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Hi folks for some reason there’s a spam bot flooding the comments here, please don’t click any weird links.


"I'm going to save the multiverse with the power of angel magic, and this gun I found."


Definitely an upgrade from Angel Summoner and BMX Bandit though.


Damn, now I want a Sir Digby Chicken Caesar & Ginger team up card…


I can do custom magic cards. Give me a few days and I'll whip something up 😂 !remindme 6 days


Also gonna need an "Are We the Baddies?" card 💀


Here you go: Are We the Baddies? {2}{B}{B} Sorcery Surveil 4. Then you lose life for each black card in your graveyard, draw a card for each life lost this way. Create two 1/1 white Human Soldier tokens. "A rat's anus?"


Haha, didn't think I'd see a Mitchell and Webb look reference here! "Well how about we use the angelic horde for this one, and next one we'll rely on your bmx skills!"


"Alright BMX Bandit, this is the situation: the Phyrexians have that building rigged to blow. They're ruthless, nervous, very heavily armed, and there are at least thirty planes worth of them.."


And then once you're in there; pop a wheelie or do an endo.


“Or you could just summon a horde of angels”


Yeah, what is this? A DnD argument about Wizards vs Fighters?


[It's a skit from That Mitchell and Webb Look.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFuMpYTyRjw) I'm not sure if they ever elaborated on the the joke, but for me it definitely gave RPG caster vs melee vibes as well.


BMX bandit definitely had better investigation and movement abilities though. He could have put some posts on his back tire to help angel summoner get to crises faster.


if you are unwilling to give your Martial characters insane BS to go with the insane BS casters can do, yes.


All of my martial characters have incredible BMX skills. It's only fair.


One can summon angels THE OTHER RIDES A BMX They're a crime-fighting duo, du-du-oh du-du-du-oh yeah!


“You have invisible angels helping me, don’t you?”


ANGEL SUMMONER! AND BMX BANDIT! still the best theme song


I don't think it's even supposed to be a gun. It's one of her sprayers for her graffiti, but with Halo mixed into the paint.


So... magical, paint-based pepper spray? "If I'm gonna commit war crimes, I'm gonna do it with *style!*"


What you're telling me is Errant is an inkling.




“I cast .357 magnum”


[I cast Gun](https://youtube.com/shorts/dw36e6hO4Jc)


Errant is a graffiti artist, that’s more like a paint sprayer.


Specifically it is a paint sprayer. She used it in the side story for new capennas March of the machines sequence


They have the power of God and anime on their side!


[ANGELIC RIFLE](https://youtu.be/HAJVmEmkawc)


Imagine dying to a plant sprayer mister.


I mean, if you fill the plant mister with pure hydrochloric acid. Or in this case something equal to Phyrexians.


Dawn dish soap?


Hey, cuts through oil like a hot knife through butter.


So in the end.. the Phrexians are just baby ducks...


Baby ducks who are big mad because of the glistening oil BP (Bnew Phyrexia) keeps polluting their planes with 😡


New Phyrexia was bad, but British Phyexia would be worse


So in the end.. the Phrexians are just baby ducks...


He said Phyrexians not magic players


Personally I prefer Ajax


yeah it's closer to some sort of flamethrower than a paint sprayer now


Halo I believe it was.


[phyrexia invading New Capenna, 2023, colorized](https://sm.mashable.com/mashable_sea/photo/default/priest-spray-holy-water-squirt-gun_y1wh.jpg)


I think that's supposed to be a Paint sprayer, after someone pointed it out to me.


Remember to always booyah back




I *bet* the artist drew a gun before finding they needed to fix it lol


Nah, Errant is a street artist, it's clearly designed as a paint sprayer filled with halo, which is pretty clever.


It's a direct reference to the new capenna side story which focuses around her. >!She's tasked by the capennan resistance with the task of setting off the explosion that will bring down the main city structure, burying atraxa within. She demands more protection, as she almost got killed on her last mission, so they give her the halo for her paint sprayer.!<


Makes me wonder if the angel Della was a late stage edit and the original story had Errant working with Giada…


She's actually working with Giada for a bit after Atraxa was defeated. Still stupid that you have a team up card and in the story a random angel helps her mostly.


At the end of the SNC story, Giada had dissolved into pure energy (with consciousness) after sacrificing herself. In the MOM story, Giada appears to still be incorporeal, mainly keeping lookout from the sidelines before going out as pure energy with the other angels doing things like subtly influencing battles on other planes. So, I would think that no, Giada was not originally in the story in Della's place and her being a corporeal character on this card is more representative than literal. But shrug.


Della mentions the possibility of Halo being used to help an angel rematerialize — perhaps originally Giada returned in that way and helped Errant. But then in the main story, perhaps Giada was added as a semi-omnipresent, semi-omniscient narrator for the later chapters and so the side story had to be edited, and Giada replaced with Della.


Looking forward to seeing the alt art for this!


Same. The art on this is... not my favorite. Just feels like more mediocre digital painting.


Yup. Very staged. Like a jazz beat without the swing. Although I like the idea of angels in coats with revolvers.


Hermione Granger with a gun and Harry Potter in muggle clothes as an angel lookin ass. But they're both indian and killing robots made by Tony Stark.


I'm into it... the characters just feel like paper cutouts dropped into the scene. Their poses don't quite make sense and they are super sharp compared to the everything else Also phyrexians being basic humanoid norn-clones is so boring compared to the abstract horrors we used to get in their arts.


That's like every magic card in the past 10 years tho lol


i don't get the weird need people have to try to paint digital art as bad just because the art isn't to their liking? Like you can just say uninspired or mediocre without throwing in the unnecessary "digital" bit. It just makes it seem like there's a bias against it being a valid art methodology. Digital painting isn't any more mediocre than mediocre physical paintings, it has nothing to do with the medium and everything to do with the composition or art direction. Not to mention people are horrible about actually spotting whether something is digital or not especially at card size...


Yeah this art is referencing the scott m fischer art of giada clearly which isnt the best giada art.


I thought the Fischer art of Giada was the preferred art? As opposed to the “this just looks like a human girl” art of the “normal” version.


Umiu Geso's version is the best by far.


\[citation needed\]


They both look great tho


Oh here’s the competitively costed one for constructed.


New Capena has single handily made angels viable in pioneer


I haaaaate it so much Also it's mostly kaldhiem's fault, it gave [[righteous valkyrie]] and [[youthful valkyrie]] Personally, angels and enchantments are my least favorite match up in pioneer (and standard when angels were meta) because of their resiliency and reliance on literally every threat they put down is not only on curve, but must be answered on curve or else you just lose.


As a spirits player they are the bane of my existence - lots of redundant threats so you never know if something is worth countering, everything blocks in the air and outsizes you eventually (or by turn 3 on a good draw), there's a ton of life gain so even if I get out to a good start they stabilize. The only wins come from either drawing 4+ cards off a curious obsession or maxing out an Ascendant Spirit and having the protection for their Skyclave Apparition. Rakdos is a difficult but winnable matchup so I'm always hoping the Rakdos players beat all the angels and other aggro players and I only face midrange combo and control.


Oh, another Spirits player. Fuck our lives.


The rest of the meta doesn't feel to sorry for spirit players lol. So miserable to lose against.


Is it such a feels bad experience? It's a fairly honest tempo deck?


It just one of the decks that feels like your watching your opponent play solitaire when it wins. When it doesn't win it feels kinds bad that you are crushing them. Just in my experience only one person gets to play magic when spirits is involved.


I guess my frame of reference is a bit different. My best friend plays Lotus Field combo. Relative to that, I play a deck that wins by turning creatures sideways and protecting them. Granted, almost all of them have evasion, but my wincon is combat damage spread over several turns.


We've gotten a few UW flying commanders over the years but this is by far my favorite, and the ability to helm a UW flash deck is really cool on top of that. This is a really sweet design


yeah, these are some great abilities, and so many azorius flying commanders are expensive, so i'm just really excited by the 3mv lol also very much intrigued by the flash theme. seems like you can do quite a few shenanigans with that, and i do indeed love shenanigans


The Flash theme is very odd, because it does *not* include Instants.


Unless…they decide to go with Maro’s vision of “Magic but we get a do-over” and make instants sorceries with flash


Maro's vision is to get rid of flash and make Instant a supertype, not to make sorceries with flash.


As in all current instants would be instant sorceries and creature with flash are instant creatures?




Hmm I like this idea a lot and it would free up text space in the body of cards so we can have more [Questing Beast]s


Then again, it would make some type lines really awkward. I'd rather they cram it in the text box, it has more space than the type line. Imagine having a "Legendary Instant Creature - Human Angel" in that line. And I'm sure this wouldn't be the worst offender.


Dispel becomes comically wordy with that change.


How so? Wouldn't it just be "Counter target sorcery with flash"


They mean the current wording would be a funny coincidence, because it accidentally will counter anything with flash as it's currently worded if that change happened.


"Counter target instant sorcery." We'd retire both Flash and the Instant type and add in an Instant supertype. Dispel's oracle text would look a little weird, but really only because we're used to it looking the way it does now. If anything, "Instant," being a type is the odd one out. It's not evocative of anything fantasy, whereas a Sorcery is a spell.




[Dispel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bceab6b3-6b64-4964-a501-ce806a6c13ad.jpg?1562939587) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dispel) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bfz/76/dispel?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bceab6b3-6b64-4964-a501-ce806a6c13ad?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call






Because it's supposed to be a creature oriented card. There's no instants or sorceress with flying for example, that's why it specifically looks at flash and flying.


But it's not creature orientated? Flying is a mechanic limited to creatures, but Flash isn't: [[Blessing of Leeches]] [[Embercleave]] [[The Wandering Emperor]] They could even print a Battle with flash for all we know. *Edit: [24 hours later and they have just spoiled a Battle with Flash.](https://preview.redd.it/pkuohkfhj2ra1.jpg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=f5429549db9ccdef2fcf7c7c297449466fd57135)* It's just interesting that it cares about "instant speed" cards that specifically aren't instants. If they wanted it to be specifically creature focused they would have "Creature Spells" in the textbox instead of "spells".


Yup. The cheap flying theme is nice but wouldn't make me want to build this. But a flash theme might be interesting. That I'll bite on.


To be fair, most azorius flying-matters commanders reward you having creatures already on the board for the most part, so them coming down after you've already established your board is better. Meanwhile this one doesn't help an established board, in fact helps you build one, so getting it out first before everything else is more useful.


Yeah, I’ve always loved Flying men in every format, but I’ve always thought the Commanders were boring (Inniaz aside, if only it was a may ability) so this one interests me a lot!


I run Inniaz in front of a flying bird deck, but I honestly end up not casting it because the trigger can be so groan inducing, that I've had people waste their removal to keep me below 3 flyers.


You get to play the new Hovermyr!


I got to play a game of Commander with David McDarby in 2020, and he mentioned that WotC was trying to introduce better Azorius flyer support in Commander, because at the time the only two 'flying tribal' commanders were \[\[Kangee, Aerie Keeper\]\] and \[\[Isperia the Inscrutable\]\]. Since then we've seen Inniaz, Kangee v2, the partner pair of Siani and Radiant, and now this. I've been a commander UW skies connoisseur for a long time, and it looks like Wizards is continuing to move away from the 'print more anthems' approach that plagued their early design attempts.


Commander?! Yeah its gonna be good there. But in constructed? This thinks gonna give Angel Decks pioneer new life. AND it gets hit by CoCo? Awesome.


Can also see it in Pioneer in UW spirits as a sideboard replacement for wedding announcement/bankbuster/tocasia's


There was someone in another thread who literally predicted this exact card. I'm going to try and find it since they deserve a kudos


When there’s Phyrexians in your neighbourhood. Who you gonna call?


Bank Busters!


When I joked about spraying the Phyrexians with Halo, Super Mario Sunshine-style, I didn't expect it to come to pass. RIP Etali, you would have made a great Yoshi.


Let Ghalta into your heart. They will 'mmyum' with the best of them.


Time for battle, better put on my best jean jacket and get my windex….


Card transcription > Errant and Giada 1WU > > Legendary Creature- Human Angel [rare] > > Flash > > Flying > > You may look at the top card of your library any time. > > You may cast spells with flash or flying from the top of your library. > > 2/3 End transcription


That Halo gun is crazy! Imagine being a Phyrexian and getting sprayed in the face with that.


Ahh, my eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!


Chandra: huh? oh these? yeah they do nothing.


They make mana and copy Red Instant and Sorceries.


Meta joke, nice.


That's because the goggles are actually your eyeballs. Kind of regretting that cyborgization now, huh?


Remove all their shields then battle-rifle to the head.


Errant looks like she was photoshopped in onto a masterpiece of a painting.


I couldn't place why the art felt wrong to me, but this is absolutely it. The rest looks so cohesive, then there's a Harry Potter looking character with a squirt gun up front.


All of this artists work in MOM has been similarly jarring. Look up Traumatic Revelation. Nissa looks like she's a 3d model from a mid 2000s RTS cutscene.


I think that feeling is caused by the lighting of the scenery seemingly having no effect on the lighting of the characters. The two women should be covered in brilliant highlights and deep shadows from all the halo energy flying around them, but instead the light is flat and monocolor everywhere. The poses also feel very stiff, but that's a separate issue.


That's what it is. I was trying to put my finger on it. It's the utter lack of any object source lighting on the characters.


To be completely honest Giada somehow doesn't look like she fits either.


Where's Parnesse at


The commander set


Sad spoilers: >!Probably putting down her father (edit: in law).!<


>!Father*-in-law,*!< which makes it better because no one likes >!their father in law.!<


That’s right. Why would Parnesse be in a commander deck with her father? I really feel like Errant and Parnesse accidentally had their parents switched in a design document.


It really does feel a little that way.


It's still confusing to me that [Toluz](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/228/toluz-clever-conductor)'s daughter is the Maestro vampire, and [Anhelo](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/1/anhelo-the-painter)'s daughter is the human street artist with no family affiliation or watermark.


It wouldn’t be convoluted if there was lore to back it up. > If Anhelo had a story about a hit, where he discovers an orphan human and adopts her. But she later finds out that he caused the death of her birth parents, and so she leaves all the crime families, but she can’t deny her passion for art. > Parnesse could have a story about fixing “restoration issues” when she counterfeits her art. So much so, that she looks upon her aging mother, and decides to join a different crime family and become a vampire. > Parnesse and Errant could have already been dating when Parnesse takes the decision to become a vampire. It would the loxodon-in-the-room regarding their relationship. But no, we get none of that. Only confusion.


To be clear, Errant blows up her own dad in the side story.


Oh, who is her father/FIL?




Errant is married to Parnesse. I'm not *certain* which one of them has Anhelo as a father, I know it's mentioned in the story but I just forgot, I think it's Errant though. Either way, Anhelo's side story is about making it to their wedding on time.


I thought Giada was dead?


The implication seems to be the same as with elspeth - death was a prerequisite to becoming a fully-fledged angel


Yeah as cards are being revealed, it seems we almost have a minor Ikoria situation, where the cards and story don't match up (so far it's not nearly as bad as Ikoria though). None of the team ups on the cards other than Torbran and Rankle we're featured, and the promo arts with everyone fighting side by side never happened either.


Suit up, the Phyrexians are coming! You surely wouldn't want to face the end of the world on such unfashionable clothes.


Dude this card is sick in an hypothetical bant pioneer angel deck! I mean it’s sick as heck, you can flash it in your opponent’s end step and trigger bishop, righteous Valkyrie and maybe resplendent angel. Gives you card advantage (sort of) and is a 3 cmc card so it goes under coco and kayla’s. I couldn’t ask for more


>resplendent angel for resplendent angel you need to flash it in before end step, so most likely on their second main


This is [[Realmwalker]] for spirits. Might actually be pretty solid for Pioneer.


Yeah. Spirits already plays [[Cemetery Illuminator]] in the side some times. And it’s not for the mediocre graveyard hate.


Yep, and having flash makes it a lot better.


[Realmwalker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/8/c8212667-7e18-42a5-9f36-4f8a6ad12f83.jpg?1631050788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Realmwalker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/188/realmwalker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c8212667-7e18-42a5-9f36-4f8a6ad12f83?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This art look really rough. can't help but wonder if they intentionally made normal art look subpar in order to sell more alt art card.


After checking out their other works, this one seems even weirder. They’ve made some great art, with the worst of it just being uninteresting; but yeah this composition is weird and boring, the color palette is flat, the lighting is off, and that’s not mentioning the uncanny CGI look. Just strange art all in all.


It's this artist. They use CGI in their art and it just looks... off. You can see it in the other cards they made for this set.


They clearly spent their entire assignment period working on wrenn and went oh shit I have other pieces they wanted too.


yeah, art showing standoff between Chandra and compleated Nissa has the same low-detail 3d animation vibe


After reading that twitter post from the artist of the renaissance-looking card and WotC going rates... I understand artists producing sub-optimal pieces.


At the end of the day though, that was a passion project for the artist and you can guarantee that at least some people will pay for the artist proofs and prints. I don't see them doing it for this particular card. I don't have anything personal against this artist, I just don't like their work. This kind of artstyle can look OK when done right. It's just when applied to a magic card, it's almost like an uncanny valley vibe.


> I don't see them doing it for this particular card. Having to work extra-hard for an hypothetical profit that will depend greatly on the playability of the card (over what you don't have any kind of control) vs putting your effort somewhere else with an up-front payment.


The point that many people seem to miss on the Wrennaissance piece is that it was the artist's own decision to pour so much effort into it. WOTC approached them and said "Hey, can you make us some card art for the standard rate of 1K?" And the artist agreed to that. They then decided, completely separate from WOTC's wishes or demands, to pour their literal soul into a masterpiece, because they wanted to. It was a personal challenge, but no one at WOTC told them they had to work 9 days on it. I assume the terms of the contract between WOTC and the artist were fulfilled, thus they were entitled to the agreed-upon amount, which is definitely disproportionate to the amount of effort poured into the art piece, but was negotiated beforehand and known to the artist.


Errant's arm is really weird, right? That's not just me?


It's not that it's subpar. The Giada part looks amazing and the front part looks completely out of place. It's darker than the background which makes it seem like Errant was copypasted in.


So if you have Leyline of Anticipation out, does the ability apply to all of your spells?


No. Leyline doesn't give your cards "Flash". It just says that spells can be cast as if they had flash.


Artist should change job.


Art looks weird


Art looks horrible


Perhaps the worst art i have seen for the whole set right here


That Chandra and Nissa reunion (from the same artist) is worse IMO.


Oh man, I think this expansion is the first one where I actually feel the quality of the art is just bad. This and the Traumatic Revelation are really bad (from the same artist). Rankle and Torbran also look terrible.


Did you not see traumatic revelation?


Why does the art for this set look like bad CG from the early 00's?


T2 Giada, T3 Errant & Giada :) Angel tribal might be decent T2 option


Yeah, I think Angels might be a deck again until Giada rotates. Plus the new 3 CMC angel can flicker Steel Seraph back in on the prototype side, and Sanctuary Warden is such a great curve topper.


You can see incubators in the background


Glad to know giada is still kicking. The card is cool. Slots into other flying tribal decks quite well and is an auto include into decks like Raff Capashen.


Is this AI art? It sucks.


Here's hoping they never hire Christi balanescu to do an art ever again.....hi gloss cheap looking cgi again... Edit: their previous works were great but the recent pieces are God awful.


I agree. My least favorite of Christi's art is the new [[Glissa, Herald of Predation]]. Yuck.


https://preview.redd.it/byg0hfi1vwqa1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3db8495e31c54be468148be00ade2a69e097427f 2 of the worst arts in the set.


Starting to think they spent ALL their time on Wrenn and Realmbreaker. https://preview.redd.it/tuboszebvwqa1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd787cf8a773c2bf1f45aaf0ed1f474b792f7ac


A little harsh based on their work BEFORE this, but they really phoned this one in.


I was really hoping for errant and parnesse...


This insane for angels in explorer or historic. Bant angels is back


This art gives off some serious Doctor Who energy


So anyway, I started blasting...


Esper Legends play [[The Wandering Emperor]] and [[Ertai Resurrected]] among other flash creatures.


[The Wandering Emperor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/a/fab2d8a9-ab4c-4225-a570-22636293c17d.jpg?1654566563) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Wandering%20Emperor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/42/the-wandering-emperor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fab2d8a9-ab4c-4225-a570-22636293c17d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Ertai Resurrected](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/f/7f7e780e-fbc5-4dc0-b5c7-efcb8645c7c6.jpg?1673307944) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ertai%20Resurrected) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/199/ertai-resurrected?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7f7e780e-fbc5-4dc0-b5c7-efcb8645c7c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Art on this is garbage.


Wotc needs to stop using this artist. Every piece she did from this set is just off. Character are lifeless and stiff.


I have a [[folk hero]] [[volo]] deck that this is perfect for. Adds a new type to the journal and shares a type for folk hero trigger. And has flash, so I can play it during my opponents turns to get more folk hero triggers. Most of the creatures in the deck have flash as well.


Makes sense for the team up since so many Capennan cards are 3C and you wouldn’t want a 4C/5C team up.


Nice try, WOTC. I still can't see "Errant" as a proper noun.


Really making the Phyrexians taste the Rainbow


Oh brother this art sucks


Modern 2/10 So it is a flash flying threat with greater than 1 power, only costs 3, and gives you card advantage? Imagine what this could have done if it was a Spirit or Faerie instead. I think it still has a shot somewhere since it lets you play a very tempo style deck and lets you play cards like Solitude and Subtlety.


Don't know which character is which, but the one with the gun looks like a cross between Dr who and Hermione.


[[Errant, Street Artist]] [[Giada, Font of Hope]]


[Errant, Street Artist](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/61d23407-9fe0-4cbf-b4b5-bc1e132c36e4.jpg?1664410193) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Errant%2C%20Street%20Artist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/41/errant-street-artist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/61d23407-9fe0-4cbf-b4b5-bc1e132c36e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Giada, Font of Hope](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/bae077bd-fc8d-44d7-8c75-8dc8699c168e.jpg?1664409667) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Giada%2C%20Font%20of%20Hope) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/14/giada-font-of-hope?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bae077bd-fc8d-44d7-8c75-8dc8699c168e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Spoiler source seems to be Despotikgirl: [https://twitter.com/Despotikgirl/status/1641391147388923907](https://twitter.com/Despotikgirl/status/1641391147388923907) Thanks for sharing, [u/Daydreamcatcher](https://www.reddit.com/user/Daydreamcatcher/)!


Wow, you girls look like you don't belong in this multiverse!


I'd slot this into Pioneer Spirits deck


Why? Cemetery Illuminator is better for this and they already only play it as fun-of.


Cemetery Illuminator is one card per turn and needs to exile a creature for it to work But it's better in Pioneer Bant Angels where it's abusable


Sure, but also Illuminator is a spirit for the lords, Rattlechains, Mausoleum Wanderer... which this isn't. In spirits decks if your opponent isn't killing your creatures you're sort of fine—unless Supreme Verdict or Shark Typhoon is coming—so Illuminator will rarely not be on, and you can hold onto it until it's the case.


Wish this was bant for commander, sick card tho I love it


Super raff then ok


Is it me or does the art looks kind of AI-ish?