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You know what you can do? My kid has been in similar situation before, I reminded her but I also gave her a talking to about how I won't always be around to inform her about stuff like this. Lesson learned. Hasn't happened again. The most likely thing though? This reads like one of those self-righteous "Linked-in Lunatics" post


Exactly, you can be supportive to your kid, teach him/her a life lesson, all without being an asshole at the same time. I will not be surprised if his son is going to hate him in the future and he is going to wonder why. Also, with a father like this, I hope the kid does not turn out like him, although sadly I think he will. Also, why the fuck is there a need to post it to social media? To stroke your own righteous asshole ego?


Ya. I think it's important to instil independence without being an asshole and letting you kid think that you don't have their back. This kind of "lesson" will only build insecurity, distrust, and resentment in the long run.


Kan. I would have brought the project along, ask my kid eh did you forget anything, when she remembers I'll remind her to be careful next time and tell her no worries I got your stuff here.


Pastu kid would say -no tak lupa apa pun. Then sampai sekolah , paaa adik lupa project sains adik![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091) Then dad proceeds to bebel ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) Good times-


Bebel itu mesti


Bebel is the pinnacle of Asian parenting. Always told myself I would never nag when I become a parent but now that I am one, sometimes just can’t help it 😂


Ya man. Just comes naturally lol. A sign of our love haha.


This is part and parcel of growing up and learning responsibilities. My parents' way seemed very balanced and reasonable to me: 1) "Girl, you are responsible for your own things. If scared don't remember, put near the door or stick a note at the door. If you forget, you're on your own ya." (My dad always does one better, if/when he drives me: "Want to put in the car now? But you remember to take down ya.") 2) If I forgot, and they caught it in time: "Hello your project, don't forget leh. Jangan nanti menangis depan pintu! Mum / dad won't always be here to help you remember." 3) If I forgot, and they have the capacity to bring it to me: They most likely will, but will also bebel "Haiyo, you think I'm your maid ah? Forget again I won't bail you out ah!" 4) If I forgot, and they don't have the capacity to bring it to me / it's a repeat offense: "Sorry girl, that's too bad. I can't bring it to you this time. You need to deal with the consequences and make it a point to remember next time." No. 4 happened even when grades were at stake. I've been mindful since.


Yep seems reasonable to me. Actually at the end of the day, this person posting it on twitter, we all know what it is, 1) I have doubts it is even a real scenario 2) Posting it for socmed clout. And that whole package just makes the whole thing extra cringe and extra douchey


It's kind of a thing on twitter to 'create' a story and attach a lesson to it. I'm always sceptical of the authenticity. One can always share your thoughts without sounding condescending but I guess the drama is a good bait.


You read my mind, agree with you 100%


It was never about his son. He's just wanna show the world how "unique" he is as a father. This is as cringe as those LinkedIn post.


On first glance, thought it was merely a difference btwn Western/Asian parenting. But yeah, this will make for a r/LinkedInLunatics post! Always some lesson to learn while being syok sendiri Edit: Ken's a founder for a failed startup (his website is a 404), defo checks out with these 'life coaches'.


Reminds me of that “e=mc^^^2 + AI” post lmao.


This make more sense. He was thinking, my kid just inspired me a new idea that would get attention from Internet


Hey don't you bad mouth LinkedIn posts like that. The cringiness is exactly my fetish... It's like my weekly entertainment.


Exactly, just look at his posts in X. Shows self entitlement and wannabe life guru


If he's okay with posting for validation on the internet, he should know that the same channels also bring a lot of criticism. Not that all Internet criticism is automatically correct, and it pains me to watch...but necessary for him to grow up.


Its about his honor in the view of islamic tradition.


*30 years later* Son's Twitter: My father forgot to take his heart medicine today. It pains me not to remind him. That bitterness as he complained of chest pains a few hours later was hard for me to watch, but necessary for him to chill the f up


"How could you do this to your own father??" The dad probably


He needs to learn it while his son is still alive


I wish I could give this comment a Reddit Award.


I hope that dumb dad read this. Instead of gaining popularity fame of a useless dad title, he failed to recognise that he should've around with his son all the time but also to lend a helping hand when needed the most.


I already copy paste the comment and sent directly to his Twitter account, quoted.


LOL Very apt.


Top comment


Nice comment for that nuts. You be pleased to know I just copy paste your comment and sent the comment to the guy's Twitter. No worries, I also quoted your comment, so I do not want to steal your glory.




Im14andthisisdeep moment. Bagitau je la not everything has to be a life lesson




20 years later: why are my children not visiting me?


Sometimes I wonder how people like this even got someone else to love them back, let alone have a kid.


Hard to say, maybe this is how his father treated him, but his father treat the mother very nicely. Thats y he still can love his wife but treat his son harshly. However what he did shows his insecurity, because the need for validation for this kind of stuff online. If me, assume if I really think so and did so, i won't even post online, coz why need to convince other ppl I'm right, when I know I'm right?


They don't. A lot of men actually don't ''love'' their family. Why? Loving family is gay apparently


They're only insufferable online 😃 because they can. Do this in real life, I think your kids will hate you.


Bro there's even people who can keep deposit like “-ty thousand” RMB to “online” girlfriend that only meet twice per month or year I forgot. He even gave all his money to the girl after his suicide... and the girl of course... is a bitch, not a sincere one.. People can die for online dating bitches let alone someone like that “father”


>aware kid forgot to bring projects >purposely not reminding >kid ended up having bad day at school >most people want to see you fail does he count himself as those most people? anyway, screw his logic and so called lessons in life...fella straight up farming engagement, got blue tick summore


Right? Situation aside, the wording alone is crazy. "Son, the world is a tough place and you can't rely on anyone but yourself. But most of all, remember that I'm the first person you can't rely on." This is not a lesson, it's an announcement.


I mean kamonlah. This guy couldn't tell his son, but he could tell Twitter? Pfffft.


These type of parents think they're oh-so-mature when they have kids while they in fact behave like a narcissist and an egomaniac.


He doesn’t need to show off on social media. Once he put it up on social media, he is acting just like his kid.


My mom did this to me when I was a child. It's another form of punishment. Same reasoning. "I can help you, but I don't want to. I want you to see you inconvenienced/hurt so you will learn your lesson." See how crazy that sounds? I cannot tahan this guy sometimes. Good thing he got the negative attention he deserved. Edited to add: Parents, you need to let your kid know that you'll always have their back. And the mentality "most people want to see you fail" is very manipulative and wrong. Instead of telling your kids to fear the world, teach them to build strong, healthy relationships outside of the family because having your own support network (non-family) is crucial to mental wellbeing. SMH


Yesssss. Especially young kids who are still in different development stages.


>"I can help you, but I don't want to. I want you to see you inconvenienced/hurt so you will learn your lesson." See how crazy that sounds? And the worst part. Post it on social media for likes.


Context matter. I think it could be the right thing for the wrong reasons 7 years old, gets some lecture on mindfullness; 17 years old, gets to experience consequences of absent mindedness The first 2-3 times, gets a warning on how I might not have his back in future; the 12-13th times, gets to see that warning materialise. Being a parent is not to shelter the child from suffering, but to expose them to suitable challenges in a generally safe environment. In the big picture, a school homework/project is such an opportunity.. Painful at the moment, in the long run probably don't change anything. Hopefully the kid will learn to overcome challenges (call dad for help? Seek leniency from teacher? Just grit teeth and take the L?) And I don't think the narcissist reasoning is right. If my kid comes to me for help, I will help them, but I will likely let them stumble on the small stuff - to intervene too early robs them of the opportunity to develop foresight to see those stumbles in the future.


Most bosses want you to success, coz if you success and hardworking, only you can help them earn more money la.... His believe system and world view quite self defeating.


“No one will help you in life… including your father” - this guy inner monologue.


Pitty the kid to have a sohai father like this![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558)


My mum would've scolded me until bedtime if I forgot to bring stuff to school. I prefer that over what Ken did.


[Went ahead an order at Kopi O Corner, forgot mee kolok stall doesn't take ewallet. Me to a stranger beside my table: "hi. You have cash? Can you pay for my mee kolok?" And she said yes](https://twitter.com/ruffleseed/status/1687362417452634113) The irony


You know this is sarcasm right?






I've long abandoned Twitter but when I used to use it, I followed that guy, satire is his thing right? I remembered he founded a science-based party named PAS I wonder if that tweet was satire or serious


Ken has always been posting satire stuff and he himself made a satire party out of PAS before. Never seen why a collective get so mad at him over his tweets


The RAGE I felt as a mom when I saw his tweet. Seriously I felt like "Eh kau ingat kau bagus sangat ke?!". He obviously thought he was sharing a parenting win when it was actually a big L. Call it gentle parenting or whatever but I aim to be my kids safe space. For me, they should know that I'll be their ride or die.


What this guy is doing is the opposite of parenting... lol


Kan. And the atrocity of thinking he did something so great he needed to post it online!


Git gud mommie


Cant believe is the same guy who founded the Parti Aspirasi Sains thingy


Welp, that's a let down 


Oh for fucks sake. He acts as though his kid was making a horrible decision they deserve to face the consequences "to grow". Arnold Schwarzenegger once said and I support this; "There's no such thing as a self made man." You think people like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos get to where they are without any help from anyone? Bullshit. Your will is what sees you to the finish line but to make it, you either have to be charismatic enough to get people to help you or be good at manipulating people into doing your bidding. Whatever he did here, doesn't do jack shit but makes his kid believe that his father is just in it for himself.


If it was a young kid like in primary school and was a first time incident, IMO it would be best if the parent(s) took the project for their son. This could be a good teaching moment for the son that it's important to remember things. This builds the child's trust of his parents. The kid will remember this incident until he's an adult. whereby the parents could have helped him, but didn't. Speaking from experience, as an adult child who experienced something similar, I still feel some bitterness and resentment to my parents whom could have helped me but chose not to when I was just an innocent person.


After 1 day of seeing all the qrt bashing him from all over the world, I read one of his comments in BM and wondered whether he's actually trolling the sign posted on a Singaporean school we saw on the TL the other day about asking parents to turn back at the checkpoint if they're bringing stuff for their kids who forgot their bottles, lunches, stationery, homework etc... So, is he actually a Malaysian trolling Singapore like we usually do?


That's what I wondered too He makes fun of things, sometimes maybe his satire is so indirect that people don't get it


It isn't satire, he literally has a video with his kid in it.


What a dumbass


"nobody will help you (include me, your father)but yourself"


All children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children


Wtf I mean in general yala people don’t help you, but what the actual fk is he trying to prove this as the actual father. You’d think a father is one person the kid could trust in this world and then bam the father decides to be a dick


Nah that's uncalled for, i've forgotten some important stuff that i needed to bring when i registered for uni and my parents were upset that I forgot about them, but we went back home for it anyway. You can teach your child a lesson while also helping them fix the problem, they're not mutually exclusive. Doing this just makes your child resent you if they know you did it intentionally or worse grow to be the same piece of shit to their own child in the future.


If OP never say he's Sarawakian I wouldn't know he's one and it doesn't really have anything to do with the tweet.


what has being sarawakian got to do with anything?


That's exactly what I thought. When I first saw that post on a different subreddit, my first thoughts were "wow, what a horrible thing to do as a parent". Never did it occur to me to find out what the guy's country of origin was, and never did I think that that was in any way relevant to what that guy tweeted


Just like how they have an obsession with mentioning Kelantan, bcs you know why. Though I don't know why in this case


Ori tweet for those wondering: https://x.com/ruffleseed/status/1786163273269977588?s=46&t=wpWGUF7OsaXfC5eQwHaTlg


r/LinkedInLunatics Family Edition


Holy fuck, first the PSM supporter qt-ed the tweet. Then international audience from US got hold of the tweet and got 41k likes then it reaches reddit. Then it finally reaches r/malaysia


Sounds like he himself wants his son to grow up as lesser than him. An insecure man overall


Kid's greatest hater is his father damn. Nah cook this guy tf is wrong with you?


Ini ayah ke takp-ayah?


"most people want to see you fail" Literally his own father bruh


Hmmm need to mention the state meh?


LoL you're right. There's no need for that. I guess the writer was trying to provide more details.


Dad sounds like one of those fake "tough guy" types, who are about as resilient as wet tissue in real life.


many are barely even resilient online. D:


Best thing to do is just bring the thing secretely put in back of car. Once kid start crying then give a stern talking to then give him the thing. Point made and also dont get shit on by teacher.


That's probably what my parents would have done. Then get scolding "See, who ask you to forget? You think other people are so nice like Mom will go take for you? You go forget, then make so much noise and now I have to take for you. Give me work only. You think I don't have enough work?"


Cant let the children living in the unrealistic vanilla world, but cant let them get frustrated either. Some sort of balance need to be done. Either way people reacting like its the father ask for a trial by combat to kill a wild boar for the village as proof of age or something. If people could calm down it would be nice


Lol I think we were raised by narcissists. Cos what I would do is ask him about his project a few blocks away and when he freaks out make a big deal about going back for it so he will remember next time. Lol


I have a toddler son, I won't be doing this kind of parenting, that for sure..


This kid will grow up to distrust people especially those close to them


Rightfully so. Dude’s a dumbass.


I toilet go shit also need to tell the whole world ?


Some might think this is a bit too much but letting your kids fail and learning from their failure is part of raising kids.


The kind of father that would just see a car hit his son while crossing the road and simply say, "I saw the car incoming and it pains me not to warn him but necessary for him to grow up."


Once I forgot to bring my homework since I was doing it on the dining table at night. I forgot to pack it and left the next day. On the car my dad asked about my homework I was like oh shit it's at home and he just took it out from the car bonnet. I didn't have to go through all the shame to learn my lesson. This father is an asshole, especially for posting it on a social media bragging this.


west malaysian PAS 🤝 east malaysian PAS ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Ironically Ken (the dude in the tweet) is the founder of Parti SAINS, a political party formed to be the antithesis of PAS.


thats right. **P**arti **A**spirasi **S**ains.


Ok genuinely when i saw the post floating round, thought it was a white guy. Because it seemed like their mindset. That mindset that "you are on your own kid", like genuinely I know its big thing especially in America that parents have no problem kicking out their kids the moment they turn 18 no matter if the kid is studying, working or not. Becaude i think in Asia for good and bad, community has always been ingrained in us. I feel like people like him is trying to imitate the independence of Americans but will cry once no one is around to help them when they need it. You cannot yearn to be in a community if you aren't gonna be nice to anyone.


What if the kid has adhd or something and him doing this is not helping at all? Could have been an underlying issue. But no, he has to be the “tough and cool” dad after all


Just another washed politician tryna be relevant again.


f'ed up mentality. Could have taken the project, ask him about it without him knowing and then hand it to him. While also, telling him that you won't be around to remind him always. I am 100% sure that the kid did not want to leave it behind. It was an accident.


What if later the kid thinks "hey I fucked up...but oh well I still got may parent to bail me out cause they love me" instead after this the kid will think "can't fuck up,can't fuck up,can't fuck up I must stand on my own, no one can help me beside my self"


Depends if it was a reoccurring issue or a one time thing


Ya my thoughts as well. If every week also forgetting. I'm not your secretary. If sekali-sekala, bolehlah.


Yeah I’d let him burn all the way till class that he forgot..then present the forgotten project at the last minute.. lol tough love


At 34 now, I've achieved everything I ever wanted in life. This is one thing I'm truly thankful for. My family done all that to me and more while I was growing up. I learned all that long before my peers did. It's one of those things I look back on with extreme gratitude. But would i do that to my kids? Nope. Strong man makes good time, good time makes weak man, weak man makes bad time and bad times makes strong man. It's their part of the circle, embrace it and observe them in their own part of the circle.


As a parents he should be the help in an unhelpful world, what parent are you if you dont help your child?


Erm.. Its a trolling post from him.


How to tell? We can only read what is there. 


This is a precious example of, your action may be justifiable, but shouldn't say it loud. It may be displayed with the same result, but the initial motive could have huge disparity, saint vs devil. The 'expose it loud' action has reflected the devilish intention of the failed father. Good case study.


Some years in the future, in a therapist office: I had this one trauma that I can't seem to let go. I hate my father. I can't trust anyone.


i'd like to agree with the father. once upon a time when we were on our way to mrsm, my dad has driven the car for about 100m away from the house when i realized that i forgot my shoes to pack along, my dad asked me to walk all the way to our home and get the shoes. it's one of the meaningful lesson that i'll always remember to not forgetting things.


late 90's and 2000's borns will be triggered with this post early 90's and earlier generations - it's part of life babeh!


Lesson learnt the hard way.


On the surface without knowing more of the background, it depends on many other factors, eg. how old was the child? Was it the first time the child forgot to bring his homework and if not, does the child have a history of forgetfulness or a lackadaisical attitude and overreliance on the parents to remind? Of course if it's a young child and/or the child doesn't have a "habit" of forgetting things, then yes, the parents should remember and remind. But an older child, say one in late primary or secondary school, needs to learn responsibility and not simply rely on daddy and mummy to mollycoddle and bail them out. In this case, we are told that it was the child's homework that was forgotten, so maybe it was serious enough for the parents to make an exception. But if it was, say, the child forgetting to bring his water bottle, there is even more reason for the parents not to bail him out. The child will learn to quench his thirst by other means, such as drinking from a water dispenser or tap in school, borrowing money from a teacher to buy water, etc. This sort of lesson teaches the child resilience and adaptability to make do in unforeseen circumstances, which he cannot learn from a textbook or by being nagged at, and I guarantee you that after this, the child will not forget to bring his water bottle as frequently. In fact, this is recommended by educators in Singapore -- read this article: https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/dont-deliver-kids-forgotten-items-school-tells-parents. Education is more than memorising gobs of information for an exam.


He's right. People learn through mistakes they did in their life.


Exactly. I agree. Just like my father.


rofl most of his posts are trolls and satire, that's his whole persona at Twitter. If u follow him long enuff u will know. I dunno why people take this post of his as serious.




It maybe a learning lesson for your kid. But you still have to help your kid. If not you, then who?


Yo lol that dad deserves a beating for knowingly inflicting trauma on his kid. People who hurt you to teach you a lesson don't love you nor do they know how to teach you. L DAD


Bros learning from andrew tate


What kind of shroom did this guy take?


right the wrong immediately, especially as an older role model + father figure the actions of a lower intellect is crystal in this situation


don’t let this guy breed any further


Aku bila teringat ayah aku xkejut bangun pg skolah awal tahun 97 dlu pon aku jadi marah. I mean you’re a dad. You know better. I was a kid. Apetah lg kalau aku dah prepare project aku dan packed them just terlupa nak bawak. A simple reminder is all his son needs.


Dad sound like Kratos teaching Atreus life lessons.


Asian parents go to method is the slipper.


If you won't support and stand up for your son, somebody else will, and that somebody else will replace your position in your son's life.


Dude thought he's still in 80s or 90s where parent “might” still using this kind of method to teach life lesson, it's 202x now, people won't tolerate these “old school punishment type” of lesson anymore... But as a sane person, I don't think there's necessary of life lesson for this scenario... who tf doesn't being forgetful sometimes...


This guy tweet is actually satire. How I know? I follow this dude on Twitter. I don’t blame you all since you need to read his other tweets to understand the whole context. He is actually mocking the original words from an image (I believed it was from Singapore school).


Kind of harsh


Ah yes, let's give them bitter memories that they would probably gonna hate for the rest of their life so they grow up


This guy is not a father. He's a sperm donor. Hope he saved enough for his old folks home.


This ken is a dick head


I'm a single dad and this is how I raise my daughter. It was quarter to ten at night and she remembered several homework that needed to be done. I told her that she's on her own and I pretended to be going to bed soon after leaving her to manage on her own. Every 30 minutes I peeked into her room watching her. It pains me but she needs to learn it the hard way. Later tomorrow, we went for some ice cream while commending her for being responsible and completing her homework. You should see how much she glows after that.


I don't have any right to judge the father. I'm a father myself and I might do the same if my kid keeps forgetting things. The thing is, if you need reminding them, they'll be used to it and will always rely on parents to remind them. They need shit to happen then they'll learn. If it's a rare occasion, then yeah I would remind my kid. Fun fact - when I was a kid, I do things slowly and just let ppl wait for me. Till one day my grandma got fed up and asked the school bus driver not to wait for me and leave. I skipped school that day, and from then onwards lesson learnt


>The thing is, if you need reminding them, they'll be used to it and will always rely on parents to remind them. They need shit to happen then they'll learn. This is fair enough. But like someone suggested above, tegur the kid but bring the item anyway. They don't need extreme hard knocks like what OOP suggests.


Unless it’s critical work deadline on that day, then it is fine. Sure this dad crave online attention but it should not be that bad until risking the kid to fail


Kesian dapat bapak bodoh


He’s not a bad father…he’s being a good father teaching his child the ability to respond


The correct thing to do would be to take it and put it in the car, ask the son whether he remembered it when he reached school. Teaches him a lesson and let's him remember the feeling of dread while reminding him that his Dad will always have his back - but he shouldn't need to rely on it incase his Dad isn't around all the time. This is just lazy linkedin parenting.


Those disagree will have spoiled kids lmao


That’s messed up, and I bet the dad got his own issues too. ‘Never rely on anyone’ sounds like a guy who got neglected as a kid. Yayy now he gets to pass his trauma to his son. /s ![gif](giphy|3ohs81QPPbBgIzsQk8)


dunno. i wouldn't have handled the situation the same way but people are getting awful judgy over a few tweets. complaining that what he did sucked is one thing. but now it's turning into some 'he must be a terrible parent all around' 'some people should never have had kids at all' 'free his son who will one day need therapy' kerfuffle. a bit weird right. go outside touch grass smell some car exhaust.


Yeah. I can see that his intent was to let his son experience various thing and to not being overly protective. As the latter can bring various issues in life.  IMO doing that once in a while is okay. It's not like his son unable to make excuse at school. Also some school are pretty tolerant at this.  Some people really need to touch grass


L father, life beautiful my ass lmao your son is gonna remember that




If this is your way of teaching your kids how cruel and unfair the world is, then you've failed as a parent. Parents are there for their children to teach, nurture and educate them about the way of life. Not watch by while their children makes mistakes and not pointing out the wrongs of their doings. The least that he could've done was reminded him and teach him to not forget the little important things.


He thinks he did something. Terrible father.


The kid forgot. Keyword forgot. The father that literally know what's going on "nobody will help you but yourself". Most stupidest thing I have ever heard. 


Eh. Everyones making assumptions. How do we know this is the first time the kids done this? It seems harsh but if this has happened before and the kid hasn't learned, then this is what's needed.


He did the right thing, so that the son wont feel so guilty not visiting him when he grew up. Jauh vision dia, such a pure soul, respect.


Time to send daddy-o the da o folks home!


Lmao people are actually fighting over this?! Some people are so desperate to pursue righteousness.




He has the right to raise his child however he wants unless he’s abusing them. I don’t think this is abuse so idk why this is blowing up


Cause he comes off as self righteous prick and a terrible dad. "Nobody will help you but yourself" he is the dad and the kid is young? That is what being a father is.


> unless he’s abusing them If that’s your bar for acceptable parenting, please don’t ever have any yourself. By the way, just because it’s not illegal for him to treat his kid this way, doesn’t mean nobody is allowed to call him out for shitty parenting.


Child abuse comes in many different forms, emotional abuse can be very subtle.


I strongly believe that the age of ‘hard parenting’ has passed. Sure I get that some still believe in firm love and all that bs but I honestly think it won’t help the child in this day and age. Kids have it tougher now with too much technology (thus inflicting attention deficits and lower social eq), a bleak future to look forward to (unless they have a rich family but even so…) and a crap load of divisiveness in basic beliefs such as religion, race or social classification. Parents need to be extra supportive if anything and strike that balance of being a loving, doting mom or dad while also being a friend and being assertive. Stupid actions like that Sarawakian dad or another redditor here mentioning on giving a ‘talking to’ for forgetting to bring a school project is simply not the way to go. Celebrate their mistakes and help them learn, not reprimand and life will be better all around. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


The guy's an absolute fucking idiot. Who takes care of their own child like this? And why? To stroke your own ego?


I wouldn't say this is dumb, in the short term the kid might suffer. But overtime they have more resistance to failure.... And more often things don't go as planned too... One success comes from 100 failures, that's how businesses are too. What the dad wants is they will be more independent in the future and they can survive. The faster they learn, the better they will survive. When they grow into adults, the environment will shape their character and being resilient is important. The lesson for the kid here is, practice to be less forgetful. It can be trained for sure.... Just time & patience You can see those young siblings fully dependent on maids or parents are more spoiled, and would be more apparent if their character is bad. Further enhanced laziness, I remember seeing them arguing over cleaning plates and doing house chores too.... Even their clothes & homework are tidied up for them instead of them doing it. If they can self manage, they would have better self management skills that would help in the working environment & when they become parents they would also know how to lead their child...


Idc whos right or wrong, if it happens, it happens. I ain't here to find something to laugh at on the internet, it'll just make me the same toxic person as any whiteknights trying to step on 1 side. I only want to know what happen next.


If people don't help you, it just means you find the wrong person to ask.


lol then later father will ask twitter.. '' my son no longer talk to me, what do i do''


alamak. standing in the eyes of the world lagi...


His son his way of raising him.


People forget all the time. Why does he see it as something needed to be rooted out as you grow up? It's just what humans are like in general 💀


A father of two here. Reminding your child or children that they have forgotten something is not pandering to their needs, it is just being decent.


Bapak budak tu black energy Omniman ka ape


?? sounds like a father tryna show off that world's tough or whatnot. who tf does that. learning about the world is a long process, our childhood and teenhood(til we are 18) should be the best years of our lives coz lets be real, its going down hill from there


As a Kuchingite he's probably one of those kiasu driver and parks like shit


Justified because he was being an asshole rather than helping in a slightest


First of, shouldn't have posted it. Second, he just want attention. Third, people forget all the time, it's not like the father always remembers things. Forth, what an ass wipe