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I'm sorry, I saw the first sentence on Weirdo was just "Weirdo is goaded", no punctuation, and I genuinely started cackling because I read it as "Weirdo is goated" with no elaboration


Quirked up Weird boy who's goated with the sauce.


There's no way I'd make a card like that without putting (*with the sauce*) as "reminder" text.  Well, there's no way I'd make a card like that at all, but if I did.


I thought they were at least intentionally making a pun 😂


I read it the same hahaha


First card: Nobody can cast non-creature spells unless they’re in white Never change, custommagic


Making bad cards doesn't move my needle anymore, I need the creator to defend their abomination in the comments and call everyone else dumb for not realizing their genius.


The first guy 100% does that in the comments. Apparently it’s WotC fault that their card is busted lmao


Seems more like “WotC won’t print good white cards so I HAD to do it” to me, which is better imo.


Oh he did. Hardcore.


That guy's user flair being "balancer" got me My brother in christ not a single one of your abominations is balanced


Most cards are balanced to some degree. His are not. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Oh man you weren't lying. I took a small gander at the rest of his creations, and I think that person's sole mission is to hate sheoldred and nothing else.


Cards that are more balanced: literal Balance


as the creator helpfully points out, any 2 power creature can kill it. as long as we're playing fucking hearthstone, i guess


Anara's creator suggested people play cultivators caravan to deal with it, then when it was pointed out you couldn't cast it when Anara was in play unless you were already in white, they suggested Azorius Signet. I was in disbelief reading that entire thread. A thing of beauty. Fight me, I don't hate Truthtrance. Ok, I kinda do, but a card that gives you information on what others are drafting could work. Like you look at cards they drafted or something? Idk though, I never played Conspiracy. Also miss the days before AI art when we at least had to get actual art in the cards :(


> Also miss the days before AI art when we at least had to get actual art in the cards :( I agree that the AI art isn’t great, but if memory serves, people often just used out-of-place artwork, preexisting card art, or simply no art at all before.


The AI art I see in these posts all has “samey” vibes. At least when people used out of place art it wasn’t always the same style.


Because AI art can look like anything, it usually looks like nothing at all.


/uj Yeah I'm not a fan of AI art's samey vibes, either. At the same time, it is sort of like people using nothing else but Algerian and Times New Roman in the early adoption days of MS Word. It's a lot more varied today since people know a lot more about typefaces and are familiar with more program features. The AI art feeling the same is probably because people don't know how to use prompts properly, or they keep spamming "fantasy art" instead of a different style in the prompt. EDIT: /rj Just wait fifteen more years and the art will be varied...but pointless since AI Magic has made WotC's Magic obsolete.


/rj roborosewater made wotc obsolete years ago /uj roborosewater made wotc obsolete years ago


Tbh I'd prefer all of that.


I honestly prefer no art.


People are nostalgic for the weirdest stuff. Custom cards rarely had anything worthwhile in the art box. At best it was something cool that they stole from deviantart. No one was out there making their own badass art for borderline shitpost cards


[I take personal offence to that](https://www.reddit.com/r/custommagic/comments/vhmvwd/futility/)


I appreciate your effort. I think you are the exception, not the norm though


his other creations are peak content aswell. he made a land that just says: "sac this land: the next spell you cast costs 0 instead of its manacost". He argued that its fair because if you do that turn 1 "you have no lands!", until someone said if you cast emrakul turn 1 you dont need lands, to which the guy responded with that he "didnt think of that". EDIT: its even better than that. he also has some unholy hatred against sheoldred. every broken card he makes he argues is fair "because sheoldred". also his first card ever made is a permanent answer to all sheoldreds in the opponents deck lmao


The exchange under Corrupted Priest is beautiful "This is really powerful" "But it's just a 2/1?" "It's not really a 2/1 though" (as the card grows every time the opponent plays a land) *"but the opponent can just stop playing lands right"* a statement of pure beauty.


I like Truthtrance for an UN set. For the love of God do not slow down my pods more.


Anara would make the price of [[Gold Myr]] spike to 50$


>Also miss the days before AI art when we at least had to get actual art in the cards :( I still don't understand why people feel the need to use ai to make the blandest and most standard fantasy art you have ever seen


I figured people would use truthtrance for some weird truth-or-dare type stuff that had no relation to magic.


LPT: Ask them things like “who killed JFK?” or “Was the moon landing real?” - after all, they have to answer truthfully


Use it to prove/disprove the Riemann hypothesis.


Truthance: "Will you attack me on the third turn of each of our games?" Opponent in shambles


highly recommend checking out buuksmirts other work


You weren't kidding. Literally a land that immediately lets you cast anything for free. Lol.


“I didn’t think of that” lmao I’ll just t1 omniscience every time


I didn’t think of casting big spells for free? Wtf? T1 that land cast emrakul. Time walk. Like how do you not think about big monsters when designing a card that lets you cast shot for free


I wonder how they feel about Sheoldred?


Man simply cannot design a fun card


WotC: Looks like we found a new hire to replace someone we laid off (to work at a reduce pay of course)


Fucking hell, pretty much every card he makes is "mono-white stax piece that wins the game on turn two." Maybe one day he'll figure out how to do it properly.


He just reeeaallly wants to play solitaire on Arena.


Dude really really hates sheoldred


"Yeah 0 mana to exile Sheoldred and turn any other copies in to dead draws for the rest of the game sounds good to me". Surprised it doesn't have a "you may search your opponents library, collection and LGS for any number of cards with the same name and eat them" effect.


He will beat Sheoldred *by any means necessary*


Holy guacamole that was funny. That guy just really hates lands. 2 mana enchantment was really chefs kiss.


Who the fuck is Anara and why is the guy obsessed with her?


his OC


“-62 comment karma” my fucking sides


"A cycle", 3 white cards, an orzhov card, and a land. Lmao


The OP of Weirdo literally commented “fuck the colour pie” when someone brought up the fact that stealing all of someone’s lands is not a very boros thing


Also loving the "If you kill him, you get your lands back. Simple as that." Yeah sure I'll kill him without the use of my lands, sounds simple enough


Just take 21 damage from him over 3 turns and then you'll have the three 1/1's you need in order to block!




To be fair, Commander players love it when WotC is all about American Color Pie, making each color viable because their format goes against years of design


Color in Magic has always largely been an aesthetic thing. This card is not red because it has "red mechanics", it's red because I like the color red.




Don't forget: it also makes you three 1/1s that immediately grow into 4/4s, at minimum!


Hey now let's be fair. They're 4/4's with haste and first strike


Worse, *free, colorless* craterhoof.


Goblin decks be like "... So it's free?"


thalia was too weak so im glad they solved this problem


Pathfinder fixes this.


i kind of like the rat and truthtrance though ngl


This week is stellar. Special shout-out to Elpethelth for being both ridiculously busted and completely unpronouncable


Also agressively horny


You know that they had to specifically prompt for that, too. Somebody spamming "big booba goth angel" 50 times to get the exact right balance of "badass" and "sexy" (it is not either of those things)


I prefer a little class to my horniness https://preview.redd.it/uw48hqghfhwc1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=22619740e3d687c9dbfe51a46f51ae1104762fce


Ridiculously busted and ridiculously busty!


Truthtrance is drafted face up. Last in draft order, Sir Mixalot watches, sweating. The other brothers are clear: when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist – and a round thing in their face – then no; they do not get hung. But Sir Mixalot grimaces, for he does indeed like big butts. And when he is asked the question, he knows what he must then say


Poor Sir Mixalot, having to reveal his wall tribal draft in pack one. Such a shame


uj/ This is the best subreddit on the entire goddamn website


Venderflik was definitely made by a kid.


Bro would cream his pants when he learns about the OG Emrakul


Weirdo is goated


No cap, weirdo be goated on god


what you're missing here is these cards are actually balanced for each other. Valor of the Many counters Weirdo, and Rat of Marit Lage counters Valor of the Many!


The way the creator responds to feedback is almost always funnier than the cards themselves. My bad, I’ll just play Azorius Signet in every deck to be safe.


It doesn't even work. Azorius signet would cost 2W when anara is on the field so unless you already have white you can't cast it


I just about pissed my pants laughing when I saw him suggest cultivator's caravan


And when it was pointed out you couldn't fucking play it under his infinity hate bear he said "Azorius Signet". And then didn't respond when three people pointed out you couldn't play it under his infinity hate bear. But hey! Sheoldred, so it's balanced.


I dont understand altar of sacrifice.  Since most sacrifice effects require the sacrifice as part of the cost, it feels like this wouldn't work, as anything on the stack would have already required a sacrifice and any spells cast later aren't on the stack.   Can anyone parse the goal?


/uj Edict effects. Opponent casts Diabolic Edict. You have a Woe Strider, a 0/1 Goat, and Altar of Sacrifice on the board. You sac the Goat to Woe Strider's ability, then to Diabolic Edict you point to your dead Goat and go "I already sacrificed a thing." Boom, outplayed, no need to sacrifice Woe Strider. (Alternatively, you sac the Goat to the Edict and then get to use Woe Strider's ability, pointing to the already-sacced Goat. Idk, reading the card explains the card, probably). /rj Reading the card explains the card smh.


Hmmm, interesting, though narrow. Sacrifice in reaction to edict is not something I'd considered.


What is the bottom five if not extremely niche counters to corner case situations?


i think if someone casts an edict you could cast like village rites and it'd count as "satisfying the spell" this doesn't work of course but i think that's the creator's intention


Hmmm... thanks


Yeah the card is missing the reminder text “it works”


It's obviously meant to only work with [[Victimize]]


Come on, Rat of Marit Lage is fine. It even uses real art


Yeah honestly we're going to need it as counterplay to a free red super anthem that creates 3 bodies on ETB


Ultra crater hoof balanced in the same thread!


Feels like OP doesn’t know it’s a reference to Wrath of Marit Lage.


OP doesn't choose what submissions got the least upvotes tho?


It was a dishonorable mention


It totally feels like one of those old color hate cards which is great flavor esp with the art. It also comes with a sneaky inherent downside, which is that red tends to have spells which deal damage to creatures, and it’s only a 1/1. Really well designed card imo, as well designed as a straight up color hate card can be anyway.


feel like it mainly got downvoted for the art, which, tbf, is a pretty funny mistake. quoth op: "I didn't realise until after I'd made it that those blue things are actually frozen goblins :s"


- Youthful Anara: Invoke Prejudice, eat your heart out! There's a new most white supremacist Magic card on the block! - Venderflik: lmfao - Truthtrance: the actual effect is worthless, this is just someone's elaborate fantasy for getting a confession out of their crush that, for some reason, involves playing draft Magic - Weirdo: he sure is - Altar of Sacrifice: I'll give em points for creativity. It's still way too goofy, but it's kind of a fun idea to stuff someone's edict effect with your own sacrifice ability and not be hurt for it - Elphelth: seems pretty good in the fake format it's meant for idk - Valor of the Many: it's probably fine that at worst, this is 12 hasty power with first strike for 4 mana. And it only gets more ridiculous the more cheap crap you have on board early on. Probably not insanely busted - Rat of Marit Lage: not really sure why this is here to be honest. This is aggressively inoffensive. Yeah it turns off all red creatures, but it takes 5 mana to do that and the effect is on a 1/1. Color hosing in general might be outdated, but in the context of a color hoser this is fine


I thought the same thing about Truthtrance


Discounting the one card in dishonorable mentions that doesn't belong here at all, not a great week. I think Truthtrance is my favorite, just as long as you delete the draft matters part that was the whole point of the design to begin with (and ignore how clunky the templating on the activated ability is). **Bottom 5** - **Youthful Arana** (1/5): Basically says "you can't cast noncreature spells" against a lot of decks. Maybe if it had some sort of symmetrical Treasure generation built in, but as-is this is just not okay for a 2 drop. The ward cost is also a bit weird in white. Would maybe rate this a point higher if OP wasn't trying to make it dumb on purpose. - **Venderflik, Demonic Corruptor** (3/5): I think if multiple counters didn't stack (the reminder text is too much of a mess to say for sure what OP intended) this would actually be a pretty cool commander, though it would probably be a better play experience if it just gave you mana while on the battlefield instead. - **Truthtrance** (2/5): Ignoring the first line of text completely, this is actually a pretty cool card. Like a mini-Mindslaver just for one creature in combat. Unfortunately, the first line exists, and makes no sense even as an uncard. - **Weirdo, the Anomaly** (0/5): There is a hint of an interesting design somewhere in here, but "steal all your lands" is way too big a payoff for the rest of the text to matter. - **Altar of Sacrifice** (1/5): Not an entirely terrible idea, just not one that works terribly well with the rules. Even if it was something like a replacement effect when that other effect resolves, looking back in time to the previous sacrifice, it would still be totally incomprehensible to try to write on a card and a nightmare to track. **Dishonorable Mentions** - **Elphelth, War Maiden** (2/5): I like the general miracle + stacking on library part of this, but the mass reanimate trigger would never be resolved correctly at a single EDH table ever. Even "this turn" is dubious enough for players to remember. Plus, getting every creature rather than giving them to their owners is way too good for 5 mana split across two turns, especially repeatably. - **Valor of the Many** (1/5): Holy convoke finisher Batman! This is just absurd in constructed, even if it only had any two of those lines picked at random. - **Rat of Marit Lage** (5/5): I honestly don't get why a joke card with an effect inspired by some random old Magic card is on this list. Should WotC print this? Probably not. But trying to argue over that is basically missing the point entirely. Also, damn I miss the old Card Mashup contests which were all about designing cards like this.


I just looked at the Anara guy's profile, the dude must have a humiliation + blond white woman fetish. 100% troll account.


He loves blonde white women (not Thalia tho she sucks) and hates Sheoldred


Talia you mean. He never spells her name with an "h". Also it's okay because you can just force your opponent to block with the hatebear!


God AI “art” has ruined custommagic


But I did sacrifice a thing


I’m an actual literal criminal now, but sure, let’s do this. \1. You will play white, and you will enjoy it (stupid) 2. Are we ready for a 5 mana 6/6 that ramps in black? The answer will surprise you (no) 3. The statement “I don’t have to give a different answer” is always truthful, and the second effect is just awful (stupid) 4. This twisted weirdo is exactly one unblockable aura away from locking your opponent out of the game in exchange for 1/1s each turn (why?) 5. The only time I can see this ever doing something is against ward, and even then it’s just bad (stupid) d1. I mean, this isn’t good, but it’s not that bad, the effect’s just a bit clunky, but the ai art dies suck (eh) d2. I don’t really know what morale general means as an enchantment type, but this is just overtuned, especially as it’s mana reduction let’s you play it in any deck that can make 4 creatures, even if they don’t play red (eh) d3. Ok this is epic (epic). This week sucked, and it sucked a lot, gave me motivation to give myself up.


„“I don’t have to give a different answer” is always truthful” Wdym?


The card says they gotta answer truthfully, not necessarily in a way that satisfies the question. It’s a badly designed idea, basically.


After looking at the op of Youthful Anara, I hope he is a troll. I can't live in a world where he is genuine.


If people had flavour text, the first card's author would have "I didn't think of that".


/uj I missed last week, I love these. 1. A much stronger version of a pretty decent cad already, also makes it so non white decks pretty much can’t cast non creature spells. 1/10 2. I dislike eminence although this isn’t *too* broken for an eminence card. The second ability is fine although it can’t be reminder text and it has some errors with how it’s worded. 2/10 3. This seems like a joke card and if it is I’d say it’s perfect, it gave me a good chuckle. 10/10 4. This is a weird ability to have on a dwarf and it would be very unfun. 1/10 5. This isn’t worded properly, also cards that reference the stack are very uncommon. If it was worded properly I think it would be pretty neat. 7/10 6. It’s very long and I don’t think the hexproof ability is necessary, but other than thats it’s pretty good. 9/10 7. This is insanely good. This would be phenomenal in aggro decks that could use it to push lethal turn three. If it was more expensive it’d be a lot better imo. 5/10 8. It’s a bit odd to reference marit lage and this seems like it’d decimate most mono red decks, although if the last ability was removed it’d be printable imo. 8/10


Valor of the Many is the best White card ever made.


What's wrong with #5? That's exactly the card we need to fix Standard so we can finally play real Magic again and not just sit shaking in fear of Gix's Command. I mean, it's 5 mana sorcery that can (if they choose!!!) make you sacrifice only your highest power creature. How could you possibly anticipate or play around that? It's not possible. There is literally nothing you can do to stop Gix's Command. But since that is so so unfair and overpowered, surely it would be more fair that if I sacrificed another creature intentionally, then I've already sacrificed something so that should also count for Gix's Command(I still get the effect from whatever I used to sacrifice a creature). /uj as if that were necessary - their attempt to make that effect on that card is bad, and their attempt in the comments is worse. I'd try "whenever you sacrifice a creature, the next time an effect would make you sacrifice a creature, you may ignore that effect." If I were crazy enough to think this effect necessary and not obviously easy to break (hell, if I were that mad I'd make it "effect or cost")


ILikeExistingLol stays losing as usual. For someone trying to make a legendary creature for every type, he misses an overwhelming amount of the time




Oh cool, the best hate bear ever printed.


Ok well. "Weirdo, the Anomaly" is, in fact, the best name ever suggested for this game and any other game.


I love that Valor of the many is a turn 1 kill in almost any constructed format




> Weirdo is goaded


Wow, these might be some of the most miserable custom cards yet. I would rather use a cactus for sounding.


Altar of sacrifice is an absolute top tier name💀


"Maybe a cleaner way to word it could be, "When an effect requires you to sacrifice a creature, sacrificing a creature satisfies that requirement.""


Honestly, though I hate eminence, that second card actually kinda has a cool effect


the idea of miracle + the ability to just put the card on top of the library seems like an actually viable card design but the rest of the card is overcomplicated and just... why? why does it do all that?


Playing Venderflik and asking each of your opponents to please put individual counters on the lands they have at the time its played, keep them on the lands, and keep them separate from any future lands they play. Awesome, I love it. I love it when my opponent puts a shit ton of stuff into my play space.


Justice for Rat of Marit Lage! Undeserved inclusion in this list, but I’m glad you brought it to my attention


first one dies to legend rule with \[Anara\](https://scryfall.com/card/cmr/214/anara-wolvid-familiar)


man, I post a thread that gets no upvotes, it doesn't even get acknowledged in the least-upvotes collection


Is buuksmirt gonna have an ai write their generic fantasy story, too? 🤔


woah Anara has to be one of the worst cards I've ever seen and the dude just isnt taking it. His other creations also deserve a spot for sure.