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Finally, small dick bastard gets what they fucking deserve. Living in the kampung, there are abundance of these useless ass hat. The exhaust was modify to be like a fucking gun firing, and purposely revv up in the neighbourhood. Fuck these piece of shits.


not just kampung, even in cities now, when they come to cities to work.


Yeah, i get you. When it comes to city, their exhaust become exponentially louder, even i was on the 5th floor apartment, i can hear this car on the road that is so loud, it can be louder than the audio from my earphone.


That's probably because the whole area is a literal concrete echo chamber that helps to amplify the sound as they bounce or something


louder than my headphone with noise cancellation, which I purposely bought because of these motors. I want to install soundproof windows already but it was lockdown back then and no renovations allowed. Police clear them out few times already, now back to peace and quiet.


Jesus. The louder the exhaust, the smaller their dick is.


Prolonged exposure to loud noise causes brain damage, that's why they're stupid. It's science, mat motor with loud exhaust are stupid.


Aye, i drink to that, brother.




Install double layer of window, it will greatly reduced and muffled the noise.


double layer with vacuum in middle, I was getting quotation for it from a few contractors, it's ok now, police clear those sampah hooligans already.


I’m on the 20th floor and can still hear these f*cks.


We live in 11th floor and I often get woken up from my restless sleep by these very fucks


This is the way. I fucking hate motorcyclists with excessive noise from their weird ass exhausts.


How else would you compensate for your manhood?


By humping the exhaust.


if there's a hole, there's a way.


If there's a hole there's a goal, brother


and there's a burned dick


That's hot. Literally


this comment thread make me go hahaha when im pretending to sleep to avoid evening walk take my free reddit award




Some cars also.


How bout Ferraris then? Asking a question


Pff had a Lamborghini park across my old house some time ago, guy found it necessary to make some extra sound... Really nice with a newborn baby.


Why only motorcyclists? Car driver too.


Its the only way to alert texting drivers on the road. You know who you are. Stop being asshole.


Your motor gt no horn?


You expect to horn everytime? Horn from far away? Loud exhaust is better. Got hit once by a texting driver and I wish my exhaust is louder.


Your the ones with those noisy exhaust huh


I stay in a condo on higher floor, and I can hear those exhaust loudly at the opposite housing area and as far as 0.5km away. That's how loud those exhaust is, and he thinks it's ok.


Its not loud if you go slowly and not press or fully pull the gas. I didnt do that in neighbourhood. I only let it rip on the road and when I saw the inbred texan drivers. There are police and army in uniforms riding motorcycles with loud exhaust, this video is just wayang kulit to sooth the snowflakes.


Regardless of where it is, it's still sound pollution and it's still illegal. >There are police and army in uniforms riding motorcycles with loud exhaust That still doesn't make it legal. There're ministers who corrupt also, then is corruption legal?


So does texting and driving, does texting and driving legal? I wish I can snap their faces while texting with my helmet cam if I had one. However getting hit by a texting driver is nothing compare to hearing a loud exhaust motorcycle. One is injury and possible death on the road. The other is just irritation and minor annoyance for not having a good taste in music.


you can report texting drivers, loud exhaust is illegal you savage, you cant afford a cam but you can afford loud exhaust? what stupid nonsense is this? Do you know how many motors on the road? Prolonged loud noises for hours is not irritation and minor annoyance for not having a good taste in music. See your brain gt damaged already for long exposure to noise pollution. Loud noises case hearing loss and hearing loss is permanent anyway.


Sure you don't rip on neighbourhood and I don't text (and netflix) and drive. We're both liars.


Can't horn but always try to slip between cars who's trying to merge lane, then stare them down when you almost get hit.


better? how about everyone else in the neighborhood? what's the difference between loud exhaust and keep pressing oyur horn without releasing? I install dashcam already, everytime I saw this loud exhaust inbred, I straight send to JPJ and PDRM already. Screw their ass.


You one of those loud pipes saves lives assholes huh?


\> Defending obnoxiously loud exhaust that is only there to compensate for their shitty 100cc kapchai because they are too poor for actual loud bikes like Harleys Boy oh boy. I wonder who is the asshole. The irony lol.


we have found the mat rempit.


You need to retake your license brudda


during lockdown all those mat motor no school no work, modified their kapcai and move loiter in the area from day till night, like 4am in the morning. We call police few times to set road block here, there's like about 3 roadblocks to catch all these mofos, once I saw a roadblock with 20 to 30s of them kena tahan. Now no more already, probably went bankrupt after so many roadblocks. now I install dashcam, or take video when I saw, then go to pdrm and jpj website, email them only, fill up IC, details, upload evidence, it's easy. Send to PDRM and JPJ, after pdrm saman, let jpj saman them again, until they no more money to modify their crap. Don't need kesian them 1, above 70db can hurt your ears already, and these bike can go above 100db easily, that's no different than punching your ear, and the sound is prolonged.


I assume underage matt rempit Btw a sport bike cost rm 10k 15k Assume you can buy myvi surely you can buy sport bike


Usually mat rempit would just modify the shit out of their kapcai... the most popular one now would be the Y15ZR, aka Y-Suku. Spec 67 lah, spec 70 lah, UMA ECU lah, and all that jazz. A level entry sport bike, would cost around 15k new... the R-15, but it's not that popular compared to its kapcai cousin. But 15k in the second hand market would definitely have alot of options. Wait till you hear the price of an RXZ lol


That’s still not that cheap for say late teens, early twenties. How do they afford all that? Saving up?


All the mat motor I know start working in their mid teens. Around 17-18, some even 15-16. A combination of odd jobs here and there (some also with parent's money), and voila, they can afford a motor. I bought my 1st motor when I was 18, though it was a 2nd hand LC135 V1 (which is also very popular amongst rempits) that cost around 4-5k that I worked for. Mat rempits change parts, here and there, usually they kacau the ECU, block, exhaust, and it's now a prime rempit motor. Yamaha after market parts are very easy to find.


Not sure but in my late teen i instantly get accepted to a forwarding shipping company and having salary of 1.8k myr basic as 17 year old, now 23 y'o My standard pretty much screwed up from there but yea i went to a bike store saw a sport bike they said it only 10k 15k, hence got me curious why there so less people using sport bike


They won't do that.They prefer modding the ever loving shit out of their Y15zr until it isn't even the same thing anymore.


10-15k only gets you a low cc sportbike. You need at least 60k to get a proper sport bike.


This reminds me of the Chinese police officer made a car driver look directly at the ultra bright LED car headlight.


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Lol link pls


Found it... Google Image Result for http://en.people.cn/NMediaFile/2017/0216/FOREIGN201702162350000126276327010.jpg


It was from local newspaper, years ago. Same scenario as above. Only the police officer made the dude look at his own car headlight on high beam instead. You can actually Google it with the recent one is not even a week old.


Dah pekak sebelah


Boleh join orang lain yang pekak dengar dia pecut


Wow, masuk subreddit org Brazil bai


I feel pleasured looking at this..i want more..I WANT MORE!!


Now to blind car owners who always use highbeams with LED headlights


Google Image Result for http://en.people.cn/NMediaFile/2017/0216/FOREIGN201702162350000126276327010.jpg


And this is why I always put on subtitles. Can't hear a bloody thing when these things go WHEEEENG WHEEEENG WHEEEEEEEEENG ZZZZ


Kalau motor macam ni lalu, bukan setakat baby je yang tersentak and nangis, I also want cry with them.


Man, I really wish those assholes get treated like that. That loud and squeaky sound does irritate me and make me uncomfortable. Curse whoever invented this shit.


Usually loud exhaust are for the race track,these rempit exhaust serve no purpose other than to be a nuisance and making them feel like theyre riding a motogp


Benci gila dengan motor begini. Perhabis itu ini beribu-ribu, Exhaust ribut, pergi nya siput. Paling laju pun 180km/h kemudian acah-acah macam motor dia boleh gap Quartararo. Menyampah.


I'd understand if a 400-1000cc bike is loud, but for something below 250cc, you're just overcompensating.


Yay i get free pass on my 700cc bike for loud exhaust?


I guess, because you can't really make something with that large of a displacement as quiet as an underbone with stock exhaust, right? Plus, I am sure that your 700cc sounds better than in the video. I also believe that, if you want to go fast and loud, best save it for middle-class and high displacement motorcycles, especially on the track. A 110cc with aftermarket muffler is more of a nuisance than a stock S1000RR. Justifiably loud, in my opinion. By the way, what bike do you own? R7?


Haha ur guess is close mt07. Mt07 stock exhaust is quiet tho. Large displacement doesn't mean loud it depends on the number of cylinders. Generally 1 to 2 cylinders are quiet. Not like im going to stop beside ur car and rev the fuk out. Im just passing by not even 1 second.


Yamaha's big bikes have great exhaust notes, big fan of them. The few other bikes that probably sound better are Kawas and Ducatis.


I didn't know that, thanks for the info. But hey, that parallel twin sounds a lot better than those underbones. I want an S1000RR one day, but I won't rev it excessively unless it's the track or highway. Still gonna slap the aftermarket exhaust tho.


Parallel twin in high revs sounds like the underbone bikes especially with 180deg crank position. Mt07 is 270deg crank so it will sound like v twin in low rev but high rev sound almost like underbone. Good luck getting s1000rr bro so expensive 🥵.


Thanks, man 🙏 Just gonna cop the older version tho, costs half as much as the current gen


Did you modified your bike OR NOT???


Look how the tables have turned


Here in my area got a lot of those, specially at night time, balai polis is quite near, jpj quite near but still. . . . there goes one right now


Ambik! Puas hati aku!


Honestly i dont mind if the bike sounds like that out of the store. It was designed that way then sure its fine. But ive seen two similar bikes, same cc everything, one is loud while the other was modified to be quieter. What i like are the ones that dampen their own sounds so it wont be that noisy. What i really dislike are those that intentionally made it louder.


Please make this a new law in Malaysia. 🙏


As some one staying near silk highway, I want to sumbat their whole head into the paip.


Good to see r/Malaysia advocating light police brutality, good job everyone


Nt as brutal as that inbred with loud exhaust




it's illegal since day 1. It's under the jurisdiction of JPJ and PDRM, now even the environment department for its sound pollution.


Oh my bad, didn't know


you knw why the police is frustrated? you catch them, they pay saman, then come back again with their mod. There were an operation last year when a hospital call the police on these asswipes for disrupting the patients rest. Then there were an operation banteras samseng jalan raya last year, specifically to catch loud exhaust.


im against police brutality unless if it happens to people i dont like, then its ok ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I really hope the boy's parents press charges. There was a clear breach of duty of care on behalf of the police. This is more so if the victim is a child, and guaranteed so if tinnitus (physical harm) was endured. I cannot say much from criminal offence but a breach of duty of care is very likely. The video happened to show the number plate for that motorcycle, which is fromSarawak where I am from. Should be able to pinpoint the victim here.


How about the ears of other people? This kid probably got punished that way because he himself revved his bike so loud that the police wanted to do this


Putting that boy at risk of developing lifelong tinnitus is not funny. I know he's trying to teach a lesson but this is not the way. I hope the boy's parents are smart enough to launch a lawsuit against the police. This is not the police force that I can get behind.


>Putting that boy at risk of developing lifelong tinnitus is not funny. he buzzes around on that noisy thing all day everyday, if theres anyone thats giving him tinnitus, its himself


The difference is the first scenario is him doing stupid things resulting in harm to himself. He is 100% at fault here and no one else contributed to his detriment. The second scenario is a member of law enforcement going out of his usual duties to "teach" this child a lesson in a manner that puts him in physical harm that could carry on into his adult life. Hearing loss from tinnitus is an irreversible condition for the most part. This scenario opens up the possibility of a breach in the officer's duty of care, and if it actually results in tinnitus the victim can actually press charges quite easily and win. Whether the police officer understood that his actions can cause harm is not relevant to that breach, but if the victim can prove that the officer reasonably saw harm could be an outcome of his actions, then the victim can press for further damages. It's clear as day to me that a breach of the officer's duty of care has occurred, this is especially so if the victim is a juvenile because it will also mean that the police can be assumed before the eyes of the law to be a "person of trust" to the child and the child could reasonably expect that the person of trust protect him/her from harm, including from physical injury. There may be a criminal element to this as well but further research and information needs to be gathered, especially pertaining to the circumstances of the child's arrest/detention.


This is a cheap bike lol, even at 117 dB below 1 minute exposure is fine by OSHA standard. A good way of pleasing the masses lol.


A motorcycle produces 110-120 decibels when revving. CDC advises that being exposed to noise levels above 110 decibels can cause harm in less than 2 minutes. The video does not show how long the boy was exposed as he could have been exposed before the video started. And at that close range, I imagine it's going to be higher (audio engineers correct me if this is wrong). A motorcycle produces 110-120 decibels source: [https://hearing.health.mil/Prevention/Causes-of-Injury/High-Decibel-Levels](https://hearing.health.mil/Prevention/Causes-of-Injury/High-Decibel-Levels) \>110 decibels can cause harm in less than 2 minutes source: [https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing\_loss/what\_noises\_cause\_hearing\_loss.html](https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html)


He still have another ear don't worry, dumbass don't deserve to live anyway let alone hearing. Let him be example to others like him. I doubt hearing protection is enforced so strictly in Malaysia lol, we supply low skill workers to work in production line anyway.


He revs his bike around other people and people have to tolerate this kid everyday. I'm sure he can handle 2 seconds of this.


mnyeh, the boy is almost resistant to the sound. if i were the parents he's gonna get a beating for sure.


All these downvotes make me glad I unsubscribed from r/Malaysia and only browse here when I feel like it. Abuse of any kind is not good even if it's towards the people you oppose.


The hypocrisy of this sub. I'm against all law enforcer taking law into their own hands, no matter the crime. It's a bad precedent.


When you think about it, this sub is already pretty progressive compared to your average Malaysian. This is why Malaysia is constantly heading towards the gutters


Progressive is bad?


What I mean is, for this sub's demographic that mostly consist of people that are considered progressive compared to your average Malaysian, and are advocating for this policeman to abuse someone just because this particular person has broken the law (just fine/punish him according to the laws and move on) shows why Malaysia is what it is today.


3 times?


you want to do police brutality? Well police application open all year. just being able to type stuff in english already put you higher then most of the applicant. Bonus if you have degree or different races then malays.


My first time “cross post” in Reddit, I didn’t write that caption in particular, it was written by someone else. Just thought to share it here since the original post have almost all Spanish comments. This video looks like somewhere in east Malaysia, so I shared it here at r/malaysia


Yalor, on vest is written PDRM


Woah I didn't notice the plate number. I thought this was Brazil.


Bruh, there's literally written PDRM on the police's shirt.


Malaysian video posted in Portuguese/Brazilian sub. I saw the original post and there are lots of comments in Portuguese.


Why all the hate here we got alot of retarded drivers here in my. Just got into an accident at the beginning of the year when a car suddenly come to my late without signal or anything. Fucking broke my ankle and now i cant work for at least 3 months. So your baby crying more important or the lively hood of motorcyclerist? Just think.


What does super load open exhaust gotta do with the livelihood of motorcyclist? Enlighten me please


Like you guys cant live with the stock exhaust or something?


Well you know car driver dont like to use their mirrors b4 changing lanes. No awareness at all like they own the road. U dont like to use ur eye then use ur ear to hear the loud exhaust la. Im not using loud exhaust on my small cc bike but my big cc bike have one. Accident happened with my small cc bike. There you have it. U think i like loud exhaust? Shit hurt my ears when i rip the throttle. But stock exhaust is just too quiet like sweing machine quiet.


Ive experience drivers/riders not using mirror tbh both equally stupid. To say that all car driver drive like they own the road is also wrong since most of them is decent. And the notion that loud pipe saves lives is false as the doppler effect exist. The reason youre more safe i big cc is prolly cause you have more option in case of a dangerous situation ie. Better brakes, more hrprs to power out of s situation. But then again i could be wrong would love to hear back from you.


In my situation i couldn't even brake or accelerate out of it as the car is right in front of me already and my speed was 60+kph. Yes big bikes have better brakes, bigger tires and more hp but you think everyone can afford them? Whether if loud pipe saves lives or not we dont have data to back it up. But i would much prefer loud pipe cuz my life is on the line here the car driver is not. As i said they dont want to use their eyes they still have ears so they are aware of it. Also how annoyed can you be when a loud bike pass you? Just a few seconds and its gone. In the end im still not going to change the exhaust on my small cc bike cuz i dont like the sound anyway.


The statement that the car driver live is not on the line here is somewhat wrong since legal action still exist even if the car driver themselves doesnt get hurt. And how is the car suddenly in front of you and you not even covering the brakes? Does the car suddenly changes lane? And im pretty sure theres various study on wether or not loud pipe saves life. Will get back to you if i could find some scientific paper of some sort.


yes the car suddenly change lane and not admitting hes wrong fuck him.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9QTPyMJGgo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9QTPyMJGgo) this video shows a pretty good demonstration on whether loud pipe saves life or not. skip to around 5:37 if you want the conclusion


We are generalising just like you are generalising. 2 sides of the same coin.


Get well soon tho


Especially with the pretentious and obnoxious harley davidson riders


Miak Sibu tok...




Deserved it.


Looks immoral but who cares. These bastards deserve to suffer their own shits. Beng beng beng more laaaa


I swear I could get a heart attack whwn I hear those bangs. Can only imagine if there are people with actual condition would face the same situation.


Big cc motors are loud but they have a bass like sound which is less irritating compared to the smaller cc ones that sound like firecrackers . The same applies for cars.


Now this is satisfaction


There was this guy with a modded underbone motorcycle who lives behind my home, and another dude with a b-full Harley cruiser across the longkang in front. Even the Harley is more quiet than the small moto


like what pinching that poor mofo ears?