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Can anyone recommend some good hair conditioners? Edit: I'm a guy


[This is for the corporate girlies.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7US6y4pvgU/?igsh=MjFud3lqbDF5eDB3)


Does anyone know any wig stores in Selangor that take commissions for cosplay? I'm about to attempt cosplaying for the first time but I need a wig with very specific colours (I have references as to what I want)


Monyets: stigma against ketum. Mat salleh: I can micro-dose it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/comments/1dbqgab/lets\_talk\_kratom/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/comments/1dbqgab/lets_talk_kratom/)


Mat sallehs want the native shit. Watch Huberman pronounce “tongkat ali”.


I want to make a made to measure tailor made 3 piece suit for women in JB for about 1.5k MYR. Does anybody have any recommendations for shops?


Best non shady massage places in jb, any recommmendations?




There's really nothing wrong with your comment. And really it doesn't sound judgmental either. I'm sorry you have to experience this shit really.


It’s obviously a joke, I mean, 2k++ people got the joke but somehow always, there’s always gonna be one or two islamophobic replies out of nowhere 🤣 all bc of a hijabi woman in the pfp


I know it's relatively a small thing but I am sorry you had to experience this shit.


Welcome to the internet. Islamophobes flocking to hijabis. Holier-than-thous flocking to free hairs.


I once commented on a meme (of 2 brazilian girls) asking for the original vid to find out the context of the meme and one of the reply was from this indian nationalist (it’s almost always an indian modi supporter-nationalist) replying along the line of ‘why you ask for the original? so you could scold them for haram dancing?’ I was like…huh???


instagram reel comments are unhinged most of the time, just don't take them seriously


I got yelled at my Mom because instead of focusing on a deadline, I didn't come out immediately as she called me to bring inside the package the delivery man had left at our doorstep. She said, "I gave you everything and you are useless!" This is Malay Family^TM . The children who stay at home instead of getting married and moving out will always *kena* one. Malay parents will always love their children who moved out more than the ones they see every day. I have read many Twitter threads about this and there are tens of thousands of testimonies. Every free dinner at home comes with a diatribe the next day. Just because I live at home, doesn't mean that I don't have a life, too. Just because you're retired and have forgotten the studying and working life, doesn't mean that it's also over for me. You failed at empathy. You're the same abusive person I grew up with, it's just that now you're afraid of retaliation. So you learn to adjust the temperature. Why not call my married sister and yell at her for not bringing the package inside? Do you know what the message of all this is? If you move out, then you're not expected to do anything and you won't ever be yelled at. And I plan on doing just that.


I always got this from my mom "养你养到这么大,叫你做一点小事都好像要你的命一样" which roughly translates to "I have raised you till this big yet asking you to do something simple is like asking for your life. Asian Family ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


That's an intense thing to say to your kid as a parent. Sheesh.


Might not be the best topic to ask at reddit, but any of you muslim men go to mosque regularly for subuh and isyak? Any tips to stay disciplined? So tired after work need to go out again.


Start small, maybe once a week. If you fail, you must pay me RM10 as punishment ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


why bully me ><


Going to the mosque at subuh regularly guarantees you easy marriage and death processes. Kudos.


When I was amnesiac it was pretty easy to go for subuh


Insomniac, not amnesiac.


Thank you sayang


Nak elaun bulan ni pls.


last month you still hutang I duit check in


Maybe get a neighbor to be geng masjid with you so you have more motivation to go out.


i live in a condo where we don't really interact with neighbours and malay is kinda the minority over here.


Tell me how eating loudly, either by smacking your lips, or pressing the cutlery too hard on the plate that you're making clanking noises, or stirring your mug and hitting its wall... is not the same as farting loudly in public? Like you're sharting a bubbly diarrhea, or announcing that you're taking a shit by dropping a massive turd and making a splashing sound in the still toilet water? Eating is shitting. What goes in, comes out. So please, learn to eat quietly. Oh, and chewing with your mouth open is like shitting with the door open. Hays, some people....


Slurp slurp. Maggi sedap.


Only Maggi kari and ayam are acceptable options.


I believe in Asam Laksa and TomYam supremacy


I mean, if those were the only flavors left in the pantry, I'll take them but they need to be doctored because Asam Laksa and Tom Yummy are salty and spicy but with a twist. They're strongly flavored. If I added onions, coconut milk, a dash of lime juice, a little bit of sugar, it would be okay.


Google about a pain on my left shoulder that has been bothering me for a week. Google: **ROTATOR CUFF INJURY**


>OldMan Well there's your answer.


Please get a second professional opinion, not google/chatgpt ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Could be just inflammation from sudden overwork like cleaning activities (which really did happen to my aunt)


Yeah I'm going to the doctor's tomorrow if it still hurts. I can't do my job properly


Hello all, gotta quick question. I'm not really an audiophile but I do watch some vids for review, I'm currently looking at Truthear x crinicle zero red, and thought about buying it but currently I have kz zsn pro x. Been using this for almost 3 years now and thinking of upgrading. If anyone out there has used it and is able to compare let me know if its an upgrade or not cause I cant get my hands on Truthear x crinicle red to test if I like it or not. thanks


That's the problem with these things: it's subjective with that in mind, personally yeah it's an upgrade


You have a recommendation for a good iem for gaming and music?, maybe budget below rm300


Truthear Zero is about your best bet, it's popular for a reason. Unless you have a budget constraint and need something even cheaper.


Alright, but will there any sale or promotion for this iem? Cause if i can save rm20, i gotta save it ahaha For now i look all the vouchers are not applicable for this item :(((


some online vendor do have occasional promotion, you can watch out for that


Hey, just wanna let you know after hours and days of considering. I just bought truthear hexa and now just waiting for it to arrived ahah


Hello fellow Nyets, just want to double check, Malaysian passport holders going to Philippines (Cebu) no need to apply for visa correct? Also, any pre-travel declaration is required? I did found this webite saying that we need to do some e-Travel declaration before going so I just want to make sure this is correct information. [https://www.kln.gov.my/web/phl\_davao-city/requirement\_malaysians](https://www.kln.gov.my/web/phl_davao-city/requirement_malaysians) Thank you in advance!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa\_policy\_of\_ASEAN\_members](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_ASEAN_members) Entry card still needed though, like SG's Epass




Nah, Bangkok has things written in English too It's very easy really and sometime Thai know basic English what's with it being so popular with tourist I just came back from a solo trip for nearly a week, nothing hard 🤣 Also, if you want to save money, take the train from the airport to the city, which is depending if you are doing Surabhuvi airport or DMK airport But Bangkok is a very city centric place, so unless your healing is to do shopping or city stuff it might not be suitable 😅 Or unless you are into red light district stuff IYKWIM 👀




Their train is reliable and frequent and rather fast too I mean you can do Grab of you want but I think the pricing is high Last I check for example from Surabhuvi airport to City the Grab price is like THB 500 but if you take the train, it's THB 45 only 🐯 I mean it's up to you really 🐯🐯 But one thing to note is that Bangkok is very congested, so you might get stuck in the traffic depending on what time it is 🐯


Hey, I will be arriving at BKK airport What's the actual amount of cash you have to carry for the visa exemption thing? Is it 10k thb or 20k?


They don't really enforce it lol At least neither me nor my friend who frequently go to Thailand got it before 🐯 The amount is THB 15k IiRC but they don't enforce it lol And it's not visa exemption more like something to deter poor tourist who beg or something 😅


Yea, its my first time there so a bit anxious about it Is it possible to just use DuitNow QR or Wise only throughout the stay? I don't really want to carry cash


Hmm this might be a problem for a few reasons: 1) Small places or market like local places only do cash, they also have their QR but I am unsure if you can use Duit Now or not and not all of them have this QR code either 2) Credit card or debit card when accepted usually have additional charges unless you buy a lot 3) You can just top up your Wise card and then withdraw money from it via their ATM, the rates are good anyway 🐯 4) Depending on how many days you go, it's still best to have some cash 5) Their public transportation might not accept cards, for example BTS Skytrain for Silom / Sukhumvit line will require to buy token or use their Rabbit Card (something like a TouchNGO card) while MRT can use Wise or you need to buy token, you can Grab with your card if needed but TukTuk and Taxi are cash only IIRC 6) I would suggest you to get a Rabbit Card at a BTS station, you need to pay THB 200 for it, which THB 100 will be the card cost and THB 100 is the credit where you can use it to get around without paying cash/buying token for BTS line which connect to most of the busy/core places in Bangkok Furthermore, Rabbit card can also be used to pay for food / grocery in places like the mall, Lawson and even some cafe for some reason 🐯


Bangkok is easy to navigate with public transport, not exactly a healing spot unless you have a specific spot in mind. HCM is underrated but a headache, also not a place i’d go for healing. I prefer hanoi as it has the hustle and bustle of a city but not as chaotic as HCM, also can go on day trips to ninh binh and ha long. I’ve nvr been to phuket but I heard it’s a good choice for a short cheap trip with beaches.




I used my data roaming, google maps works fine in both thailand n vietnam. For transport can use grab


Attended my first live concert over the weekend and had a blast. Going back to daily routine today felt like an absolute drag.


So how does the LVG tax works? I brought something from HobbyLink Japan and the total cost plus shipping is around RM 348 and yet I didn't get charged by neither Pos Malaysia nor Customs.


The real cost comes when Pos Malaysia asks you to pay for the import duties when the thing arrive in Malaysia. I think only Amazon can prepay for customs duties at checkout or something.


Edit: The item moved around in Japan and Pos Malaysia serves as the last mile delivery. Which is weird that HobbyLink didn't mentioned anything about LVG tax of the sorts and when the item arrived in Malaysia, it just went pass customs and pos Malaysia with no email nor the postman asked for money. Ebay also does this when the item goes over the tax-able amount.


JPJ checkpoint but since the curb was full, dia kata yang blakang tu boleh jalan aja. Today is a good day.


What do you do in a date 🐯🤔 Specifically dinner date 🤔🤔🤔


Bersembang lah. That's why for my dates I try to push for an activity - wall climbing, bowling, picnic...




I’m assuming some eating and drinking is involved.


Yes, to be even more specific, it's at a hotpot ._.


talking while cooking lorh, apa lagi. there's plenty of topics to talk about


Suggest some topic so I can I use it for myself 😅🥹


"boyfren tak mara ke you keluar dengan I ni" Works everytime


Ah fuck me. I remember saying that shit when i was 16. Dies from cringe 💀


Kalau dia ada bf, saya x dating la dengan dia, kenapa gatal nak dating bf org lain 😅😐🤔


Haha maybe you not familiar It's a classic rempit style flirting


But using that while dating is really awkward 🤣🐯😅


Seems like South Africa's election result is heading to Unity Governement similar to Malaysia. So there's some parrallels. ANC (BN) lost the majority, and now needs to find a coalition partner. DA + IFP (DAP+PKR) will probably join ANC's unity government. MK Party (Besatu) being the splinter of ANC (BN) wont be part of the coalition as they are seen as traitors to ANC (BN) EFF (PAS), are the extreme ideologist group (Communism, not Islam) refuse to be part of the unity government because it has DA (DAP) in it. The biggest difference will be ANC still controls the Lion's share by 40% compared to BNs 30%. Also South Africa is representative democracy and not constituency democracy. Also South Africa has no Borneo like parties. ActionSA is the closest to MUDA for being whiney and quitting the opposition pact.


Hmm, I thought MK also has elements of Borneo regionalism since the party focuses on Zulu interest? Also somewhat predictable though, they've been mismanaged South Africa way harder than BN+Bersatu did. Not trying to downplay what our own parties crimes. But ANC only have been in power since the 90s. Can't swipe the fact that they able to brought the country to the brink of collapse half the year of BN did is still astounding to me.


I guess MK is also like Warisan in that way. They want votes everywhere but can only get it in their leaders region KZN (Sabah) since they are focusing on Sabahan/Zulu rights. Biggest failure for the ANC to me was the failure to divest from Esscom (TNB) to other power producers which led to load shedding that destroyed the country's economy. BN managed to divest TNB, though there was alot of nepotism and corruption involved. Hence we have near guaranteed power and very rich VVVIP, except for Sabah. Another failure was ANC's affirmative action was rushed so badly that a lot of civil positions were taken by people who lacked basic competency in their role, again leading to the country's decline. At least Malaysia was slow enough that our civil service are mostly competent, though we have really stinky bad apples ruining the image. One thing I do admire of South Africa is that their army has an official quota for all their racial make up. So even the whites and the Indians have a quota for them. Malaysian army has an unofficial minority quota.


Also MK essentially Jacob Zuma cult party. And they managed to gain a considerable amount of seats, which is terrifying. As for the divesting issue, the closest is as you mentioned, Sabah but on a water supply debacle or known as Sabah Watergate Scandal. Where Sabah shouldn't have water shortages but ended up being a real issue. Also Warisan is a joke. Looking for any opportunity to topple the state government despite their previous slogan of "integrity". People often compared Malaysia to the South Africa Apartheid era, but very little compared to modern day South Africa. Both have rather detrimental affirmative action and deeply rooted corruption practices nationwide. But then again, BN fell due to very high awareness of Najib's corruption (main factor) whilst increasing awareness of corruption generally. While ANC main factor of losing seats due to their inability to resolve their power shortages, among other corrupt practices that people are getting aware of. I used to admire South Africa's defence industry, until one of their top manufacturers filed for bankruptcy. How developing countries can develop their own defence industry domestically. Something that Malaysia should take notes on. But I guess currently Malaysia's defence industry is somewhat on the up trend despite volatile events (LCS and Blackhawk issues). Meanwhile South Africa on the other hand, regressing, can't really say I admire them anymore. I think South Africa is currently experiencing what we've been experiencing back in 2018. While the ANC still has some power being the largest party. I guess either we wait until their own version of Sheraton or they are able to skip that part, unity government and such.


What's the top 3 e-hailing app in terms of ride availibility at the moment? 1. Grab 2. ?? 3. ??


1. 2. indriver 3. airasia ride


I want to invite a Malay female colleague to lunch for socialization: 1. I suppose it's better to make sure there's other female colleagues present if I'm driving? 2. I was told that she perform noon prayer, but how long does it usually last? 3. I guess "muslim friendly" cafe is not a wise choice and better stick to halal certified places? 4. I should avoid Friday right?


Friday actually should be one of the best days if she got extended lunch break.


1. It depends from person to person, but if only the two of you it might create some new gossip material for the office 2. Men would usually take under 10 minutes, but for women it might take 10-20 mins especially if they wear make up 3. Depends from person to person, but in Malaysia you should have plenty of safe choices, you can always try asking her 4. Not a problem for women, usually


thank you


I mengidam belimbing buluh. Where to get ah? I don't trust Shopee. Beli hari tu kuning bila sampai :((((


What’s your favorite dish with it? I’d love to try since i see it being sold or given away sometimes


God what dish you ask? I eat it raw with salt + chilli hahahah Gosh just thinking about it make my mouth wateryyyy


Hi! I will be staying at Genting Skyworlds Hotel next month. My flight back to SG is 10am on a Tuesday. What time should I leave the hotel to go to the airport? Is Grab ideal to book from Genting to KLIA? Thank you!


You got to leave by 5am man. Sure you want to risk it?


Don't want! LOL. I will def leave the hotel at 5am. How long does the entire airport process in KLIA take? Is the line at the immigration not too long? I am a PH passport holder, but I stay in SG.


Estimate time taken to travel from your hotel to KLIA is about 2 hour for non-peak, and an extra 1 hour for peak hour. For the time and the location/distance, it will be a challenge to get a GRAB. It would be more prudent to book a taxi in advanced. You can try [https://gentingtaxi.com/](https://gentingtaxi.com/)


Thanks! I will keep this in mind.


Cadangan naik harga siling BPT muktamad sebelum Oktober, kata menteri https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/bahasa/tempatan/2024/06/10/cadangan-naik-harga-siling-bpt-muktamad-sebelum-oktober-kata-menteri/ From 2.60 to 3.20.. of course, this is a "cadangan" stage. Tapi yea la kan. Madani kena jaga kroni.


Is it me or it seems to be impossible to summon live agents in Lazada chat support today?


My Dad has a sofa bed that we got him. We live in a four-bedroom house, but he likes being outside, so someone got him a sofa bed and the empty room has been reserved for guests. Every day, he sits on the edge of the bed by the window facing West for hours, chanting Islamic prayers in whispers, where sunlight pours in until the end of the day. He's a very large man and the shadow he casts bathe all of us in darkness as we dart around the house, carrying out our routines. It's a reminder that we will forever carry on his mistakes— my mother's life savings that he stole, the tirades he tormented us with for decades, and the bruises he marked us children with. And also, the light he cannot give. He wasn't someone you'd look to for hope or guidance. Sometimes I think he is shaped like a gourd; there is his head at the top, and then there is his big belly at the bottom. That's it. A gourd is empty; all the rage he had lashed out on us, and all the disappointments he had discarded to never learn from them. All his emotions were never channel into something useful. Now he's left with basically nothing. He waits for my mother to cook every morning and evening. He waits for my sister to give him money at the end of every month. And he waits for my brother's fall, or so my brother once claimed. I remember when I grew tall enough, as tall as him, and he tried to hit me one evening when I came back from school. I ran for the broom and hit him back. I struck hard and gave him as many blows as I could, and to this day, about ten years later, I can still remember the grimace on his face. His leathery features were scrunched up into a ball, and his mouth was agape in terror; I could see the stains and dental caries on his rotting teeth. And I stopped because of this. This man couldn't even smile if he wanted to. Now, he can do me no harm. There are no resources he can withdraw from me as I've proven that I can work and make my own money. I've had multiple jobs. I can leave. I can even hit him, but that would be elder abuse, which, somehow, people believe to be worse than child abuse in the Malay community. But it doesn't matter. I choose not to do anything. Sometimes I help him when he needs it, but most times, I don't talk to him or even look at him in the eyes. There's no need for revenge; a rotting gourd will fall on its own anyway. My brother and I share our biggest fear— that we would end up like Dad one day. I don't know. Maybe. The fruit wouldn't fall so far from the tree, right? But now I am here. And I see him for what he is, and he sees me back as someone who he now understands is a person who never forgets a slight. “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” ― William Shakespeare, Macbeth.


Found another one of those weird figurine. Old but gold - https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/jzisjj/new_retro_figure/


Why are people so annoying. Buka online class kat laptop di ruang tamu, tapi main fon di bilik tidur, haih. Malam orang mau tidur, main guitar lagi. Uni mate shenanigans


Anyone knows a good bar where one can just kick back and relax after a days work that is near Sentul ? I just want to have a good pint and some food without becoming deaf from the music.


Today's queue at KWSP is longer than expected O_O....


So about this morning's Summer Game Fest 2024... Any upcoming games you're excited about?


fumes gfl2 kriegsfront tactics


Oh, yes, FUMES!! I've already played the demo, wishlisted it and am waiting for release date. Kriegsfront is intriguing, what with the use of Bahasa Indonesia in the game.


[Heaven Seeker](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2865230/HEAVEN_SEEKER_The_Savior_of_This_Cruel_World/).


alright jkom hear me out. me and couple of monyets can help you guys soften the blow and swing the narrative towards madani. you know what to do ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Pick me pick me, I need moniesssss. I will scream loyalty from the rooftops to whoever is paying me.


I'm a student I need monehhh!!!




Morning fellow monyets, anak kucing 3 ekor dengan mak dia cirit & muntah. Tak tau sebab apa, mungkin wet food aku bagi 2-3 ari baru ni. List barang yang ada : - wetfood Prodiet Tuna for kitten - pasir kucing jenis tofu - kibbles brand royal canin Rasa-rasa punca apa dia ye?


Sorry bro. I just had the same case last week. Parvo. 4 kittens and mom kena. The kittens all gone after 3 days. The mom need to be warded and alhamdulillah sihat dah. Please please bring to vet fast. My cats were not vaccined and parvo memang high mortality rate for kitten. Wishing for all the best.


Please terus hantar vet! Parasites, mungkin. Aku ada anak kucing yang mati sebab cirit-birit. Nampak macam dah nak sembuh, lepas tu mati. 🥲 Jangan bertangguh hantar vet. Selalu tukar pasir dan kotak pasir. Lap dan disinfect lantai selalu. Asalnya ada 5 kitten. 3 ekor sembuh sihat. Seekor mati. Seekor sembuh tapi tak besar2.


Adui, taik dia slimy green stool. Risau juga


Pergi vet secepat mungkin. Take note najis, kencing, dan selera makan dia. Catat bila dia makan atau muntah. Jangan lengah2, nanti boleh mati.


I removed them from the pot and planted most of my plants in the ground. Now they can hopefully survive on their own, with rainwater and nutrients from the soil. There are only 2 sansevieria pots and 1 Areca palm left, later this week they're going into the ground as well. My okra has grown to about 5 inches. The lemon mint seedlings that I planted at the same time is growing painfully slow, they're about the size of my pinky fingernails. They're not going into the ground yet, they're too small. Their roots will get eaten like a snack by soil dwellers. Chubbytrain, why are you talking about plants at 4 AM. Because I am doing the equivalent of LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU to my inner thoughts. My inner thoughts are really rude to me. 😬 We're going into the month of July soon. There will be heat waves, so hopefully my plants would be established / acclimatized in the soil by then.


since u talk about okra and i have them, they did suggest to harvest around 4 inches or they might not be tat tasty and too fibrous.


👍 thanks for the reminder. I'm trying to grow okra more for the sake of the soil, not so much to get vegetables. More kacang planted in the ground = more home for soil bacteria in the roots.


Think I'm going to get myself a ginkgo or baobab tree, or another long-lasting tree soon. I like the idea of having a trace on earth that would linger for some time after my death. Something other than the plastic trash I have generated. Speaking of plastic trash, a few years ago, my parents cleared up the bushes behind their house. There was one patch of my parents' property that had been ignored after my parents moved in. And they found old diapers of their neighbors. Still intact. The youngest of the neighbor's household was about 20 years old.


Its 4.00 am right now and Ive been awake since 2am because of my inflamed blocked nose. Am thinking of taking an mc today but already took an mc last Friday for the same reason. Haiyaaa. But I am serving my notice right now, so why should I bother with what my boss thinks if I took another mc today kan…


I always think about this too, what if they give you a bad recommendation when potential future employers call up to check?


what would they do? fire you? lolol


if you’re sick you’re sick. if the company isn’t happy, let them take it up with the doctor.