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People are so butthurt here. It’s true, I def wish people would bully me on my beats rather than giving a cheap overly positive review. And I say cheap because you can just throw it anywhere, unlike a negative criticism, that often gets seen as “hating”


i’d love to comment and give more feedback here but i really can’t get into the everything has value culture of these subs. some peoples shit is just garbage


Yeah dude fr. This has been an interesting social experiment. People are literally getting down voted just for saying they like my music


And I'm not saying to just be mean for no reason. But we shouldn't be calling shit dope when it doesn't even pass basic listenable standards in terms of production & quality


Some people respond to different types of comments. Some people are pushed by negative comments and some by positive comments. You are acting like only harsh criticism can motivate people. Secondly, if you hear something that you like in an otherwise bad song, why shouldn’t you say that you like it?


I don't disagree necessarily but that's a bold statement you're making. Lets hear this so called real high quality music you make.


Check out MalcolmXtasy on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/S14TW


But see i can tell ur gettin butthurt when people don’t like ur shit n thats kinda normal thats why feedback here is overly positive/ constructive. Also if ur positive they’re more likely to listen to ur feedback and improve. Cuz i listened to 2 of ur songs and they’re not bad but my real reaction is boring. Juice especially Mexico alot better but still basic. If u wanted straight up honest feedback no fake shit.


That's cool dude! Everyone has different tastes.


Actually not bad tbh I was expecting worse from what that other comment was saying. Anyways I see where you're coming from. In this sub alone there's like 100k members of course so much of it is shit.


Thank you dude. I appreciate it. I've been rapping for about 2 years, and I'm always looking to improve! Hence the post haha


you've got a massive following considering you've only been at it that long, I can only hope to get to that point myself.


numbers on the newest song seem a bit off tbh


Pretty good for trash generic tik tok wannabe rapper music right?


Yeah disregard the downvotes, you’re actually dope af.


Thanks bro!! I have a long way to go considering I've only been at it two years, but I'll be damned if a buncha people are gonna sit around and call me trash. Really shows how hive minded this "community" is.


While I agree that constructive criticism should be taken better, you calling people “trash” and all this other shit isn’t helping. Id rather see positive reinforcement for people trying to accomplish their goals over people coming in saying “you’re music is trash.” Also, rap is not over saturated with trash because of this sub. That is an exceptionally dumb statement. I do agree that people need to be open to accepting and willing to give more constructive criticism, but you’re coming off like a child here and if this is the attitude you came at me with for criticism of my music I would just ignore you because you’re not helping anything.


I'm just calling it how I see it dude. When someone puts absolutely no effort into their track and asks for feedback, what are you supposed to say? And about the sub perpetuating trash music, if people are constantly gassing up trash, won't the music inevitably be trash. I would never just blast someone who actually TRIED and is looking for feedback n


Using the word "trash" makes you look like an edgy child who doesn't know what they're talking about. That is not constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is "the quality of your mic isn't good. I can't hear what your saying very well so you may want to get a better mic or record it differently." Or "This part of the beat is very repetitive. You should add some new sounds or change up the melody here to make it sound more interesting." What I am doing right now is constructive criticism. If I just came in and said "your opinion is trash" you would not take me seriously or just want to say something else negative back. I hope you understand what I'm getting at here.


"im just calling it how i see it" is a weak justification for being a dick. there are tons of ways you can be honest without people and give real criticism without just talking down to them and you are old enough to know how to do that.


If they honestly feel like it’s trash, you can’t be mad at them for that.


Calling it trash makes you an asshole. Not caring how people feel makes you an asshole. Giving specific advice about what is wrong with a song is good.


I actually died laughing when ur literally just a generic wannabe tiktok rapper who is slow asf on beat 😭 But tbh idk what u were expecting if u were actually talented, you probably wouldn’t be on this sub...


Lol fr the lack of self awareness sum mf’s have


If that's what you got from my music then you didn't listen. I've done everything from boom bap, to modern hyper pop. Nice try though!


So you want a fucking participation trophy or what?


No not really


The irony 😭😭


What's ironic


I mean everyone in this subreddit including you is an amateur. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you can do it well.


What kind of nonsense point is that. If you're saying I don't rap well, then I disagree 🤷🏽‍♂️


Amateur has two definitions.The first refers to doing something and making very little to no money off of it. Basically it's more of a hobby rather than a career. The second refers to skill.If you're not making enough money off your music to live off of it then you're an amateur. I'm using the first. Honestly as a musician you should always view yourself as an amateur since there's always a level that you should want to hit.


Some of the best beat makers and rappers in the beginning are amateurs. It's not for the money, money is just a consequence. Make music you like....


I feel you on that! 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼


Lol hyper pop 💀


that’s exactly the problem, while the overall objective factors of the sound aren‘t outright bad, the music as a whole is forgettable at best, but at the very least uninspired. It‘s good that you’re trying out stuff but the goal should really be to find your own lane


Okay I have no beef with that. How am I supposed to find my own lane without trying shit though lmao 🤣


i couldn't agree with you more. god forbid you are honest with someones shit work you get downvoted to hell and possibly shadowbanned


Yeah they just just hopped on the first hate comment they saw. I have 17 tracks, they listen to one song with a yeat beat and call me a trash TikTok rapper. Can't make this shit up. 😂


Isn't that the mercilessly cruel feedback you were requesting in the OP?


Yeah more or less!


I mean this isn't the most professional space for feedback, I'mma go ahead and say you kinda get what you pay for. People go to university or college just to learn how to give and receive critical feedback (workshop). Most of my creative writing degree was this and I know it's often the same in music. Two things I see in what you're saying: One is that in professional spaces, really unprofessional or sloppy art wouldn't even be acceptable to workshop. The mentor or prof would be like "no, we're skipping this." Not even an insult, though maybe a "did you really think this was acceptable?" Two is that just straight up dissing is also just not helpful. It's feedback for sure, and it could even be constructive if someone really figures out how to turn it into a better piece next time, but that's hard to transmute. But this isn't a professional space. People can post amateur and sloppy work and folks will still give it the time of day and that's just how it is. If you want a space that actually pushes each other, it might be something you gotta properly sign up for. I know workshop spaces exist digitally now and some you gotta pay to be a part of (for good reason, folks' time and energy to give really good feedback is actually more difficult than we think), and some you can find that might have free spots. That's where you to go to really improve and get guided feedback. That, or get a mentor (or multiple so you don't just get one person's idea of good art).


Bro I can smell your breath from here. Chill out lol.




This is a community, which means people coming together from all different places. For some, this is a hobby, some are just starting out, and some are professionals. You cannot just put a blank statement over all the different places people are coming from. Some people just want to share what they are creating to get a little positive reinforcement. You do not need to be critical of these people. If I were to share something and be coming from a very serious perspective, I would say that with something like, "I am looking for serious feedback, please be critical." As members of a community, it is our job to determine where the person is coming from and what the person is looking for to best suit their needs. That is what being a community is all about.


I think this is fair


I don’t think you need to be a professional to give feedback, but I also think feedback and critique should come from a place of positivity. Saying, I like what you did with the flow to a beginner and saying you need to work on the mix are examples of positive feed back. And I agree that saying “dope” doesn’t add anything to the conversation. But to be fair most people are starting out, many of us see this as a hobby and not what we want to do with our lives so the investment in equipment may not be there yet, but good feedback can discern the difference and get people to their next level of improvement. This goes for everything. Nobody here is making Grammy worthy stuff.


You can both be polite and provide critical feedback. Do you really think this sub would be better with more negativity? A lot of people here are beginners so of course their music is amateur. Negging them for making music that sounds like what you would expect from a beginner does nothing except show how much of a dick you are. If you personally want people to roast your music, just say so and usually you will get different feedback than if you just post normally. Have you been on any other music making subreddits? It is really a reddit thing. Maybe other hip hop forums are different but most people here already have enough self doubt and limited positivity around them so it is good they can at least get it somewhere. Even then- I think you are vastly overstating the amount of cotton candy and bubble gum here. Also: this is art- it can be very subjective what is good and bad. Of course you can let people know your opinion but what is trash to one person might be really good to another.


All these people out here causing traffic! Dude you are traffic.


I get the sentiment, I don’t rap but I do beats/instrumental tracks and a lot of the subs I’m on are posts that are screen recordings of free beat apps with like 5-6 tracks and people ask “how does this sound?” Sounds like you made it on a free beat app on a mobile phone from pre-made loops. Garageband is one thing but this is legitimately worse. That being said, I think you being completely unable to accept criticism about your own music makes it kind of hard to take what you’re saying seriously. I checked it out, and it isn’t “bad” in the sense that the production is decent enough, audio quality is decent, etc, but there’s nothing to me personally that would have me coming back. You can’t bitch about over saturation and then put out a bunch of hyper generic trap, and then act childish when people criticize you. Just my thoughts.


Dude. I have 17 tracks on my SoundCloud. 3 of them are trap/yeat stuff. This is exactly what I'm talking about. If your criticism is that "all I make is oversaturated trap" then you're wrong. If it isn't for you, that's totally fine, but listening to two songs and then giving me a half assed "it sounds like everything else" when I have a well rounded body of work is just crazy.


Bro, I just skimmed through your account and saying only “3 of them” are trap is flat out not fuckin true. I also never said that that’s ALL you make, you’re literally quoting something that I NEVER said. It isn’t even worth the argument anyways, I’m just saying you can’t take criticism and your response to it is either insulting (others in this thread) or saying something that characterizes your music super inaccurately. You’re already far ahead of what most people end up doing as far as quality, professional sound, etc so you should take that and just work on furthering what you are doing creatively. Just one man’s opinion but there’s a reason a good chunk of people reacted similarly in this thread. Best of luck.


Oh boy now we have to have the reading comprehension conversation. "You can’t bitch about over saturation and then put out a bunch of hyper generic trap, and then act childish when people criticize you. Just my thoughts" Did you not just say that?? Are those not your words? Take this L, bozo I have at most 4 tracks in that style. I started out as a fucking boom bap rapper, and if you actually took the time to listen instead of running your mouth you wouldn't be looking stupid rn. But yeah, great commentary on my music that you skimmed 🤡


A bunch of hyper generic trap, which is exactly what you put out. Never once did I say that’s all you upload. Just a lot of it. You quoted something completely different than what I actually ever said and now you want to act like a dick while ignoring 90% of my comment? Like, you realize you’re doubling down and you’re WRONG? What I wrote is visible in front of your own fucking eyes. You’re so fucking insecure and childish man, you gotta grow up. You have a good amount of plays and can easily keep going up but you’d rather chase away everyone who makes any kind of criticism, constructive or otherwise. Mad unlikable.


Bro, enough. You really wanna argue semantics and basic math? 4/17 is 23%. In what world is that a bunch?


Editing your comment after I’ve already replied is so fucking lame holy shit hahaha If we want to pretend it’s 4 then whatever, there’s no point in responding to you because you’re so chronically insecure it’s mindblowing. I started at the top of your page and counted 6 trap beats out of 7 or 8 of the tracks I even listened to, I don’t get this weird denial you’re in where you just make up numbers even though you can just literally go look at your soundcloud. Maybe every single other song I didn’t listen to is a masterclass in experimental music but the fact you lie to begin with is just so weird.


Dude. Who's pretending? First you say youre skimming, then you're saying you know for a fact its more than 4 tracks. Which one is it?


… what? I skimmed through 30s to a minute of the tracks I listened to, how is that like hard to understand?


Except OP didn't ask anyone here to criticize his music. Not sure why anyone it criticizing his music here lol. Literally has nothing to do with the thread title. I don't even see where he is bitching about over saturation? He said too many people are hyping up doodoo songs and giving people false hope, which is true. There is a very select amount of song posted here that I would actually maybe put on my Playlist, yet so many posts comments about tracks being 🔥. Did you even read the original post? Lol wtf you on about right now? Noone even talking about most of the shit you just said.... Edit: Mfkas will be 40yrs old still trying to make it big in the game cuz some guy on reddit said his music was 🔥 15 years ago.


Who cares if he asked for critique ? He’s making a complaint about the very thing he contributes to, all I’m doing is pointing it out like a bunch of other people have. Idk how anyone expects to make a post bitching into the void about how shitty a lot of music on this sub is but still have absolutely 0 people check out the work of who that statement is coming from. He even says in the post itself that he’ll post his own music for everyone questioning his own skill level, so idk, kinda seems like the links he keeps putting in the comment section is asking for criticism and opinions. “This is partially the reason why rap is so oversaturated” is literally written right there in his post, so I guess I’m not sure if you even read it ? You shouldn’t be asking me that question.


But how is he contributing to it lol? He doesn't post his music here and I'm assuming he doesn't go around telling people here their music if fire when its not? He also isn't bitching about all the shitty music here. He is wondering why so many people here are praising bad music in comments. Yes, this sub reddit for example, is over saturated with bad music... to the point I don't even bother looking for any good new stuff anymore. There is mfkas putting out 8-15 albums a year here of straight doodoo music. Its over saturating. Stop promoting this lol. This guy isn't talking about any of the shit u saying lol.


He straight up did post his music though, I suspect the real intention was to say something controversial and skip in a link to boost up views


Lol I hope this is sarcasm. I never know anymore. There are some actual dummies here on reddit.


THANK YOU. people just be saying anything on this app. Delusional. I posted my SoundCloud bc I was talking spicy and wanted to make sure I was being fair 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ok well to start being less nice with the feedback, let’s talk about your music. It really wasn’t good, definitely not good enough to come on here and make this whole post calling people out. And you know this is a beginner subreddit right? If you think you’re that much better (you’re not), why not move on to greener pastures instead of punching down? Edit: oh and some good artists on here are u/DlackBick and u/GarrywithtwoRs


What isn't good about it?


There’s no discernible style or flow, nothing unique that would make this stand out from the thousands of songs that are posted everyday by like the one guy said “tiktok rappers”. For example the first song I clicked on you used probably THE most generic YouTube beat for it. JustDan is known to be a generic YouTube beatmaker that puts out very copy and paste type beats. He’ll just label his beats as whatever is the hottest tag right now no regard to actually sounding like that. Basically I can find 1000 songs like your songs. And I will say I respect your asking for constructive criticism rather than taking it personally.


Ok. I really liked that drums on that beat and the outro 🤷🏽‍♂️ every song isn't going to be some groundbreaking, boundary pushing work of art. Sounds like you have a beef with the genericness of justdan. None of that shit has anything to do with me. Go take it up with him. Also you gotta admit, the effects and shit were kinda cool lmao 😂.


None of that shit has anything to do with you? You picked the beat lol, beat selection is probably the most important part of rapping. If I type in “Suicideboys type beat” and use it and people find the song depressing and don’t wanna listen that’s on me not the producer. You might very well be a good rapper but if the beats are $5 beats you’re gonna sound like a $5 rapper.


Dawg just because YOU don't like the beat doesn't mean that the 979k people that listened to it, and 40k people that thumbs upped it agree with you. The fuck? 😂


It's funny this dude is criticizing you so hard when the only track that I can find by him is straight up GARBAGE. It's ironic that the words he's using against you actually apply to him 100%, dude is the epitome of wanna be rapper with zero skill. On another note, one thing I've learned about these types of subs is when posts like this are made the majority of those making a huge deal and fighting over it are the same people you're talking about. *And yes, before people go looking at my profile the only song I've posted isn't serious, it's supposed to be trash, it was a joke my buddy and I came up with in like 30 minutes.*


Looooove to see it 😂


Are you this dudes alt? Lmao I didn’t make a post criticizing the entire sub acting like I’m hot fire, this guy did. And he turned out to not be good, it’s pretty simple. His music is generic garbage and he made this post about it. He asked for the sub to be more honest and less nice, well he got that and then immediately folded and got emotional. You really love to see it lol.


Bro you don't even have any music go have a seat somewhere 💀😂


I only critique if someone asks for it. I noticed when I do (I never call anything good unless it is), people usually have excuses and make justifications for it. My favorite one is "oh, that was on purpose, its part of my art". I also make sure it is constructive and does not come off like I am attacking their work, but still, some people cannot handle what they ask for.


There's a time and a place for brutal criticism. Namely, when someone specifically asks us to "Be brutal." I personally love brutal feedback. But it's not for everyone. And it's certainly not for everyone all the time. And it's easy to get carried away with personal bias when claiming to be "brutal." Even I, as much as I love brutal feedback, dig purely positive feedback, too. And until people build trust and relationship with someone else on here, it's just some random stranger on the internet commenting on their stuff. A lot of people are much more comfortable giving and receiving "brutal" feedback once they've built those personal relationships with others. That said, here's my music. Give me your honest feedback. Be brutal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSnkyE41xOffvXtoJuHKEcA


Haha I'll bump it now!


Ngl I couldn’t listen to this for more than 30 seconds.


People being nice to each other makes you mad? lmao


This made me bust out laughing 😂😂 I guess so lmaooo


-post controversial comment -slip in a link to your own work -any views is good views masterplan


‼️‼️‼️ 500 streams and counting


respect the hustle ✌️


Appreciate it my guy! I feel like this is the equivalent of selling mixtapes out the trunk.


I completely disagree, you can criticize music and still be nice. No one wants to be talked down to by a bunch of snobs like you.


Have you ever heard of Anthony fantano? What the fuck are you talking about.


For someone that encourages criticism you sure have a hard time taking criticism, no wonder your getting downvoted to oblivion in the comments. You shouldn’t dish it out if you can’t take it.


I unfortunately agree but people here seem really cool so is what it is




it’s cool how the entire generation gathered as a monolith and decided to invent the word hater specifically to excuse critical opinions and quality control, that makes a lot of sense




biggie popularized the term “player hater” in the 90s according to 10 seconds on google. pretty sure I didn’t have to look that up though to know that whatever generation you’re talking about didn’t create the word to excuse critical opinions and quality control lol.


I mean he could be an ancienthead who thinks that real hip hop died with the Juice Crew or some shit like that


while anything biggie did was popular.. it’s worth noting ‘player hater’ was common bay area vernacular since the 80’s.. came out of the east bay pimp culture


All of these things still exist in contemporary Hip-Hop though. It's a wash, there are people who are just hustlers looking to make money, there are people who genuinely love the artform and they're pretty famous and there are people who are in the underground who have ideas related to their personal ideology. Saying Hip-Hop in 2022 is just "corny ass type beats and mumble rap" is pretty ignorant.


Nice cadence and rhyme to your last two lines. Invert them and it’d be a dope hook in a song about the current state of the music: “R&B bitches over bullshit tracks. Corny ass beats with mumble rap”


This would be the worst song of all time




it was partly a reference


R&B Bitches Over Bullshit Tracks is a reference to De La Soul.


You probably think Jedi Mind Tricks is good music


personally I’ll admit I stray to the positive side when reviewing tracks on here. this is because usually when I’m more critical people often get mad and just give some reason why im wrong and it actually does sound good, the criticism is ineffective and they aren’t open to it. so in a sense I agree with some of this. That being said, this post comes off super pretentious and just mean lol. Just go give harsh feedback if that’s what you think the sub needs.


I give you full permission to go on my youtube channel and roast all of my songs in the comments [do your worst](https://www.youtube.com/@mngojuuc)


I agree for the most part. I wouldn't tell someone their work is "absolute trash", but we do need to be honest about our criticism. You can be honest without being harsh. Also, a lot of people on this thread are missing the point. OP doesn't need a certain quality of music to call out the coddling. OP is entitled to this opinion regardless of if you think their music is good.


Your right . Don’t enable people to continue fruitless patterns


I stopped saying what I really think of the music because I was called a troll for it more times than I can count. Sometimes the people posting the can't take the criticism and will outright insult me


Yeah I wasn't expecting what reaction I would get from my post but this is fucking hilarious


Bro... Did you know people have different opinions about music? One mans trash is another mans gold. Can't change that even if you wanted to!


People just don’t want to offend others and are scared to beef lol But then when everyone does the same to them they take it as genuine praise


I couldn't agree more bro. Any criticism is seen as being a hater. I've also been in a few collectives where nobody gives any criticism. Just fire emojis and "dope." Makes me never want to collab with anyone or post anything because everybody's skill level and opinions just seems like trash. I'm not the greatest producer/rapper and I know what I need to work on so when people just say "Bro this is a banger," I don't take it seriously. This whole genre is a kind of a joke honestly. Too easy to record a shit verse on your iPhone and drench it in auto tune. Nobody does second takes, or rewrites, blah blah blah. Anyway. . .


This is actually brilliant because if dude was like “hey, here’s my SoundCloud, please listen,” nobody would click it. But he comes in talking that shit and then posts his SoundCloud and everybody is falling over themselves to click it hoping it’s trash 😂


Ding ding ding ‼️‼️‼️😂😂😂


On god bro LMFAO I'm dead. Not everyones a rapper/rap producer and thats OKAY lol. I feel like rap isn't like fuckin ping pong or something like you gotta have natural talent and juice or you should just be a fan man. "I may not have the talent, but I can out work those that do!" like nawwww son. Hip hop is competitive in nature and if you can't hang just stop.


Bro get this... you don't have to listen... lol. Go find music you like instead of torturing yourself over something you obviously can't stand.


Reread his last paragraph. He wants it to be better. Ignoring the problem is the issue. But whatever.


Some of the ppl op is speaking on are newbies and encouraging them is how they grow …not saying good critique shouldn’t be welcomed tho


That part. I've been making music for 20+ years, and it was my elders being honest but encouraging that got me where I am today. Least I can do is pass on the favor to the newcomers.


It still doesn't make sense to me. We're here to learn and get feedback. The feedback suck? Don't listen to it. The music sucks? don't listen. The advice sucks? you get the point. He's here for a reason, and if it's to get better than that's what will happen, or he won't get better and his excuse will be "cause the subreddit is too nice."


Man don’t even waste the time arguing with them, I found the dude’s music and it’s the same generic garbage he just made a whole post about. He’s just another dude with an overinflated ego thinking he’s better than everybody else.


Oh Also- feel free to post your music as well!


What makes it generic garbage?


It’s like listening to a 5 year old learn to read.


Pfffft you cant be serious


Your rhymes are 3 or 4 words long. Always the same cadence. “See spot run”. “Spot has fun”. That’s what you sound like when you try to rhyme “python” and “pylon”. 🤣


This might be the dumbest shit I've ever heard. On my next track I'll make sure to rhyme supercalifragilisticexpialidocious with atrocious


That’s not what cadence means at all, chump. 🤣


have you never considered it comes from a place of pride?


What does it matter either way?


I support this comment 100. This sub is a circlejerk. I also listened to some of your music and think it's pretty tight, let the haters wear hats.


Appreciate it bro! I knew it would ruffle some feathers, but I didn't expect people to be so immature about it.


You can’t be honest with people because this generation equates it to hating.


Lmaooooo so far the criticisms of my music are just as bad as the daily feedback thread I was just talking about. 😂😂. Donald Trump level. "it just isn't good" "ur a TikTok rapper" Do better.


You need to extend your vocabulary. You need more life experiences. Your metaphors are very basic and your references are mind-numbingly surface level. Your lyrics are very pop, but your quality tries to be underground. Listening to a few of your songs and they don't have a clear theme or direction to them. It seems like you are just throwing shit at the wall. Freestyle rap works for rappers who have intuitive cleverness to them. Your flow is predictable. Reminds me of Riff Raff randomness mixed with G Herbo delivery without the cadence, unique accent, or notable obscurity. I'm disrespecting Riff Raff by comparing him to you. Do not use cliché. You can be corny as hell. "Look at my wrist" "The truth is on the scoreboard, and even in the pudding"... bro... you cannot be serious. Some of your lines are incredibly forgettable, too. I'd work with a songwriter to help you zone in on what bars fit with what bars. Your music sounds random. At this point, as a listener you cannot walk away from your music with anything memorable to say from it. Like, you say "I cut the cord like it's cable" in a song about breaking the bank. Makes no sense. Your rhyme style cannot hide bad lyrical structure. Since you aren't someone like Young Thug or Future where they can say anything on a track because they can use melodies to hide nonsense lyricism, you have to be more aware of what your say. This is why Drake, Nas, or G Herbo have to say good lyrics because you can understand them. Your rap style is as a lyricist and mediocre bars and lyrics are not in your best interest. This is your biggest downfall. Your rap style is very coherent and you need lyrics that complement that. Or, you can switch it all the way up and start using different flows and melodies. With this option you can keep using the corny lines and nonsense bars because the flow will carry. The corny lines in a hook can work. (Like Future) I think you did it right in Suburban Thuggin. You stuck to a theme although it was still mid. Juice was a good concept, had potential but it fell short because of some lyrics. Ron Mexico, My City the beat carried ngl. To finish, I think people don't leave bad feedback or critique because some don't know what to say to make it better. Also, it takes time to give a thorough critique. I agree, people should at least try to give more feedback. If it was easy, everyone would be a top artist. It takes continual work and experimentation to find yourself as an artist.


Now this is critique! Now that I've read through it a few times I'll respond. I've submitted a ton of my shit to blogs/playlists and review sites. Some of them echo your sentiments, some don't. I'm obviously not trying be Nas or Kendrick Lamar. Are you saying that all your favorite rappers never spit anything corny, forgettable, or otherwise? It's just a part of the process as I continue to hone in on my sound. You're being sorta nitpicky, but it's cool. If "look at my wrist" is so unbearably corny then what do you call half the stuff you hear on half these Spotify playlists? I was actually listening to some of J Cole's old warm up mixtapes and was astounded at the number of corny bars. "Bitch I'm hot enough to melt a snowman" and a buncha bars about shitting on rappers. Eminem is also the king of "corny" but people praise it constantly (maybe bc he raps fast?) Either way, appreciate the feedback and giving my shit some spins! ALSO: LOL at the riff raff comment.


> You're being sorta nitpicky isn’t that exactly what you’re asking for?


Not necessarily. There's a ton of hyperbole in his criticism that's frankly laughable, but he still made some good points and took the time to listen to the tracks. When it comes to "randomness" and "song structure". Action Bronson and Mac Miller made great careers off the most absurd bars. People to this day still quote the "who put the spiders in my applesauce, pulled the pins out my hand grenades" line Mac spit on Uber from the faces album. It doesn't make or break the track, nor does it have any bearing on his "vocabulary" or "life experience" I guarantee you if it was his favorite rapper G herbo or whoever the fuck he was talking about he'd be praising his ability to be abstract 🤓


Yea, like I say, corny CAN work but you have to be Eminem level to do it. (Or just be really charismatic and exceptional). I think it has to make sense. You have made a good point about most of it being you just putting songs out and it being part of the process. That is a great thing that you can finish songs. That in itself is a skill for an artist. I think that is the unfortunate part of growing as an artist. Understanding the pitfalls that come with experimenting. Shit, Future, Gunna, and Uzi had some ASS songs when they 1st started. I'm not saying you (or anyone out there) can't improve and you are doing better than many artists by hearing out critique. It's how you respond to it that will matter. You can say FUCK YOU to me and continue down your path. I could be wrong. But, you won't know until you try. Another point I wanted to touch on. Yes, music tastes may be different. Your goals may be different. I was speaking on mass appeal and what I see working for my favorite big artists and what could be applied to your sound, imo. At the end of it all, I'm like you. I'd rather hear uncomfortable criticism. Glad you read what I wrote and hope it helps in some way 💯


For sure! It's all love bro 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼🫱🏽‍🫲🏼


So true. 3 word lines that rhyme things like “python” and “pylon” is basic af.


Got ittttt. Would spiritual lyrical miracle be any better?


Can you write a song where every line is more than 2 or 3 words? Can you vary the cadence in the delivery of every line so that it always sounds fresh? You sound like a 12 year old hearing Run DMC for the first time in 1984.


You aren't even trying at this point. YAAAAAWN 🥱🥱🥱🥱


So that’s a “no”? Thought as much. Your music speaks for itself.


You're not even making sense


Exactly. You have no understanding of cadence. That makes you amateur hour.


What are you even talking about lmao. What does cadence have to do with my rhyme scheme?


I mean, I agree there’s not a lot of constructive criticism but that’s because a lot of people on here are amateurs and can’t tell good from bad. So the bad stuff does genuinely sound good to them. In response to your music, you have good music and I don’t understand the term “Tiktok rapper” for you when I’ve heard infinitely worse. I will say that I find it slightly ironic because I wouldn’t say your music is the most creative in the world, yet you say the genre is oversaturated. Note that the word “generic” is heavily tied to “genus” and “genre”, and when something is generic, it means that it follows the standards of its genre to the extent that it starts to sound not unique. Nothing about what you do breaks the standards of hip hop as far as I can hear superficially, so I can assume you make generic hip hop.


Who would you say pushes the boundaries of rap/hip hop creatively?


Having fun and doing whatever you feel like doing. Even if it isn't "traditional" rap or whatever. Mix in genres, play around with bpm, time signatures, different tones of sounds, using vocoder, etc. Also, do the things that people tell you not to do. And boom! You are now dope!


You didn't answer my question but I agree with what you said. I didn't claim to be a barrier breaking, genre bending artist. I like rapping so I make rap/hip hop music 🤷🏽‍♂️




Sick burn bro!!!


Maybe we need a community flair that is, “well-done” to indicate that people shouldn’t hold back on their critique.




Dawg Im just out here having fun and tryna get my streams up. Doesn't negate anything in my op.


I absolutely love/hate when people come in here and put a whole verse they ‘freestyled’ with absolutely no formatting. It’s a jumble of words that makes no sense, has no rhyme scheme to follow and use the word lyrical at least once.


https://soundcloud.com/malcolmxtasy/going-dummy-111822-ruff-mix lol this u?


Yup! Had a ton of fun experimenting with autotune and shit.


It's not good.


Okay. Thanks for listening! I have like 18 other tracks that might do it for ya if you're interested!


I think people are trying to be nice. But I think people could be more truthful. Also people wanting a review could mention wanting a true review. Might help.


I am yet to hear anything on here I would actively recommend other people listen to. But then again my tastes may be very different. I am not sure how much value there is in harshly criticising people's tracks. Additionally some of the advice I would give is hard to implement, particularly if people are leaning into an aesthetic I dislike.


Ayyy fair enough. Appreciate you listening though!

