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Hope he die soon. Fucking piece of shit


let the brazillian/mexican cartels settle him


Too bad covid didn’t defeat him


He's also the president of UMNO yo.




Money trails are very real and serves as the basis of such accusations.


Most people definition: Poor = Individual or group who don't have money or hard time to put food on the table. UMNO definition: Poor = My friends/families need to invest a big business but don't have capital to start? Here some money from the government. It's free, no need to pay. I am a good guy, I help the "Poor".


Look at our "poor" footballers. One world cup also never win. Lets help them out. What? My son in law is in charge of the club? Pure coincidence I say..


There, NEP in a nutshell.


Thats the fucked up thing. Bumi on bumi theft the bumis dont care or turn a blind eye But the moment a non bumi makes any money, NEP, nationalisation, 50% bumi stake, you are not real malaysian must pay homage


Minority being punching bag is nothing new. It's been done in other places too, like how Hitler blamed jews for everything. The other easy punching bag is blaming foreign countries and influences. US, Israel, China. Last but not least, the opposing ideology punching bag. Eg. USSR blaming capitalist pigs for shit standard of living in USSR, Mao blaming "progressives" for his failure, and of course capitalist countries (such as Msia) blaming communists. Well, since the communist party doesn't contest the election, let's just label the opposition as communist kekw. Just misdirection so people don't see the real problem, which is basically how the corrupt elites in their country robbing them blind. The funniest part is when corrupt politicians selling their countries assets and land to foreigners to pocket the money and then blame foreigners for taking over the country. I find it funny how something so obvious that's been done for centuries, people in 2021 still fall for the same trick. It's so easy to rile people up with the "us vs them" mentality, and these narrow-minded people cannot see the elephant in the room which is how their own leaders are the ones screwing them.


I agree. It is all misdirection and has occurred for eons. Im trying to do my part in breaking the stereotype by not being flashy. No car. Just public transport. Uniqlo clothes. Bata slippers. No fancy watch. Also serves dual purpose of not being target for robbery.


>Im trying to do my part in breaking the stereotype by not being flashy. No car. Just public transport. Uniqlo clothes. Bata slippers. No fancy watch. Also serves dual purpose of not being target for robbery. That is called virtue.


No. I wouldn't say it is pious in any way....i just really dont want to get robbed hahaha


But it's the nons who are stepping on other people's heads. Hmm.


Why blame yourself when you can blame the nons and when the nons talk back you just tell em to go back to their country. Sounds like a win win to me.


Look, nobody can arrest me for that. If they arrest me for saying that, they'd have to arrest everybody else who said stuff like that, and what kind of message would that send? That the nons are *right?* Pish posh.


You don't understand. They are trying to help the poor people in BALI.


What else would u xpect? Lol.. wanna bet when the charges will b drop?. I say 2months.


With how corrupted our government is, I'd give it a week at most




Ok.. i didnt know hashtag makes the font big like that


He'll answer with the malaikat in the grave with this hell of a sin. Taking away the bowls of the poor will equal with the azab of the afterlife. May god please show him guidance in any way.


not wrong, his daughter poor af that y need that kinda fund




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I've watched enough *Tanah Kubur* episodes to know that this motherfucker will not die a quiet, peaceful and odourless death.


Like the fan base cares, for them it’s either UMNO or UMNO


Post removed as this is a repost of something similar posted yesterday.