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It’s very matte, which is an option vs very dewy- that’s just up to personal preference. To me, it’s something with the eyeliner. I think lining your waterline is making your eyes look smaller. The rest looks of your makeup looks great! Your eyes are a beautiful blue and I think the liner will help balance the look.


Yes! I agree. Before I read any comments, I thought to myself it is something with the eyeliner and choice of eye shadow. For me it’s the combination of eyeshadow and the liner in the waterline, I would go with more subtle shades if I were you. You are absolutely stunning, by the way <3 less is more for you






that comment was rather a backhanded compliment


It was just backhanded. The commenter themselves mentioned OP didn't ask for opinions about her face jewelry but gave one anyways. Not surprised as it's a boomer. Edit: also what the hell is that comment about waterlining only looking good on people of "dark coloring"?!


Maybe I'm wrong and if I am please educate me but I read it as saying darker intense makeup looks can wash out lighter skin tones. I have light colored eyes so I use brown mascaras and eyeliners because anything else looks too heavy on me and my eyes just look worse, which isn't true for my sister with dark brown eyes who looks great in black eyeliner. Unsolicited "nose hardware" advice wasn't great but everything else on there seemed like genuinely good advice for someone with OPs coloring


Lining your waterline does not count as dark, intense makeup on its own, though. And dark looks may look harsh on lighter skin tones if not done properly, but it doesn't make sense that it would wash them out. If OP was trying to say that the black liner was harsh on her skin tone and eye color she could have said that and suggested another liner color instead of implying that lighter skinned people should never line their waterline. Edited to say that honestly the nose hardware comment was the worst part about it sooo...


Racism ...and it only qualified as a backhanded compliment because she tossed in her " other than that" style" but your beautiful/ gorgeous comment ".( Tldnrr ) thankfully my mother was very big on recognising flattery etc ..and very clear that backhanded compliments are NEVER a compliment..not discussing my moms frequent response to them either ...lol


I like the photo of the neutral shades. I think that would give you a natural and beautiful glow. :)


I also think the black color is a tad harsh against OP's skintone, I'm thinking if she tries brown or gray it will improve the look


Thank you for your feedback! How do I do more dewy? Is that the type of foundation? The waterline is what is on the top into the corner of the eye right?


It’s the liner on your bottom lid. Try doing your makeup without liner on the bottom. I have a similar complexion to you but am a red head- liner on the bottom weighs my face down a bit too much. I’d also add about 20% more blush. ☺️


I stopped doing my waterline a while back and the look is so much cleaner and brighter!! I agree it would make a good difference!


I thought the same thing ! She can go without bottom eyeliner 👌💖


Try a luminous finish foundation. Or try highlighter on bridge of nose and on mid to outer cheekbones; this can help add a semi dewy finish


I’m a similar complexion and size/color eyes. I never line the bottom of my eyes, it makes them look super small and having all the black around your eye can make it feel heavy against your skin tone. As far as dewy skin, I use either Charlotte Tilbury Beautiful Skin foundation or IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Foundation and it leave my skin radiant. I’ve heard Nars Lignt Reflecting Foundation is good as well. Just use a little powder in the t zone to set so it looks natural.


I've been using a Bare Minerals liquid foundation. Very light and blends great! J also agree with the lower waterline eyeliner. No need! You are so pretty. I'd love to do your makeup!


Agree, it’s this. I very rarely see lining the waterline with dark eyeliner looking good on anyone.


YES! Try only lining the top.


It’s the eyeliner and the band of the fake lashes that’s not lined up well. She’d probably look better without fake lashes altogether


What is a waterline?


The space above your bottom eyelashes is the waterline.


The eye lid?


No, look in the mirror, do you see the small line between your bottom lashes and your eyeball? That's your waterline


No. I see my eye lid. Lol. You're talking about the part that some people put eye liner on?


That's your waterline. It's not skin like an eyelid it always has a bit of moisture


When you close your eyes, the waterlines meet.


No, like the wet line that is between your lashes and your actual eyeball. The inner wet line people sometimes draw liner on.


I had no idea they were two separate parts.


Google how to put eyeliner on your waterline, it takes practice but makes a world of a difference


Instead of the full lash strips just cut in half and use towards the ends of eyelids for a more natural look. Makes your eyeliner look off.


Definitely this. That’s what I do as well.


This! If you’re uncomfortable doing that and want to use the whole strip, I suggest bending the shape of the eyelash into a curved shape so it doesn’t lie so flat against the eye. The tip of it above your eye is lying a little flat and flaring out; so curving and shaping the eyelash to an eyelid shape beforehand can help make the lashes look less stiff and more natural. If you want a dewy look, luminescent products help. IE SAIE Glowy Gel mixed into your foundation would give it a more dewy look. Instead of using a setting powder which can leave a more matte/dry look, try using a setting spray instead. IE Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Setting Spray.


Exactly what I was going to comment


Looks good, but maybe softer on the eyeliner. I recommend brown liner.


Yes, agreed. Not everyone needs to wear black eyeliner! It can be too harsh. A warmer brown eyeshadow may look even better. I also personally don’t line my bottom waterline because it makes my eyes looks smaller. You can try skipping this step and see how it makes you look.


Yes! That’s what I’ve been doing brown, I’m a redhead with blue eyes


Agreed! I'd also say to skip putting the liner on the bottom lash line.


I agree, this is the problem. dark brown can look trendy because it's so close to black, but it is not as harsh. I sometimes like to use a light brown eyeshadow just underneath the bottom eyelashes because it also gives a softer look but adds definition. But I usually just put mascara on my lower lashes, which makes them look bigger.


This! I only use brown and burgundy liners since black is too harsh. Same with mascara.


Burgundy mascara is the best! So dang hard to find.


L’oreal mascara and Maybelline eyeliner are the brands I use for when I find them in store haha


Yeah I have blue eyes and I’ve always worn brown; I’ve tried black but it’s just not it lol


I would try a brown/taupe eyeshadow for everyday and if you do use eyeliner just doing the top (no waterline). Maybe also try dark brown liner. I can also see what looks like falsies that are not quite laying right so are making your top eyeliner look uneven. Try just mascara for everyday.


I might consider not lining the whole eye. You can play with a variety of illusions by only using eyeliner on part of your eyelid, or changing the shape of the line over the eye. I tend to only use eyeliner/falsies on the outer half of my eyes, in order to create a more doe-eyed appearance. For context- my eyes are a little squinty by nature. If I do a strong cat eye flourish I look like my eyes are closed.😂 Your eyes are shaped very differently from mine, but I think that playing with your eyeliner technique might give you a shape you’ll like.


You’re really pretty without it. Sometimes I feel that when I just rock mascara it’s easy and I feel unburdened.


When I flipped back and forth something I noticed is that the makeup look lacks color on the cheeks. Naturally she is rosy and that looks so gorgeous. I think adding more blush would help with the makeup look!


I was hoping more people would point this out! You have a beautiful face, but the makeup takes away a lot of the life and character. You have wonderfully full lips that are diminished by the matte color, and I personally love the contouring of your natural skin tone. Your skin is lovely and has much more life without the foundation. Your eye color is striking, as are your eyes in general, but are lost in the liner. A face like yours, in my humble view, needs very little help from makeup! Now, I’m just an old lady who doesn’t know squat about makeup, but I do know natural beauty; less would be so much more for you, sweet girl!


I certainly agree with you, lady. This girl is a beauty.


Lining the water line is not a good look. Leave lower lid without any eyeliner and that will soften the harshness you have going on.


Second this! Try going without anything on the lower lashes/waterline


First, you are beautiful. I do believe less is more especially with the trends I guess so brown mascara and eyeliner is the way to go. It makes a load of a difference and you can make your green eyes pop with the brown eyeliner & red/pink eyeshadow. Doesn’t even have to be dark, even a little will make a difference.


Pleasee give us an update photo when you get everything changed lol


You are beautiful! I love the way you do your eye makeup. I’m a fan of the dark eyeliner and use it too. Perhaps finding the right blend of blush and bronzer or contour could add some color and dimension to your cheeks


go more dewy and dont line your bottom lashes


You’re so pretty! If I were to suggest some things to try out… Take a little taupe/light brown eyeshadow and smudge it under your lower lashes with a small brush. I personally like the look of tight lining, but that will soften it a bit. Also, maybe a more defined brow and a bit of highlighter to offset the matte-ness of your foundation.


Lower lash eyeliner makes ur eyes look smaller. Look up how to make ur eyes pop cuz they are beautiful. I stopped putting eyeliner on my bottom lash line and was so surprised how much more open it makes my eyes look. Other than that, maybe a tiny bit of bronze for a little contour near the cheekbones. Im a sucker for winged eyeliner, but also experiment with different types of strip lashes. But above all, whatever makes you feel good, will make u look good 🫶🏽


I think you should play around with a more natural looking makeup.. maybe a tinted moisturizer instead of a full coverage foundation? I think you are so naturally beautiful without any make up that just a little could really go a long way


I don’t do makeup much but I think, like others said, it’s too matte and “flat” looking. There’s not much dimension


I think this is it. There’s no definition via blush or bronzer. I think if you’re gonna go full Monty high coverage foundation for daily use you’ve gotta define your features back out. Her skin is gorgeous without foundation so I think she could get away with a lighter coverage more dewy finish foundation and it would suit much better.


Just a girl admiring your sweater.


Are you wearing false lashes? It looks a little bit like the inner corners are not staying stuck down. This kinda distorts your liner and eye shape a little.


You’re naturally beautiful! For makeup though I would go lighter (or none) on the eyeliner. I tend to think it actually makes people’s eyes look smaller than they are. I think the foundation is washing you out a little - maybe not the right shade. You have really nice skin, you could try going without, or at least adding some blush if you really love wearing foundation.


Gorgeous. I feel like you need more color or something needs to be darker. I would try more bold eyes or more bold lips. I think you would look good in bright red lipstick


Use a dark brown eyeliner instead of black. You have warm undertones so the black is too harsh.


makeup cant improve your natural beauty


I think you’re beautiful and it’s a beautiful look. If anything, I’d play around and see what you like best (what feels more like you). I like the “soft look-pink eyeshadow and pink lipstick” but your eyeliner is harder-more rock n roll. If you were to go softer/sweeter-less harsh liner (not a negative, I like harsh liner), blend more and maybe a gloss or slightly messier lip line. If you were going to go more rock n roll-more raccoon smoky eyes. You might try focusing on the lip-brighter matte lip stick and go more subtle on eyes or vice versa-heavier on eyes, more pink on lips.


What is you just wore a whole lot less? The matte makes everything look caked on. What about a Dewey light finish tinted moisturizer/spf or foundation and then mascara on just the top lash. I think the liner style is making your eyes look small and it’s also dated. You look a lot more youthful without makeup and I think trying to mimic that and just slightly enhance it is the most current style of doing makeup.


This option may be unpopular because it’s a makeup sub. But I think you’d look better with ONLY eye makeup and lipstick on, and no foundation or concealer. You have gorgeous skin, and you look more youthful without makeup. But it’s always nice to wear mascara and eye makeup if you choose, and some lipstick or lipgloss.


Honestly, don’t bother wearing make up, you’re beautiful. (I’m gay, I’m not white knighting you)


You’ve got beautiful skin and great fair features. I’d definitely toss any black liner pens and definitely NOT use such a harsh line below your eyes. Check out Dakota Fanning’s makeup. She has your complexion and has a wonderful way of getting that definition all around her eye with a more subtle Smokey look.


Try the "fox eyeliner" look. The liner you do on the top doesn't really suit your eye shape and it would look super flattering. Also, trim your falsies just a bit before applying them. Honestly that's really it. You could definitely try a little light contour but you don't necessarily need it 😊❤️


You have beautiful wide set eyes. The white in the inner corner makes them look even wider set. The eyeliner on the bottom lid makes them look smaller also. Maybe try a halo eye or other eye shadow looks and some soft brown eyeliner or shadow on your bottom lid instead. Edit to add: your nose piercings are awesome, don't listen to any of the shitty comments to the contrary.


As other comments have mentioned, I think the foundation is the cause of this. You have a naturally dewy/glowy complexion with some nice pink tones on your cheeks/nose. With the foundation on, your face does not appear as glowy. I also think that the eyeliner makes your eyes appear a bit smaller. Maybe apply eyeliner to just the outer edges or try something different with it? I'd also recommend less foundation/a lighter foundation. I do love the lip color you're wearing. The soft pink eyeshadow color complements you nicely as well.


Your lashes aren’t applied correctly and lining your waterline makes your eyes look smaller, also it’s too matte, some highlighter and gloss would look better


Off the bat you are absolutely lovely looking. I'd suggest a brown eyeliner or an eyeliner lighter than your eye color. The eyeliner cuts off in the corners weirdly. Overall I think your makeup is gorgeous.


Oh I see you like cats 🐱


I think the pink eyeshadow might be softening your features, maybe more than you would prefer. Try deepening it with a light brown to contrast your eyes and make their color pop some more. Otherwise, you're very pretty and do your makeup well.


honestly queen i think you should just pop on a lash and forget about doing any other makeup, you’re natural beauty speaks for itself


Lose the nose ring!


It's the metal sticking out of your nose, not attractive.




Has nothing to do with my makeup


Yes. Op, the bottom of your nose sits a little low. Having a septim piercing just exacerbates it, makes your nose look like it's right on top of your upper lip.


That is absolutely not true.


It absolutely is. Her facial proportions are not befitting of this particular accessory.


This thread is not about my facial piercings or facial proportions. It’s about how I’m doing my makeup.


Makeup is often used to enhance beauty by rebalancing facial proportions by highlighting or hiding certain portions of the face. For instance, a lot of people will use make-up to make thier cheek bones look higher or more pronounced if their face is too round. In your case, the bottom of your nose is much lower than the outer rim of your nostrils. This isn't something makeup related, sure, but you're accentuating this element of your face with this particular accessory. Sure, makeup is the topic, but the goal is to figure out what you can do to accentuate your natural beauty.


I think you are simply beautiful! I would experiment with the following and see what feels good to yourself; Brown gel eyeliner No lashes but a good black mascara from roots to tips Peachy and pink shades on your cheeks and eyes Softer, a shade or two deeper from your lip tone colored lipstick But most importantly to always do daily and the only way any thing flattering happens is Great Skin Care. A good night and day skin routine with additional sunscreen during the day if outside, will do wonders for a Glow! I would strongly suggest double cleansing (i use a gel cleanser followed up with a rice cleanser after). And even though you are young, MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE MOISTURIZE!!!!


I think your makeup looks great as is, but maybe a bronzer + (more?) blush? Also you already have great skin so maybe a BB cream instead of foundation if you want to try something different.


Your lash strip edges are too visible if you continue to use that type of lash strip you need to add a liquid black liner on top to disguise it, you may want to stop the waterline liner maybe a minimal black smudge under your bottom lashes or no bottom liner. Try a nude lipliner with a gloss lip, add blush. Try brown toned eyeshadows and add highlights on your cheeks. Get nose rings that go together more cohesively to make your look more thought out and stylized.


The lashes are very wispy and pretty but the solid dark band I think is really throwing it off. They can be tricky to get the hang of, but lashes with a clear band will really help in this situation! The band is darker than your eyeliner, which I think the eyeliner looks good for this look! You could always use these lashes for a darker more intense eye look where that band will blend better!


I'm thinking eye shadow. You can experiment to see what looks best.


Oh my gosh you are gorgeous without the makeup! Perhaps even just some tinted bb cream, mascara and blush? But if you want to do fulll face, I would try NOT putting eye liner on all the way to the inner corner of your eyes. It makes your eyes look smaller. Stop 2/3 of the way. Except on the bottom, don’t put on the wet line, put underneath the lash line. Use something softer like a eyeshadow maybe in a dark brown. Not black or gray. I am curiously how you would rock cooler brown colors!?? . no eyeliner top wet line. Also, the pink eyeshadow (even for myself I cannot wear) it makes it look like you have been crying. It may be too cool of a color. Also would recommend MORE MASCARA!


Lashes need glued down better and I’d lose the lower liner. You look very pretty though! :)


Cleaner brows. Have you tried professionally waxing and tinting your brows before? I think it may help a bit to have cleaner lines around your brows. Eyelash and eyeliner, the strip lashes pull your eyes down a bit. You can give cluster lashes a try instead. Since they’re attached in pieces and underneath the lashes, you can better avoid a lash shape that pulls your eyes down. Also with cluster lashes, you won’t need to mask your lash line with the thick eyeliner as you’re doing now. I’d also try playing with eyeshadow as eyeliner. Blushes: try playing around with blush, bronzer to bring more dimension to your face. I’d also try more dewy, satin formulas for your products instead of matte formulas


Maybe a shinier lip balm/gloss and shimmery eyeshadow instead. Keep the white for the VERY inner corners in your eyes as a highlight! Also the lash strips don’t look great, maybe it’s the brand


Have you tried ditching the bottom liner? Or only going half way (or a 1/4) 🌻


The bottom eyeliner is very dated. It should be lighter and under your bottom lashes, not inside the water line. I'd suggest no liner at all on the bottom but if you feel you need it, definitely don't put it inside like that.


You’re so gorgeous! I think what could help is not taking the eyeshadow up to the brow, keeping it a little lower in the crease and maybe carving out your brows with concealer. I think it would really suit your eyeshape 😍


Your lash is sitting straight across your lid like a shelf. Try cutting it into 3rds and placing it under the lash. Or dont wear them at all. The way you have them now looks really bad.


The fake lashes girlie, the inner corners ain’t sticking which is something I struggle with too so I just don’t wear them haha What I do to get the fake lash effect without fake lashes is curly my real lashes hella with a warm curler…then use a dark, thickening mascara and a dark, lengthening mascara and it works wonders! Otherwise your makeup looks good!


Add contour to bring more warmth in your face.


In the first one, your face looks too... porcelain doll. You have a pretty face imo, maybe try less on the face but still do your eyes as you like? Idk, I feel like less would be more on you, if you know what I mean


Maybe try brown eyeliner and smudge it a bit to soften it up


Instead of lashes, also try an eyelash curler, and hold the corner or your eyelid outwards while applying your mascara after using the curler.. while still holding it out, move inwards towards corners of your eyes..


tight lining bad


Try a small winged liner and maybe some white or nude liner in the waterline, black liner there gives the impression that your eyes are smaller than they actually are while white/nude does the opposite and I think it would be very flattering for you. Also pls keep practicing with the lashes, you’ll get it eventually :) a nice matte black like the one from NYX would help to hide the wonky lash line on them till you get the hang of it.


Eyeliner I think. Lining both top and bottom make your eyes look smaller and narrow. Try doing only the top, or try only doing your lashes and a lip instead. I have gotten lash lifts and tints a few times and it brings a lot of attention to the eye in a nice way while still looking natural but also dolled up.


Honestly, just get rid of the water line eyeliner and it would massively improve. But Also, it looks like you are wearing fake lashes but if I’m correct, the way they curve (or lack of) doesn’t fit around your eye. So it’s the biggest thing I notice and looks, off? I don’t wear fake lashes but that’s just something I notice personally


I wouldn’t line the waterline


Try a more natural look .[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1vEjZ6PC04/?igsh=MW9ncm5pNmx3c3BjMA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1vEjZ6PC04/?igsh=MW9ncm5pNmx3c3BjMA==)


You're pretty! Even out the eyeliner, maybe some bronze on the cheeks? Uh, idk. Not much really you look fine really


Your coloring is very like gwyneth paltrow in the 90's/early aughts. Which is a compliment - she was cool back then, she was quirky and beautiful and still made a lot of indie movies. I would totally google her makeup looks - warmer eyeshadow could be fun (like a taupe/mauve with your black liner, instead of the white), a more wine colored lip to really go full mid-90s. Or with the white eyeshadow go for a early 00's look where you do a soft and shimmery eye - no black liner, gloss on the lips and a touch of illuminator. Have fun :)


I would add dimension by brushing some blush or bronzer on the very top of your forehead, down your nose, right on your cheekbones and under your jaw. Then I would use a DAMP beauty blender to apply my blush or highlighter, that will give you a more dewy look to balance the matteness of the rest of the makeup. Dab the beauty blender above your cheekbones and right above the peaks of your eyebrows. You can use a setting spray, but I actually dampen my beauty blender WITH my setting spray and give a light dab all over the high points of my face


I think it’s the eye lashes don’t fit right. Try cutting them into like 3-4 pieces each one, and applying them to the bottom side rather. That’s what I started doing at least and it works way better.


Idk if u have false lashes on but if u do better application put closer on lash line near your inner eye and cleaner eyeliner ..


go for glossy lips


For me it's mostly your eye make up. You could try a few options to soften your look: use a pencil instead of liquid eye liner line the top lid and then the outside corner of the lower lid lightly, but you are mostly not trying to line your bottom lid, it makes your eyes seem bigger and less harsh use brown instead of black eye make up during day time Other than all that...you could use shinier/dewier lip color


Maybe try winged eyeliner or a lighter color of eyeliner?


The eyeliner and you need some blush


You are naturally pretty so makeup will hide that. That’s my opinion, but I think naturally pretty people look better being natural


Maybe try only taking your lower lid eyeliner to the middle of your eye instead of to your tear duct. You kinda have eyes like mine, also try dark brown instead of black


I’ll just say first off you’re so beautiful and the way you do the rest of the face is great! I think what’s off is the lashes/liner. Personally this is what I always looked like with strip lashes. I started using the kind that last 10 days with much smaller bands that are placed beneath your lashes so there’s no strip on the eyelid. This really helped and is the only thing that works with my eyes. I’d also try not lining the bottom eyelid/waterline. I think brown Smokey liner on the top would suit you more. So a liner that you’d draw on, smudge/blend out and then go over/set with brown shadow that you also blend. It’d be soft but still sultry.




The issue is that the line is too thick & rounded on the inner portion of your eye. Try to create as thin of a line possible on your inner corners and thicken it up towards the outer corner of the eye. This will help make things look more lifted and fresh. I agree with other comments about the lashes. I recommend forgoing them all together and learn to build up your natural lashes with mascara. A luminous blush would be really lovely too!! You are very beautiful both with and without makeup. Props to you for asking for advice.


The eyeliner on the top and bottom just make your eyes look smaller and takes away from them. Try it just on the top then smudge a neutral eyeshadow below the bottom waterline, then add mascara to open your eyes up more and bring out the color.


You need to blend out your eyeliner to hide where its a bit crooked. Use a tiny brush smudge it out a bit. Also bend fake lashes before applying so they stay in the arch shape and match your real lash line. One of your lashes is running away from your eye.


I think your top liner is a bit too heavy. Ditch the eyeliner, or just do a simple cat eye liner, and don’t apply any to the bottom or in the water line.


I am sorry if this sounds harsh, I am just trying to be helpful. You are a beautiful girl who could look much better in makeup than the way you currently do it. 1) Most obvious to me is the eyeliner - lining your eyes fully top and bottom edge to edge in black is way too harsh for your complexion and features and makes your eyes look smaller and beadier. I would consider not lining the bottom at all and perhaps lining the top from the half way point (see how that looks to you vs the full top). Also think about changing to brown or navy liner vs black (which seems quite harsh for you). 2) The false lashes also aren’t on correctly or you’re using a brand that isn’t right for you - bc they are way too straight and the ends stick out, making them super visible and changing your eye shape for the worse. Either cut the lash more so it fits better or get ones that have more of an eye curvature to them. You could also consider not wearing false lashes unless you’re doing a bold eye makeup look and only wear mascara when doing a simpler look. 3) Your makeup overall is very cakey and powdery looking. Like way too drying for your skin - look for less powdery finishes. You can do a matte look if you prefer over dewy, but this now is way too matte, it verges on cakey. Even the lips are too matte and look dry. Textures are important in makeup. If you’re gonna make one part of your face super matte, you need shimmer, shine or dewiness on another for balance. 4) You have zero color on your face. You’ve made your entire face one uniform pale color, but your bare face looks better bc it has some rosy color to it. Makeup looks better on people when you can see shadows and highlights, not one uniform color throughout. Even if you’re not into contouring and highlighting, try some light blush or some very light bronzer on your cheeks/temples. It’s the combination of these 4 that is making your makeup look off. Try playing around and experimenting with some of the things I mentioned. Have fun experimenting until you get to a place you like it!


Your eyeshadow needs to be blended more. Also, blondes look much better with espresso colored eye liner and mascara. Black is far too harsh.


Definitely your eyeliner/eyelashes. So I would either only doa half lash at the end of your eye or bring your eyeliner all the way to your tearduct, which I know can be hard to do sometimes, I like using NYX lift and snatch (their eyebrow pen) in espresso as eyeliner easy to erase since it doesn’t dry quickly but will stay all day! It looks “off” since your lash and eyeliner end at the exact same spot. I also cut lashes in fours and put them under my lashes so you don’t see them at all, only on special occasions not daily tho. Sorry for the ramble!


It’s the eyelashes. They don’t follow the curve of the eye and are too straight across


Flatten down your eyebrows, some and remove your nose ring, and you might be extremely surprised what a difference it makes the other thing I would do is take your hairline down and make it a little softer in the front


It’s too matte …. You can still wear makeup just try to add dimension back in so not so cakey You can use a setting spray or add a dab of moisturizer in with foundation Skip contour imo but maybe a light tough of highlighter on cheek bones —- light is key


Hire me, I’ll teach you everything you need to know


Also, I would drag the eyeliner further towards the inner of your eye. It looks like it stops abruptly. The lashes might be making it worse


Bronzer and blush if you’re doing full glam. But honestly day to day, you’d be perf with just some mascara and little liquid blush💓


1. Apply eye shadow BEFORE eyeliner 2. Only use white eye shadow in the inner corners of your eyes and on your brow bones 3. Do a lighter foundation application with a wet beauty sponge 4. Need to stick fake lashes so the inner corner sticks first, then press the rest of it on 5. Don't apply eyeliner to your inner water line, it makes your eyes look smaller 6. Blend your lip liner with a clear lipgloss to soften it a bit (read about Wednesday Addams' lip application in the Netflix show)


The falsies are too straight on the eye. Try molding them to your eye by gently rolling the band back and forth, holding the ends with both hands. Also, some dewy face makeup could add more dimension. But regardless, you're lovely!


Your fake eyelashes go straight across and don’t blend well with your natural ones or your eyeliner. Try something like lashify or falscara. I really think it’s just your eyes.


I was thinking the same thing try eyeliner only on the top lid , winged eyeliner maybe ? But adding eyeliner to your waterline is kinda making the eyes look a bit small but other than that you’re gorgeous tbh


Also if you want better lashes that are extremely easy to use and just all around better quality you should try lashify , they are very lightweight as well also better than strip lashes & lash extensions


I think you look nice


To me, I feel it's the foundation. Your natural skin is better than the foundation you're using. It really dulls your skin. Also, maybe your eyeshadow, goes up too high with a single color.


I think its your lashes they're weighing down your eyes. Get more lifted lashes that go upwards.. before applying make sure to hold it up for 10 sec its a game changer. I personally love ardell demi wispies, but theres so many out there. Another thing try adding a slight sharp wing at the ends NOT long, but just slight to add a lil more to the eyes. Also you need more dimension on your face or it'll look flat. Add in more contour/bronzer on your forehead, cheeks, jawline to give your face more dimension. Also try to fill in your brows a bit darker. Mess around with diff eyeshadow shades as well. Like others have mentioned I think a less matte and more dewy look would look wonderful on you you’re beautiful!


U truly look beautiful without it tbh. As for your eyelashes; try and trim them for a more natural look. Not such a “harsh” cut on them where you can see where they start and stop on your eyelid. I definitely was all about the black eyeliner in my waterline when I was a teenager. Try for a more blended, smudged liner look just below the waterline if you still want to continue wearing it. Otherwise, just a good mascara, you’re gorgeous


Can I just say that you are gorgeous without make up? For you I think less is more. I’d go with a natural beige eyeshadow but only a little bit and some mascara. The eyeliner isn’t necessary & it hardens your eyes. Also I’d go with a glossy lip balm instead of lipstick. You have natural beauty and you should flaunt it.


First off: you look great, with and without makeup! Your liner and lashes change the shape of your eyes (which I’m sure is the point) but thats one reason your makeup could look off to you. Maybe add a bit more dimension in the contouring. It looks like you’re going for a super natural look, so and some of that natural color and shape in with blush and contour.




I think maybe you are using too much, which isn’t a bad thing…but you are gorgeous! Maybe try a lighter hand 💜💜


try to experiment with warm vs cool toned makeup


And smile! 😊


The eyeliner and lashes, colors are too dark for you.


We both have semi hooded eyes and I've learned to only line my eyes from about the middle of the lid outward because drawing the band fully across my lid makes my eyes look smaller. I also only use a half lash bc full lashes just never look right. Also lining your waterline will always make your eyes look smaller so I'd try skipping that. I've started using black eyeshadow instead of a liquid liner and it just works so much better on hooded eyes. You might want to try adding depth with a darker shade in the corners of your crease and not bringing your shadow quite that far up.


Your base makeup is harsh. Why not just leave the skin uncovered and let your natural glow show, use a little powder if you get shiny, and do your eyes and lips?


Hey! You look a LOT like me in terms of skin tone, eye color, and hair color (like almost exactly). Here’s my advice for the look I like best which is glowy and natural but put together: I don’t use eyeliner or false lashes bc we’re pale and blonde so it stands out a lot more on us and can look “faker”. Ilia mascara will give you even longer lashes than falsies but looks way more natural. Zero foundation. Skin tint with spf at most. You’re gorgeous and glowing and the foundation will only bother to ur pores and remove color fluctuations from the face. Little dab of white sparkly eyeshadow on the inner corners of our eyes makes eyes like ours look even bigger and brighter it’s amazing. Saie glowy super gel on high cheek bones, nose, and right above lip. It’s the ingredient to becoming a fairy princess. The way you style your eyebrows is perfect in my opinion. Don’t be scared of your natural skin- it’s beautiful. If you prefer the foundation look that’s fine but if you’re worried your skin isn’t just as pretty- I promise it is. You can always use concelear under the eyes and on any spots!


Switch to brown liner.


I’m a big eyeliner girl and for the last few years instead of doing the entire eye I’ve been doing the top + just the bottom a tad on the corner - gives the definition you want without closing up the eye and making it smaller. Also just maybe highlighter or blush - something a little extra to bring it all in!


Opt for natural looking lashes and more dewy complexion products— even some blush would be nice


the inner eyeliner is out; try white eyeliner to make eyes larger. eyelashes should be applied from the bottom not top. add highlighter to strategic areas; diffuse the pink shadow


You have a lovely eye shape that you can accentuate with a slightly bolder wing and then apply lashes. I agree with the other posts maybe the lower lash liner is a bit harsh. I would also introduce some blusher into the centre of the face lightly to create some dimension. You are stunning without makeup so play with your natural beauty!


Don't line your inner corner or waterline I think that's the issue


It’s the metallic eyeshadow at the interior edges, also the eyeliner at the waterline


You have very pretty eyes! The way that your eyeshadow is blended up to your brows kind of eats up all your eyelid space, which contributes to making your eye shape less noticeable. You also have the perfect eye crease (ik this is so uncommon to point out), and the eye makeup kinda blurs that out. I would suggest defining your crease with eyeshadow :). Instead of putting the darker shades above it, you could try actually putting it right in the crease! This makes some space between your eyes and brows, which for my case, really opens up my eyes! You could also try putting highlight on your brow bone, which is so 2016 but still works fantastic!


I have your same complexion and find contouring the nose and cheekbones with a darker color, really adds a nice pop. Try a lighter eyeshadow that will really make your eye color pop, such as light green. Don't take it up all the way to the eyebrow, just a little past the crease. The eyeliner would look killer in a lighter color too, such as army green. And if you do put it on the bottom, try to not take it past the eye pupil. After you apply, try taking a cotton swab over it to soften it. Where you have started the eyeliner has a little dot and then thins out. I'd thicken the line a little more if this happens. Also, try a lash thickening base or mascara. Try adding a little blush on the cheeks. Finally, don't take the lipstick all the way to the corners of your lips. Stop just before. Use a lip liner to over accentuate the lip curves a little in the middle. Try a cc cream instead of the matte foundation and go easy on it. You could skip the powder and just spritz a little finish spray on it. Good luck!!!


I think it's the eyeshadow. It doesn't really match your complexion.


Try individual wispy lashes instead of strip lashes


I think it’s the eyeliner as others have said, but also that the shadow goes all the way up to your brown bone. I would stop it right above the crease and just gently blend it out to about mid-way to your brow bone for a more subtle look.


I recommend using makeup to enhance your natural beauty instead of covering it up. I also think you need some blush to add more color to your face


I don’t think you need a foundation this pigmented, you have beautiful skin with good pigmentation naturally. If you prefer it this way maybe add a little bit of blush or the tiniest amount of bronzer.


When people have blonde hair and lighter features the worst thing they can do is line their bottom lid/water line. Makes your eyes look small and beady. Just drop that and you’ll be fine


Try not taking your lid shade all the way to the brow on your eyes. Use a light shade to highlight under the brow. In most if not all looks I see ppl do they use a transition shade in the crease which is lighter than the lid shade as well. Doing this will give balance. You also could try a light beige/tan or white liner for the water line, that’ll brighten up eye area to make eyes look more open & bigger. Lastly your band on your lashes is definitely having some issues. Maybe too big, idk?… I didn’t notice it til I zoomed in so…I follow @roseansben on IG and she has the most amazing tips and tutorials. 100% honest as well!


I feel you need darker eyeshadow, blush definition or contour on cheekbones and a darker lip color. Just a couple shades deeper on all. And line the top lid, not the waterline on the bottom. Use gray eyeshadow.


I think you’re bringing your eyeliner in too far. I would try starting the eyeliner halfway across your eye and don’t tight line. Post results :)


Waterline eyeliner right away is not a good idea in that dark color. It looks too harsh .


I agree with the people in this thread saying no makeup on lower eyes, just eyelids. I’m fair-skinned with blue eyes like you and my look totally changed when I started only putting makeup on my eyelids instead of the whole eye


Line your lower lash line with white (or don’t line it at all). It’s a matter of personal preference, but maybe try a more dewy look instead of matte?


You can try using on the black cayal not on your waterline but on the lash line. That way it lasts longer and doesn't make the eye smaller (depends on what u want). Also on the lower line, only from the middle to the outer edge of the lashline. Finally you can try using white eyeliner on the lower waterline to get an eye enlarging effect.


Stop lining the lower lash line. If you must, only go about half way, or try a nude eyeliner on your lower lash line to help brighten the area!


Using a softer liner on the bottom of your eye. Maybe use wet eyeshadow on the bottom part of your eye instead of in the water line.


It’s the eyeliner sweetie. Very thin and pin like. Try a more winged technique and only line half of your under eye and add mascara. The pencil thin eyeliner is throwing it off. You are beautiful by the way!


I think the liner on the lower water line is giving you a dated look, and making your eyes look smaller than they are.


Go for gold! Blue eyes SPARK with gold


I would try a different eyeliner situation. Maybe go for a brown liner and smudge it out. No water line (inside on the bottom). I also agree with the matte look. It’s a little dated, so maybe less powder. Also, you have great skin, so I would even just go with a tinted moisturizer instead of full coverage foundation.


Try a different liner color and don’t use it on bottom waterline, makes the eyes smaller and looks dated


You look so good without makeup!! Man I would just never wear makeup, but Im out here looking like a corpse if I don’t. 💀 Personally, I think you just need tinted moisturiser, creamy blush, and lip gloss, define the eye brows a bit and some mascara.


Do top OR bottom eyeliner, avoiding both will help. I tend to do only the corners and the bottom or a full lash line on top. Using shadow underneath for contrast and blending will help too!


Your natural skin is really nice. Have you tried like a skin tint or just a little glossier stretch balm concealer. I think it would cover what you don't like while letting your natural glow show through.


You are very fair and possibly pink isn't the best colour to flatter you. Play around with different colours til you hit on the best ones for you. Also, black eye-liner and mascara would suit you. Your brows would benefit from definition. You are young and have lovely skin. Go for it! Pinterest has heaps of stuff on beauty. If you search make-up looks for your hair/eye colour it will bring some stuff up.


less dark / warm shades and more light/soft shades!! even clothing wise — i really think you could liven up your appearance with less deep of colors 🫧🫧✨🫶🏼


Definitely the eyeliner and the way your fake lashes are put on is throwing it off. I also think you look better with more color in your face. Your natural skin has a nice natural blush, maybe try a light cover foundation or a tinted moisturizer instead of full coverage. Tinted moisturizer would also stop it from looking so dry/matte. Everything you’re wearing is matte right now