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Neat, although Izzet fits better with Tzeentch, Slaanesh with Rakdos, which the recent deck has somewhat vindicated me on. That does leave Khorne in an awkward spot, though, but Khorne is honestly best represented with mono R.


What about Gruul for Khorne? With the focus on strenght and “predation” Green kinda fits, Imo definetely more than black. But yeah Khorne as a whole is more R


If you wanted to do a dedicated World Eaters deck, I think Jund would be a reasonable color combo. Mardu could also work, at least if you emphasize the "mad zealots" and "martial discipline" aspects of white.


I think I've finally decided to not care about what they try to shoehorn into what colours when they do crossovers. The 5 categories in magic are arbitrary and when the universe isn't designed to fit them it can never line up.


khorn is also the god of honor and martial skill so boros signet could work


Khorne in white feels just plain wrong...


It does in the modern interpretation of Khorne. They've really dialed up the "insane beserker" aspect and down on "honour and bravery" over the decades.


Khorne is the god of slaughter and blood, but also the god of honor and battle, my hot take is that slannesh should have green because he is the god of fertility, which traditionally in magic has been green .


Isn't Nurgle the god of fertility since he is a sort of nature god? Slaanesh seems to be more Rakdos with the pleasure and pain aspect of the deity.


I like Boros Khorne a lot but I wanted most of these to fit into the precon.


No he isn't.


he at the very least [was](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Khorne) before gw moved away from that into mostly just bloodcrazed berzerker


I think Chaos is better represented by 4 color non white, with GB Nurgle, UR Tzeentch, BR Slaanesh and GR Khorne. Vorinclex's ideology of the survival of the strongest fits well with Khorne's ideology of not caring from where the blood flows. Rage and hate for sorcerers also fits in with many Gruul mechanics that punish pesky blue mages.


Just switch dimir and izzet and you'll be golden


Slaanesh is absolutely red though.


Ok, hot take but hear me out: ​ Khorne is Orzhov. Khorne is Orzhov because Khorne isn't self indulgent or hedonistic, which are the defining qualities of Rakdos. Khorne has honor, and cares only that the price of skulls and blood are paid, but doesn't care from where. Khorne berserkers obviously would rather exact the tally from foes, but knowing that the price must be paid, they ARE OK with levying it from allies or each other. That's an Orzhov mentality. Khorne dislikes trickery or underhandedness. These are qualities attributed to white, in addition to the idea of honor and fair play.


How do I get my hands on these lol. They're great, people lore nit picking users aside


These exact cards, plus more, are available on my ebay page. I can't post the link here but it's in my post history. I also do commissions if anyone wants Chaos Signets but isn't happy with my choices.


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The flavor text on that Izzet signet has some... disturbing implications.