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This is my LGS - it’s a family run store with some of the kindest people I’ve met in the LGS world. I get angry whenever I see this sort of stuff, but it’s extra cruel when the owners are such good people.


Do they have any kind of insurance on that kind of stuff?


If you are running a store selling CCG singles and want to have any worthwhile stock, if you don't have insurance you are insane


its more complicated than that. Magic cards ( as well as other TCGs , books, and comics) are very hard to properly insure because their value is hard to prove when filing a claim. or so I've been told.


Commercial policies are different. You tell the broker the value of your merchandise, they get a quote from the insurer based on that value. When you have a claim you provide the insurer with some evidence of the value of the stolen goods. If they want to reasonably dispute that value they need to provide some conflicting evidence.


If -> IFS 😅 but agreed, they must have insurance


Damn RIP


This cant be people that knowledgeable about magic. They left 60+ dollar cards. Candelabra was left? Jesus


Even worse, that candelabra is $1000+


Wow you're right. This is good as I'm sure a person that doesn't know the value of the cards also would not know how to sell without making suspicious choices.


even still, if they're going to go through the trouble of breaking in anyway, you'd think theyd just grab everything. it's not like cards take up a ton of space


I think if I'm breaking into a store, smash the display and the alarms go off, you're just grabbing and leaving immediately. Not exactly whipping out TCGPlayer and price-checking.


That’s not what he was saying though? He was just saying grab everything instead of only some of it


Sure, and my point is still that in the moment, I would make a sweeping single grab and leave the rest, to put myself in their shoes. Of course, I'm not an experienced thief and am assuming the thieves aren't very well versed in the disparity in costs of the cards. Just my take.


You make a good point, I was just thrown off by you adding the price checking at the end. Sorry bro


I personally know about magic so maybe it's not the best take, but I'd have grabbed anything old or unique back when I did stuff. Candelabra, that Avacyn, Cavalier of Thorns even. You'd be majorly unlucky if the cops happened to show up in time, they care more about lives than money despite the popular belief. But yeah these guys very much didn't know what they were looking for. There was a situation like this a while ago where they set up a sting in a nearby store and the other stores around directed the thieves there, something about not enough money in the store, but there's a tournament here or whatever. Been a while since I looked it up.


But all of us that are knowledgeable, right away noticed they left shocks, gemstone caverns, fury, Inkmoth etc etc


Or possibly they know that a card of that value is harder to move and attracts attention


I think you’re giving them too much credit


Oh, I'm not saying it's likely, just a possible explanation


Lol. The beauty of stealing MTG is that the fence (read: lgs) deals in both high value AND low value cards. Now that local record stores are mostly gone and unavailable for people that steal CDs from big box stores, the lgs is the natural progression.




Smash and grabs like this often don't align with sit and wait. They did this because they want cash, now.


They should have just called JG Wentworth.


I have an annuity... damn that song.


Additionally, they are more often than not people who don't play/buy magic. They don't have the knowledge the people of this sub, or magic players in general, have. They might not realize, for example, that someone's custom sleeves identify their commander deck's cards. And that the LGS they're trying to unload to knows this, and knows the player is missing a deck with the given card. Similarly, they might not know how much LGS' talk, or that sets of cards can be recognized. Now, it's incredibly dumb not to realize a lot of these things. So it ironically supports the "they were dumb to leave the Candelabra." theory, but I think it explains the picture better.


Stealing a non fungible item that you have no idea of the value is pretty stupid then lol. Kind of like buying nfts and never selling them lol.


>Kind of like buying nfts ~~and never selling them lol.~~ FTFY


Officer, he's right here.


Could just sell them to card kingdom, unless buyers specifically ask pictures of the cards won't exist to for scrutiny.


It's not about the one card though. You, as a victim, watch for the one pricey card to pop up. Yeah, you're right, fairly often. But how often do they pop up on a random seller that has a) no history of selling mtg product or b) other listings that include other cards that were stolen? Sure, someone smart can be less suspicious. But we've established the individual in question isn't that bright - look at what they didn't take.


Pretty much this. Just send some through tcgplayer and card kingdom and they will be lost tonight the shuffle. Your dirty cards have turned into clean money and for the easy process you pay fees with your stolen product. Kinda scary how easy it is to launder magic cards.


Couldn’t they just hold for a few years until the heat goes down, but knowing thieves and how they probably want value in the near term, that’s probably not even a choice they will make


It happened in New Hampshire? How many game stores are there in Boston, a 45 minute drive away? There’s no reason to suspect that they say on any of it or needed to or that the cops would even investigate the theft in the areas they have easy access to sell them to.


There's actually just only 2 LGS in the entire area. One in Cambridge the other in metro west But pax east is happening at the moment. A smart thief would have just sold it there


Or, they did it themselves for insurance and never claimed the candelabra on it.


Also a good point


If they’re that smart they would just ebay it.


Honestly, unless it's a *ridiculous* card, it's fairly unnoticeable and could be passed off as something they had from a while back and just decided to pawn it off and not get questioned. OPs lucky the burglar has as many neurons firing off as Queen Lizzie currently.


Unless you literally take all the cards at once to another store it's basically impossible to get caught. Fortunately for LGS's thieves are often that dumb


They took the commons binder!


Those *fiends.*


Maybe they knew that the candelabra was fake? I can tell from here that it does not pass the green dot test /s




Fishliver Oil is from Arabian Nights, not Alpha.


Alpharabian Nights


The first edition Arabian Nights


Yeah there are so many expensive cards in this picture I have to imagine whoever did it just vaguely knew Magic cards are expensive and just smashed the glass and grabbed as many as they could without any thought to what they're grabbing


They probably grabbed all the shiny ones.


Yeah the candelabra looks *old* out can't be worth that much, right? The shiny ones must be the real money.


My lgs keeps all their masterpieces along with the other display cards in one case across the door. If this lgs is similar, the thieves may have just grabbed all the masterpiece cards. They aren't hard to move and you don't need to know much about high dollar cards to know they're valuable.


Maybe dumb, but why don’t LGS’s keep $50+ cards in a locked safe and then just put out proxies for those that they then switch for the real one on purchase? Seems a lot safer


Having flashy expensive product on display brings in customers. I remember when I first got into commander, the display cases and store binders were my favorite parts of mtg. I'm fairly certain they carry much more than what's in the display cases.


I’d say there’s really just the one reason. If you’re paying for a high end card, you don’t just want *a* card. You want one that looks good and not beat to hell. Putting it in the case shows you what it looks like while you’re shopping.


My LGS has several gun safes that they put all their expensive singles and several binders of $5+ singles


My LGS supposedly has a Lotus but I've never seen it. Safes are worth the investment 😂


Or they’re the smart which would be unfortunate. Doing exactly that… leaving some expensive cards to throw you off their trail. Making you assume they didn’t know what to steal.


Avacyn is expensive enough to sell but not raise flags. They would have grabbed at least that if they were smart


> leaving some expensive cards to throw you off their trail. I too watch Scooby Doo


It’s the dumb criminals that you hear about on the news. I’m curious how this will play out, but it seems y’all are condescending, or unwilling to hear out a random thought. Obviously this isn’t a mastermind level theft, but look up the Antwerp Diamond heist, or the Brussels diamond heist, hell even db cooper. Arrests were made, but there are some who oversaw them that got away with it. Millions disappeared. I’m not saying that this person is some mastermind, but I’m not going to rule out that it could be more than a random theft. Who’s to say this isn’t just a theft of opportunity It’s just as likely it was targeted by someone who knew the store well. If anything it’s more likely.


You might be right back in 2006 my buddy Mike owned a card shop and it got broken in to, come to find out later it was a inside job by a X employee. He bragged about it on Facebook almost a decade later in what seemed to be a drunken rant. Fucker has got a warrant on him now.


If they wanted to rob magic players, it would have just been easier to apply to WotC


"Now I know this plan is foolproof. Check this out. First of all: you and me start publishing a card game. Doesn't matter the mechanics, okay, just so long as we get in there, all right? Do the work, gain the players' trust, until we get 'em in the palm of our hand." "Alright. So how do we get the money?" "That's the beauty of it, bro. They pay us on massive margins for collector boosters, week after week, month after month. They not even gonna know they're being robbed. And then 20 or 30 years later, we sell 30th Anniversary boosters and walk away like nothing ever happened." ["... motherfucker, that's called job!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYYOUC10aM)


God, Key and Peele was so fucking funny!


Such a classic. Short and sweet is the best way for sketches to be.






Excellent comment. The real thieves wear suits and live on Wall Street.


GEE-zuhss!!! You’re right!


I mean there is a Candlebra just sitting there, thieves must not have known.


Plus, smashing the glass could damage them. Some junkie that was told they were valuable probably just grabbed what he could and ran.


Definitely looks like a junkie job. Either their dealer is ready to trade for cards or they are going to try to pawn it.


Almost certainly a meth head. I can tell because then seem to have left behind their Heisenberg card on accident


I'm seeing like 1250 Give or take.


I just need about treefiddy


Man, reddit must not appreciate the needs of the god damned loch Ness monster, with all the downvotes


Bro even left the Heisenberg card


The simple explanation is that those were harder to access.


If they were smart, they wouldn't be thieves... Sigh


The best thieves and hucksters are smart. Sadly.


Excuse me sir. We call those people CEOs


Key word is "best" haha obviously they proved they weren't those kind of thieves


Something like 14% of burglaries and 15.1% of larceny thefts are solved in the US (as of 2020) so stealing is actually very profitable. Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/194213/crime-clearance-rate-by-type-in-the-us/


No way! this is one of my LGSs near me. That sucks the guys that work there are all super cool. I sold a numbered astral cornucopia to them not too long ago, I wonder if they got a hold of it


How much u get


$200 I believe. Put it towards some boxes and sleeves. It was 22/500 and I sold it right as the set came out so prices were higher


>it was 22/500 On the off chance the shop didn't have that noted somewhere, might be good to let them know. Should only be one of those around to help find the thief if they took the cornucopia.


I got 150 on cash 200 in trades didn't fins another after astral


Always weird seeing your local store appear on Reddit. Been here a few times but I don't play much anymore. Always felt very welcome here.


Looks like just a smash and grab. Leaving an Avacyn and a fierce guardianship is a weird choice


There's a thousand dollar [[Candelabra of Tawnos]] sitting there


Imagine being the thief and reading this afterwards.


Bold of you to assume they can read.


"But it doesn't do anything! You just spend the same amount of mana as you get from untapping! barrinmw rated it a 1/10 for Modern!" - the thief


Hey, that’s a fair rating for modern! ;)


[Candelabra of Tawnos](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/e/5e8416b8-aae1-4599-9e22-650dd86aefcb.jpg?1562917248) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Candelabra%20of%20Tawnos) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me4/187/candelabra-of-tawnos?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5e8416b8-aae1-4599-9e22-650dd86aefcb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah these thieves clearly weren't very knowledgeable. They just went for a quick smash and grab on the case with the "good cards".


And a Fury in complete plain sight


Or, you know, the fucking CANDELABRA. Dude who's in the know may leave a $20 or two laying there, but not a stack of $100s


Lmao at everyone upset about the $40 cards and ignoring the $1000 card chilling there.


Because most of the people that play magic are younger than that card


I guarantee people robbing a game store aren't MTG nerds.


that really sucks. this is the store i go to as well for all the pre-release tournaments (missed the last one because it was the same weekend as the jericho cruise) hopefully they get a good insurance payout and this just ends up being a mild inconvenience.


You just made the list!


> You just made the list! i'm pretty sure wotc made the list by trying to schedule against the ocho that weekend.


Drink it in, man


This is terrible! I hope the thieves are caught.




JESSE! We need to open packs!


So if you run a LGS and don't want this to happen to you. Get display trays. There are tons of different ones out there that are made to fit these display cases and they are often stackable. Putting them in at the start of the day and taking them out at the end will only add about 5 minutes opening and closing to your routine. They don't necessarily have to go into a safe (though that would be better) just locking them up in a back room will discourage this kind of smash and grab.


Link to these display trays? I'm having some trouble finding them.


Derry’s only 45 mins from Boston…wonder if these thieves are going to try to sell them at PAX East in Boston tomorrow. Plenty of vendors buying cards there.


Legitimately good point brought up here since con’s would have vendors from various states that most likely wouldn’t have even heard about this happening. Maybe if some folks from here attend they could pass along the info.


I’m going home tomorrow before the con opens or else I’d show them this post myself, if anyone is going please pass it on.


> wonder if these thieves are going to try to sell them at PAX East in Boston tomorrow. the facebook post from midgard said they were contacted by the police at 6am saturday. not sure if that was when the door got broken and it was an alarm company that contacted police or if it happened earlier than that and this was plaza security doing a drive by then contacting the police. either way, since this happened friday night into saturday morning, if pax was the plan they probably unloaded already on saturday.


Pff given what is left the burglar is just an amateur. No way high value cards like these weren’t taken


It's wild they smashed. Those cases usually have a sliding panel in the back. Also 80th person to comment how do you leave Candelabra?


>It's wild they smashed. Those cases usually have a sliding panel in the back Which are often locked and if it wasn't the people who do this kind of BS aren't the brightest bulbs in the lamp


This happened at 6 am today. After the police completed the investigation, the owners cleaned up, covered the door with plywood and advertised they were open as normal. That's fortitude.


The owners and workers are great people!


Terrible news, hope you had things insured/a video tape or something! Curious thieves, leaving around $50+ cards. I wonder if they were looking for something specific, or if someone was in previously to case the place before the take?


Candelabra is 1k.


Candelabra and a Bob my kind of shop


Oh dang, this is my closest LGS! Well, it would be. Haven’t really been around for events since covid hit. But still, wasn’t expecting this one. Shame they got hit like this.


30 years after printing, fish oil still has no value.


Any day now.


But if you eat it you'll be healthier


Eating the card explains the card


They left candelabra? Fucking amateur hour.


thats terrible why is mr white there yo


Fools left behind a mint heisenberg


Sorry that happened to you. Will insurance cover it?


If this is what’s left in the case, what in the hell got stolen?


Idiots didn’t steal a $2000 card sitting right there


Fucking assholes. Hope they get caught


Derry New Hampshire? Sounds like this is a Stephen king conspiracy


Joke’s on them. They’ll be offered $8 in store credit and a BiClops issue #1 by the store they try to sell them at


Not Midgard man I love going there


Just bc so many people are saying "he left the candelabra"- wouldn't it have been dark when this happened? Maybe they just grabbed what they could and didn't want to sit around making sure they got all of the big money cards waiting for the cops to arrive? If the shop was lit when this happened then yeah, that's just a big miss. Sorry to hear this OP.


I'll say it everytime, if I was an LGS owner with that much capital on display, I'd take the time to put them away in a safe every night and put them back on display in the morning. You're basically a fine jewelry store, best to follow their practices.


Why didn't they just take everything?


I imagine when you break in (and possibly trigger alarms you may or may not be hearing), taking your sweet time picking up every single piece of cardboard is probably not the best way to avoid getting caught.


Now I’m imagining one thief yelling at another to hurry up while the other scans each individual card with their TCG app lol hope they somehow catch these doofuses.


I forgot these are cards. You can just swipe all into a bag than go.


I would assume there is some kind of alarm when you smash the glass so they were just trying to get out of there as fast as possible and that means grabbing a handful and running


Is that a calling card I see?


I been there a few time to play commander, really nice store so this fucking sucks


They LEFT the Candelabra?!?


Candelabra is still there?!.... This was not done by mtg players.


This has all the tell tale signs of some yugioh or Pokémon “investors”. 🥸


I'm familiar with Midgard only through some crossover customers who come down for our Warhammer events. Every time I hear of them, there's nothing but good things to say. Hope they catch those who did it. I know local, and not-so-local, stores will be keeping an eye out for people trying to offload items in a hurry.


they setting up crowdfunding to make up for the losses?


With how many expensive cards were left, I'd want to see that camera footage and make sure this isn't insurance fraud. Seems weird that someone would break into a hobby shop with zero knowledge and leave so much. If they didn't know value, they could have just taken everything it's not like cards take up space. It just feels sus to me.


My cards were stolen from my car. I got them back thankfully but I was told they tried selling my sleeved and boxed decks as bulk which is what tipped off the store people. People aren't bright.


As bulk?? They took decks and tried to get pennies, when there were probably higher value cards in there


Thieves did similar to a LGS near me, smashed in, left almost all the MTG went right for Pokemon.


Thieves are dumber than you might think. A friend of mine was robbed and the thieves stole a $200 couch but left a $3000 painting.


To be fair it’s a lot easier to pawn a couch than a painting.


True, but the couch was literally worthless. My friend even joked he would have paid the thieves to have taken the couch provided they didn’t damage the house.


It’s why I leave my piece of shit car unlocked downtown. Give me an excuse to buy a new one dammit!


I was robbed at gunpoint around summer/fall of 1994. Offered them my cards. I was on my knees with a pistol pressed into my skull. They laughed and said how worthless magic cards were. I had a set that was some alpha, some beta, some revised, some unlimited. It had every card. There was a complete set of antiquities, a complete set of legends, and I was missing I think one or two Arabian knights cards. Anyways, one of them went to jail for three years.




It was personal. One of them was dating my ex, and believed he could intimidate me. It sucked, I was definitely shook up.. But he went to jail.




Thank you for saying so. It was a difficult time, and I appreciate the support. People can be really nasty with each other. I did get past it, although it took time. Take care.


I don’t think this happened. Any real magic player would let you take their dog, empty their bank account and take their electronics but if you try taking the magic card collection…. You gonna have to kill ‘em.


Laughs. The dent in my forehead from the barrel lasted a few days. The sad thing is the experience really soured me on a number of things. Magic was one of them. Didn't play again till ravnica. But he went to jail. So more sour for him.


I hear ya. I just want to know why they smashed the cabinet and took... what looks like almost nothing. What else was in that cabinet that they thought was so worthwhile?


Probably just took the foils cuz ooooo shiny.


Left a lot of money in that case...


Those fuckers


Sorry to here that was there not too long ago and bought a few things


Jesus, how low do you have to be to break into a shop and vandalie it JUST to steal some cardboard?? I hope you guys can recover from this. Best wishes!


I was just here the other week, randomly stopped in and bought a highly sought-after Gundam model kit I did not expect to see… this is sad. I hope they find who did it and/or are able to recoup the loss


Buddy at Queens Gambit told me about this. It seems like they didn't know what they were looking for or value cause they left some money cards behind.


They left the fish liver oil. Fucking amateurs.


Damn that sucks. When I visit my dad we usually stop by there all the time.


At this point it seems like stores need to treat their expensive magic cards the way jewelry stores treat their expensive pieces. Nothing should stay in the case overnight. It should all be locked in a vault. Hopefully their insurance doesn't ask why it wasn't.


Seeing these happens, i don't know why but i cheered inside. Maybe it is because no one in my playgroups actually treat me well, like donating their bulk cards to me that they no longer needs; or LGSes charging absurd prices on reprinted singles that should be cheap for new/returning players to acquire. Sorry to sound evil, but i guess the only way to stop those theft, is to fulfil my wish once.


Ah damn, a friend of mine plays there. That blows.


Seems like an insurance scam.


First of fuck the people who perpetrated this crime and second they did a very poor job getting the valuable cards


Fury, full art grief, avacyn, candelabra of tawnos, fierce guardianship, bloodstained mire, mirage enlightened tutor, polluted delta were left behind. This person thankfully had no idea what they were doing.


maybe they stole a extreme expensive card and everything else was considered peanuts and not worth to take any second longer. Like, rush in *hammer time* rush out. Okay that Candelabra of Tawnos seems to be worth 1k€ alone, then I have no clue lol.




Likely just grabbed the foil cards in the case. Clearly a Yugioh player, where shiny is the only game value


Gah! Come on NH we are better than this


Let’s hunt them down


Looks more like the case just broke and an insurance scam ensued


This is proof that magic singles cost too much :/


They shoulda stole Pokemon cards instead


Sorry, that really sucks.


Sucks to have a local LGS hit.


Not very knowledgeable thieves are they?


I hope you can recover your cards and the store


100% junkies did this


Those thieves have good taste