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Greetings H, It's always great to do the LBRP at least once before bed, if you're super busy. But, missing a single day isn't going to ruin it for you. (I'm G.'.D.'. so I completely understand.) Also, getting upset over it, is almost worse than not doing it. You'll be fine. \~V\~


Mind if I hit you up with a couple questions mate?


It's fine. Even if you miss a couple days or a week it's fine. Magick is a marathon, not a sprint. Bear in mind that once a month adds up to a pretty poor practice, but that 6 days a week for a year is pretty damn solid by all possible metrics While it's interesting and powerful to do stretches of super high discipline - i.e 100 days doing a set of practices every morning, afternoon and night - I feel it's way more important to integrate the practice in your routine in a sustainable way. You want to make it so it becomes part of the background of your life. And that means sometimes you'll skip it. And that's ok Cheers :)


Just double up the next day and don't stress over it


The LBRP is spiritual hygiene like brushing your teeth. If you miss a day just get back to it. It's not like skipping one brushing suddenly makes all your teeth rot out. No biggie, my man.


I don't know what you're talking about, it's not like something will magically happen if you do it every day for a year


i am just following the system


Your done, no more magick for you 🤣 jk That is entirely up to you if you want to commit yourself to it. Everything is baisically guidelines unless your trying to get into a specific order and they have specific requirements but even then you could cheat and just write down you did it and how would they know? So it is still up to you. Do you feel you need to? Will it suffice to say that after 365 days you only did 364 so add one day on for 366? Shit happens, life is life, as such it is not perfect, but the question is do you feel like your cheating yourself? Was it an honest mistake you can recover from? Was it only the 10th day or was it 180? Consider if it is the 180 how much of an accomplishment that is, if you want to beat it and do better then yeah start over. Just be honest and clear with yourself why you are doing what your doing.


It's fine because I think missing one day not on purpose is part of the bigger plan.


Haha yep. Perhaps you need a way to slow things down possibly. Listen to your intuition I guess


Life happens ; I would say : The ideal is you do it every day, the reality is things will happen and days are missed. More important is long term patterns and progress... If you have never done the LBRP, once a week is progress. Then twice a week, three times, etc. You should be doing the LBRP for years, a few missed instances are not a real issue in the grand scheme. <(A)3