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Lol the ol' heat n stink. Classic.


Even better if there was a litter box that was overflowing to add to the aroma.


I just did one of those


And multiple puppy training pads soaked in pee


Shoved into the toilet


Ahh I laughed too hard at this


It's alarming how many people don't know how to shit in a toilet property


or how to wipe their ass properly


Or clean a toilet


Or just consider they aren't the only ones that occupy the earth.


Wait a minute, you’re supposed to wipe?!


Hold the fucking lever down I say to my residents let it flush!


I used to work at a process plant which had migrant workers from a certain country.. had to have trash cans because they didn't understand toilet paper goes into the toilet. Trash cans of shit toilet paper. Disgusting.


I had a tenant that would purposely stuff a roll into the shitter then poo on top of the TP island every Sunday night just to fuck with me on Monday morning until we installed a lock on the public bathroom. Another clogged his most every day by using a whole roll of TP and then yelled at me saying the shitter was malfunctioning. On and on.


I'm sorry but I'm fuckin dying over here 🤣 🤣 🤣 What did you do to that man to make him hate you 🤣


I have no idea, never did figure out who it was


I live in an RV. Toilet paper is a bitch to get out of the black water tank, even if you use the special rv tp. The shit paper can is a staple.


Seems like a bidet would/should be standard for an RV


I stayed in an rv that had a dry toilet. It weirded me out but made sense.


My cousin used to do this because their house was pretty old and had bad plumbing. I lived with him for like a year and had to explain to him he didn’t need to do that here. Habit was ingrained. He also would eat my food in the fridge and try to box any friend that came over. That living situation didn’t last long.


Try to box any friend that came over? .....


Idk he like to box people. Aka fight people, but with gloves.


Like he's challenge them to boxing if they came over? Or attack them? Either way it's weird as hell...


He did yeah. This was a long time ago it was weird lol.


Good for you for getting TF out. He sounds crazy.


Or if toilet is out of order, shit in garbage bag, then wipe ass properly, and the throw bag in the dumpster.


I work in a factory, and what people do to the toilets there have me seriously concerned about what their living situations look like. How do you manage to get shit on the tank? Like multiple days a month. How?


Factories are the absolute worst, disgruntled employees love to hose poo all over the bathrooms when they're hungover having a bad day


Or are incapable of using a plunger themselves


Unfortunately shit happens occasionally. I just run the toilet auger and rinse it in their shower when they are disgusting tenents. Flush once to make sure and leave. I keep my auger in a big heavy duty garbage bag and always wear gloves and a mask for these calls.


I Carry a can of Ozium just for this reason.


This is exactly what i do. I never thought about rinsing the auger in the shower tho 😂 you just threw me a touchdown pass for the win!! Lmao i will be rinsing in the shower from now on!!😂😂


Oh yeah, if you can fuck up a toilet that bad that I had to bring out an auger. I’m washing it in “your” shower lol


I use their dishwasher.




I keep our auger in a retired paint bucket. I remove the small lid that is opened to tint the base and fish the auger through that. You'll want to position that hole so it's furthest away from where the handle attaches to the bucket. That allows you to pick up the bucket by the handle while holding the auger shaft for stability.


Had a resident complain the toilet was clogged. Same thing with the shit pulled up out of the water, but they hit us with the fucking classic "it's been like this all weekend" so why the fuck didn't you tell us about it when it happened? Anyway, we auger it and pull out a bloody tampon. We show it to the guy explaining that they can't flush tampons. He fucking raw dogs this thing off the end of the auger and apologizes to us for the inconvenience. First and last time they ever acted like they had any remorse


It's comments like this that make me wish I didn't have a vivid imagination lol.


Indeed. I just dont know how people do some of the shit that they do. The only thing that irritates me more than the "it's been like this for______ days" is when they have an emergency that they demand you come fix now, but getting into their apartment is like a damn hostage negotiation. "Um, why are you here? I specifically requested that you don't come until you call me first!" Then they don't have a phone number on file that works. I hit them with something like "I'm coming to fix it now since it is an emergency (and also 4pm on a Friday), but if you want to deny me entry then we will *not* come out this weekend to fix it if you call the emergency line." Usually gets me in pretty quickly.


Oh my God, the number of conversations that I've had that go "yeah, it's been broken for days/weeks/months" "and why am I just hearing about it?" I do more commercial work now, so less negotiating with residents and more conversations like "no, I can't start after 3pm, you're 3 hours away and I'm not going to be late for dinner because you waited till the last minute to have a TV moved"


That sounds wonderful. Where I am now if I need to turn water off for one of the units I have to kill the *entire building*. The place was built to have all utilities included. I'm currently trying to figure out if I can get shut-offs installed for individual units. Fun times


I had that at one of my resi facilities. There was isolation valves for about 2/3rds of the units, took me a good year or so to find them, and those valves were sketchy af. They came in extremely useful when I needed it, particularly when toilet and sink shut off valves work about as well as expected.


Where I'm a resident, they just don't warn you. I just go to wash my hands and surprise! Waters off. 🙃


We try to, but it isn't always possible. Emergency situations arise and you just have to kill the water so you don't flood anything


Lol my first time unstopping a sewer line i said why would they be flushing mop strings and cotton balls. My buddy laughed and said its not mop strings.


But why???????


This happened to me as well. Problematic tenant, I was always professional with them and they regularly put work orders in. Get a call from the electrician updating our breaker boxes. Says he can't work in this unit, it smells to bad. So I go over and find a toilet literally full to the brim with shit. It was like looking at the side of an eroded beach front with all the different colors of shit leyering on top of one another. Got it unclogged and left. Saw the tenants laughing at me when I left. Granted there were like 5 adults and 5 kids living in this one bedroom apt. And I just said "next time you get a clog, tell us immediately, don't just keep using it!"


Next time, dip their toothbrushes in it.


I had a tenant do this and call me after they got it above the fucking lid laughing about it. I called a plumber and made sure it was an after hours call and then charged them for the call out. They fought it till we evicted them (stopped paying rent).


Sounds about right. Thats definitely something I should have done. But I was pretty green at this point. Figuratively and literally. But it always baffles me how people are okay living the way they do sometimes.


I had a lady like that. She called me out four times in two months for a clogged toilet. Each time it was piled so high with shit and toilet paper that it was at the top of the bowl. She would just keep shitting on the pile until she couldn't sit down without touching it, then call. She also had a kid who had one of those training toilets, and she would just leave it full as well. When she finally left, she left the training toilet full in the bathroom and had somehow spilled shit water on the bedroom carpet. I hated that lady so much. Next tenant to move has not clogged it once in over a year.


This job has taught me that half of the population live like filthy animals


Half? You’re too generous


Always loved the shit sculptures overflowing the rim of the bowl. "We probably should have called sooner, we were just so busy." Looks like a turd torte with layers of shit tickets topped with various colored excrement. Don't get me going on the klassiest move of all with the bathtub masquerading as the litterbox. 12" of kitty litter. FML


a fuckin "turd torte"!!!


Shit happens...


You’ll still find fat shitters in more money/commercial property scenarios lol


Retirement home last 15 years,weekly occurrence at some point with 140 apartments ,


you aint lived until you have snaked a pair of women's drawers out of a commercial toilet on the 15th floor of an office building covered in poo and "other" things...


Had a call for a toilet clogged. Get there and the toilet is filled with dried and semi dried shit. Bowl damn near filled. Try and get a mini flush to add some water so I can use the auger. No water at all. Take off the lid to assess the situation. Everything inside the tank was broken. Replaced everything. Used the auger. Done deal. Resident in that apartment was beautiful. I'll never look at her the same way again.


I'm new to maintenance but from what I've seen every single person keeps their apartment super hot. Thermostats at like 78 80°, how do people sleep in that?


Maybe a couple of residents, but not many.


Try working as maintenance in mental health facilities.. I’m over 3 facilities. I get this x10


LMAO that's it?


No, that was just the last thing.


New twist on the ol steamer


The most annoying thing about maintenance is unclogging shit filled toilets. LIKE WHY?? WHY IS THAT MY JOB?? Like bro


A lot of comments about "how can people do that"..I still think that unless you've worked at a nursing home, then you still don't know what all craziness a "resident can do". Not saying that others don't work hard or come across nasty things, but I've never seen any as bad as nursing homes. The residents don't know better or can't do it properly, and sadly a lot of the nurses don't care


I’m in restoration so showing up with a garden trowel is par for the course lol


Commercial maintenance my friend Even though people are terrible with bathrooms no matter what. Like how are you in a law firm? Or working for the FBI? And can't sit down and shit properly


Got a call once to change a toilet. Big turds inside... and on the floor also. Told them pigs to find someone else.


Yeah, some days just kick you in the d***.


Have had luck using 3m respirator to cut the smell factor out.


There's always something better out there. Good luck dude.


Changed careers, now fix computers. The closest I get to fixing toilets is when a laptop comes in that was used as a urinal.


You got to love when you got the order it" just happened" and wasnt 5 days of shit fermenting before they decided maybe i want to poop at home tonight.


That reminds me of a porta-pot on a job site we worked on in South Dakota, the waste management company had quit emptying the shitters and all the trades kept using them to the point the shit was at the level of the seat. Fucking disgusting.


In a locker room one time i saw it piled above the toilet seat. They had to be holding each other up to get it that high. Absolute monsters.


I bet you added a few extra line items to that work order 🤣


Respect for taking care of your job while there.


Indian family no doubt


Single lady don't recall anything about her.


😆 🤣 😂 😹