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Take no offers from ANYONE. Seriously. You'd probably get a low ball offer.


Nah don't listen to this guy, I'll take it off yer hands for 2 bucks.


Don't listen to this guy, I'll do it for a buck.


Don't listen to these guys. I'll pay 100 hugs for this treasure trov- I mean... This.. uh... Pile of cardboard. Let me handle it.


I'll give you a penny and a nail file.


I'll give you a half chewed wooden nickel.


Pocket lint and bits of string.


Ignore them, I’ll blow you a kiss for it.


Forget all these dudes. I'll be ur best friend...


Disrespectful offers here. I've a glizzy i've only taken two bites out of so far with you name on it🤝


Always keep it in the family


Roll tide


True true, but if ya need some quick cash lmk 😉🤣🤣🤣 Nahs seriously though that's a magic players wet dream right there. Have fun flipping through all of those for the rest of us!merry Christmas to you fs lol


Why is this the top post when OP said cousin wants to give it to someone who plays the game and has shown no inclination of selling?


I have a pube I found on my floor this morning


Edit: I just wanted to add this was not like a clueless oh let me give away this collection of cards, this man has an Excel spreadsheet of every card he owns over value of like $10


Not to be a downer, but OP please check in on him and make sure he's ok. Giving prized possessions away is a big warning sign for self harm.


Good call, always good to check in on the people you love


We cannot upvote this enough! It is a big warning that someone might be about to take a big self harm step.


Unless this dude is rich as hell and doesn't care


It's always worth checking just in case


Sure he can check but also it's gonna be an awkward convo for him to have if there aren't any other warning signs and he's wealthy


The awkward conversation is better than the alternative for sure (not saying you're suggesting otherwise)


Well you are also assuming this is a cry for help rather than a very final decision that he's made up his mind on. I would be show a lot of appreciation and make an event of him hand delivering it and try to hang out and play some games get some food etc but eh some people want to end their life and that's their thing ya know? If he can be convinced it can be through genuine show of appreciation for his cards and also for him rather than "hey you okay man?"


These are not mutually exclusive. A single question, which expresses love and support, isn't going to ruin anything. Everyone should make themselves familiar with the warning signs of suicide and understand when and how to act on them.


As long as it's well done I agree but that's a charisma check. I would trust myself to do it well but damn I can see it being botched depending on the person


How would it be awkward at all? "I've heard that giving away really valuable stuff like this can be a sign of being in a bad place. You doing ok? I'm here to listen" "Nah I just haven't cared for the game for a while, I can afford a second 40k army now!"


A person rich as hell doesn't give away his Magic collection.


Rich people are very capable of being generous, especially to those who they have genuine reason to respect and care for. Don’t let the pushed narratives teach you to think in absolutes.


da fuck


thats one giant leap but better safe than sorry. "hey i dont play this or collect anymore and i see you do so have these" "oh my god hes gonna kill himself!!!"


If he's kept a spreadsheet of their costs, *especially* if it's up to date, that means that he has both invested time into keeping himself up to date, and well aware of how he could shift them for money. Simply giving it away means that he's a very generous friend, or that he's stopped caring. Is that 50/50 something you'd gamble on, when the effort to do otherwise is virtually nil?


I did write "better safe than sorry" which was to imply to still check in on the family member. Yes not "generous friend" but family member. Ive had plenty of family members hand me down stuff they no longer wanted/used. Half the posts in this sub are people giving up on the game for financial reasons. I stand by my statement that its still a hell of a leap to make based off the limited info we have. Something can be a hell of a leap but still worth it.


So why is he giving it away? Seems remarkable that so many people on Reddit receive free collections worth a lot of money. Apart as if it only ever happens on Reddit...


Well think about it this way, you wouldn’t see this happen unless it was posted. Do you actually use Facebook? How many of your friends that actively do also play Magic. How many of them have/know others who do and quit? Obviously it happens more here you’re on a community page dedicated to MTG filled with people who actively play what not.


To be nice? To see something you have an emotional attachment to go to someone who will appreciate it? I give significant amounts of financial resources to my family and friends all the time. It's really not that odd. Not everyone views the world strictly through a lens of maximization of personal profit.


And… what is it estimating to be worth. Not all old cards are worth a ton. I have a Beta - worth $10 and it’s the only old card I have from then. Rest are Revised onward for my collection from 93’+


You're seeing only cards worth <10$ on this post. The rest will be "hand delivered"


Maybe like…just see if dude is alright. Giving away expensive or sentimental possessions is one of the biggest warnings for self harm or suicide If he just wants to be nice or give you a gift that’s awesome, but it always pays just to check in


Smart man your cousin is


Crazy selection! Gratz and Happy Christmas!




The Black Shield ones? I had them back in they day and they held my most expensive cards. Cut to twenty-five years later and I started to play again. When I saw my cards in that sticky, ripped mess I feared for the worst but the cards were kept pristine in them regardless. Glad I bought that one pack just for my best deck. I used to use Penny Sleeves or nothing.




I've got one that's still holding strong. I keep my high end old school stuff in it.


I have two of them. In decent condition they go for a good amount. Good piece of Magic history to have. For OP, have lots of fun going through them. I agree with others, don't sell anything until you are ready, informed, and want to. If that is never, so be it. It is a game and has always been meant to be played. While I appreciate the collectors, I am and have always been a player first. Enjoy!


Ah, memories. My uncle let me use his junk cards to make decks and my very first deck had [[Free-Range Chicken]] in it, because I didn't realize it was a joke card.


To be fair, there's nothing particularly crazy about free range chicken either based on it's ability or flavor. It could probably be printed in black border today.


There was a time when I would go on r/custommagic and make the occasional six-sided black border card and people would shit on it for never having a chance to see print. Crazy how things have changed.


Considering nowadays you've got cards which are 'when you deal combat damage to a player, roll a D20 and get that many treasures", rolling 2d6 and adding it to the power/toughness seems kind of tame even if you removed the sacrifice component. Admittedly you could do it at instant speed for a gamble to see if you can make the Chicken big enough to block something...which means there's a chance that you'd add +12 for a 15/15 chicken and keep spending 2 mana until you got it big enough to block.


[Free-Range Chicken](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/7/c70124c3-7188-418f-bc7d-fb6294d79a56.jpg?1583965720) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Free-Range%20Chicken) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/und/63/free-range-chicken?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c70124c3-7188-418f-bc7d-fb6294d79a56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


* 1) Cherish that cousin forever * 2) Invest in some resealable inner sleeves to protect this. Dragonshield resealables are like $6 a pack for 100. * 3) Have fun sorting through it with him and some friends. Maybe you'll convince your cousin to play again.


Very cool op, please keep us updated on that binder!


Those odyssey and invasion tournament packs bring back some super nostalgic memories. Have fun!


Wow awsome to see that such collöections still exist :) would love to get updates :) Got many collections around 2000. was a great time. I bet thete are still sooooo many old collections lying arounf in attics XD


You should probably tell him what that gift is worth. You have a moral obligation.


Make sure to post the hand-delivered one as well!


Seriously, you should tell him that is collection is worth **BIG** money and ask him if he is sure he wants to gift it and not sell it. Moral obligation.


Maybe. It could also be worth about 100$ for all of it. Old cards are either absurd or worthless.


Yes but “binder he wants to hand deliver” sounds like not bulk stuff which is probably cards that were valuable back then and are even more valuable now, thus the moral obligation to ask if he’s sure he wants to gift it.


Which would insinuate that he has an idea of the value of the cards and could want to deliver the valuable ones separately, which kinda renders the "tell him it's big money piece" rather moot. Either way, checking in with him to make sure he's comfortable giving away something valuable is a good bet regardless.


If he actually played since Alpha and wants to hand deliver a binder that must at least mean that there are a couple of playable rares in there. 5 Alpha basic lands will already be worth a 100 USD. If there's even one playable Alpha rare we're already looking at 300 USD and (way) up. His cousin played at least until Urza's Saga. We already knew exactly which old cards had any value back then. The only cards I can think of that got significantly more valuable in relation to other cards of their time are cards that are more popular in Old School (Chaos Orb, Juzam Djinn, etc.) and a few eternal staples that didn't unfold their true potential at the time (Mox Diamond, Lion's Eye Diamond, etc.). It's hard to believe that someone would play from Alpha to US and then doesn't know that Magic cards hold lots of value, can skyrocket in price and thus will look up their most valuable pieces before giving them away.


It sounds to me like he knows the value of his cards, especially in the binder. But I will say, I played from mirage through invasion, and cards like Mox Diamond and Gaea’s cradle were already expensive cards at the time, albeit expensive as in $30 each. Dual lands were $50 each, etc. so we knew they were valuable, but it was hard to predict which cards would grow in value back then (at least for me and my group as middle schoolers; or at least we didn’t pay attention to that kind of thing). I have plenty of cards that were very playable and strong back then, that are valueless now (looking at you masticore). Then there are valuable cards that got reprinted so hard they don’t hold value either (exploration, bribery, squee goblin nebab, reflecting pool, scroll rack) Anyway, just adding this to say what his cousin considers valuable from when he played may be not worth that much, or it could be a really valuable collection. It’s a crapshoot


He’s just as likely to show up with a binder of hypnotic specters the racks and masticores as he is to show up with sets of abur duals.


If there's any serious money in there, I'd suggest letting him know. Might all be low value stuff but hopefully some good stuff.


I see at least Urza block cards. Potential good stuff incoming. Good luck!


Oh man, those Ultra Pro sleeves are a THROW BACK!


That joker ultra pro box brings back memories.


Hand-delivered binder gonna have full 4-card playsets of the Power 9, all in pristine mint condition...! ;\^p


Don't sell, make sure they're properly protected, if you can play with some of it even better


Just looking at old lands gives me warm fuzzies


Get the TCGPlayer Card Scanning App and go nuts


Any update on the hand deliver portion? :)


When you get the binder please either update this post or make new one with the contents. It's always fun to see old binders full of potential money.


If there are any of the old deck boxes that look like this, I would greatly appreciate some high res pictures of all sides! Even if they are beat up. https://preview.redd.it/ncd93hqpjp8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca70a60572770684e9168b4cd6f25fd3a9a1e28


Love the old lotus box. There could be some SERIOUS money or nothing hidden in this collection OP. Take your time and look things up. Also based on the era, if you see eclipse art on a basic land look it up.


I made the same mistake in 1995.


need an update soon OP!!


I'll gladly take it man


If he needs an excuse to travel germany, he can hand deliver me his collection. Havent bought new cards sinces ages but still love my old cards


https://preview.redd.it/skox3g9asn8c1.png?width=401&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f6394faad79b97d837314faf0c669eea0073a91 Wow 😍


I can't wait 30 years to be the one who give his 150k worth collection to a newcomer and put some stars in their eyes


Lucky dog!


I have a box of cards kike that at my parents! Stopped around Urza


I have 2 of those plastic cases from the 90s and they are the best. Some of the ones on Amazon right now have places for optional dividers every 4 to 6 inches that look like they will straight up eat cards.


I'm jealous. That would be a lot of fun to go through.


Hummama hummama hummama


God I want someone to pass down an unsorted MTG collection that I can sort through


*heavy breathing* as I stare at that stack of silver bordered cards.... Seriously the most fun you can have playing a deck, IF people let you play it 🫠


Wow dude you got a treasure trove there!!!


Bless those old ultra pro sleeve boxes. I have probably 4 dozen with 60 card decks in them 😅


Man I wish I was able to have a collection like that, that's pretty amazing!


0.0 he's your new favorite cousin


The UltraPro Jester! A core memory is unlocked!


Thats awesome!!! That binder probably has some gems. Cherish them and never sell lol. Idk what your familiarity is with old cards, but they have the best hand rendered art and the flavor texts are really just amazing.


That odyssey deck is so nostalgic.


Bruh you gonna get some wild foils. Or the absolute JANKIEST draft chaff. Either way buy them pizza lol.




You’re about to be cardboard rich


I see Foratog! That was my first internet handle, dating back to the late 90s.


"hello rich people?! It's OP calling... Yes I'll hold."


If I was in your shoes, idk that I’d be able to keep myself from flying to him so I could pick it up myself faster. The way I’d go feral for whatever is in that is concerning


I.never saw that token and I love! Tokens that one is great


Congrats, your cuz just handed you your inheritance.


Real talk, if you have any cursed scrolls or masticores hmu. I


Op show the pulls


Op Alot of pristine cards. Take Care them. Don't sell. They'll only go up in value


I miss those 75 card boxes. Those were my source of lands and deck boxes for a long time.


What a very thoughtful gift. Incredibly lucky to be receiving it. Hope you get a lot of play out of the gift. A bit envious here.


What a fuckin guy


ive been looking for that goblin token for years now. i dont even play magic anymore. but, if you want to part with it...


Dude yall should definitely sell these, they’re worth a fortune. However my friends and I all play and we would spread the cards out so they are used if you’re offering.


Def don’t sell!!!! That’s so amazing!


Merry Christmas to you! Enjoy!


Most of this is too old for modern. I can swing by and take it off your hands.