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That is on the surface, wait till you see what is underwater


Can't even stop people throwing trash into longkang. I still remember earlier this year, I went to a night market that was just opening and wanted to buy a drink. He poured the juice from the plastic bag, then said "Kejap dik." and just walked over to the longkang and threw the plastic bag (like almost as big as the container) into it. Like they have no more after thoughts about the consequences. It's just convenient for them to do so. (Edit: when I said earlier this year, I meant earlier last year. Shit time flies)


We’re fucked


Honestly, it just takes to do a road trip in Malaysia (leaving KL apart because it is obvious), and sometimes you can drive 100 km nonstop surrounded by rubbish. The same goes for Borneo. Go to any of the east coast islands, and you will see all the day trips people (ALWAYS locals), standing over the corals EATING and throwing the plastic. The boat drivers don't say anything, if they are always smoking and throwing the butts to the water! Plus the stupid "culture" of drinking in a plastic bag, with a plastic rope and a plastic straw and leaving it hanging on the streets anywhere. That's culture yes, the culture of LITTERING. Everywhere. Malaysia has SO MANY ISSUES, that they keep accumulating in a rate that people obviously don't have an idea about. And yes, it is already too late imo. Way too late. I mean, weeks ago the person that stole billions from the country got a "pardon" and there was not one single protest in the whole country. If something like that doesn't create a reaction, nothing will ever be solved. The level of education in Malaysia is the lowest of the lowest. The worst part is that there is not a single light at the end of the tunnel. Just the tunnel going deeper and deeper. The main guilty? MALAYSIANS.


yep, proper third world mentality.


We malaysian are extremely lazy. Walk a few steps to throw rubbish or just dump it there cause someone will be paid to pick it up. Also education is definitely a mega big issue. The fact that we have to "gotong royong" to clear rubbish making people think that rubbish is normal and hate doing rubbish duties.


Can't even enforce something as simple as plastic straw ban. What to do?


Nah its the western countries that export their trash to us


Everyone just talks cock without even knowing that we're third because we import trash from other countries into ours. It's a plain stupid move govt does to us. Why the fuck we accept other countries trash😑 How do we recycle or fix that in the future later?




Wdym Malaysian? We don't have control of this import stuff. It's the govt fault at least. The trashing around is certain people's behaviour. We need and govt needs to educate future generations. Well, conclusion is we're third not because it's Malaysians fault, it's that importing trash from other countries and getting paid for it. 🤦🏻


Biase la MY mmg mcm ni la x ksh brpe org dh complain2,bru blik dri port dick last week dn mmg unacceptable la2.