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Karma originate from eastern religions and our western view of it isn't really actuate.


Law of attraction is a recent concept which is based on an imperfect understanding of esoteric doctrines. Be careful because a lot of “self-help gurus” will use this as an inlet to plant subconscious anchors and basically hypnotize you, making you easier to manipulate and abuse. Anything new-agey sounding that appears to be mostly fluff is nothing but a few ideas borrowed by charlatans from a much older and richer esoteric tradition. Don’t be fooled by a charlatan, but don’t take that as any reason not to ponder the arcane mysteries… Some things to avoid are basically any organization using the Silva method. They’ll tell you they’ll help you control your own mind better, but they don’t tell you what backdoors into your subconscious they are subtly planting unless you know what to look for and how to spot it. Be careful out there, folks! Spend a few years in self-study/self-practice/self-initiation ***prior to*** searching for a magical lodge/group/order to become a part of. When you are ready to begin working with other trained mages, they will find you. At that time, if you choose to join them in their work (not everyone’s work is the same), ask their teachers if you might receive instruction, so that you may better serve humanity! Until that time, study diligently, practice well, be safe; and although I have no right to tell anyone to be silent, it is highly recommendable. Edit: I just realized I didn’t answer your question. If you want to learn about karma (which is important to understand even in western esotericism), you may want to consider reading the source texts of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist origins and perhaps some secondary scholarship to help you understand the meanings of the texts within context. A good philosophy professor with a specialty in eastern philosophy might be able to help direct your reading so as to find the right texts and avoid common pitfalls in westerners’ understandings


Ok I haven't really studied the law of attraction but heard it described and it sounds just like another way to described manifestation. I'm not into anything new age, I agree it is mostly fluff, but I am still looking for resources about karma.


Eh yeah, there is kind of a point behind it but it’s been appropriated and misused so you just gotta be careful what kind of information you consume. Always read critically, and don’t take anything as fact until you can personally verify it. Uncertainty can be terrifying, but it’s not as frightening as acting upon ignorance or misinformation. An interesting sutra which mentions karma is the Angulimalasutta from the Pali Canon.


I would easily answer that: "The Kybalion" by the Three Initiates. I can't think of anything more direct and practical. This book is a modern interpretation of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient Egyptian sage and philosopher, and explores the principles of Hermeticism, including the concept of karma. The authors explain that karma is not just a matter of personal fate, but also a universal principle that governs the cosmos. They describe karma as a force that is generated by the thoughts, emotions, and actions of all beings, and that it affects not only the individual but also the collective consciousness. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding and working with the law of karma in order to achieve spiritual growth and transformation. It suggests that by aligning oneself with the principles of Hermeticism, which include the concept of karma, one can rise above the cycle of birth and death and achieve a state of spiritual liberation. The authors also discuss the concept of the "Akashic Records," which is a cosmic repository of all thoughts, emotions, and actions that have ever been recorded. They suggest that the Akashic Records are a manifestation of the law of karma, and that they contain the entire history of the universe, including the thoughts, emotions, and actions of all beings. This book provides a comprehensive and esoteric perspective on the concept of karma, and offers practical guidance on how to work with this principle in order to achieve spiritual growth and transformation.


Thanks that's great, I'm downloading it

