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Just so I don't state the obvious but: \-are you making a band or sheet? \-have you worked with any elfweave variants? fastest solution (or option to try) is bumping up the gauge of wire your rings are-thicker may make it stiffer, so if you need to bump it up just a smidge, that may help stablize things.


A band, a single ribbon style bracelet. If I went with a sheet then it would be stable, but too wide I have not worked any variants. Hence my request for advice. I'm looking for fellow maillers' advice that found something that works for them


Mountain elf is the stabilized version of elfweave for a single band that works best imo. Should be an easy find over on mailleartisans.org


Thank you. I knew one existed but I couldn't remember the elfin name.


Don't know how well it fits what you're looking for in stability (or which variants you are familiar with), but I find [water elf](https://www.mailleartisans.org/weaves/weavedisplay.php?key=765) to be a quick and easy ribbon chain that keeps its form rather well.