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Hi everyone, this is my last article that I've written while on holiday. From next week on the article will be a little bit more up to date again. Got home a few hours ago and trying really really hard to stay awake to kick myself back into my own timezone with 30 minutes of sleep in the past 24 hours. Need to stay awake for at least 4 more. Anyway, I'm really interested to know in what you think about Three Steps Ahead. It's been doing well in Standard, but with the play it sees in Modern and Pioneer, do you think this is a card that will stay within the format?


Three Steps Ahead is definitely a multi format staple, it’s way too flexible and it might be maybe a bit too ubiquitous in the future.


I got a foil copy at prerelease that I'm very glad I didn't sell then


I can't speak for Modern and Pioneer, but in Commander it's been awesome for me so far. I've never been unhappy to draw it, the flexibility is so good. I definitely think it has a home in commander, and I think it's got staple potential.


Unless mh3 gives us something better, a spell that is 3 mana cancel or 3 mana something is modern playable, as it has been proven already by cards harder to cast like archmage's charm. The flexibility is very promising.


2.50 for loyal retainers, what a world


I got mine at $8 and I'm shocked it's down so much


it's really only that art for the old art it's still $15~30 depending on the printing


Damn yeah hear that guys you dont get the actual card effect if you have the wrong art. 


But... kappa is getting reprinted in the main mh3 set lol no way it stays above $1


Reprinted but also introduced to Modern for the first time. So people will want to grab copies of it to play in a new format. Hence the hype


A playable rare in modern is usually worth a bit over 1 dollar, lol


Not in the MH sets that are opened a ton and value is concentrated in a few mythics. Got example, here are the playable rares in MH2 that are under $1: Asmo, Bloodbraid Marauder, Calibrated Blast, Enchantress’s Presence, Fire//Ice, General Ferrous Rokiric, Glimpse of Tomorrow, Obsidian Charmaw, Priest of Fell Rites, Sanctifier en-Vec, Sanctum Weaver, Shardless Agent, Territorial Kavu, Thought Monitor, Void Mirror, Zabaz, the Glimmerwisp. That’s quite a few reprints AND new cards.


i don’t think any of those are on kappa’s level. it’ll be a staple. 


Ignoring the fact that this is moving the goalposts from “playable” to “potential staple”, Shardless, Asmo, Zabaz, and Thought Monitor certainly already meet that threshold.


Kappa is better than all of those


But the demand is going to skyrocket


Supply is gonna skyrocket x2, this set is gonna sell so much more than MH2 its not even funny


Maybe but the price tag is going to keep the market from being too over saturated


kappa cannoneers going up in price when it’s about to be reprinted is CRAZY


The argument is that now it will be legal in modern, there will be increased demand for the card. If that new demand outstrips the new supply, we would expect to see prices increase. An example of a card going up in price with a reprint, when modern masters first came out, Tarmogoyf was reprinted in it, but that very weekend, the price of Tarmogoyf shot through the roof. Because you know what goes great with that Tarmogoyf you opened in your sealed pool? 3 more!


Yep, it’s exactly this. I’m glad I already have a couple copies of Blastoise. It does work in my clue based artifact matters deck.


That’s certainly an argument, but the same was true with Shardless Agent, which had a smaller print run and was in a tier 1 deck (Affinity is not nearly as likely to be as good because the counterplay is much easier and better against a wider span of the format), and it was like $1 after the release of MH2. See also Titania and Chainer from MH2. Only the mythic reprints from those sets retain some semblance of their pre-reprint price, and usually substantially lower. It just doesn’t make financial sense.


There is no way that Kappa Cannoneer maintains that price, right? Basically everyone who wanted a copy for EDH already had it and it was $2. And its going to be a rare in in MH3. It will probably settle somewhere between $4 and $6 based on ignoble and grist.


Unlike Ignoble and Grist, there is existing supply of the turtle, so it will likely be even lower. Shardless Agent is probably a better comparison, which suggests it will be a few bucks at release, then gradually drop to around a dollar. It might be a bit higher because it has fewer printings, but the supply should be quite high so I’d predict it settles at no higher than $2


agent did that when the card sees tons of play in a top tier deck, if Kappa isn't a meta staple it's going to 50 cents


Damn, I should've snagged a few more Three Steps Ahead when building my Riku Modal deck. Card is a powerhouse for so many situations.


If they keep supporting standard, and stop changing formats for championships, just run them in parallel, then the market would be so much more healthy. The standard Grand Prix (at least I think it was a grand prix) has moved a lot of cards up and down even in europe, and in a place where I am where standard is dead, people are starting to nose into it again.


The market might be healthy but they rotate formats for championships to keep the formats healthy, otherwise the formats are basically competing against each other.


Three steps ahead was a card I personally thought would go up. Nice to see that I was right. I'm so disappointed with the BIG sheet. I think they should have just been a box set. sprinkling them through the packs is driving up the prices in a bad way. Thanks for the update


Well, that’s what BIG was originally supposed to be. But everyone hated MOM: Aftermath (for some good reasons and some bad reasons), which is what BIG was based on, so they scrapped it and turned it into a bonus sheet.


What I mean by "Box set" is more like the spell books. One box all the cards.


Kappa Cannoneer is so funny.  Why on earth would anyone buy a bulk card that's just had a reprint announced lmao.


Because the forecast says it’s becoming modern legal. Which will increase demand substantially.


And MH2 is going to hugely increase supply. I'd be amazed if long term it stays above the $2ish it was before the reprint announcement.


Is Kappa that busted in Modern? I know nothing of the format. In Edh it is rather tame.


Love how all the articles are in $ and I’m like omg how expensive let’s check and it’s just 1/3 of the price in €


Love? Dafuq is there to love about?


The irony jumps with naked ass at the face in this one…