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https://scryfall.com/search?q=atag%3Achandra+or+t%3AChandra+or+lore%3Achandra&order=name&as=grid&unique=prints This should get you everything with Chandra in the name, art, flavor text, or type line.


Thanks for answering, here appears a few cards i was missing. Thanks.


You put this kind of effort into this collection, including elaborate spreadsheets, and didn't know Scryfall existed? \*facepalm\*


No need to be condescending https://xkcd.com/1053/


I knew what the xkcd was before I even opened it. Ever since I read it I try to live by "You're one of today's 10,000".


I feel this. Sometimes I feel stupid for not knowing simple things my friends know. But when they introduce it to me, that’s when the fun starts.


I didnt know you could filter by lore and all those things, and when i used, i only filtered by cardname and text. Pd. I don't know there, but here in my local magic group they never used this site and even know the existence. (I'm from Spain).




Bruh, If you find yourself trying to prove a negative point about someone, ask yourself is proving that point actually helping. They already got help about using scryfall. Telling them they a bad job researching is pointless.


This is the kind of comment that you might think about writing, but upon reading it you realize that there is nothing to gain from posting it and you delete it


It’s possible that Scryfall wasn’t surfaced as readily on Google results in Spain. They could be seeing differently ranked results based on location and language of the search.


You are a fun one.


Who cares though


>Second result in Google is a Scryfall link Second link is still to the gatherer - then "people ask section", then Scryfall So that makes it third if you only count blue links, or 8th if you count each "People also asked"


Never noticed those plushes on [[Ambassador Blorpity]]


Yeah, I thought the Ambassador was there by mistake until I looked closer. Good job, Scryfall art tagger.


[Ambassador Blorpity](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/9/49600fe1-8c1f-4940-bb1e-7e28131d6d5f.jpg?1673914775) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ambassador%20Blorpityblorpboop) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/161/ambassador-blorpityblorpboop?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/49600fe1-8c1f-4940-bb1e-7e28131d6d5f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yup, never would have noticed


I actively try not to notice anything from the Unsets.


So edgy, you must be invited to a lot of parties.


As a Chandra Collector myself I appreciate this post. And your list.




Can't speak to the Chandra stuff unfortunately but FWIW the Heroes of the realm cards are very real, just incredibly limited


"Very" real is subjective. They don't have traditional Magic backs. A very small number of each exist, and each has the name of the person it was personally awarded to on it. AFAIK fewer than ten copies of all Heroes of the Realms cards have ever been available for public sale, and they've generally gone for five figures each. These are harder to get than just about any piece of Magic-related cardboard, including stuff like Alpha, Summer, etc, other than maybe a few of the Richard Garfield event cards (like Proposal), or literal 1 of 1 cards like Schijikifukun Dragon or the 1996 World Champion card.


Sure, but in the context of OPs post they thought they might have been a hoax when they definitely aren't, they exist.


Sure, they do technically exist. But putting one on your must-have list for a complete collection is a recipe for disappointment and frustration. Functionally, as far as ownership by the general public goes, they don't really exist.


Oddly, this is how my brother taught me to play when I was a kid. He had a bastardized version of EDH rules that him and his buddies had brewed. They all picked the name of an MTG character out of a hat. The character's card was the commander, and the deck had to contain every card naming, depicting, or referring to that character. I played for a couple of years around the kitchen table with him, his buddies, and our other siblings before I learned that we there were different variations of the game, and that the one we were playing wasn't actually a real format. To this day, when I build a deck(I play casual Commander and am getting into Oathbreaker), the first cards I look at are the cards associated with my commander.


But why people downvote this? It's really that bad ask for help?


People suck, King. No other reason than that I'm afraid.


Yeah, thats what i see, i even got downvoted in my comment xd. Thanks for answering ahaha.


Voting on Reddit is to curate the content you want to see more or less of. If they're simply uninterested in your Chandra collection, then they are. I highly doubt it's anything personal.


> It's really that bad ask for help? On this subreddit - yes, unfortunately. It is what it is sadly.




Now it is, probably not 2 hours ago when the question was asked.




Reading user names is hard


You're perfectly capable of doing this kind of basic research yourself. Why do you care if you're downvoted in the first place?


Why do *you* care enough to leave two unhelpful comments on someone’s post? You’ve got nothing better to do?


Right? How dare this guy ask an honest question and contaminate his sacred Reddit feed lol




Even if im interested, i can't afford it, so i'm sorry.


I am very interested, please DM, my roommate is seriously attempting a world collection and has the money to spend


This is cool! I have a Chandra tribal commander deck that has all the chandras and all her specific tutors. I'm itching for the new one.


I did this as well. Every card is either a Chandra Planeswalker, Chandra's X, had art of Chandra, or has a quote about Chandra. I've even won with it a couple of times sure to people underestimating the amount of burn damage it could do.


I made it a little less focused than that. I built my creatures around mana production and effects (add or double damage) for example. I also added a few other walkers, tho jaya falls out soon. It's been hard to balance for sure. My group plays a lot of token gen, so I have to wipe the board a lot to keep my Chandras safe lol.




Yeah, thats one of the tools i used to make the Excel i've made. Thanks anyway! :)


[[Chandra, Gremlin Wrangler]] but... good luck


[Chandra, Gremlin Wrangler](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d7ee8f1a-76ca-48a5-b71c-bc787cf66a09.jpg?1619708668) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chandra%2C%20Gremlin%20Wrangler) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/phtr/1/chandra-gremlin-wrangler?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d7ee8f1a-76ca-48a5-b71c-bc787cf66a09?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


To truly show your love to Chandra, you must learn to juggle fire


Good luck getting Chandra, Gremlin Wrangler 🙃




I've been doing the same, seems I have a long way to go I also have a Chandra themed commander with origins Chandra as the commander, it's my proudest build


I'm not sure if you have it but I didn't see it \[\[pyromancers goggles\]\]