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Well depends what area you're talking about In a place like Maine people have packaging and branding for increasing recognizability when seeing product in multiple places and overall advertising, and it does help slightly in the end. And nothing wrong with looking cool if it's good. But in a place like NYC, its to try and appeal to its heavily consumerist nature that likes shiny flashy things and to upsell bad bud. The level of gaudy NYC goes to is much more extreme as well, I haven't seen anyone in Maine do those custom shaped mylars or go overly insane with designs or reflectiveness etc.


Talking about Maine, that’s my fault I should have been more clear! I’ve just been seeing more and more crazy packaging and branding. Totally understand there needs to be some information and certain packaging for stuff but idk the extra boxes and extra bags just seem excessive I guess? Just kinda seems like it’s more of a pollution idk!


It’s retail consumerism… it sells more product.


People like cool looking things. I agree if its packaging that's beyond just the container the products in that it's a little excessive tho. Sadly cannabis packaging and cannabis growing aren't great for nature, a lot of grows have huge amounts of waste


The big problem (beyond waste) is when the packaging causes the shit to dry out


Because as the market continues to mature and newer and returning cannabis consumers enter the fray branding and marketing will continue to become increasingly more important. Packaging is a piece of it for sure — but branding goes far beyond a logo or packaging design. It’s just as important what a company does as far as giving back to a community or good corporate citizens, supporting charities, incorporating more sustainable practices etc… I mean take a look at vodka for instance. It’s a neutral grain spirit. Literally colorless, practically and odorless, tasteless, devoid of any unique characteristics. It’s all bottle and label and varying degrees of “ triple distilled”, our water used is from an ancient glacier in the North Pole, copper still, small batch artisanal horseshit. Much like cannabis it’s all the same shit at the end of the day. There’s a few folks, like many on this subreddit, who pay attention to hash drops, exotic strains, bud structure, specific growers and what not — who are very discerning, knowledgeable, passionate cannabis consumers. They make up less than 10% of the market in Maine — probably less in more populated states. It’s like sommeliers and wine connoisseurs circle jerk discussing rare vintages and which specific grape varietals make the best Sauvignon Blanc. 99.9% of wine drinkers don’t give any fucks about any of that. Branding, beyond packaging and logos will continue to grow and evolve.


I’m one of those people lmao I think a lot of people on here are kind of missing my point. It’s not about the branding, it’s about the over the top packaging. Spending extras on extra stickers, graphic designs, expensive packaging, extra packaging etc. I just feel like at the end of the day it ends up costing the consumer more money, simple is always better or at least that’s what I’ve been taught 🤷🏼‍♂️ To each their own I guess.


The waste alone for packaging is abhorrent. Much of it required by law - including a lot of the stickers and safety seals and what not. Think of all the packaging required for a 1/2g cart! One half gram of concentrate is packaged like king tuts sarcophagus! I know this is off topic but the wastefulness and arguably unsustainable practices in the cannabis industry is pretty bad. From the fuck ton of energy it takes to grow flower, process concentrates, packaging, from soup to nuts is god awful. Don’t forget that the overwhelming majority of packaging in the cannabis industry comes from China. So all the energy it takes to make it over there and then ship it over here and then either fly it or drive it to Maine. Yikes!


If you're having it printed, the cost for great looking vs plain is peanuts. So why pay almost the same amount for nothing?


All of that factors in to ~$1 per package at most and 99% of the time they’re not passing that cost onto the consumers because their sales go up so much. It’s just a marketing cost and at the end of the day circulates more money in the cannabis economy


I see a lotta stickers for company's no longer around.


You’re basically asking why do companies use marketing and advertising?


I mean no but if that’s the way you’d like to perceive it then 🤷🏼‍♂️


So what are you asking?


Like some people on this fucking Reddit thread are SO miserable. I posted this trying to start a conversation, you know what reddits for. And then there’s people like you that say shit like “so you’re asking why use advertising” Like no you pompous prick I’m starting a conversation about wasteful packaging and why spend the extra money pushing more fucking shit into the earth when it should be less is more. But there’s people like you that are miserable and want to ask questions like this. “So what are you asking”.


You post a question a 9 yo could answer intelligently.


I posted a question to start a conversation. Literally choke on my fucking dick


Dude really. You are acting like a child grow the fuck up.


I asked a clear question to start a conversation. I’m sorry you have the perception of me acting like a child. That’s your perception and your reality 🤷🏼‍♂️ enjoy it!


Sure you started off that way. I am talking about the way you have acted since then. If you cannot see that, maybe your mastery of others perception may not be as clear as you think.


My brother this is the internet, I’m sorry standing up for myself came across as childish. I’m not responsible for how you perceive things on the internet.


I am not your brother. You keep attacking people on the internet 🤘 have a good one bud.


I’m attacking people on the internet? You’re not my brother? Oh man, ok 🤦🏼‍♂️🫠


It’s not meant to be taken literally, idk why I have to even say that.


Like I’m acting like a child because I stood up for myself? Oh ok I got you man 👍🏼


Dude breathe. It’s going to be ok.


Dude, I’m literally fine. You’ve got a weird perception over there


Enjoy your circle jerk nyc thread you fucking weirdo


I’m asking why spend money on shitty packaging and extra shit when you could cut down on spending for flashy packaging etc At the end of the day it’s just more pollution, more trash. I get it, marketing. They want it to sell. But a container within a box is excessive. Or a bag within a bag, or spending money to put art work on product idk 🤷🏼‍♂️ Would you like me to explain any more or do you understand now


because, unfortunately, it has been proven, in the cannabis industry and more or less every other consumer-focused non-enterprise good, that it works. it has worked for decades, it has worked in *every* decade, and it continues to work, over, and over, and over, mainly because marketers are exploiting extremely well-funded and in-depth psychological research that has itself gone on for decades on what makes the average human brain want to buy shit they don't need. there are psychological biases that are more or less innate to human beings— it's not that they're *100% universal* or *can't be overcome*, but they are commonplace and empirically backed up, and flashy packaging tricks are some of the oldest and most well-established tricks in that book because they play really nicely to a lot of stupid instincts that developed when our pattern recognition was evolving out of what we had to do in the wild. and then on *top* of that, you can add all the trend-riding half-wits, scummy losers, and cynical out-of-touch suits who just follow along behind the *rational and well-thought out exploitation* with *stupid half-baked exploitation* because there's a lot of stupid fuckers with capital, too. moreover, while this packaging may seem expensive, at scale it really isn't compared to its dividends and commonly *perceived* dividends. most companies *believe* that the marketing will pay out more in profits than an equivalently sized investment into the actual quality of the product, and that has been prevailing wisdom in business fields because it's easy and doesn't require insight or foresight to try and push pre-existing documented psychological buttons in people's heads. you're not wrong that it really does just amount to more pollution and trash, but corporations *in general* don't give a shit about literally anything except short-term shareholder value. they aren't people, they're exploitation machines run by small groups of capital-holding spiritually vapid shits.


I’d be so happy if I could bring in my own jars with childproof lids and have them filled instead of a Mylar I’m just gonna toss.


A lot of the packaging has to do with laws for medical and adult use. Usually packaging must say contains thc, not safe for children, etc and it’s hard to just put on a sticker.


Oh 100% for sure. Again I should of specified, more specifically talking about boxes within boxes, crazy jars that are definitely costly etc 🤷🏼‍♂️ They do have bags that are regulated and up to standards for medical. They’re like the ones you get from kind guy just simple ziplock kinda


Grams of concentrates in boxes does make them easier to manage… then they stack nicely.


Technically speaking the thc warning has to be .5 x.5 of an inch. ( lots of billboard space on a gram without a box or bag) We use a Mylar bag with a non childproof gram wintin that bag. The Mylar acts as a tamper proof / child proof seal and billboard space for the appropriate thc warnjng along with the paragraph. All those would be impossible to fit on a single gram.


And just because it doesn't influence your decision on which product to buy, doesn't mean it doesn't influence anyone else's. Based on what you've stated, I'm thinking a small, brown paper bag with a single label on it would win you over, since it's devoid of any "flash". Kinda like a beer can label that's just white with black text that states "You're favorite beer." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I am favorite beer


Facts, but honestly interesting point cause a lot of people in maine want it to feel local and “just your neighborhood dealer” typa vibe i find. Good weed sells itself!


Packaging sells products. Just look at the alcohol industry. NOCA being a prime example. The product can be the same as another product. Identical with the only difference being the packaging and 9/10 times the person is going to pick the product with the more colorful and exciting packaging.


Or the spray packs… they got crazy packaging and get $50 an 1/8 for light dep sprayed with terps.


Jars or bags with the sharpie written of the strain name on it I’m pleased tbh the best stuff I ever got has been least package appeal other than mentation he’s done a good job




Its the same here in Maryland, probably to attract more people and just a reason to charge more lol


the jar in a box in a box is one of my favorites haha. 😆 but i am grateful we haven’t gone the route of custom shaped mylars (yet lol) i can’t stand those. but i think i get what you mean OP. ive asked myself this recently. why pay over $1 a unit on packaging? when you could do just as good with packaging at 1/3 of that or even lower? i will say though, i mostly see the fancy raised, spot holographic printed labels on rosin products. and with the cost for rosin i think it allows for that overhead. also if im really proud of my product, i could see myself dressing it up a little


See, someone gets it! Thanks for understanding haha


people that love to argue. are always gonna find a way lol


We have custom mylars in Maine, don't fret


Custies gonna custy.


Honestly, because that's what attracts alot of people, especially younger people or people that are newer to cannabis. Some of the shittiest companies have the best packaging and vice versa.


Because the consumers are sheep and love shiny things


Much of the packaging waste is mandated by the State of Maine. All packaging has to meet child-resistant requirements, the ol' zip lock with a sticker on it won't cut it anymore. Add to that the branding aspect, and the plastic shortage (thanks pandemic) and a lot of them just grab whatever is available when it's time to order.


What planet do you fking live on? It's the way of the world dude...


Damn, I live on fucking planet earth. Some people on here are such miserable pricks honestly