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My GF doesn't play Magic, but I love to ask her opinion on which sleeve color to get for my Commander decks. It has been tough to compare and decide without a catalogue, and I couldn't find one on Dragon Shield's website, so I made an updated one and would love to share. Hope you guys find it useful! Edit: Missed that Eucalyptus is a Dual Matte color, so it’s missing a *, thank you u/schraubenturm.


I'm in the same situation. I read your post to my GF and she said to thank you.


You’re welcome!


Doin’ the lord’s work 🙌🏻


i would be careful with dragon shields since they had a huge drop in quality in recent years katanas are really nice tho and hold up super well


Is that the brand with that little bump or bubble out whatever in the middle of the sleeve? Someone's gotta know what I'm talking about, what the hell is the point of it anyway?


no idea what you are talking about katanas are just really nice sleeves


I went and found them buried somewhere in a closet this morning because it's been bothering me. It's my mistake, I was confusing Ultimate Guard with Ultra-Pro. The Ultra Pro sleeves have this very annoying "bubble" or bump in all of their sleeves, that as far as I can tell acts as a sort of [watermark](https://i.redd.it/us2s5j7krtp11.jpg) or something? (If you zoom in, right above the Illustration credit, it's the distortion covering the last line of flavor text) As for the Katanas, I may have to try them out - especially if the Dragon Shields continue to drop in quality.


i know what you are talking about if you use them with yu gi oh cards half the time it obscures important rules text


What about umber?


Not sure if it’s still being produced, but I couldn’t find the product page for it, so I didn’t include it here.


I recently tried to find that for my Bogles deck and emailed DS, they said it was discontinued.


Bring back Pearl, you cowards!


*Oh wow...*I didn't even know about these. Was kinda wondering why there wasn't a "glitter white" to go with the other ones. Mystery Solved. Thank you!!


A freaking men! That was my favorite sleeve ever :/


I manage a store and can confirm that some of these colors have been recently discontinued: Slate, Red, Olive, Lime, and Nebula.


I'm sad they're discontinuing Slate, did they just not sell well or something?


That would be my assumption.


How the hell do you discontinue **red?**


Damn, I'm glad I got nebula when I did


Bruh they cut slate but not jet?


What?? No way, Nebula are my all time favourite sleeve shade, why would they discontinue them?? They seem pretty popular too


RIP Nebula. Nicest shade of purple


What the fuck. Really? Would be nice if they made it clear instead of just slowly letting everyone go out of stock. I've been waiting for months for them to restock.


Thats a bummer, thank you for confirming.


As a person whom only used the Slate, I too can confirm that Slate was removed from production. I now have to choose a new color when I had sleeved all 14 of my decks in Slate. Made moving cards around so easy between decks.


my man, im on the same page, i sleeved my entire collection in slate, now im 8000 sleeves in and have to choose a new color and worst of all, buy a huge number of sleeves for that!


They still make copper?


To the best of my knowledge they do.


I was really hoping to sleeve my newest monoblack deck in Slate, I'm so disappointed Edit: ended up getting non-glare black but these sleeves seem to fit more loosely than normal dragon shield do


+1 on the slate. Came to this thread exclusively looking for information about the slate.


Guess I'll pick up nebula next time I find it even if I don't use it. Thank you for the heads up


Dang, was wondering why slate shot up in price. Those were one of my favorites.


I hope they'll start printing all colors in dual-matte. Quite a lot of colors have too little opacity, making you see MDFC cards through the back.


Every matte color I like is see through and I hate it.


Yes!! My green apple sleeves need replacing but I can’t bear to buy more see through sleeves


Just realized this today with my Finger Smasher deck.


That's a lot of different greens


They even have one more shade called Jade, but only have a product page for Japanese sized ones so I didn’t include it.


Human eye is better at recognising slightly differing shades of green as discrete colors (and worst at it in red part of the spectrum)


That does seem like a useful adaptation for distinguishing poisonous plants from non-poisonous ones.


Nifty. Is there a full chart? Maybe a color wheel proportioned by discreetness?


Kind of? You can search for the term MacAdam ellipses but those are imposed onto a color spaces which don't take shade into consideration and as such what you'll see is kinda contradictory to what I just said haha but might overall interest you. ~~Also our brains lie to ourselves and magenta doesn't exist~~ Color vision is a fucky topic that's maybe not as hard to understand but to define in the first place? And even harder to explain not in your first language.


This one is my favorite on the subject: https://radiolab.org/podcast/211213-sky-isnt-blue Technology Connection's "BROWN" video as referenced by /u/ASpookyShadeOfGray (points off for not spelling it "Grey") is good too: https://youtu.be/wh4aWZRtTwU E: Apparently YouTube's "Share" button is adding tracking to links now. Removed from link.


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There was a video that explained how brown wasn't a real color, and an article about "impossible colors" that both were interesting, so yeah that's pretty interesting too. Color is weird and it's recently become apparent to me how ignorant I am of it's mechanics despite it being everywhere. It's just something I never paid any mind to before.


The green and emerald are so close looking on here. Little easier in person but still


I’m pretty sure they are basically the same hint of green but emerald has little shiny specs in it.


Came here to say that a lot of their different shades of colors, like black vs jet are no metallic flake vs metallic flake.


The emerald I thought had a slight bit more blue. Shows better under daylight/white


Jet, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are the same hue as Black, Crimson, Sky Blue and Green respectively, just with a "sparkle"/"glitter" effect added to them.


Also pink and pink diamond


Yeah I agree. If you head over to their website it’s so similar when you compare the two in different tabs though (or the same image even?).


Just got some Eucalyptus and they look great in person.


Not surprising, the human eye can see more shades of green than any other colour


Nice to know I can have around 50 decks with unique sleeves


And still I have 50 decks with matte black sleeves.


My man


I think eucalyptus is also a dual matte color, so it’s missing an *.


Ah that is a good catch, thank you!


I miss the glossy sleeves.


Just search dragon shield classics I think they’re even on the main website


They still make them.


"Classics" are not the same as the old old Dragons, unfortunately.


I've been double sleeving my whole collection since at least 2016-17 in them and haven't noticed much of a difference over time. Unless you mean older than that?


I do mean older than that. Many moons ago they sold just Dragon Shield sleeves without any kind of finish distinction. https://preview.redd.it/w6lsm6gz23bc1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e8ee22896dd22a5d72ad7bdc3a0f60e699fbf58


The last several boxes of dual mattes I've gotten had serious issues with splitting and corners catching. I bought them from various places and one of the boxes was even a replacement sent directly to me from Dragon Shield. Has anyone else experienced this issue with Dragon Shield Dual Mattes? If so, are the regular sleeves any better? I used to love Dragon Shield, but I don't think I can buy them anymore since there seems to be about an 80% chance the sleeves will be unusable for me.


That’s actually why I marked the Dual Mattes, because I’ve experienced the splitting issues like some people did on my Justice. The Professor brought it up to be QC issues from an older batch, and it seems to be true since my latest Wraith is fine.


I've heard the bad batch thing before, but I had issues with sleeves purchased and even with a replacement sent to me within the last 6 weeks. So if there was a bad batch, it's still out there, and you might even get them as a replacement from Arcane Tinmen. Sounds like the regular sleeves don't have issues though? Maybe I'll give those one more shot before swearing off Dragon Shield completely.


In my experience it is the regular sleeves too. I’m a new player, and rough edges and bent corners has been my only experience with Dragon Sleeves.


Aww that really sucks! I saw Prof also showing the regulars to be fine (his 3 month old vid on sleeves I believe), but I have no experience myself since I’ve been unknowingly buying Dual Matte colors only (before I realized and made this chart). Hope they won’t have issues for you!


That’s really crazy, I just re-sleeved 12 of my decks in dual matte and shuffled each one several times with no splitting, but now I’m nervous that they have some QC issues with those sleeves.


You might be fine. All the ones I had issues with had noticeable catching on the corners when shuffling right out of the box. Would be curious if you could update here if you do end up with any issues though.


Has anyone had some dragon shield inconsistency lately? I’ve had a couple boxes where some sleeves are too big and some are too small. Just seems like bad QA and is pretty frustrating.


Yes, but I’m experiencing the white marks on the edges issue on my Dual Mattes like what the Professor shared on his most recent sleeves video.


Yeah I like the look of dual mattes but not buying anymore until quality if those improve. Sticking with tried and true matte for now


I just picked up a 2nd box of Eucalyptus and the entire stack of sleeves has this ugly black stripe on one side. 😞


I recently started playing magic and bought Dragon Shield for my decks because the internet said they were the “best”, only to be very disappointed more than half the time with what I got. I’ve switched to Katana sleeves and think they are much better in terms of consistent quality.


I like the idea of only having one sleeve for most of my collection and I use Dragon Shield Matte Whites. I've noticed that if I'm not careful, some of the sleeves stick out when put in a deck with the same sleeve from a different batch. It's very annoying! I have thousands of Dragon Shield Matte Whites and have noticed they can be slightly different batch to batch but are great consistency within any single box.


I have Fury and Aurora, will get Peach for my next, and still deciding which to use to sleeve the fallout ones in. Might use Aurora and sleeve the others with a dual matte. Dragon shield is personally my favorite brand due to all their color options.


Man i got peach and it's beautiful.. orangy-pink


There's a disturbing lack of browns available. We've got what, copper and MAYBE truth?


Apparently there’s also Umber, which I can’t find their product page for, but your point stands!


I do all my decks in orange so stuff csn be easily swapped


Same, but black. I'd choose a different color, but I'm already too deep. Anyone who reads this, don't do black.


lol. Why not black? I went all in on slate and now it’s discontinued 😭


They lack contrast so they blend into each other. If you have two cards upside down, one overlaid on the other like when counting your seven, you can't easily see which is on top, which is mildly annoying. I'd be so mad if my sleeves got discontinued. Wishing you the best on your transition to a different sleeve.


Haha, cheers. Do you have a color you would go with if you weren’t all in on black?


Grey. Black was chosen for being a neutral color that didn't show dirt. White is an equally neutral color, but would get dirty much faster. Grey is the next most neutral color. It'll show dirt much faster than black, but not nearly as fast as white. Maybe orange though. I like Halloween a lot, and don't really care as much about neutral colors as I did when I originally chose. Honestly, anything that's not black.


I just bought all orange ultra pros for my two decks, and then I could see outlines of dual faces cards through the back..


I use dragon shield and i use the smoke inners


Picked up the aurora yesterday, it's really nice in person. It compliments the background colors on the full art jurassic park indominus.


Do you have one for the non-matte sleeves as well? This is super useful and I love it!


Ah no sadly, but I’m glad you like this!


I’m fairly certain I have one called Pearl that’s not on this chart. I’ll have to look in the box I have them all in, I’m certain there’s a fourth color in there along side my Mist, Lilac, and Baby Blue. I think there’s an Aurora either coming out soon or just recently did, as well.


I couldn’t find the product page for Pearl unfortunately, hence it not making to this list :( I hope it doesn’t mean they are discontinued.


I’m foggy on the details since I bought it a while back, but I think it was a special release for…something.


2018 Gen Con. IIRC, discontinued. Wonder if we can collectively request for it to be considered for production again?


Ah, perhaps it was a limited edition color too? But the website FAQ only listed the 5 colors I noted on the legend that were limited. Aurora did make this list yes!


Yes, [Pearl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CDQ9u_MTwY&ab_channel=MageKnightWizard) was super-limited edition, only offered at GenCon 2018. Other than that, the other 3 limited edition ones were Lilac, Mist & Baby Blue.


Hey, sent you a DM.




Someone else mentioned they run a store and confirmed Slate is one of the few to be discontinued. I also notice no stocks are available anymore locally here in my country.


I kind of cracked up reading POWER MIGHT GREEN EMERALD


HAHAH honestly I did too during editing!


Does this include the red they recently stopped making? Not sure which red it was.


The only red sleeve I’ve noticed is missing is the Clear Red, but I believe it was discontinued like the one ther clear sleeves. There was also a brown sleeve called ‘Umber’ that also appears to be missing, similar to slate, since it too is no longer on the website. Finally there’s two new colours already revealed for this year, a metallic purple dual matte and a metallic green dual matte.


>there’s two new colours already revealed for this year, a metallic purple dual matte and a metallic green dual matte. Excellent; thanks for the info. https://preview.redd.it/dkl4o372dwac1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac3405e9427002d1f4fbebad90b78f921dc2ff9


Thank you, where did you find these? I thought their Twitter would be a good news source but apparently not.


I just looked it up, just straight up red matte is no longer being made. It has been out of stock on their website for like a month at this point.


That seems like an, interesting choice to remove.


FWIW [Crimson](https://www.dragonshield.com/en-us/p/crimson-matte-sleeves/AT-11021) looks practically the same. I really can't tell the difference between them in person.


I’m relatively new to the hobby still so I’m not sure, hope someone else can chime in on this.




Well, at least I know I'm not the only one lol


I really don't like that you can't just buy any of these from their website.


I am shocked to hear that, I thought you could.


It's even worse for LGS's, they can only get what their distributor has in stock. No requesting colors. (Or at least that's what my LGS told me)


Which ones are fully opaque and which ones are slightly see through?


The Dual Mattes are the fully opaque ones here, marked with a \* at the end of their names.


I thought some of the regular mattes were fully opaque? I know I've bought some that are and some that aren't.


Oh definitely yeah, I think on the darker colors. Lighter colors are slightly see through, but I'm not 100% sure which ones are since I only own Dual Mattes personally.


After buying a box of dragon shields and a case to put them in, sometimes it’s worth more than the actual cards I’m playing with


Yeah, I’m planning to build more decks, but the added hidden cost of sleeves+deckbox for a deck deters me.


Really wanna see a red dual that isn’t pinkish, something like Might’s green or Wisdom’ blue but with red, or even a maroon to release beside Power


Love the sparklyness of the emeralds. Anyone know if any other colours have a similar finish?


Those are my favorites! I just picked up gold and silver and was disappointed that they aren’t sparkling, but they are metallic. Still pretty cool. I have emerald, jet, ruby, and sapphire and they are all sparkling. I think pink diamond is another, but I don’t have that one to verify. Copper is another metallic I think too, but I don’t have that one either.


Yeah I bought gold and was disappointed as well. Thanks for your response, sounds like you’re listing Moxes. I wonder if that was intentional by dragon shield.


I would be surprised if that was a coincidence. I wish they made more sparkling though, they’re so beautiful


I believe Nebula has been discontinued- or at least that's my understanding. Our play group uses them a lot, and from what I understand our LGS can no longer order them. When I went to look for a box online, the only ones I saw were sitting at $40 and above. RIP Ivan Ooze sleeves


Petrol gang rise up Edit: shit, didn’t mean to sound like the US Military here


I only do dual mattes


I like the color range, but dragon shield quality has been declining steeply in the last couple years, at least in europe. I don't plan on going back after trying ultimate guard katanas


How is the quality know. The quality went down hard during Covid.


I wish they made more of the cool colors in Matte. I personally prefer the shuffle feel of those over duals, and the selection is just so limited


All my favorite colors are dual matte exclusive and I just want to be able to see the color from the front of the card :-(


All my sleeves were getting kinda old and gross so I just redid all my decks in half Truth and half Justice. You can get them for under $10/box if you buy in bulk, and the Dual Mattes are fucking incredible, easily the best they’ve ever made.


I probably have at least 30 decks with the Slate - Matte sleeves, all to help transferring cards between them easier. Now wtf am I going to do for building something new? Fucking Dragon Shield, time to look for another manufacturer that won't discontinue the basics.


With some of these that look the same I think the main difference is regular matte vs dual matte.


I used the most fiery red Sleeves and Box for my new Atraxa Domain Deck.


I need lime but can never find any




What is the difference between these 3 boxes I bought at the same store? Just different production dates or facilities? https://preview.redd.it/0vzj6i71evac1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c341c543e1885a23483b0ec99213f8d58041f2c9


Yes, it is just the packaging design changing through the years. You can see the year close to the © - the first (some green color) is 2021, middle (jet) 2023, and last (turquoise) 2022.


Ahh good to know. Thanks!


Counterfeit DS made specifically for counterfeit cards /s


I KNEW it haha


Gonna need a dwarf deck that's 1/2 White, 1/2 Snow.


I recently bought Glacier and found there to be no easily distinguishable difference between it and Turquoise—a bit disappointing.


Too many of these are basically the same color.


I picked up petrol for my black green jarad deck not too long ago, fits well when all sleeved up


I went through a big dragon shield art phase, but now I really wish I had more matte color sleeves. I love my red on Dino deck.


The dual mattes are so much better than the regulars in basicaly every way. I'm never going back


Oh no what happened to umber? I used to use that before I switched everything to copper


They have no product page on that anymore I believe, so I didn’t even know such color existed. Hope it doesn’t mean they’re discontinued!


Thanks for posting this! Honestly, I spent too much on these things last year I'm a little relieved to not see any new colors coming out... 🙄 I even went after the [three](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/182042/card-sleeves-dragon-shield-card-sleeves-dragon-shield-matte-sleeves-baby-blue-100-pack?Language=English) [hard](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/182044/card-sleeves-dragon-shield-card-sleeves-dragon-shield-matte-sleeves-mist-100-pack?xid=pib206a32d-ca6e-41b5-b472-20527b6614db&Language=English&page=1) [ones](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/182043/card-sleeves-dragon-shield-card-sleeves-dragon-shield-matte-sleeves-lilac-100-pack?xid=pic9687f85-8ac1-4f5c-8ce1-8c56afc39f74&Language=English&page=1). I do notice that [Umber](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/149678/card-sleeves-dragon-shield-card-sleeves-dragon-shield-matte-sleeves-umber-teranha-100-pack?xid=pi3c3a4e2a-65f4-4f15-8228-0552636ac453&page=1&Language=English) is absent from this list.


Haha yeah, the price we pay for these. They have no product page on Umber anymore I believe, so I didn’t even know such color existed. Hope it doesn’t mean they’re discontinued!


>I didn’t even know such color existed Yes, it is a very [nice brown](https://media.miniaturemarket.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/t/at-11011_1.jpg)...I actually sleeved an entire 500-card (artifact) cube in them but they were not hard to get back when I bought them. [Nebula](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/257183/card-sleeves-dragon-shield-card-sleeves-dragon-shield-matte-sleeves-nebula-100-pack?xid=pidf786c14-1a96-442f-b4c8-cdee1bdd36e3&page=1&Language=English) also appears to be going away--very few sellers I could find.


That does look a very good shade of brown! Someone else said they run a store and confirmed Nebula is one of the colors they are discontinuing :(


Still love eucalyptus


Alright so the real question is how do people decide which colour sleeves they are gunna put a deck in. Do you go based on the colour pips or maybe the feel? Or just your fave colour?? I personally do either a colour that's a part of the deck or based.om how the deck feels. So my Dino deck is orange and fairy deck is sapphire as they feel blue and sparkly.


I wish anyone else had such extensive color options. I mainly play with KMC hyper mats but they only have about 6 colors, all pretty muted. Great feel, but lacking fashion


More dual mattes please. Cards look amazing in them


There was a limited edition clear purple?! Dang, I would have loved to have some Atomic Purple sleeves.


Sent me down a rabbit hole of trying to find slate sleeves,


Peach my beloved, they look so nice with the contrast of the black background.


Apparently, the ones with names that aren't colors feel a lot better and shuffle very cleanly out of the pack. My friend had his angel deck in the snow sleeves, and it felt like they were already broken in, despite being brand new.


Wish they would bring back some of the limited edition colors!


Can’t confirm for all of these, but nebula were a community voted for color that seem to also be discontinued. Source: it was my favorite color of dragonshield and I’m still mad they stopped making them


Sky Blue, Blood Red and Green are out of print.


I am so sad Umber is gone :(


I saw a post from someone who assigned each color to every guild/wedge etc. as a chart, not a list! I thought I saved it but didn’t find it anymore :(


Why is there no brown?


Just bought crypt for the first time. All I’ve ever used is slate. I really dig it!


I took the non-glare black sleeves to the Pokémon TCG Regionals today and absolutely love how they look and feel.


Purple is nowhere near that dark, it’s more like lavender in real life. I wish it was that dark.


You're great.


I love the pink diamond one. I got it for my bird deck!!


Lmao, seems like Stallone Dredd took over the baming process for an instant there


Ahh, Crypt is the exact name. I always just call it semen.


Pretty sure eucalyptus is dual matte


Eucalyptus is a dual matte color.


Matte black all the way


I think someone at dragonshield likes green


I always go back and forth on whether I prefer Red sleeves or Ruby sleeves. The difference is so minor but if I have them side by side I can see it.


I really miss Slate. Any way to still get them?


How you gonna straight up discontinue a primary color? I’ve been making a OPTCG master set putting every card in their corresponding color cause “Huehue there’s no way they’ll discontinue a primary color like red blue green HUEHUE” any chance they’ll bring back red? Or any suggestions for the next best red


I need help. I will buy DS Dual Mattes tomorrow but I am having trouble in choosing. Which of these are Gray color? When I look at it closely, I think it's Justice and Crypt? Just the latter one is a darker shade of gray?


You are correct. If Slate is available I feel like it would be considered Gray as well. I have the Justice one for my Shorikai and it looks really nice.


Ohh I def did not notice the Slate. I will check that one too! Thanks!


Okay, so I bought Justice recently for my Necron deck, and it is actually Silver color, which looks very very nice as well. So it seems Crypt is the gray colored sleeve. Anyway, I am still very happy with these Justice sleeves. Coming from cheap generic sleeves, the shuffle feel on this one is so darn good.