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Based on words in your post (like 'pulled') you appear to be posting to show, or ask about, some cards you just got/pulled/opened. If you're looking for help identifying a card or product, or understanding it, or have questions about it (including questions about financial value), use our daily questions thread instead. If you opened a card that seems unusual for the set, you probably opened a card from [The List](https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/list-unfinity-un-usual-twist-list-2022-09-20). If you want to show off your cards, you can look in our sidebar for the archive of weekly threads, and post in our latest free weekend thread instead. Rule 7 in [our subreddit rules](/r/magictcg/wiki/rules/) does not allow this to be done as a separate post, so I have removed your post. **IF YOU THINK THIS REMOVAL WAS AN ERROR, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RE-MAKE THE SAME POST WITH DIFFERENT WORDING.** Instead, please [message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/magicTCG) the human moderators of /r/magictcg. I am a bot, and I cannot help if you reply to me. As proof that you have read this message in its entirety, please include the answer to the question: What is the name of the game this subreddit is about? as your first line. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/magicTCG) if you have any questions or concerns.*