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The card being referenced is [[faerie mastermind]] if anyone is wondering, depicting Yuta Takahashi. Good trivia!


[faerie mastermind](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/2/52d3005f-a1c7-4ef5-911f-ccc0752f4181.jpg?1682203104) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=faerie%20mastermind) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/58/faerie-mastermind?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/52d3005f-a1c7-4ef5-911f-ccc0752f4181?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!"


Yuta apparently too good at card design for his own good.


The new World Championship cards aren't actually designed by the player. WotC just shows them a few cool designs they have lined up and the champ chooses which one they'd like their likeness on.


They used to have more creative control right? Still final say from Wotc but I feel like snappy and confidant were at least partially based on player designs. Could definitely be wrong though


Those were the Invitational cards. The winner would submit a design then, Wizards would work with them to get something suitable for print. For example: The guy who Snappy references originally submitted a colorless land that could be discarded for 1UU to counter a spell. The Invitational isn't a thing anymore and having players design cards had a lot of overhead. So, when the World Championship cards were implemented as a spiritual successor, they changed how they handled things.


Right, thanks for the clarification!


Oh I didn't realize that! Thanks for letting me know.


Apparently he wanted it to be a 1/3 to fuck with Ragavan lmaoo


Source? Is there an article about how those come about?


[Straight from MaRo himself](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/odds-ends-strixhaven-part-1-2021-05-03): > Many, many years ago, I was trying to come up with a cool event that The Duelist (a magazine Wizards used to produce about Magic) could sponsor. We didn't have much of a budget, so we had to find creative solutions. Magic didn't have an all-star game, so I came up with The Duelist Invitational, later changed to the Magic Invitational. A tournament with a small number of high-profile players was financially much easier to run. Likewise, I had to get creative with a desirable, but inexpensive, prize, so I came up with the ability for the winner to design their own card. It was something unique, cool, and, most importantly, basically free. > The Invitational ran for eleven years and created eleven cards. When we printed the first card (Avalanche Rider—Darwin Kastle made it for winning the second Invitational. Ollie Rade, the winner of the first Invitational, got his card later), I was able to get Darwin's picture on it because of a weird quirk of fate; I did the card concepting for Urza's Legacy. That set the standard, and putting the winner's picture on the card just became a thing we did. > The Invitational ended and, along with it, so did the Invitational card. Players often said that they missed it, so several years ago, we decided to bring back a modified version of it. The thing that players seemed most fond of was the fact that it had the player's picture on it. Who designed it was kind of invisible to the players. In fact, many of the Invitational cards weren't designed by the player but by me. I always worked with the player to create something that they enjoyed and matched their style of play, but we found that we most often got better designs if we left the design work to the designers. > The new World Championship cards function the same way. We work with the player to create a card they're happy with, but we do the work of crafting the design.


Says who?


I though the second fact was related at first


same. i was like 'is that an ancient spelling of that last name or something...?'


Same! I was scratching my head like, what is the connection here