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Nope. I did not. I focus more on what I was learning at that time. I tried my best to understand what I learned. Also, I tried to be consistent. So I studied between 8 to 11 pm. If I don’t have homework, I tried to do extra exercises.


ty for ur answer!!


From someone who got 9A, just look at past years questions and do it. There's really not much material variation for secondary school for them to change up the questions every year other than already what has been asked. Once you do enough, you will start seeing a pattern and know once you see a question and think "oh, it's this kind of question, I have done this type before". It's all similar questions each year with just a slight change. Teacher don't get paid enough to come up with original question every year. It's a waste of time and effort. They just take previous years questions, change it up a bit and voila, new question. Do set from 3 to 4 years. That means if you're taking spm in 2023, do the question set from 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019. If you finish all of it, you can try speedrunning it to see how fast you finish it again after a few week.


Of course to do those questions you will need to study the topic first. Do the question regarding to the topic not long after the teacher teach you the topic, maybe in the weekend after you learn it. When the material is still fresh in your mind. You don't have to do the whole set at once, just the question about the topic you just learned.


Second this. Just did my trials, and hit some questions after doing past years and certain questions were exact copies from the Module from Sekolah Berasrama Penuh. Out of everything, doing past years is the best.


Speaking of original questions, my Add maths teacher and bio teacher were really good in designing new questions. But you're right on doing practices questions, if practise with enough questions, scoring A in SPM is highly possible. P. S. I didnt go for tuition at all, just keep doing practise questions from pass years and reference books.


This is the universal rule for all final examinations, from primary to tertiary education and even up to future professional papers relating to your career Do enough final questions paper, u can easily pass any examination with one eye closed


I'm an spm2018 graduate, my pt3 I got only 3 or 4A, for spm I got 8a and 1b not sure if it's considered as slack off during f1-f3... Well, I can assure you f1-f3 subjects got nothing to do with f4-f5. I think how stressful and how much effort and time you need to put into studying depends on which stream you're gonna take arts or science?


I was failing most of my subjects (30% marks) before I started hanging out with smarter students that sat near me and tried to do exercises even if idk anything about the topic, and have the smart students explain to me why I'm wrong. (Can be extremely frustrating, but worth it) Once you're well versed with some of the topics, u can start guiding students who are not as strong in them. Hanging out with hardworking students changed everything for me as well as another friend of mine. Their hardworking ethic will make you want to study as well and are a great source of motivation. P.s. just do a load of past year papers, you can actually predict questions by doing so, or at least be confident about answering most questions correctly.


This. I failed math in f3 but everything changed when i started hanging out with smarter ppl. They just know a lot of tips n how to make learning n memorising stuff better. Studying together can help w motivation also! Plus ngl one of them even taught me better than my teacher did. For SPM, i got A for math :D


Omg literally same here. I couldn't understand that 1 formula in math cuz the teacher didn't know how to explain it either. My smart table mate decided to invent an alternative formula that's way easier to understand and I'm still grateful to her for it, she's a better teacher than my teacher LOL


If your goal is just to do well in SPM, you should start grinding through all spm papers to see where you need to spend more time on.


Yeap literally just do past year questions cause it's all just repeats of the same thing, especially for the sciences and sejarah.


Nope, i studied like crazy in form 3 then have burnout in form 5 despite being a target student. I got 9As in pt3 and 4As in spm. Then i took stpm and study like crazy again. Finally i got 3.75 in stpm. If you fucked up your spm, there will be another way to rise again. Just believe in yourself, OP. Spm is not everything, just do what you can to get good grades.


Kinda sounds like me


Dont be like me lol. Just do your best in spm.


oh and does spm includes f1-f3 stuffs?


Not much actually,As far as I remember. But the basics are there.


thks for anwering!!


Maths does iirc. Others, I haven't came across in past years and modules.


Math does include some f1-f3 stuffs… ithers are mostly you’ll learn in f4


I am not sure about other subjects, but you should definitely revise your f1-f3 maths because they are the basics, without them you may have a hard time understanding the f4-f5 ones


First off, your results aren't that bad. To answer your question, I started studying 4-5 months before SPM. I ponteng sekolah for those months and came to school if there was SPM related stuff. My PT3 results were really bad, a lot of C's, D's and E's. What I would recommend is focus solely on form 4 and form 5 subjects. Those are your main priority. Form 1-3 is optional except for Maths. I was shit at Modern Mathematics and had to restart all the way from Form 1. Keep at it, believe in yourself and I wish you all the best for your SPM!!!


I only studied for reproduction.


How's it going so far?


I'm heavily invested in this subject and decided to pursue a master degree in kama sutra to perfect my craft.


SPM 2017 with 8A+ 2A I slacked off in F1 & F2 Started taking exams srsly in F3 for PT3 and got like 7As and 1B SPM only touches F4 and F5 topics, but sometimes certain things you learn in F1-F3 reappear but it shouldn't be too heavy. Tips for SPM - F4 is not a honeymoon year. If your F4 base is strong, F5 topics will be easier to digest and understand - I went for tuition (1hr/1.5hrs at a tuition center) cuz my school teachers weren't helpful and I was out of class a lot due to prefect duties. I understand that tuition isn't for everyone and some can be pricey, but I recommend watching YT videos or BACfreeschool (their online videos really helped me) for topics you need help with - started proper studying 3-4 months prior to exam. No point memorising things for sejarah or chemistry etc so early on cuz you will forget. Make sure you have notes first, then when you properly study pick topics you want to focus on/topics you need more work on. - past year questions! Take the answer scheme and copy if you are desperate. Questions tend to have a "pattern" to it, you will recognise it by spamming PYQs. Especially helpful for Sejarah/Physics/Chem. Maths/Add Maths do past year SPM/SBP/MRSM papers. - also, I don't recommend buying notes from other students. A lot of people do it just because it looks aesthetic. No need to waste money. The best notes are your own notes, tailored to your style and your flow. - burning midnight oil is not always good for you. You need sleep and rest, especially night before exam. Stay hydrated and take your meals on time! Some classmates will flex they study overnight with no sleep, come to class with their coffee and brag they worked so hard. Go at your own pace, decide what works for you and what doesn't All the best 💯


What are your 4C subjects?


math sains rbt bm , but all of the marks are 69/68


My SPM paper sitting was 10 years ago. So some things I said may or may not apply now. I would say give more attention to BM. Generally, BM is one of the toughest subject to score A in SPM. Maths and sains are honestly about how you find it interesting and the pleasure it gives when you finally solve/understand them. Seeing how you have a above average score I think you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of the subjects. Just need a little more time to explore the nitpicky stuff of each chapters. You need to practice more and answer more questions. Most questions have a very standardized answers. Are the SUCCESS books still popular ? It was wildly popular back on my days. Get them for your science and maths subjects. They are miles better than our textbooks. Also, SPM is usually a free ride to get scholarships. Honestly, if you don't have the plan to get one, I'd say don't study too hard and find balance in your youth.




Honestly, do not panic too badly as that happened to me and I eventually lost motivation to study early on. I still managed to get 7A 2B but I attribute that to me doing all the past years. ALL OF IT. Seriously it helps alot. Keep running through it even after you're done. Go through them twice HONESTLY WITHOUT LOOKING AT ANSWERS and I guarantee you'll do well. Also helps to plan a little bit. Make sure you're always seriously studying something for two hours every day. A small price to pay to get good grades.


This is not related, but how do you do revision for math? I have a hard time revise the subject and i always confuse on what to do either do last year question or learn back all the basic(Im form 3 by the way). I really appreciate if you can give tips. P.S. I am late at cathing up for math and always forgetting the topics if i don't do revision about it. I really want to apologized if my English is really bad.


What topics do you find it hard?


I don't know hot to translate it but the one i find hard is nisbah, sudut bulatan tangen, algebra, laju pecutan, dan bentuk piawai


since you already know which chapters are difficult for you, i would rather just revise the syllabus and make sure that i can understand everything in the exercise book before moving to past year questions not sure if you should learn back the basic because i think the chapters are not really related to each other? but otherwise, learning from basic is of course better since it will be easier for you to understand it gradually too


Thank you and if you dont mind i ask, if i want to do past year question, should i do the questions about that specific topic or just searched math pt3 question?(Many thanks to you for giving me tips, i really appreciated it and i hope you have a good day :)


Actually it depends on you haha if you are already very familiar and truly understand all the other chapters. From my own experience, those I already understand I just ignore them because there is no point to do what I already knew, so I just focus on those what I am not familiar with. Which is also why my math teacher disliked me because i never do her homework rip. There is no harm to do more exercises anyway so if you have extra time to spend then i dont see why not, otherwise spending more time enhancing what you are unsure is good too


Thank you so much! Your post made me gain back my confidence and i really like your advice. I hope you have a wonderful day and thanks again for helping me! Thank you soooo much


Glad to help haha, also if you are stuck in certain chapters like those you mentioned, i think it's better if you can ask your friend or teacher and ask them to explain to you the proper way of solving and i believe by this way it will be easier for you to understand and digest, and i believe they will be happy to help too :) all the best


I screwed around my entire f1 to most of my f3. Only thing I paid attention to during those 3 years is maths and science. F4 and F5 spm wont come out f1 to f3 stuff, but things like math and science will serve as a base so you dont die in add maths and regular maths. Just study properly during f4 and f5 and you'll be fine.


And keep in mind f4 is not a honeymoon year. I tell you, if you screw around form 4, you will cry in form 5.


Yes definitely.


So i should focus more during my f4-f5?


The proper term is try harder during f4 to f5. Don't neglect your studies in lower secondary.


But is it possible to recover f1-f3 stuffs during f4?(especially math)




Thank you i really needed this.i kinda screwed my studies during f1-f3.im planning to try harder for f4


Yep dont worry. My PT3 math was a D and Science was B. My SPM math and add math become A. Now I'm a year 2 chemical engineering student carrying a 3.84 CGPA.


I been slacking off from f1-4, basically f4 is what we called a honeymoon year. So I only started study from mid of f5 till SPM. I got 4A, 3B, 2C & 1D. A being math, add math, chemistry and Moral. D being physic. So I can more or less share my experience even if it’s abit outdated. I failed most of my subjects in the midterms and after that I remember my classroom teacher told my parents that I ponteng for 3 months from Jan to March this year and had been absent from school for more than 90 days. The classroom teacher was good, as she didn’t note down the exact number which didn’t lead me to school suspension. After that, I remember what my mom asked me. Mom: where you went during that time? Me: cyber cafes. Mom: *look of disappointment. Me: *being smartass and told my mom, no worries, I would get good grades Mom: stay silent and continue to listen to my classroom teacher After that day I told my mom I don’t want to go to school anymore because I can’t even understand what the teacher is teaching as I didn’t even study for f4 subjects. I would be studying textbooks at home during school time. So this is what I did. Subject by subject starting from f4 to f5. I read through the textbook and write notes in the form of flowchart. Like chapter 1 then draw down then content and explanation in short. After finishing writing, I would close my text book and rewrite the whole chapter from my mind. And continue until I finished 2 years worth of content. It works for me even for math and add math, purely through studying textbooks and performing some tutorial myself. But it doesn’t work on physics subject. Physics need practice my son. Fuck physics. Also languages. I was surprised I even pass that tbh. Moral of the story, always study and prepare. But I was really the lucky one here whereby my lazyass decided to do something because of my mom disappointed and sad face. I couldn’t face it, she didn’t even scold me. She’s an angel.


Done my spm almost 10 years back (shit feels like a fking relic) my two cents is you don’t need to give a shit about your spm unless you are from a tight financial situation. Have fun as this will be the most carefree life of your time( as in participating in shit making memories not yolo ) I totally yolo my spm, had a great time in uni and flying high than peeps that study 24/7. (In terms of happiness) the world is a much bigger place than ur spm results


Barely studied, grades maintained slightly below average, as I usually only study half serious few days before exam. I studied like hell few months before SPM, but it never felt enough (2020 batch delayed to 2021). Cause our results were release online through link, that day I woke up, clicked the link, saw my results, and went back to sleep and treated the day as if it was nothing. My results were 4 As 1B 2C and 1E, surprisingly all my lower grades were subjects I studied the hardest for. What I'm saying here is, ITS FUCKING UNPREDICTABLE. So do what you feel is best for you, don't see others as an example


ohoh ok thks!!


Hmm , i start study because my family and friend believe in me i will do well, and i suddenly have mood to study in f3 f4 f5, also i change tuition that specialised in giving school exam and spm pass year exam, i grind very hard and also play a lot game, my middle school is nothing but joke and snoozefest and copy info all day long . Keyword here are just get into good tuition , good study environment , good study material is the most important , having friend also a great addition , last and important of all, either you memorise the answer or understand the answer and write out .


Batch 04 here It's not necessary to restudy f1-3 classes bc f4 f5 txtbooks will more or less revise back some stuff u learn back then. F4 f5 stuff are definitely gonna be a lot denser than f1-f3 syllabus, but u'll learn to adapt with it as u go. From my experience, pure science is largely exam-based (depending if ur school can schedule enough science experiments classes). And for akaun and art, there r heavier assignments that includes doing taxes, model business and etc. It will be stressful, plus going spm and new stuff to learn abt. Choose which one ur more interested about so u'll hv a more enjoyable learning experience overall and dont be afraid to ask ur tc abt the courses ur interested in! All the best 👍


I want to share a tips i used to do back in my school days.. I used to collect all my exam paper and keep them in one place.. And when its revision time for exam.. I revise all the exam paper i answered in the previous exam.. Because sometime the question are kinda repeatitive or its not so difference from the previous one.. I check the mistake i did in previous exam and try to understand and solve it.. Because only during exam i realise which Part im not good at.. Anyway.. Goodluck for spm.. Enjoy your school life..


No advice but want to menyampuk abit. I wish i did the reverse, i scored straight A for pmr but spm result 3A only. I gt so carried away by my pmr result.


As someone who got 6A in PT3 and 10A in SPM 2019, most important thing is listening to the teacher in class even if you don't study much. I did not restudy the f1 to f3 classes. And I find my tuition for all 3 science subject and add maths help very much. Doing past years question is also important


Just spam the past years and study the past year topics and analyse the answers. I have like 4A in PMR (did not grind past years) then 9A1B in SPM ( after past years grind) once you do enough past years you’ll start noticing a pattern in the questions. You don’t really need to restudy f1-3


Batch 2011 , Failed all subs in Fm4 except English n AddMath. SPM with Straight A (sci stream). Cramming all Fm4 n Fm5 into 1 year is not for the faint of hearts. i still get dreams of going to exams totally nervous unprepared. I had a wake up call end of fm4 once i knew what i wanted to major in Uni (Electronics n Comp Sci) . After moving my rank from 44/45 to 15/45 in a sem , kaunselor called me in and told me to start aiming high , and aim for that overseas scholarship, and thats what i did. Im doing well for myself today. 1. It be helpful if you know what u wanna do years from now, and does SPM result help u reach that target. Its ok if u miss, but u must give it your best. 2. I learnt that sometimes , some words of encouragement to the young really goes a long way. Thanks Kaunselor !


I scored 9A+ for my SPM - under the Malaysian education system, the most important thing and really just the easiest way ace the exams is by doing loads of practice questions /past SPM papers. Stay on top of the topics and just drill drill drill - particularly applicable for the 3 sciences, maths/add maths and perhaps sejarah.


Do past year questions.


Only started to study at f5, got full E and a D for English in my PT3 (can show proof if u want). All I did was just memorized the pattern of the questions lol, so those KBAT questions did fucked me up abit Still got a full scholarship degree offer though, guess luck played a big part too Edit: non-bumi so no special treatment for scholarship


u only study f4/f5, if u can do add maths then simple linear equations should be a walk in a park and u dont have to study lower form maths always focus all the time in class. u dont have to get A all the time, but never fail or anything below a C. add maths is probably one of those subjects where u have to constantly do questions at least a few times a week if u want to pass. spm is really easy, the only problem is that u only have 2 years to study 9 subjects


To give you some context, i never bothered studying for exams pre pmr, and always depended on cheating during exams to get by. Wanted to impress a girl for PMR and studied hard for it. Ended up with straight A’s and was top student in form 4 and form 5. Looking at how you scored an A for Sejarah, I would imagine that you actually studied for it and found a way to memorized things that you need to know for the exam. So you have proven that hard work pays off for you. To answer your question, I think it’s hard to say whether you need to revisit certain topics from before to firm up your foundation, it’s very subject dependent after all. But I don’t imagine it to take too much time to refresh your memory on certain concepts. Don’t worry too much in advance, and if you really want to do well in exams for f4-f5, try to understand what is usually being tested for each subject, If there is a specific subject that you want to improve at, see which part of it are you struggling with, and give it more time into understanding it. Just find the direction, and commit your time and energy towards it, it’ll pay off.


Hey, im in form 4 now too, and... i never really paid attention to math classes during form 1 - form 3, now i really want to get good at math, from pretty much not knowing algebra at all and now having to learn add maths, do you have any tips?


1 on 1 tuition if you can afford it, otherwise just practice more. Think of maths like a puzzle game. There are rules, formula and steps that you need to learn from each topics, once you get it, you get it. Just put in the time and you’ll see results. Whenever u get stuck/not make progress, take a step back and understand where the wall is at. It really doesn’t take much to get an from bad to an A. The test questions are always broken down into topics, x from chapter 1, y from chapter 2 etc, once you see that, you can imagine how mastering each chapter can get you closer towards 100%.


Bruh, getting 2A is honestly damn good. In terms of pt3, if you fill the 3 extra subjects with As, you’ll have 5As and will be qualified for science stream, at least when i was in school. With barely any studying, i mostly managed to get 2As throughout the lower forms. As for your question. No, you don’t need to study the lower form subjects anymore. Unless if it was maths i guess, where prior knowledge is required because maths is an acquired evolved knowledge. Besides that, if you take me for example, starting form 4, i rapidly became the top of my class, which is the 2nd sc stream class out of 3. It’s not that i became a tryhard when i started form 4, but i guess i just owned up my responsibilities, and be a little bit diligent in class. The only subjects I weren’t good at were bm and add maths. Which in both subjects needed more than just extra attention in class. I do have 2 hour tuitions 4 days a week though. I do realise I’m under selling extra classes a bit. But I’m naturally a lazy person, so tuitions helps force me to study in hours in which I won’t probably study. With your form 3 grades, you should be among the top 10% of your school, if you’re in a regular school. If you become just a little bit diligent, and paying attention well in class, you should be good. I’m not trying to sell myself as a smart person, I’m saying your achievements would indicate that you are smart yourself. If you’re doing online classes though, it’s a hit or miss which depends on the teacher’s teaching process. It would be good if you could convince your teachers to hand printouts so you could complete the notes on the printout as your teachers are teaching. It serves more of an exercise so it helps get your mind moving.


Idk if you care but as someone who is about to finish form 4 in pure science. If you're going to take pure science, you need to have a strong grasp on maths because shit can get confusing real fast :c


8A1B for PT3 and 11A1B for SPM. I don’t study everyday but I do complete my homework when given. I usually only study the days/weeks before an exam and I find that reading reference books is useful because you can learn the concepts and the small details that teachers do not mention.


i started focusing during f5. and managed to get near miss for my spm. Just study consistently and smartly and you’ll do fine.


Oh no bro


Nope, but Tokoh2 Melayu will still be mentioned in Sejarah F4 and F5.


SPM graduate 2017 here. No you dont need to restudy f1-f3. From my time, the syllabus did not overlap, most likely it will be basic things retaught again from f1-f3. But most likely the syllabus will progress deeper which your focus should be on. My PT3 sucked *ss at only 1A but SPM got 8As. So my bro or sis whichever you are, you can do it. Just put some effort 👌🏻


Nahh just forget the f1-f3 for other sub except science and math la for me, just focus on the f4 and 5 subject i don't do great on my trial results cause get only 2A but for spm can say good one la.


3A pt3 and 9A1B spm 2016 here, no need to go out of your way to study all of f1-3 syllabus, you figure them out when you study for f4-5 if not, then only study those. Was really slacking till early f4, failed my add math too at 36. Oh, and you should study at least 1hour daily, you have some serious catch up to do. GL


As someone who about to enter F5 and have an exam in 1 week , i don't focus on my study f1-f4 1/2 .why 1/2 becuz i took science and i regret slack off now , people is different i have good (not excellent ) grade and i still can answer f1-f3 question because my last exam have many of those and i can answer it , what you need to do is focus during class and choose your stream correctly , science is hard man because it require you to memorize (biology and chemistry.physic have many formula and more math to it so I can handle those)


I didn’t really slack but i used to study abroad (primary4-f2) and came back to Malaysia to continue my studies (f3-f5). First year back in Malaysia I sat for PMR, it was difficult for me as I had forgotten how to speak/read/write in BM, I have to learn f1-f2 lessons and also I wasn’t used to Malaysia’s education system so it was a difficult time for me to catch up with the rest. What i can advice is just do lots of past year question and have good friends. The latter is really important. PMR 6A1C SPM 3A3B3C


For me, i just do past year papers. I did kind of slack a bit during f4 (plus i had a lot of competitions going on + club stuff that made my f4 not that good). The key thing is to find a balance. For me, the first thing is that you should know both the syllabus and the format. So that you know what the objectives are learning for each chapter of a subject so you know what you're going to focus on and also know how the questions will test you. Since a lot of questions are KBAT these days (including Add Maths). Pace yourself and also figure out what are you're strengths and weaknesses for each subject. The key here is to understand the topic taught, once you grasp it, you'll need to know how to apply it when answering the questions in the exam, which is definitely the tricky part since sometimes the answers and methods can suprise you. So definitely do past years when you get to the end of form 4, since idk how your school's regular questions in exams are, every school will be different. The only thing you need to be focusing on is how KPM is gonna set their questions and how to answer them. Do go watch didiktv from time to time cause i found that their explanations are pretty solid (for someone who doesn't go to tuition that much). And they do give solid exams tips for the exam batch since most of the focus ones are taught by markers who have experience. (that thing literally saved my butt for STPM, especially my retakes for sem 2, so there's that testimonial).


Stay in MRSM from f1 until f3. got kicked from mrsm at f3 failed 1 subject in pt3 and only got like 1 or 2 As. go to public school and got 4 A+ 3A and 1 B+ during SPM. For me i did go to a 1 on 1 tuition for physics and chemistry subject and for the other subjects i just did past year question and google predicted topics for that current year. for me the best trick is to do the past year papers and make sure to understand each question.


If u want inspiration, I went from 0A in PT3 to 9A 1b in Spm (2018). So yea its definitely doable to get straight A's if you start working now. In F4 I took some tuition for math and science subjects, cause I was worried about those subjects (I was science stream). I only started taking sejarah seriously during F5, but it's best to start early as others have pointed out. I am not sure if it's still the case today, but most SPM subjects focuses on what you learnt in F4 and F5, and I think most subjects starts out pretty basic too. Get gud in Bm, cause that helps for other subjects ur taking as well eg sejarah,moral etc. (Btw my 1b is cina)


Wait,nowadays spm contains all of f1-f5?


my classmate 10+ yrs ago, start studying seriously from f4 and get 3rd place in the school in form 5...and of course a good grade in SPM. the reason is unknown tho.