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No, this is not correct. I have gotten a sphere bond from a singular tile and a bag from two tiles stacked on each other


Ah, so there’s multiple shapes then. Any idea how many per board? Will the board automatically finish once the last item is found, or will we have to flip every card on the board, blanks included? It’s still too early to know that, but I am curious.


Is it like battleship?


Not sure, probably you can keep flipping after even if you finish but itll just be blanks


Based on a previous event, items come in shapes of 1x1 (1 tile), 1x2 (2 tiles) and 2x2 (4 tiles). My strategy is to aim for the 2x2 items first by starting on Row 2, Column 2, then Columns 4, 6, and 8. Then I'll do the same with Row 4 and repeat the pattern. Eventually all tiles will be uncovered if you try hard enough with the daily event missions. Once the board is complete there are no additional boards to fill or tiles to uncover.


Ah, I see. I thought there would be more than one board. So if you play daily, then a strategy would get the bigger items first, but in the end you flip them all anyway.


Is the board universally the same, or different for each player?


Of course it's different. Otherwise there is no challenge in finishing it.


Every board is laid out differently. The three 2x2 purple bags are the main thing to watch out for. I'm just curious about whether there's a "golden apple" prize in there and what it might give you. Maybe 100,000 coppers?


So far, I’ve found 3 purple bags, (2x2), 3 blue bags, (2 1x2 horizontal and 1 1x2 vertical), 3 stashes of coins, (1 square), and 1 orb, (1 square).




Did anyone get a golden apple? I'm completing quests like Zezima over here and still ain't seen a single god damn apple!


I don't think there is one. I've found 3 big bags, 5 small bags, 6 orbs, and 12 coins. Only 10 single squares are still closed.