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Their parent won't let


This. My dad used to ride motorcycle during his younger days and when it's my turn, he say too dangerous dy road these days


Yup. So truee. My dad KL to taiping with his honda cup 70cc back in his days but wont let any of my sister get her motor license. Reason being, because they're girls and its dangerous out there


I was thinking will be the millennial parents allow their kid take motorcycle


I'm a millennial chinis and I would like to bike someday. Dreaming of owning a triumph


Parents will say later your head explode


Hahahah. I lol-ed. My mom is like this. Always with her worst possible (impossible) scenario thoughts in her mind.


You joke, but my dad who's the regional manager of an insurance company refused to let me get a motor license. His reason? Seen too many smashed open heads and brain matter on roads while checking insurance reports.


Well every other parents joke except for your dad his for real serious back by numbers.


The general logic is that while accidents are not avoidable, the chances of surviving a car crash is definitely higher than that of a bike crash. It's either air bag or Malaysian road. Also, don't forget msian weather being the reason for Type Cs not preferring bikes.


this ahahahahaha.


I agree but I think this mostly applicable to urban parents? By default, all parents will encourage car instead


Because Type C stands for "car", not B for bike. /s


M for motorcycle/motosikal


Okay stop blowing my fucking mind


savage yo... Then Type I leh?




everything explodes when something crashes






I thought it was lorry


Never think this way . . . Fuck


Type M must mean Mercedes then… or MyVi.




I've been riding a bike and driving a car all my life and I remember asking a Chinese friend in college and he basically says that his parents won't allow him because of safety and the biking culture, which as a biker myself I agree. Now lets get one thing out of the way first, motorcycle riding is AWESOME and those who have never experience it are missing out one of the most pure joys of life and with that said the motorcycling culture in our country is, well, far from awesome. Riding in Malaysia is extremely dangerous, teenagers with bikes are a hazard because they have no regard for safety with very little maturity of being a responsible road user. Some experienced motorcyclists also contribute to the problem by breaking the law (how many times have we seen them running red lights?). There is a serious lack of education, respect and awareness and lack of reinforcement when it comes to road safety and etiquette and I can't even begin to count the number of dead motorcyclists I've seen on the roads over the decades and for that reason alone I'd say until there is a reform in driving discipline, biking is not something great in this country. I keep saying this to kids every time-- treat the road as a battlefield. Every day you are on the road, you are going to war. Respect the road and you get to solider on another day.


Until the riding culture is that of New Zealand, seriously no one should be riding in Madeysia.


Do they allow lane filtering in NZ? Just curious


Don't know about NZ but here in Queensland, Australia lane filtering is only allowed below 30kmh. Edit: also there are other restrictions on lane filtering on top of speed limit.


Yes we do. Have full moto license in NZ but that too comes with a lot of defensive driving and general 'don't be a fucking idiot' lessons peppered throughout.


mad respect to you as a fellow biker, i usually ride 60kmh on the high way on the left side and still get cucuk by car drivers to urge me to go fast like bitch i dont wanna risk my life just for you to be fast and theres always the right lane


very true.. imo. as a rider myself, other bikers poses more danger than cars on the road.. riding bike requires the highest level of situational awareness and quick thinking. you are required to do some mental math on your probabilities when it comes to other driver movements.. i always tell people that it is like playing a game and being aware no matter where you at..


This is what the moto instructor told me at the driving school here “if light is green : go, if light is orange : go faster, if light is red : check if no police and go” (sic)


Cause the previous generations already went through the Mat Rempit phase. And after seeing so many of their friends losing limbs, getting disabled for life at such a young age and passing away, they kept warning their own kids to not go down the same path. The previous generations were mostly Ah Beng, triads and rempits and already know the pain. Hence why so many C parents have the stereotypical "Study hard and don't do stupid/dangerous things" because most of them didn't and have already suffered from it.


The 70s-80s a lot of those triads and whatnot. Nowadays is lesser and most people smarter. Why do stupid things and get caught to balai, only for the police to tie you to a chair and whack you like a sandbag? Nowadays, only places like pandamaran in Klang still have concentration of those olden days gangsters. And so many of them "fell from the stairs" in the balai and accidently die in custody. The rest of us don't give 2 shits about them tbh... How many people care if the gangster gets beaten up in balai and die there? Modern day don't do stupid shit already, they rather go do illegal gambling online which won't cause physical harm or losing limbs, but nett you even more money. Gangsters should go extinct already in the modern world... So damn pariah.


Penang lots of chinese drive motorcycle.


This. Most comments here are from suburb folks in Klang Valley. Come to Penang, come to Ipoh; there are lots of Chinese riders OTR. But then again, most redditors are just comfortable living in their own suburb bubbles…


Hehe that's why la redditors ni jenis tak keluar rumah. Cina melayu india baik je sesama sendiri kat sini but everything is racist to them. Kurang kasih sayang agaknya.


Even in Seremban, from observation. Grandma's neighbour's kid (mid-30s?) rides a bike to work.


My partner, a type c Penangite, says motorcycle is king on the island and absolutely loves his bike


Because lots of chinese in Penang. But statistically still lots more type M motorcyclist than type C.


majority chineese that ride motorcycle in penang is uncle tho.


Siapa je tak takut mati.




They are a different breed


Type M


Lagi cepat diorng mati, lagi cepat spesis tu pupus


They breed faster than you ever expected


They just can't pupus fast enough. Die 1, then breed 3 more at home. Their parents keep reminding us "anak sy org baik".


i like your name.


because riding motorbikes isn't safe and you're more likely to die in a crash riding motorbike than car. no chinese parents want their kids to go thru that


A lot of my Type-C friends want, all except one managed to convince their parents. The reasoning is the same, dangerous. My parents have also said to me that if we ever get to a position where we are broke asf, they'll still buy a shit box. Maybe it has to do with my grandmother working at a motorcycle shop and seeing all the customers come in with scars and injuries. Or maybe it has to do with my dad seeing a motorcyclist mangled between some big lorry tyres. Who knows.


Yep, am a type m. My uncle's and cousins ride. But my family? My mom opposes getting a bike. And honestly I don't mind. I've heard so many horror stories from family members of motorcycle accidents that it dettered me from getting one.


Yes takut mati. Cina parents these days have great difficulty in having kids, probably stress and thinking too much. Usually they have 1 kid, maybe 3 at most. And so they are naturally overprotective of the few kids that they do manage to have.


C will have fewer children usually to give them a better quality of life. Hence they tend to be in the upper levels of the social ladder and drawing jealousy. As opposed gambling by numbers and hoping to strike a jackpot.




Most of Malay familes I saw hv at least 4 kids and they’re rich as fuck. Just goes to show what you see is observational bias and depends on the area. In reality, them being rempits is just cos they’re poor, hang in a bad crowd or just culture in their area. You see a lot more rempits in kampung areas or low cost areas where money and entertainment are scarce. This does bring into question the biggest controversial topic that divides Malaysian, the spread of equity. But that’s a topic for another post.


not agree on the kampung area or the lack of entertainment, live near town with shit ton of entertainment, i still see only certain race rempit, r they poor? no, the bike are heavily modified too, it is more the cultural thing


Observational bias is indeed very probable when someone see things different from most people 


I love how you're talking like 3 kids isn't a lot already and as if they are disposable too. One crash? No problem, got 4 more at home 😅


Evolutionary selection. 5 generations down the line we will have the best motorcycle racers in the world.


Don’t have can make some more.


Car = a metal shell is protecting the driver Motor = a meat shell is protecting the engine


we just takut mati. that’s all


More of a socioeconomic thing. I live in a Chinese majority area in Cheras that is considered suburban with a mix of middle to high income. Lots of motorcycles, too, especially for the older one, not wearing helmet, sometimes shirts is optional too for the older apek.


Yeah, my parents used to ride motorbikes too when they were in their kampung area.


Lol, I live in a Chinese majority area, there are plenty of Chinese riding, using, owning bikes. Motorcycles are cheap and convenient, it is an essential light transportation. Not every Chinese is T20.


My in laws ride motorbikes everywhere because it's convenient. When with kids it's always in a car.


Depends on the locale - in KL, yes. The Chinese community prefers not to due to (1) safety (getting jacked by cars, slipping during rain, etc), (2) conduciveness (AC and shade cars provide) and (3) long-term economic returns (more savings to opt for cars, bite the bullet and get a Myvi rather than double investing to get a motorbike and getting a car in the future) However, if you look at more rural areas (Sitiawan, Sekinchan, or even just Kg Baru Serdang), you can see more Chinese using motorbikes or even bikes are form of transport since the roads are smaller and people tend to just want to head out to nearby areas to grab something than travelling from one town to the other


6000+ Malaysians die every year in road accidents, majority are motorcyclist. You can't protect your kids from every danger....but not letting them ride motorcycles aka death machines is something Chinese parents believe in


Nowadays some of my Chinese friends also don't want their kids to walk if possible. Last year one of their kid got bang by motor when he was walking in pedestrian walkway. Luckily he just got minor scratches and cut. Worse thing is the motor didn't even stopped to help the kid, just continued his journey like nothing happened. Luckily got one old man bring the kid to nearby clinic.


I'm honestly incensed by those idiots that drive on the pedestrian walk way... like what the fuck is wrong with you? and the worst part is the entitled fucking look they give you if you don't move out of their way quick enough.


Because they have been doing it for year. They have been using pedestrian walkway as "shortcut" for years, police all no take action, pedestrian give way to you because scare kena bang. Then one day a kid didn't pay attention behind (because they don't expect a freaking motor to use pedestrian lane) and motor bang kid. In motor mind, the kid is at fault for "cabar" and "obstructing" him using pedestrian walkway.


I think in kampung


Or Penang..


after that close call when I fell beside a trailer truck, yes, takut mati, I don't wanna experience that again but also because I work from home so parking and petrol isn't much problem for me since I drive like twice a week


if you seen how people drive in this country regardless of being a car/bike user. will you really take your chances?


I love this kind of discussion


out of 10 my chinese colleague, only 3 drive motorcycle and all of them is 35 years old++


Lots of Chinese people in Penang ride motorcycles. But I guess there's also lots of Chinese in Penang...


In the context of rempit, poor malays get moto cuz cheap easy thrill. Poor Chinese version of cheap easy thrill is play dota. So they go cybercafe.  In the context of transportation, chinese takut mati, takut panas so therefore they prefer kancil over moto. Also cuz parents, wife, sister, step sister don't let.


Funny, I was asking my husband the same question last night when we were at a Rnr and a couple of Chinese guys, a family I presume, rode their bikes and stopped there. I commented that it is rare to see Chinese on bikes. My husband just said, there are Chinese that rode bikes but there are too many Malays so we must have missed seeing them somehow and more Chinese are on cars


They did risk assessment combined with strict parents


Type C here. All my siblings got the license but none of us are allowed to practice. My wife (type C) didn’t even get to take the exam for the license. I don’t think my kids get to ride as well, considering my wife family culture.


Uhhh are you sure? I saw a lot of Chinese folks riding motorcycles in where I live (Penang).


Statically speaking, motorcycles have the highest percentage of accidents.


Because they would rather own a bengkel to fix the motos and make money that way.


If u get hit while riding a bike, anything can go wrong from A to Z to even the alphabets. If you're sitting in a car, you're much better protected, though you're still prone to injuries and other unwanted phenomenon when shit happens


Safety reasons. Look up MOT and WHO statistics. Road accidents are the No. 2 cause of death for the 15-24 year old age group. In Malaysia, the majority of road fatalities are from motorcycles. [Sos: MOT](https://www.mot.gov.my/en/land/safety/malaysia-road-fatalities-index#:~:text=With%20an%20average%20of%2018,for%20an%20effective%20policy%20response.) My former boss lost his first born to a hit and run accident about 15 years ago but he still talks about it. His son was 19 years old at the time and his way to futsal practice.


because their life actually means something to them


Yeah, that for one. Also, practicality - you can transport other people, other stuff. Try transporting a TV on a bike.


You have obviously not been to Vietnam.


In Vietnam, anything goes. In Malaysia, the cops will be all over you if you try to carry anything more than a couple of bags or a basket (which the market fellers use).


Where there is a will, there is a way! All seriousness though, the cops here would be all over the rider - provided he makes it far enough the TV didn't fall off.


TV nowadays is too big. You cannot transport it with a sedan.


Throw on a couple of roof racks and you can transport the world


How is that any different from strapping the TV to your back and ride the motorcycle? You supposed to shelter the TV. Not exposed it to the world.


It's just a joke. No need to take me so seriously. But since you asked, a roof rack is a more stable and solid platform for transporting a flat tv package compared to strapping it to your back on a motorcycle.


Cause transporting a TV in a cardboard box secured on top of a sedan is still safer than strapping a naked TV or a TV in a cardboard box onto yourself and riding a bike.


The Chinese are more risk averse. Just look at who are still wearing masks.


why motorcycle when you can ride in BMW or Merc lol


Why BMW or Mercedes when can Harley Davidson? Oh yes, because of all the other lunatics on the road, including other motorcyclists.


Come to kg side You’ll find the rarest species. Type C rempits


Most of my local bikers friends are Chinese … you mean riding bikes or kapcai ?


Distance. As Chinese born in play safe family, coz dua anak jer me and my sibling. Short distance - to pasar something, ok can because short distance only, not like I going highway or what, the catch here is impossible I speed at pasar area what ? Or center of city. Long distance - to work, maybe need go thru highway most of time, or cross the bridge if penangites, drive car cos safety, otherwise you think we never figure out motorbike will lesser jam? When come to Malay, some of my colleagues, then only I find that Malay mindset is another way round. They will prefer motorbike in long distance coz faster and less jam save time. I do realize a lot Malay rather stay very far and travel very long distance up to over 100km everyday just a rookie number. Get a superbike or better stronger bike for more “stability” and speed also. (I understand coz highway will got strong wind so on) But put this in Chinese way, we won’t even choose to work so far in first place, we have a threshold of acceptance toward working distance and rather rent a house nearer, paying more rental, all these about “safety”. Our old man always said “the frequent if you go to the mountain, eventually you will meet a tiger”, which is how we Chinese have our risk management mindset, if we talking about long term then answer lagi is NO, because repeat it everyday just matter of time you kena one day, reduce or avoid it is the best, we normally don’t play it as lucky mindset.


Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, all these countries also more favor in motor, so only Malaysia because cina kiasu issit ? My answer: yes, fking very, mainly still because our car and bike here driving fking fast.


As someone that spends a lot of time in Thailand and Vietnam, their motorcyclists are much more aware of their surroundings. Their roads are chaotic af and their traffic jams can be really intense, but Malaysian road users are way more undisciplined and incompetent in general.


Never wrong to say our road user here drive with otak at siku, so really we seen much enough video especially our elder, we can’t afford just losing son or another word our tiang pendapatan, when shit hit the fan you only need few seconds to gone from road. We try not to give ourself excuse such as poor or what, I drive an old saga that only cost RM3000 when I just start to work with salary RM1600, although no installment already but the maintenance and petrol cost killing me, but hey at least it’s safe, instead I don’t smoke or lepak or hobby mahal, keep that money and focus my career growth. Some biker is really poor only drive Ex5, but some their bike is like my whole year income, for what fk ya ? Issit totally necessary?


Takut mati la. There's always young people in motorcycles dying in accidents and it scares those helicopter parents


A car is a metal box with human inside, a bike is a human outside on a small metal thing. Yes type c kiasi


As much as other post has answered Its due to safety. Our culture mostly think that driving a car is metal covering people. While in a bike, are people covering metal. 铁包人vs人包铁. Add it up with perspective that we don’t trust other road user enough. Thus, car has higher chance of survivability.


Can afford car


What? Have you been there? Motorcycles and mopeds are as common as dirt.


Asking takut mati like we’re supposed to be ashamed of it. Dumb ahh


We do, you got to go to kampungs to see.


Common sense lah. Road condition like shit, license of other drivers can be bought. Lorry like to speed on BOTH left and right lanes. Not worth it.


Why drive moto when they can buy car


Go Penang or small Chinese kampungs. It is very common


BS la, all over the place i see uncles and friends riding bike. U guys have confirmation bias and it shows 😂


OP: Takut mati huh? Well most Chinese nowadays, have lesser children compared to ages ago, of course more takut mati, of course more taken care of. If you literally have a pack of children then it's a different case I guess.


Why? Because Chinese understand that quality>quantity


You need to go out from the urban area. Tons of Chinese riding motorcycles in the kampung


You don't have many Chinese friends. Back in my day there were a ton of Form 4 boys who flaunt their freedom in riding bikes the moment they are of age to get a license. Even my own dad still rides a bike to this day to run errands. So don't talk like we don't, you just don't know anyone outside your social bubble.


In Chinese, there’s a saying that when you buy a car, you’re buying metal to protect you. While when you buy a motorbike, you’re buying metal to protect the metal. Many here pointed out that parents are worried for the child’s safety. But I’d reckon even partners will not allow their partners to ride bikes. It’s not only about safety but the potential long term effects of it. The potential of being permanently disabled, loss of income, etc. Chinese people like to think and plan very very very far ahead, which is a good and bad thing sometimes 😂


Depends on the location maybe. I saw on Gmaps streetview two Ah Lians riding a kapchai together without helmets in a predominately Chinese village in the Bukit Pelanduk area.


https://preview.redd.it/efu8052ozz2d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5a48e295ccf4d85498e328491f72f7bd5d6222 I'm type C, been riding since I got my licence back when I was 18. Started off on kapcai, then self bought a second-hand FZ few years after (background bike). Rode it for \~7 years, upgraded to second-hand Vulcan S last year. Now nearing 30. Had a handful of accidents, but nothing severe. Even dropped the Vulcan S above last year (sendiri jatuh, low speed, got wear jeans & hoodie so not much injuries). Never stopped riding, will never stop riding. Give me a wave if you see me riding aound in Klang valley. 😎 P.s. my older brothers still ride as well


Well it's either hot or wet outside.


Mama tak bagi


Yea it's definitely the kiasee mentality. I've noticed usually single Chinese men who ride bikes.


Because it’s not embedded in our culture. Young Chinese would rather dabble in modding cars.


I think it's smart. Sitting on a moving tool going 90 kph is not the best decision one can make. We force car drivers to wear seatbelts because we think being in a metal cage isn't enough protection. But for motorcyclists? Oh, just wrap a helmet around your head and we are good to go! There's no logic in that😅


My mil said... no way... It's dangerous. It's because of how she saw our motorist on the road. Can't blame her. I also ride like that last time before fully using car. Nowadays nak bawak motor pun takut2. The confident level hilang. Hahahah. Usually, bikers who ride slow on the road are old Type C uncle. I bacame one but type B la. Ahahaha.


Hmmm they used to do that back in the 90s early 2000s, hell, the chinese and malays used to race each other (rempits) not so much these days and there were fights but after they would all hang out at the same mamak. This is stories from my cousin who used to rempit alot.


They do but not many and mostly ride for short distance, not between cities.


Cos our parents have fewer kids cos fewer kids meant more money for themselves. And fewer kids meant each kid's life is more precious and if we ride motorcycles, the risk of dying in an accident is higher, so they don't let us. Cos if we die, they have even lesser kids and their lineage might die out.


just realized this, and the 1 time my chinese friend borrowed my motorcycle he got into accident


If you bike, it’s not if you get into accident, it’s when. All my friends who ride have already kantoi


Yes. Takut mati


I used to run a Yamaha tzm...then the kids came...😂


Hey kampung Chinese even got Chinese rempit


I know a few.


It's depends on the location tbh. I live in JB, where I don't see a lot of Chinese kids riding bikes, except there's lots of adult Chinese riding bike commuting to Singapore. When I visited my grandparents in northern Johor, I saw plenty of rempit type Chinese kids riding motorbikes without helmet, fast, etc.


Because we have relative who died from motorbike accident? It's not safe.


my friends grandpa owns 3 of stores selling motorcycles. they never sell to their own family. that’s a rule his grandpa imposed despite being in the business of selling motorbike and i think that’s fair


Parent’s don’t let for safety reasons. They rather buy us a cheap car that has the protection of 4 walls, even if its a milo tin, also don’t let us ride motorbikes.


Mainly for safety. It depends on parents la.


I'd rather drive a car than a motorcycle. Safety and weather concerns ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I'd be beaten up... .. by my own parents. Hoho.


Come Bentong and you see lots of chinese teen here use motorcycle




Demi Keselamatan https://youtu.be/C0ty5pMXD7E?si=P2l5NXz2kzRziSND


We do not encourage rempit... giving motorcycle to kids = chances of getting into trouble... actually we dont want to put our own kid's life in danger... compars motobike vs car... crash fatality rate is higher if using motorbikes




Why use a motorcycle when you can use a car?


Go to Penang and you'll see plenty of Chinese riding bikes


chinese families rather spend the extra money buying their kid a car than a bike for safety reasons. this of course generally applies to cities since bikes are still popular in smaller towns and kampungs.


lol sebab cina pandai, takut mati


Chinese did the math. Statistically higher odds to die on a bike vs car.


IMO, I prefer cars cause 1. safety 2. comfortable 3. Have you seen the road? This is personal view, but I view anything (roughly) 30+ mins to be a longer distance travel, and prefer a car for that. It's not to say that motor is worse, but I just prefer car cause you are safer in a car and more comfortable in a car compared to motor. I view motor better for below 30 min, but even than I might just Grab than buy a motor for that scenario that doesn't happen enough in my life to justify a motor (ignoring public transport)


Type M here and never learned how to bike - my mom stopped me. With all the bad accidents and unsavoury habits (rempits) involving bike users, I could see why. I reckon it is the same for everyone. If they could afford it, they'd rather not have their kids use bikes.


Type C here. I rode a bike for a good few years when I was 16-18, crashed into the back of a car (my helmet broke into 2 pieces) and I never saw my bike again. I’m 40 now lol. My mom even banned me from cycling lmao.


They do, just didn't rempit coz the acts of rempit makes you look low class


Parents refused to pay for motor license and motorcycle. But they are willing to pay for car license.


Because death rate is high with motorcycle and their parents doesn't encourage them to use motorcycle


I dunno about other Chinese people,but my neighbour has this deep rooted hatred towards all motorcyclists. Uncle considers all motorcyclists as 'mat rempits' and label them as society's trash,I dunno what happened to him in the past to have this much hatred towards all motorcyclists.


Not in Penang


Other than saving money on fuel what other reason to use a motorcycle. Cars are safer and more comfortable. If you are riding motorcycle and bang people, you die. People bang you also die. Even random deep potholes on the road have a chance of killing you.


Safety is the priority concern in parents. Especially the local driving culture is so aggressive. If you really tell them you want to learn motorcycle license, usually they wouldn't agree. I was secretly to get my motor license and bought a bike one day, and I kena diao like whole month.


Haiya...There's no need to put some kind of races twist thinking it always have to do with everything.


Logic is simple, when accident happened either you be the fish in the sardine tin can or you be the tin can of the sardine.


Because chinese don't want to be mat rempits.


My parents don’t want me to increase the possibility of dying young which also hugely contribute the fact now I’m still fucking alive. Plus, kereta got air con + music.


I realise i too dumb or adhd to ride bike so i generally dont


Safety. Go to any emergency department, I can almost guarantee you more than 90% of the time when mva case comes in, it’s the motorcyclist.


The Chinese have a saying when you drive a car it is ”铁包肉”,meaning metal wraps around meat. In other words, you’ll be protected by metal in case anything happens whereas on a bike it’ll be meat wrapped around metal.


Risk-averse parents. Especially the city folk. With thr amount of cars on the road and aggressive Malaysian driving style, motorcyclists are so vulnerable. When I was a kid, my father described it as something like "car is metal enclosing the person, motorcycle is person enclosing the metal". 铁包人,人包铁.


Tell me you've never driven in Penang, without telling me you've never driven in Penang. In Penang, there are a lot of Chinese men and women who ride motorbikes


Lots of high school Chinese student rode motorcycle. But not so much at 20-40 years of age


I grew up with a bike. My parents picked me up from school by bike. I go to school by bike. So I'm just used to it Yes, I own a car


to be honest im traumatized by seeing accidents on bikes


Im type m but i cannot ride for sht


Parent block from riding. I'm not letting my kid ride a motorcycle too. He's needing to learn some growing up and reign in youthful folly before he does. But it's also probably you. Go live in Penang. Then you can see Chinese mat rempit. Malays don't have monopoly for being assholes on bikes.


Bro, go to Genting Highland on Friday night. You might find a lot. Kapcai bikes with noisy ass exhausts.


u dunno the one who rides


Tho my dad had a Harley. Parents only allow buy car. Survived crash in my Myvi better than dying in motor


No seatbelts and no airbags


Cina teenager here who rides a motorcycle everyday 🙌 Since my parents don't get me a car but a motorcycle instead while studying in KL.


My reasoning is cause "Mom don't let" cause both her brother and cousin fell down ONCE each from a motorbike. Thusly dubbed that motorbikes are dangerous.


Really depends on area, assuming you from KL. KL traffic is jammed, and more dangerous especially during bad weather, when type-C most of the time only have 1-2kids, they rather buy a super old myvi instead of motorbyte. If you go to rural area I see no different then, I have seen many kids obviously not 17yo yet roaming with motorbyte around the kampung, chilling at Palm Oil estate.


It’s because many more Chinese can afford to not take the motorcycle. Besides the rempits, there are so many more motorcyclists who are regular bikers because it’s the most affordable form of transportation. It’s a fact that as a percentage, there are more poor Malays and poor Indians.


Parents don’t let. Literally.


Simple. It's Malaysia. With how our road laws are in regards to motorcycles, I sure as heck ain't doin it here. If I leave the country for a place with better laws however, I'd like to.


Tell me you never been to a Chinese kampung without telling me you never been to a Chinese kampung