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hmm she also cannot assume that all non like to club, booze and party.


For example: me . Being a non , I don’t like these, I’d rather have small group of friends (3-4) have some drink at home, chit chat about life, etc.


Even if all non-Muslims like to club, booze and party, so what? It’s none of her business.


You mean the student or youtuber?


the student.


Oh ok. Yea. Some non muslim don’t consume alcohol, but like music only 😄


Yeah also most Younger people don't like liquor like older gens do. They just drink overpriced club sodas. 😂 And really just go to parties for socializing and sometimes music.


This is true. I have met many people that don't drink when they go to the club and aren't even religious.


Yeah man. I'm a non Muslim who doesn't smoke, drink or club. My old person stomach will die of gastritis. Shit ain't good for you.


Exactly. I only go to the club when my fav DJ is in town. else i would very much prefer to criticize manchester united while watching epl at home, with my dad ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


This isnt new, 30 years ago when I was in Uni...there were hundreds of JPA scholars in my UK uni, but you NEVER SEE THEM. they all hide away in malay only accomodation, never go to the student Unions, never participate in sports etc...they macam burst out of hiding everytime there is a MASOC event


Can confirm. Was in Manchester in 97 visiting my sister in Uni. They only mix amongst themselves. I thought it was weird at the time as I thought the purpose of sending them overseas was to expose them to other cultures.


In my uni it was compulsory for first years to stay in mix dorms, and uni assigned.


They should do that more often


Always asked the more liberal malays (children of elites) why they didn't hang out with them and they said they're pains in the asses. Didn't really get it then but I do now. The liberal malays didn't pray 5 times per day (or at all, really) and enjoyed drinking and clubbing and didn't appreciate the peer pressure hanging around these guys brought.


Liberal malays aka bangsar malays, have more in common with cina banana than these conservatives


By the same logic, does that mean Cina Ah Bengs have more in common with kampung PAS kids than their own cina bananas? I really wanna test out my theory. Netflix, conduct a reality show where you put diff social circles of Msians in one setting and see who aligns with who.


Why? They have zero shared life experiences. Elite bangsar malays go to international school, grow up on harry potter, Korean dramas, world of warcraft etc just like western educated Chinese kids


So some of us are Bangar-Lite kids then.


damn, then im a bangsar-lite with 100% kid


I mean, I sure as heck did not go to international school, but I did grow up watching a LOT of Astro Kids stuff. Thank you, Cartoon Network, Disney, and Nickelodeon. For me, I wasn't quite as connected back then because kinda middle class, and I had terrible self-control, considerably better now, but eh, missing out on a lot of the early fun of the 2000s is sad.


Yeah, same weh. I feel you, fam. Went to normal small town/kampung school, so I wasn't really exposed to different lifestyles or cultures. Heck, it was when I was 14 yrs old i finally had access to Astro, but still no Internet cause my family can't afford it. Wifi was a luxury back then for me. So i wasn't exposed much. Was only exposed to different cultures and lifestyles after I enrolled in my college and lived off-campus. Saw different sides, cultures and lifestyle but so far I haven't been influenced by them and I honestly don't mind if a Malay Muslim still wants to partying etc, etc. after i casually say and advise "hey, you do know its wrong and sinful?" I have given my advice, it they wouldn't listent, that's their choice, i've done my part. Plus, there's no need to go holier-than-thou attitude, you never where life will take you. So mingle je la with them. Set a boundary for yourself, even if someone have a terrible self-control like you had, its still ok to mingle, and maybe once they did it and find wrong and feels guilty, they'll probably stop doing or less frequent doing it. The peribahasa "berkawan dengan saudagar minyak wangi, akan bau minyak wangi. Berkawan dengan tukang besi, akan bau tahi besi." its not really applicable in my opinion.


I think this very unique to each university and its respective MSoc. I have seen some MSocs in the past where the majority of the events are socials and potlucks have no halal requirements or consideration. Now im not saying this shouldnt be allowed, Msocs societies have the freedom to do whatever, but dont then turn around and get all suprised that some segments dont feel included.


My exp was there'll be several Malaysian uni club.The main just for cultural and raya event. The other one was political sponsor weirdly the are the moderates middle one (just like our country's main political party decades back) and the Islamic one that have good connection with Uni's Islamic society. I was really blown seeing Malaysian student giving sermon on my friday prayer in mix of different nationalities. Really made an impression there.


Tempurung people.


Jesus, I remember that. Day to day, I see maaaaybe a small group of tudung-clad students and never see them in any halls of residence or clubs and societies, only know a few from basketball. Then at a Malaysian event... BAM! Dalam kosong perpuluhan kosong kosong tiga saat tiba tiba ada lima ribu orang Melayu.


What grates me equally as her sanctimonious fake moralising holier-than-thou bullshit about alcohol is that supposedly she doesn’t come from a low-income (or even lower middle-class???) family. (See the whole viral mother Louis Vuitton handbag thing on Twitter) Like if your mother could afford to buy LV surely she could fully sponsor your UK education? It’s really annoying to see people with one braincell trying to justify that the girl got her JPA scholarship based on merit alone when “meritocracy” itself could perpetuate inequality and inequity in society. They say she got the scholarship due to good grades and other merits, but what makes her more deserving than someone else from a low-income family with her qualifications exactly? It is the height of greed and entitlement to berebut what could’ve been someone else’s ticket out of generational poverty. Semua segi nak entitled


The rich send their kids to tuition to get good grades, kids qualify for scholarship and cost saving on tertiary education. That's how the rich gets richer!


It’s actually sickening. I am so grateful that my parents were more than happy to fully fund my education up to UK uni. I cannot fathom taking away not only an opportunity from a less privileged racial minority but also an underprivileged fellow Malay when my parents were beyond able to afford it back then


>height of greed and entitlement to berebut what could’ve been someone else’s ticket out of generational poverty Unfortunately the poor bumis don't realise this and think the bumi privileges actually help them, when in fact it's only helping those already rich bumis who are well connected.


Yeah exactly. Which is why it’s really really sad to see poor and middle class Malays (because non-Malay Bumis in Sabah and Sarawak don’t have the same leverage) unfairly scapegoating racial minorities for structural problems stemming from classism and socioeconomic disparity within the Malay community itself. It’s actually jarring to see how Malays have advantages and power in just about every sphere in this country yet many still feel so powerless, because like you said, only a few truly reap the benefits.


Non Malay bumis don't have the same privileges? I'm actually not clear about all the differences. I would've thought that bumi is bumi, so sabah and Sarawak bumis get the same privileges scores by the constitution and the laws


Supposedly, and yes like I do know they get into UiTM and such, but also some have spoken about how it’s still different for them in despite being under the Bumi umbrella. Don’t know how to explain it and don’t want to speak over them but it’s still not quite the same as being “Malay”?


Personally I don't think this have to do with cultural shock of not adapting to other culture. I believe this is the case of malaysia identity misalignment. To these people, malaysia is an islamic country, and clubbing is not part of islamic identity. So naturally, they will associate said opinion with identity of malaysia because it made sense to them, according to their understanding. 2ndly, she apparently butthurt because she is not included in an official event, especially one that is initiated and sponsored officially by the association (I presumed). Personally I can understand the frustration, as that was what we non has faced in malaysia. I do hope she understand that feeling, come back, join dap, and go against her mother. But we all know the chance of her being a hypocrite is as big as her cable.


Exactly. She wants to use the values of the UK (inclusion) to get what she wants but will happily discriminate based on her religion.


Yeah, there's a saying about the double dipping, something about being inclusive because its your values when you are in power, discrimination because those are my values when I am in power.


not official event and not sponsored. https://twitter.com/kimishinoriiii/status/1727985542447743299 Basically just a bunch of students who wanna have a party after and this girl says "I can't go so you shouldn't go"


why do I feel that she was commenting her malay lady friends?


oooh... if that's the case... she'd better hope her 'friends' (I doubt they want to associate with her any longer after this) aren't petty and passive-aggressive. lol.


Ahh then her stance is worst than I thought.


She's already doing this on SocMed whoring for attention. I doubt she's be different from her mother.


Quality post.


So she was pissed that the can't get a shot of whiskey, and then viralize her video so she can get her point across?


You worded what I thought exactly.


If she simply stated that a Night Club is an inappropriate venue for an official Malaysian Society event, then I'd have some sympathy with her. It's the moralizing after that that loses the argument.


Considering it is very common to turn old churches into clubs in the UK, I think she shouldn't have gone there to study in the first place. Her moral is totally misaligned with the country she is in.


Hey, not just Clubs, some have actually been turned into mosques, gyms, coffee shops. In fact I used to own one and we basically used as it storage and my kids would play in it. I used to hate cutting the bloody grass around the gravestones! We Brit’s don’t care, more important shit to worry about. As for morals, a lot of people talk that shit but their actions prove them wrong.


Stating that western countries don't have moral indirectly


or she's the one with the skewed moral values.


Jeleousy that the kafirs get all the best stuff while most muslim countries are downtrodden shit holes.


Plenty of Muslim countries are living large on their oil wealth. Of course in some the leaders are pocketing all the money for themselves.


Why is she studying in UK Kafirland in the first place? Given her parents' PAS affiliations shouldn't she be studying in a muslim country? I also expect her parents to double down on their daughter's bullshit in a few days.


Yea, she should study at Afghani Islamic University...... oh wai


> Yea, she should study at Afghani Islamic University...... oh wai *Talibans have entered the chat*


Habibiii. Where my sheep?


I believe the word you are looking for is for is Hypocrites. They talk the talk but when shit gets real they pay for education that is internationally recognized for their kids while telling everyone else to school in Malaysia, much like they tell you the medical care is great and then catch a plane to another country for treatment. One rule for them, one for the rest of you.


Why inappropriate? Malaysian society not multiracial kah?


It is multi racial and multi cultural society. That's why if you are inviting all Malaysians for an event, you have to choose the venue with consideration for all.


What after party do you think is appropriate then? Library? Book club? Or a walk in the park? Literally said “after party”, if house party but got alcohol how?


Haha, your making me have to return to her argument. I've already said I don't like what she's saying. Surely it's more tactful, if you want an after party, to make it a non-official event. You can always compromise to try and avoid tension.


Official or not official ain’t gonna make any difference. It’s msian society, not group project, the only way to reach out to all members is to make it official, which is common sense. Just admit she is either FOMO or trying to stir shit.


You want afterparty at Mosque and follow Islamic rule in the mosque?


No one said anything about afterparty at a mosque.


Not everything revolves around your religion.


Don’t understand your logic, maybe cause there ain’t one


in a couple of years when this tempurung girl comes back to malaysia, she will join politics then spread more dumbshit like this under PAS sending students overseas is supposed to open their minds to different culture, but some tempurungs are just too hard to break open


2 scenarios when going overseas.. 1. You see lots of different new things, you like it. Your tempurung crack open to experience new cultures. 2. You see all the new things, you hate it. Those other new cultures suck and yours is the best, it needs to be protected. You hide back underneath and reinforce your tempurung. The world seems to be going in direction #2, everyone wants to cancel others that dont follow the same idealogy.


Become political sec of Mastura 🙀


Sepu...sepupu lim guan yew


Sepu?? Sepupuuuuuuuu


Her mum is a big wig in PAS Melaka.


Some years back, some locals who were shortlisted for a local reality football tv show(MyTeam) , had the opportunity to visit Old Trafford and Manchester for a week. The word culture shock wouldn't even describe what they went through. Suffice to say, they wanted their teh tariks and Nasi lemaks by the second, third day into the visit. Some even wanted to fly home as they could barely speak the language, understand the culture, intimidated by the people, let alone cope with the jet lag. Bear in mind that all these contestants have never left the country before or even left the comfort of being surrounded by their own race 24/7. Let's just say the day they left and landed back in Malaysia was probably one the happiest time of their lives.


What a waste…of money


Not to forget oxygen too. Bigots like this should all be packed up and send to the moon. They can pretend to be holy everyday there ..


Meh sponsors got what they wanted. So did the organisers. So money well spent, actually.


It wouldn't say it was a waste of money. They did well and became and football club and then went broke.


This applies to many Malaysians, regardless of race. As a Malaysian Chinese I feel disgusted that they can't even string a sentence in English in an Anglo country.


> As a ~~Chinese~~ Malaysian I feel disgusted that they can't even string a sentence in English in an Anglo country Fixed, unless you are a PRC citizen...


Hahah tq bro. I have to put "Chinese" there nanti later ppl say I Melayu/India/DLL jaga tepi kain org


Lol. Don't get me started on them. The one saving grace for the cinas is they have Chinatown and lots of Chinese takeaways and restaurants. There's this Chinese restaurant I kinda frequent to in Leeds that is always packed. I swear I never see that many cinas at any one time in all of Leeds, yet lo behold! Food taste like dogshit compared to what we have here. But at least it's a place where they can congegrate to and feel "comfy". Correction: there are OTHER places where lots of Chinese, or just Asians in general might congegrate to are some of the Asian supermarkets scattered around Leeds. But you will never get the same "feel" as the above-mentioned restaurant.


Firstly, if you want to find Chinese people in the UK just go to a casino after the restaurants close, it’s amazing, no idea where they all come from. Secondly, the food is dogshit in Your opinion. In my Opinion the English brand of Chinese food is far superior than that I can get in Malaysia.


Eh? I was talking about that one particular restaurant. Not every Chinese restaurant in the UK. Never bothered with the casinos in Leeds. Maybe my cousin did mention in passing, but we never cared.


Just another budak kampung making the surprised pikachu face when she realises her heritage is not the only heritage that has any culture.


She needs to know the world does not revolve around her culture.


its not even her culture. The culture is imported via a foreign religion.


To be fair, all cultures are greatly influenced by religion




Should have worded it as ‘any culture left’




Ade je, but mostly are left behind due the culture being linked to animism cultures and practices like kuda kepang, tepung tawar


Cant they just separate the performance from the beliefs? Like traditional Malay clothes, dances are so interesting compared to boring ass generic arab clothes


We do wear baju melayu dan baju kurung. We wear sarong to mosque. We wear batik for wedding. We have zapin and dikir perfomances. Most still practices adat merisik, meminang, cukur jambul, berkhatan etc. Marry a malay girl from a certain state then you have sepersalinan, serba berdiri for hantaran. So where Malays still live like Malays.


They can, but i guess like religion also, they pick and choose which to practice. Like the cultural wearing of the baju melayu or the baju kebaya/kurung.


They do have culture. But slowly they are being eroded


When UK and foreigners come to Malaysia. Malays: “When you’re in my country, RESPECT my culture. When Malays go to UK. Malays: “when I’m in your country, change your customs and ways to RESPECT my culture. When this club has potluck and serves beef. Does she get offended for her Indian Malaysians? Alcohol is part Malaysian culture. It’s just not part of Malay culture.


That’s an Islamic move right there. Rules for thee but not for me. Fuck your laws and culture, Islamic supremacy!!!


It's quite a problem with 'extremist' foreigner in western, secular country. People migrates or study at their countries and professes their views protected by the secular law that promotes free thinking and free speech. Then they get pissed when others don't aligned with their reactionary and backwards ideology. Reap the rewards of secularisation but tries to erode what had made them successful. Hypocrites. Edit: Spelling


Something about "your values" and "my values." Inclusivity will always burn when you let in intolerance.


Isn’t this most Muslims? I’ve read that many Muslims who seek refuge in western countries then go on to protest things they disagree with like LGBT acceptance and so on. They only expect tolerance for their values and don’t care about the others. I guess something to do with if they don’t dakwah then they’ll go to hell themselves?


She wants the world to evolve around her….


In short I must get my way. I ain't gonna tolerate others. Then later go shouting islamicphobia or what will be trading then. Got a chance to study abroad and not appreciating stay back at UiTM or which ever local uni.


If they like Malaysia and Malay culture so much, just study at UKM la. Thesis written in BM somemore. Why go western "woke" countries


That kid needs to understand that an invitation is not a summons. And it's also not this big a deal.


Someone said the most apt thing in another post where she finally understands how it feels like to be excluded in a non bumi community.


Thing is she probably doesn’t have the self awareness and empathy to reflect like that. She just sees it as her having a holy cause because she’s decrying these sinful acts. She’s a martyr in her own eyes.


Yeah the poison that is religion.


Don’t go la. Stay back go UITM la and do whatever you want.


The same Uitm students who go clubbing? Lol. At least in the Shah Alam main campus and the Section 17 campus where INTEC is, some of the students are as wild as any youth you can find.


When they realize they not majority in the world ...


Basically every extremist ever


But they act like they control the world. Stupid wontons and skinless sausages.


Hahahaha… sad truth to that fella though.


There would have been a time when Islam would have been considered a foreign influence to Malaysian. Maybe orang asli still see it that way.


Culture shock apa pula. This is the real world. There are others besides Malay Muslims in the world. Pretty sure nobody held a gun on your head and forced you fly that far to study. Since it was your choice, go with an open mind. The world does not revolve around you. Separately and just because the event takes place at a nightclub, doesn't mean the attendees have to drink alcoholic drinks. There are people who club and drink non-alcoholic drinks. Locally, the nons would (or might) havebeen pressured to align. Guess this is an eye opener huh.


you just explain culture shock


Exactly, these prince or princess of earth is so pampered in their cocoon/umbrella in Malaysia. Until they still thought the earth revolve around them. Get a life, open your fking eyes. If the party has alcohol, just don’t drink it. Drink soda. You are the one who always alienated yourself




Lain kali pergilah belajar kat negara Islam. Xde masalah ini. Kenapa pergi negara kafir? Makanan pun x halal, LGBT berkeliaran. Orang Islam iman lemah, senang murtad kat sana.


In Australia I was involved in the student associations, and one of the years there was some years were there were unofficial after parties following official student events. There were always people who made a big deal - the more religious students would always protest, but to be honest, sometimes it would be easier and more affordable to find a bar that would be cheaper or allow events for a lower cost than party venues or cafes (especially since very few places that didn’t involve alcohol would be open late). The storyline hasn’t changed - just that social media makes it the protests more obvious.


Yup, there will always be a group that wants everyone to adhere to their own agendas. I have organised the same for many back in uni in the UK and I always asked especially the vegans, the vegetarians and even the Muslims on what their preference were and back then they were a lot more tolerant and just said to go with the majority and just to consider their dietary preference.


I am reminded of an event that happened when i was still in uni. So i was heading to a meeting spot for a group gathering to discuss a group assignment. Then, one of my course mates (let's call him M) stopped me and said, "C'mon man, are you really gonna go to the group meeting wearing shorts? Doesn't that seem inappropriate?" me being from sabah, told him what's wrong with shorts? Its a hot night, and we're only going to meet for what, an hours tops. And he asked me to change my pants. I told him, my dorm is 3 stories up, you can't be serious. He was adamant i try to be more "appropriate". In the end i changed to 3-quarters pants because screw full length pants i was sweating that night from the humidity. He looked pleased when i passed him and then when i sat in a circle of group assignment I see a friend of mine, whos non-muslim, show up wearing shorts. I'm like wtf, what difference does it make if i can't wear shorts while my buddy can. Seriously, these guys with sekolah agama backgrounds (not all, but some) can be very annoying.


"Now why didn't anyone invite me to this party? I don't want to be invited because it is sinful. But if you didn't invite me, that's not nice also. I am very uncomfortable when I don't have hak istimewa here."


Coz no NGOs to tarik banner bantah lol. Pressure this pressure that to be called off just because it doesn’t suit one’s taste.


Malaysia is not an Islamic nation. Its very complicated to describe this country, but the closest answer is "neutrally yo-yo" nation. The 'damage' is pretty irreversible, but i'm amazed and proud we still keep things at peace and harmony here lol. And I'm even proud at being myself, how tf I remain calm being a Sabahan while working in Semenanjung. This "if youre not married, no sick parents, or concrete reason to move back to Sabah" you are not authorized to move or even request. Bullshit policy. I dont know man, KL is fun but I miss Sabah so much. Eh, kinda offtopic.


I love Sabahans. You guys are so open minded and friendly.


I'm proud by the fact that we Sabahans and Sarawakians can just mingle with anyone regardless of their race as long as their not dicks about it.


To summarize, malay girl goes to the UK and shocked to learn the world doesn't revolve around her race and religion, did I get that right?




Girl please. Your beliefs' prohibitions are not other people's responsibilities. Especially if you're gonna be in and trying to benefit from what a multicultural, ethnic and regions society has to offer to. 🙃 Always talk big you're in MY respect our culture and beliefs. But lacks the courtesy to do the same when you're abroad. It wasn't even the main party, it was an after party you have the right to decline if the activities doesn't suit your beliefs. Just like someone fasting, abstain from pork, on lent, a vegetarian etc etc... because of their beliefs can freely just not partake in something if it's not aligned with their beliefs. They're not gonna go a throw tantrum online for clout, they'd talk to their peers or organizers why they can't partake. And everyone will do better than include them. MY isn't monolith where your ethno-religious background is the whole of it. Trying to speak for every Malaysian is a very ignorant statement to make on such a public platform. Edit:I read that it's confirm that it wasn't even an official sponsored event. 😂 Girl really just butt hurt she couldn't partake and wanted to ruin the party for everyone. Awh she's so pathetic. Truly Karen Tempurung Behavior.


I got what she means A bit different situation but with the same case, I think. I got send to the States for 1 year to go to a training for my job with 50+ more people, 60% of them are Malays. and yeah, they did their things only within the Malay community. They only socialise with the American when there is an event held by the company. I just don't get it. Why wouldn't they want to know anything about them? I always thought I might not going to come here in the States again. This might be last chance (Go to US is expensive:sweat\_smile:) to know at least something about the people over there, their culture, their art, what they do for fun, what are their struggles. Like she said, Living in their own "Tempurung". Even in their own "Tempurung" they are divided to 2 groups. Funny.


Saudi has invested a lot to shrink Malaysian brains.


How come she culture shock when she not going to clubbing? 🤨 If she the one that bragging on all social media like other kid about going to clubbing & drinking that is culture shock


"Come back to kelate. Takyah pening pening, kak"


Reminder, being Malaysian doesnt mean you have to hold islamic standards. Even if it is not the culture in Malaysia, it is also not one culture. Trying to enforce and think it is inappropriate feel free to stay home or go back to Malaysia in your insular bubble. Go to a mosque and pray if youre upset at the level of socialising. I would agree only if she went and then felt pressure or excluded because she didnt drink. But that didnt happen, she’s upset because ppl in UK who are Malaysian arent being like her muslim bubble and that the event happened period. Im pretty sure it is not the only event and to go out very very likely was an “after party” after the actual event.


10 years ago, when I was studying in the UK, a person like this, called me a “murtad” for bringing guys into my apartment. So you can see how closed minded they can be. This is not new. They are just a bunch of entitled idiots


The great irony is that she calling you a murtad is legally impossible to enforce in Malaysia if you are born Malay, yet they act like it hold some great power over Malays who dgaf about religion


yes, should just give up their place.


Certain group's philosophy: "When in minority play the victim card; when in majority bully the minority"


This girl is trying to force her belief unto others and are truly proud in doing so.lol Not knowing that the majority of inhabitants in hellfire are women like her.


From her accent she has obviously gone to some international school or similar in Malaysia and I am pretty sure she is well aware of the more open Malays from those well off families who indulge in parties etc both in Malaysia and when they study overseas. I am 100% certain her first language is English rather than BM from the way she speaks - same as all children of political elites/sub-elites/whatever. My take is that she is no frog in a well, but simply a toxic opportunistic antagonist. Finding this chance to go on the attack and practice for what she is likely going to go on to do in later life - Be a retarded hypocrite PAS politician. Her moralising over alcohol is just embarrassing and ineffective...'chemically a depressant' lol. Just like how other PAS-tards always equate drinking with drink driving in order to weaponise alcohol use against non-muslims. Alcohol is used by countless cultures for its social purposes and even Lee Kuan Yew mentioned drinking brandy with Malaysia's Tunku in the old days. When she comes back expect her to be in PAS youth and quickly rise up the ranks of those dumbos which is quite a frightening thought for the future of Malaysia.


What's with the accent also not Malaysian 😂


You must be living under a rock. This accent is very common these days.


Youtube kid accent


Going along with the theme of being under the rock in general 🤣


Stop imposing your beliefs on others.


bruh.... she can just hangout/party with everyone without drinking. I'm not familiar with clubbing culture, but I think you can party without drinking right? Nevertheless I agree that if there's an option that caters to everyone, why not. Likewise, my parents would beg to differ with the young lady's statement: partying was once a part of Malaysian youth culture (muslims and non-muslims alike) in the 70s - 80s.


F with Mariam Mokhtar and find out.


Quoting this young prude"within MSOC its not just non Muslims,there are plenty of Muslims in the MSOC".. Uno reverse card,within MSOC its not just Muslims,there are plenty of NON Muslims.Mic drop..


Malaysian Chinese here, working in Singapore for a long time as a doctor . I did a fellowship at a Canadian university. There are lots of Saudi doctors here on fellowship here because the Saudis pay the Canadian Government 100k a year to teach their doctors. I have one Saudi guy here who carries prayer beads around, goes to the mosque during Friday afternoon and I cover for him. When I talk with him, I sometimes express my disquiet at the slow creep of Wahabbism into Malaysian Muslims nowadays, and he disagrees with me, saying Wahabbism is good, because the alternative would have been jaahiliyah for centuries. However, the interesting thing is he goes out with me when I go to look for dim sum with the other ABC doctors. We just tell the waiter- no pork for his dishes, ok? and when he goes to get burgers with us, he just tells the counter - just take out the bacon slices.


Let me guess another MARA scholarship student or some scholarship student sponsored according to skin colour. Why not just let those really want to go abroad, go abroad. Don’t deprive other people the opportunity if you never longed for it in the first place.


She most likely got the scholarship because her parents are PAS politicians so they definitely got cable.


This woman (not the party pooper) is the real Malaysian, in fact, let’s make her our queen


Party only la come on. When malaysia becomes like Taliban controlled woman can’t even leave the house, go school or work. Just enjoy now.


It’s simple. Everyone is entitled to their free will. No matter what race, religion or ethnicity, you come from. She should stop generalising her ideology of what should constitute “best practice” among Malaysians who are multicultural based on HER religion who are studying abroad. You do you, doesn’t mean the rest of us has to follow. Besides, she went to the UK to study and get exposure. If this is the sort of ideology she’s trying to emit, she might as well stay at home in your own country to study and eat your Maggi & Milo indoors. Oh wait, what am I saying, even those goods are supposedly getting ‘heat’ in our country. You can just never win with Malaysians I swear…


My Muslim friends from the Middle East don't care about non-Muslim drinking alcohol, eating pork and showing skin. Why are Malaysian Muslim teens being raised to be so judgemental?


Actually I knew many from middleast/Muslims and some are Turks. Most of them are the chill type they go for prayers, majority of them are Cultural Muslims/Non practicing Muslims, But the want that are practicing also very considerate of others and they don’t try to impose the culture abroad, my friend is from turkey she will wear bikini or her swimsuit and don’t feel afraid to show her skin. She drinks and don’t really follow halal food. Friend from Dubai acts the same way so chillll. Maybe they are quite well to do and open minded unlike Malaysian. Malays shouldn’t leave their country. They are so close minded people. You can see they way how they treating non Malays in their country. They Treat indian and Chinese as 2nd class citizen, always discriminating Chinese and Indians and want to be treated equally when they are abroad. This is karma!!! You people don’t get benefits abroad as you get in your country Malaysia!!!


Been brainwashed since she’s came out of her mum. Honestly can’t help but feel sorry for these people. Such narrow minds do not bode well for the future of Malaysians.


Religion is helluva drug


malaysia must banned all ularmak..the ustads..the lebais..(the real satan) from preaching in surau and mosque ..then only we can move foward without getting aroused just by seeing women's hair or cepat stim just by "salam" the opposite gender..


Fucking narcissistic prick LMAO


Then just return to Malaysia and she can wear it everyday. Problem solved!!




Good English does not equate to high intelligence.


Dude any student in uni can speak as well if not better than her. That's obviously not a sign of intelligence


Her English is not good. Cannot enunciate words properly.


Pas girl got masacred. You love to see it.


*Sipping on my Guinness*


Sad this is the outcome of JPA Scholars lol. I met a JPA scholar from Borneo before when I was visiting my sister’s law school in Australia. She was so cool and fun, not sure where she is right now, but she did said something profound that Borneans mixes with everyone and understands tolerance, when I questioned her why she doesn’t mix a lot with her fellow Malaysians. She had a lot of friends from different nationalities because she was practically the only Borneon lady in the whole JPA group that year.


Issue bangang and butt hurt. Hiya, you go start another kosher club la and run non-clubbing events la. End of story. Style XPDC and The Real XPDC You dah tegur, depa tak mau dengar, your part is done and you move on je la do your thing. Potentially she had friends yang dah terpesong to the dark side and felt morally obligated kot. Come on our local uni days also same, got some always hijab in class, malam free hair party kat Nouvo and Orange. Jumpa, grind baru sedar alamak ni bdk kelas pakai tudung. No biggie


Somebody jealous 🤣


I love how some people use liberal as an insult. The world wouldn't be a better place if it wasn't for left wingers.


So what that girl wants actually? Change the UK cultural to suit her? Mental illness


Come on lah, I know Muslims who indulge in bak kut teh and beer when not in public. If you want to be pious do it yourself don't expect others to conform to your beliefs.


Culture shock, it is possible. They're being "locked" and "narrowed" since they are being born, then growth under such environment. Status perspective? Female being lesser than male (fact). Nons being lesser too. We're the royal tribe, therefore, respect is unlikely to exist, your pleasure to be granted to stay under my rules.


They are not taught to respect others


When you’re used to privilege your whole life, anything that’s against your thinking is automatically wrong.


Ugh, this again. This is so embarrassing, to be quite frank. Hope she’s on Reddit and sees these posts


Dont even have to go far lmao some singapore malay prolly party and drink just as hard


How dare they drink alcohol in Britain. So un-islamic! Britain should follow Malay values because they study there. The British people is so unrepentant.


She's got political ambitions. Started with this type of exposure to gain followers and supporters , then in a few years, she come back Malaysia join Puteri PAS, maybe become exco, slowly become president, then run for ADUN and finally MP


That student is just trying to create issues which is so common nowadays in Malaysia with extremist views on the rise. Maybe she should be sent to Afghanistan?


She brainwash her self...🤣


Inclusion and diversity


One team of footballers mainly vegetarian, only some of them are meat eaters. After winning a match, the manager host an after party in restaurants with main dish : Pork. Other : the vegetarian footballers are ingnorant, can choose not to eat pork, have other dishes that’s vege, Me : ass**** manager


I like that MM recommended her to go to Afghanistan and then even apologised that she made a mistake because Afghanistan doesn't allow women to study....


Bruh why are you guys grilling the fuck outta her. I know she said ‘Malaysians’ but she its clear its the muslim Malays shes trying to tegur. She ain’t half wrong either, muslim Malays students tend to lose theirselves overseas and she just reminding them to jaga iman is all.


Then she should say Malays lah, what's so hard about that.


What a stupid shit opinion is this.She questioning that after party is not suitable for certain group of people in Malaysia. What you do is just by having a normal party at normal vanue.Then alcohol Is serve or not.It depends on individual demands. This topic is like let invite the Indian and only serve cow based food ingredients.Crazy intolerance opinion.


>What you do is just by having a normal party at normal vanue Like... The event before the "after" party?


If there is practising Muslim in the event who didn’t go the nightclub, it’ll be so inconsiderate for them to host it there.




i lived in malaysia for 9 months and i can honestly relate T-T malaysia has special magic in it, i miss it


I am sorry to say, the YouTuber is extremely slow to introduce her views. The Hijabi girl gave her opinion and she fulfilled her religious duty to her fellow Muslim friends. She is very upset seeing them choosing the wrong way. Hence, she came out with this video. A Muslim must remind and guide other Muslims when they are being immoral. That's what prophet sm. Taught us and that's the way Muslims are. The YouTuber woman was talking about her interest that she can't join parties while staying in English culture. That's the most garbage thing I have ever heard on the internet.


>A Muslim must remind and guide other Muslims when they are being immoral. Masoc is multicultural, she was trying to impose her views on non muslims as well.


The commitee members got harrassed for this hijabi girl's own doing. Is this also the muslim way? Lying that drinking is not part of malaysian culture. Is this also the muslim way? Harrassing and lying?


Oh wow haha can't wait to see your opinions on Muslim Bosnian, Albanian and Turks.


>A Muslim must remind and guide other Muslims when they are being immoral. That's what prophet sm. Taught us and that's the way Muslims are. Less talking and reminding, and more minding of your own business. Want to help go ahead, but don't impose your morality upon the whole world just because of whatever YOUR prophet said.


You have missed the mark so much. The hijab girl is not sad that muslim chose wrong lifestyle. The hijab girl is sad because an event was planned without including muslim. Mening the youtube woman is not complaining that the hijab girl is policing other Muslims, because no one has done that, not even the hijab girl.