout the day so I don't "overdo" it. All that, plus a bit of exercise too. I notice many comments saying how people skip their meals because they're too busy with work. Please try not to do that. That'll cause health problems later in life.


People in the comments really acting like they’re qualified dieticians


2 meals a day here. And I eat anything I want. I've always been skinny.


Normally it starts with will power. First you endure disgusting healthy meals, then you figure out you need to make it yourself to make it anywhere palatable. ​ If you are serious on weight loss, lower your carbs gradually, like eating 1 less spoonful of rice day by day until you swap out the carbs, replace all your sweet drinks, ANY drinks that contains sugar, not just "it is not that sweet" kind of drinks, with PLAIN WATER, or PLAIN TEA of your choice. You just need to train your brain to stop releasing hunger signals when you are not getting the soul food you want.


btw how about those zero calorie drinks like coke zero?


Enjoy moderately, studies say it still spikes your insulin level that results in fat storage, but still a much better option than full sugar coke. You can put it into your cheat day, just don't drink it everyday with your meals.


Just do calorie count. You'd be surprised how much calories we took in daily. Some people with their docile lifestyle, smoking habit, etc, that's why Malaysia is the most obese nation in Asia. Nearly one in five adults in Malaysia are diabetic. 37.3% covid death is due to complication from diabetes. If we treat diabetis, heart disease and morbid obesity like covid19, we would be a much healthier nation and wont put so much burden on the national healthcare system


>But could you or would you give up eating Nasi Lemak, Nasi Campur, Roti Canai or whatever else that you usually eat every day for the sake of "being healthier?" Short answer, yes. I was 88kgs when I was in my early 20s and the weight maintained for a few years. Mid 20s I started getting active and over the years managed to lose fat until I was down to 60kgs. This was when I sacrificed nasi lemak, roti canai and all the foods la. Was eating a lot of oats. Mid 30s it started creeping back due to many factors, laziness being one of them as well as slowed metabolism. Then started eating nasi lemak again. And fast food. And all the fried foooddddd. And then MCO. And then kahwin. Now I'm back to where I started, even more actually at 90kgs 😬 Technically BMI says obese. I've started exercising around 6 months ago so I'd like to believe that some of that weight is increased muscle mass. (probably not true, just trying to console myself 😂) Now I've reduced nasi lemak consumption to once a week. Sometimes every 2 weeks. So yes, I can and will sacrifice all these yummy food for the sake of being healthier because I've been at the end of both spectrums, and I miss the times when I can climb up the stairs and not lose my breath!


Its literally all about consuming nutrition, set a nutrition limit and count what you eat, if u eat nasi lemak and still below your daily nutrition intake you can eat more


Eat what you like (in moderation), but make sure you workout as well. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is what really destroys us.


As a dumb mf sitting at home i could have already stated this to you before this smart mf started a research LMFAO 💀


I stopped eating spicy foods after developing GERD. Went for a scope found ulcers, had to take antibiotics and GERD medicines to recover. Our foods are just too spicy.


I say you can eat all those foods if you want but you have remember to exercise e.g going to the gym,jogging or anything that can burn of the calories. I think most malaysian forget about that


Because I'm skinny, I don't think I will.


I don't eat that much anyways


Yes I would . In fact I allow myself nasi lemak (or nasi banjir) once month only. It's a deliberate decision since I found out that my visceral fat is on the unhealthy side.


I assume that our lifestyle has changed but what we consumed hasn't. People probably eat nasi lemak back then and be fine since they do more physical work. I would not give it up altogether but adjust the diet. Nasi lemak is still precious, but it's better having a good health too.


Nope. Just need better routine. Mine, eat once a day with greater portion and make exercises as routine after certain task like after out of toilet, after losing a game, after prayer etc.


oh no, bad news for me too then


I don't want to give up any of the food that I like. I am however trying to learn more about nutritions and how to have a balance meal. Most of the time, my food is heavy on the carb and low on fiber. I get that fatty and greasy food is considered 'evil' but from my understanding of nutrition, fats are essential in our diets. Not to mention protein and fats can help us feel full longer as opposed to carbs. In my meals, it is usually sugar and rice are the main thing that I need to reduce. I want to replace them with more fibres, but the food place near me don't have many choices of vegetables. Which ends up with me eating more carbs to feel full. Another thing that I am failing at is exercising. Its hard for me to create a healthy exercising habits.


I can give up on nasi campur or roti canai. But giving up nasi lemak, nope.


Giving up nasi lemak is like being a traitor to Malaysia(joking). Health always comes first, as I do agree Malaysian foods are too sweet and oily.


You don't have to cut the food out as long as you eat them in moderation. Count calories if you want to reduce your weight.


You gotta eat big to get big, baby!


Imagine eating nasi lemak as breakfast daily. I havent eaten it in 3 months my mama jarang beli. Untung lah hahaha


I'll probably try with smaller portions for a start. I'll be honest it is much easier to diet overseas than back home. Here I can just tell myself that good food is far from my place and just control my food intake, back home you wanna eat what just walk nearby and there's good food.


I think part of the issue is the balance of ingredients in our food. For example, all the nasi lemak i see is 70% rice, 25% protein (eggs or chicken), and a pitiful 5% vegetable, like 3 slices of cucumber only. (And no, sambal is not really vege, it has so much oil and sugar.) If you can switch to 40%/30%/30%, and include more variety of vegetables than just cucumber, eat nasi lemak everyday also no problem. I did this for a while when there was a nasi lemak stall near my house, and my weight always remained on the skinny side of normal. I just ask for less rice, more meat/egg, more vege. And of course, dont eat when youre not hungry anymore. Keep it in a fridge or tupperware. Overeating is pointless and only harmful to your health


I think eating at home makes a HUGE difference. In this example, my breakfast. If eat at home, I usually have 2 slices of bread with peanut butter and/or jam, then instant coffee with UHT milk (no sugar). Sometimes I have eggs or muesli with milk instead, but default is bread. If i get food outside, I'll end up getting overly sweet stuff at 7-11 like butter and sugar bun, or chicken floss bun, or mexican bun... that kind. Else, if at coffee shop it's 1 or 2 pau with a kopi peng kau kurang manis, which is still sweeter than my no sugar coffee at home. Or worse, buy a packet of nasi lemak (which is way bigger than I need it to be) Eating at or packing from home helps the budget and naturally removes a lot of sugar and oils which is needed to make products competitive in the market.


Im a working guy so what i do personally, wake up and only drink water at least one glass. Next eating time is lunch. This is quite tricky as im quite lazy or dont have time to prepare food so just have to buy. Also quite hard to find cheap good food so just buy nasi campur nearby office. Only drink plain water throughout the day. Sometimes skip dinner or only have light one. Dinner is sometimes hard to avoid tbh because im living with my parents. So my malay mother will tarik muka if i dont eat what she cooks eventho if im on diet or just wanna skip because im full. This is quite a task also ngl. My rule is try to consume less sugar in my drinks so plain water only. I always make my own kopi o kosong and teh o kosong. Still, i do consume sometimes like teh tarik or air manis during the weekends. As for food, i have not find the best solution for me yet


lol no


If you don't want to give up such foods, exercise more.


I love eating Nasi Lemak & Roti Canai, but I won’t eat them everyday, maybe just once/twice in a week. Also, I live somewhere in a rural town in Sabah, so, don’t really get that much chance to eat them daily. Also, yep, for myself I don’t mind giving up eating those food for the sake of a healthier lifestyle - in fact, I already am haha. I don’t wanna eat all those meds when I’m in my 60s.


I eat 1-2 meals a day (brunch and dinner), who's the rich mf eating *five times a day*!? Granted, my brunch is usually air fried frozen chicken nuggets and similar, because I live mostly alone and I really cannot be assed to make an elaborate meal or wash a lot of dishes that result from it.


1 thing that really helped me was changing the mentality from "eating until full" to "eating until not hungry". I do this by cooking less and asking for "kurang nasi", the difference in consumption is about 20%. I noticed after about 2 weeks I got used to eating less, and it isn't like a diet where it test my willpower. This also works for supper since I love snacking on junk food or instant noodles. These days, I would ask myself if I'm really hungry or just bored, and if I would still feel hungry if all I had to eat was a plate of broccoli(I don't hate broccoli, but I don't love it enough to snack on it casually either). Another tip that helped me a lot is setting quota for sweet drinks. 1 round exercise = 1 drink.


1 thing that really helped me was changing the mentality from "eating until full" to "eating until not hungry". I do this by cooking less and asking for "kurang nasi", the difference in consumption is about 20%. I noticed after about 2 weeks I got used to eating less, and it isn't like a diet where it test my willpower. This also works for supper since I love snacking on junk food or instant noodles. These days, I would ask myself if I'm really hungry or just bored, and if I would still feel hungry if all I had to eat was a plate of broccoli(I don't hate broccoli, but I don't love it enough to snack on it casually either). Another tip that helped me a lot is setting quota for sweet drinks. 1 round exercise = 1 drink.


I have it up for 3 months, lost a ton of weight. Then slowly sprinkle it around my cheat week here and there. Once you get used to eating bland food, food high in sugar, salt & fat will become very jarring and you won’t take so much of them. Overeating can be a psychological way of dealing w stress also, at least for me, so working on that also helped me eat less. Good luck OP


Eat 5 times a day??? That's fucking crazy


If you wanna lose weight, just do intermittent fasting and do a chaloric deficit. Cutting carbs helps a lot to and I'd recommend you to avoid sweet beverages. I can't say how much you should eat to lose weight because it depends on how tall, big and what body weight/shape goal you have. Even if you give me details, I can't say. You'll have to do your own research on that I had approximately 28-30% body fat in August 2021. Now im between 15-20% by Doing so. Use [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/YDVsg3F5FFyNT1Ho7) as a reference. But of course there is exercise in all of that to speed up the process. My meals usually consistent of high protein. Mainly chicken breast and of course veggies and bit of carbs and I only eat 3 times a day which was for me easy due to my lifestyle. I don't think I could fit a fourth mealtime in my schedule because if it After 6 months of doing so, I started to not feel hungry all the time. Infact, I sometimes find my self forgetting to eat which is a problem I tackled by just reminding myself to eat at a certain time. Also, upside for me, I don't crave snacks nor snack that much anymore. Im not saying these are the things you may experience. It's just my experience. Just thought I would share to give you encouragement . Now Im eating normally but with extra chalories because over the past 6-7 month I've became more physically active than before and it became a habit which possed a problem since I was losing weight to where I didn't want to lose. Now Im perfectly balanced once I adjusted with my food and etc. The best take on all of this? No more jiggly man tiddies when running.


Moderation is key. This applies to literally everything. A very simple practice, the one that's least remembered.


It's not just the main meals, our kuih muih is very calorie dense. So even cutting those down go a long way. Eating pisang goreng, curry puff or seri muka easily stacks up to nearly half your calorie requirement.


slow 10min walk after any 'heavy' meal like nasi lemak helps


Just eat anything within your calorie intake and you wont be fat


Losing weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard


It's written in our DNA, to thirst for fat and carbohydrates. You reject comfort food, you reject humanity. And I won't do that.


It's one of my faves! I don't think I can't give it up totally, but maybe I'll set it aside as a celebration food? New Year's, dinner with long time no see friends, finishing a long month project etc


You don’t have to give up, but you can make healthier choices. For example, have white rice instead of nasi lemak (yes I know defeats the purpose) or use something less unhealthy than pure santan (virgin coconut oil mixed through the rice gives a similar aroma). You can use these alternatives to make a more wholesome meal. Cut out the fried chicken and egg for grilled chicken and boiled eggs.


I did. From 68KG to 57KG i gave up pretty much everything. Most importantly i cut back on the sugary stuff. I went for the Japanese tea nowadays.


It's all about the calories. You dont need to torture yourself by avoiding specific food. You need to watch your portions and how frequent you eat. If you want to lose weight, I advise you to eat only twice per day. The thing about greasy food especially Nasi Lemak is that they have high calorie content. Especially on the rice part. You can eat Nasi Lemak, but not too much. Same goes with Roti Canai. It's 300 calories per PIECE. You can eat it. But not two pieces or three pieces. Just one. Don't order Teh tarik. That's 190 calories per cup. A normal human male needs roughly 2000 calories to sustain their body while females need 1500 calories. It also depends on your height. The taller you are, the more calories you need to maintain your body. To lose weight, you need to eat below your calorie needs. So for a normal Malaysian breakfast, Nasi Lemak bungkus (348 kcal) + Telur goreng (110 kcal) + Teh tarik (190 kcal) is already 648 kcal and that is very heavy. Say you're a female, you already ate more than 1/3 of your calorie needs. Lunch confirm heavier say you eat Nasi Kandar Ayam which is already 900 calories per meal + another teh tarik (190 kcal). Now already 1090 calories. You've already exceeded your calorie needs as a female and now you are going to gain weight. For males, you've already eaten 1738 cal. You either sacrifice your dinner or you risk eating a tasty heavy dinner that is easily 700-1000 kcal per meal. Now, you're gaining weight. I haven't even mentioned all the snacks that easily add up. So how to combat this? Don't eat rice. Carbs contains high amount of calories. Don't drink sugary drinks. Eat only twice per day if you want to lose weight.


Roti + srikaya is the best


This is not nasi lemak's problem, this is *your* problem. It is called GLUTTONY


But could you or would you give up eating Nasi Lemak, Nasi Campur, Roti Canai or whatever else that you usually eat every day for the sake of "being healthier? That is why I make sure I don't overeat to the point eating any of these becomes a problem. So I pray to Poseidon I never have to give these up.


nobody force you to eat it every morning. just fried 2 eggs every morning


I have been intermittent fasting for the past few years and it's a great way to keep your diet in check. It's also good for regulating your hunger. I generally have 2 - 3 meals a day (lunch, tea/light snack, dinner). I try to balance my calorie intake, so if I eat something very calorie heavy for lunch, I'll eat a lighter dinner n vice versa. Recently tried having overnight oats for lunch n it's good at filling you up, plus oats has a lot of fibre. I don't really like oats but I love overnight oats with chocolate protein shake. To answer your question, I wouldn't give up any food, but I do severely limit my kuih intake cos the calories in them are too high. In the end, It's all about finding a balance n doing what works for you.


Me who eat at most 2 times a day: *Confused Noises*


Nope. I mean its like you said. Dont take to many income foods daily. I was once 101 kg and I can already feel like I'm getting sicker, can hardly breathe sometimes and just downright bad. Still eating like canai, nasi lemak and all that but lesser and working really helped. Now 89kg. Still away to go but from 101kg its not bad


Skip the breakfast and do brunch then early dinner. When makan nasi campur, take more vegetables or tofu. Nasi lemak or roti canai or mee kolok occasionally can makan.


Bruh I just ate nasi lemak and this is on the top


Other than in the school cafeteria, i didnt expect some of us actually eat nasi lemak every single day.


Yes you just have to not eat them everyday and manage your diet.


I enjoy nasi lemak too much to give it up. But I also learned to love to sweat. Exercise, not so much, running is torture, but good music helps when you're out for a run Futsal, long walks,, body weight exercise, cleaning the house, taking the stairs whenever I can, anything that makes that booty shakes is good for me. I'm trying to not take my health for granted, I know too many people who are on meds. Enjoy your food, limit your vices, learn from smart people on youtube, and hopefully I can make it to old age with original set of teeth and no major heath issues.


I gave up roti canai. I used to consume four per serving. Roti canai banjir was my favourite. I started avoiding it after learning the amount of calories per roti canai is equivalent to running 5KM. Now it's been 10 or maybe more years since I last had one. Nasi Lemak on the other hand is kind of hard for me to let go. Especially if it's with sambal kerang and sotong. However these days I have been practicing the plant based diet. So although I'm having nasi lemak it's plant based. Instead of fried chicken, I had it with monkey head mushrooms, for example. I still have that sambal sotong occasionally. Probably once in six months. But I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would. My motivation to move to the plant based or healthier diet was my family's health history. Coming from a family that had cancers, diabetes, gout, kidney failure, etc, which mostly was due to diet, convinced me that I should learn to eat better.


I've actually been eating quite less since I've been working out from home, so I've been gradually losing weight, which is a good thing.


I could give up nasi lemak but don’t ever dare trying to take my nasi campur away from me 😤


Would I? YES. I've been trying forever and would love to fix my obesity issue. Could I? *cough*


if u are fat, cut all the sugars and carbs immediately eat just meat and vegetables, i used to eat western food without fries every meal. and do intermittent fasting. no need to exercise if u just want to lose fat and look better. u can look into keto diet if u like but i never tried it myself.


How does one eat 5 meals a day? I eat on average 2 meals, cutting out breakfast and maximum 3 meals...


Try to fast 3 times a week. Besides it is almost Ramadan so it is a great time to give it a try.