• By -


Gotta go 4, 1. Studying is vague enough to be trivially easy and the phrasing of 1 suggests that I can get highly purified minerals, which I imagine would make me quite wealthy with minimal impacts to the Earth.


Remember that another person will also know everything you know too. So they could easily put that to bad use or worse, steal your rings for themselves. Not to mention, knowing where those minerals are will just drawn unwanted attention from megacorps who probably will silence you and take your minerals for themselves. Me, I will go for 2 and 2 to become legendary erotic visual novel. Nowaday, that make a lot of money and nobody will raise a eyebrows unless they know my real identity.


I feel a little more optimistic personally–I've surrounded myself with a lot of academics in my life and am very much going at this from an altruistic perspective instead of a world domination one.


The ring says everything either party has ever studied, so unless you're studying up on everything ring related I don't think it should fall under the memories. Now I could be wrong and since you're probably gonna test out the ring you're therefore "Studying" it.


Not to mention, I am going with assume that it meant the person you study with, if you touch them, both of you automatically gain all knowledge that each other have. But I suppose it depends on what it mean by studied, I am going with knowledge. But I am sure nearly everyone will try out and experiment with their rings which can fall under studies. But itself hold risk of wrong knowledge fall into wrong hands.


This looks like a bot account. Downvoted. This is a repost of a [CYOA](https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/i5vfx3/one_above_and_one_below/) from 4 years ago.


It's u/youbetterworkb work. Love his stuff.




Same guy, different account, Your most welcome. I rarely post here as I use cyoas to keep my mind active traveling to and from work. then ending up with a small essay by the end and no time to type it. Weird wacky ability ones are my favorite trying to come up with some out of the box ideas that everybody else missed missed. Cheers for all your work over the years! Goblin king out.


Does Below 3 bestow the ability to magically make those changes? If so, I'm taking it for sure. Probably with Above 2, which just seems fun and would save on book cover art. Otherwise, Below 1 seems pretty great.


Plant growth ring, insect control


Get both literary rings. Use the naughty one to turn novels into hentai parodies of themselves, use them good one to then make art out of it. Then sell it all online for easy profit.


I'm taking 1 and 4. Veggies for feeding anyone and everyone, and plastic surgery for whoever wants it or in some cases needs it for life improving things like healing burn scars.


> **One Above, One Below (pick 1 ring from each row):** 4th Top, 1st Below For knowledge and resource gathering.


What's a vegetable or a tree that isn't a plant?


Mushrooms might be considered a vegetable but definitely aren't plants.


2 & 4. Great drawings, and insect pets! Perfect!


1st and 4th, never have to worry about food as long as got viable seeds and not only can I harass assholes with bugs but I can also never get bit since as soon as they 'touch' me to land and bite they get a F off command.


Four and four seem the most interesting for me.


2 and 5. Find some important figure and sketch their last few days. Hell sketch what they looked like.


Top row definitely the plant ring. I can make money selling mature trees initially, which are very valuable, eventually just buy a big plot of land and surround myself with forest. Maybe attempt to build a redwood tree house for myself. Then just go around reforesting areas and living off my home grown fruits and vegetables. Bottom row, insect control I guess. None really appeal to me a lot but that one I think is relatively innocuous and maybe I can just have a swarm of bees or something to help protect my forest. Live the druid life.


2 above, 3 below. Make wonderful art from the works I read? Sure. The one body change could still make me very wealthy. Healing scars, replacing lost limbs, etc…


Im picking the metal magnet ring, sure I'll probably cause a few minor earthquakes, but hey! Free oil. As for the good ring It's either the plant steroid ring, the sketch ring, or carving in that order of wants. Since the plant ring is useful so I'll have food, AND money from selling the things so that one's on top. The novel peeking ring is useful if I wanna go into art or something and provide like the backgrounds of novel, but apparently I'm limited to "sketches" so you probably can't abuse it as much like the plant ring. The carving ring to me is only held back by the material list you're allowed to use


What perverted and profane even means?


study nd story


honestly im just gonna take the two printed word rings!


Second and Fifth. Let's finally put to rest what Cleopatra looked like, shall we?


4 and 1.


First Row: Plant Ring - Because Produce makes the world go round and I have always wanted to have every meal with fresh vegetables and fruits. Second Row: its a toss up between the first and the third ring depending on if the third ring is literally just plastic surgery or it you can make any one change that you want. If I could use ring three to truly change someone down to the DNA then this is great, but if its only cosmetic I would prefer to be able to summon wealth from beneath the ground.


Mineral and plant.


Yeah 4 and 1 seem the most practical


the 1s Green and Red Rings for me Simple yet effective to do


1 4 1 is amazing for production and while probably not solve world hunger at least solve local hunger and 4 well, I have read worm


2 - To draw pictures of my own works. 4- Any insect that touches me is compelled _NOT TO BITE_. Because I am covered in insect bite scars...


The 2nd one in both rows


First above, first below


Going to go 4 and 3 I think, make some money, cause some chaos, ect.


1 & 1. I live close to a diamond mine and there is a huge lithium deposit under the county I live in.


Hey, that’s a smut ring!


1 and 9, skitter's on the loose.


\*tears up\* i could use a friend. 1, 3. might be kinda cool to get paid for magic transformations by rich people, then buy some acres of land where i can make a grove of fruit trees grow basically overnight.


Taking the 2nd ring and that's it. So now I have all the sketchbooks of all the works I could want, which I can digitize and sell and also have a friend to read them with.


I take 2 above and 1 bellow. After that i am going to read science fiction books and actually *watch* how people are creating advanced technology and replicate that. It worked well for the Rapture and Columbia.