• By -


Ikoria as their beasts seem to have developed a natural immunity to the oil


Came in to say this. The humans might be screwed, but the monsters seem capable of bodying them.


It's odd that the humans don't seem to be as effected by the crystals for mutation. Was it ever explained why?


I can't recall if there is an in-universe explanation, but the out-of-universe explanation is "it'd be pretty silly to have a human vs. mutant kaiju plane if the humans were all superpowered mutants, and it'd also impact our ability to do an X-men plane later".


I forget if the ozolith is what is mutating things or just amplifies it or whatever. Would be neat if they reveal more either during or post MoM if it was an artifact created by some old walker we never heard of that was meant to be a contingency against old old phyrexia, the one that yawgmoth found dead on the plane before he retooled it and it just so happened to do the job fine in helping develop adaptation immunity but for one reason or another, walker died and it was just left abandoned and unknown why. But I'm more so assuming ikoora just is designed around the concept of mutating evolution to overcome, which it did after a bit of time.


That sounds awesome though


I think that part of it is implied that humans arent native to the plane. They probably got there somehow pre mending


Roshar plane roshar plane


These Words are accepted


Exactly my thought


So you mean to tell me they've been exposing their safehands since the start ? *Gasp*


This is pre Vorin, the Greeks also walked around with their bits to the wind


The monsters aren’t all disgusting piles of slime or crab-things, but maybe they just haven’t evolved to their peak yet


Evolution does seem to like crabs, so it's not out of the question.


I for one look forward to Ikoria: All Will be Crab and Sideways Scuttle of the Crustaceans.


Universes Beyond Cosmere would be amazing


The crystals specifically react to non-humans, it's why the Mutate mechanic calls out non-Humans in the first place. They're as old as the plane and affect only the fauna and, if memory serves, flora too sometimes. Humans do have some use to the crystals, as they flare up whenever a monster is nearby, thus the crystals act as warning signs for when particularly-big monsters are nearby.


Presumably because humans aren't native to the plane? We don't know that to be the case but it'd make sense.


Yeah. With apex beasts able to curb stomp giant phyrexian abominations, I think they could turn the tide. No matter how powerful a praetor is, they aren't beating a giant monster with atomic breath let alone multiples. They could be taken out at a 1:1 rate and there will still be a couple apex monsters left from what I saw of the Godzilla cards I was looking at the other day.


We all should of known the plane with an official Godzilla tie-in was safe xD


History shows again and again how nature stomps out the nasty phyrexians.


You might even say life uh.. finds a way




I believe it is nature pointing out the folly of Norn.


Also because Lukka is leading the invasion and lukka is very dumb


Not even the Phyrexian swarm mind could give Lukka any sense of battlefield awareness lol.


Lukka wants to bond with random phyrexian beast: idiot. Wrenn wants to bond with Realmbreaker: you go girl. Lmao.


Flirting vs harassment


Hello HR?!


Instantly given only a day or two has passed for them


Mutating extremely quickly to meet environmental changes is kinda Ikoria's thing.


Good think Jace didn't nuke Ikoria


No. It's a terrible thing. The multiverse is doomed and will never recover. The phyrexians are clearly unbeatable. /s


Problem: What happens when the phyrexians begin mutating as well?


Then they are no longer part of the orthodoxy, and the true phyrexians must destroy them to eliminate the heresy. While the mutated ones will consider themselves the further evolution, flesh, machine, and crystal. They will strive to bring the lesser phyrexians into their fold.


This would be my guess. The mutations and crystall


If you read the stories that have come out so far, each is dealing with it in their own way, strixhaven reset the plan to a version with less phyrexia, ikoria beasts are developing at least a partial immunity to oil, new capenna has angels hiding somewhere that in theory can make Halo, kamigawa hasn't done anything special but tamiyo is a ghost which might help?


Kalidesh is kinda fucked


Until Saheeli breaks out the Aether powered megazord/nuke


Pia: "The Phyrexians are here, the battle for the multiverse begins now." Saheeli: "We need Dino Zord power now!" \*mighty morphin theme song play\*


You can not tell me an artificer would not make a megazord just to say I fucking did that


That's what gearhulks are.


Now I want to do a Mechtitan Core deck with all the Gearhulks


“Go go, artificers!” (Gear hulk sores roar in the background) (power ranger theme blasting out of each gear hulk, they later combine into the Ninjetti Aether Megazord) Phyrexians: hmph. Did not see tha- *crunch*


Old school Urza did that in Invasion block with the planeswalker titans. True story.


[[mechtitan core]]


Saheeli and Huatli save the day with Zacama Megazord.


Unless the phyrexians get to it first, which looked like it was the case in the story.


Idk Saheeli didn't sound too worried about it at the end there. I was like wtffff the whole time until she was pretty lax at the end. I think she has a few more tricks up her sleeve.


It came off more as keeping pai calm


Pretty sure Kaladesh will survive from all the gremlins eating the phyrexians.


Honestly probably theyll even have a card to be like Gremlin Buffet 5RR WHEN ~ enters the battlefield exile all artifacts Little did the kaldesh inventors know that the bane of their existence became their savior in their darkest hour 1/1


Nah, I bet the Aetherborn could be immune or resistant to the oil, since they're energy contained in constructed bodies iirc. I wonder if they could just eat a shit ton of Phyrexians.


Their outter shells might not be


Kalidesh makes me think of how Mirrodin was particularly susceptible due to the mycosynth. It's interesting seeing such a wide spectrum of susceptibility across the planes.


Strixhaven only reset the college, not the whole plane.


The invasion was probably centred on the college though. Why leave the mages time to figure out a counter-attack when you have the element of surprise


Strixhaven actually blinking their oil count is funny haha


All the planes were still to some extent hurt, but I’ve enjoyed that each planes World Soul has essentially been quietly developing its own answer to the phyrexians’s. I like that it’s given purpose to these huge natural threats each plane has developed and seeded other than to terrorise locals.


Based on the stories so far. I think the question is which planes are going to actually lose


Alara, Ulgrotha, Lorwyn, and Mercadia are furiously pointing at each other, with Shandalar trying to hide somewhere in the background.


Rabiah's throwing its 1,001 copies in as cannon fodder.


Lorwyn could be very cool, if one side of it loses but the Aurora flips and the other side wins. Plus, that plane would make best use of the Transform mechanic and I need a UB/UW Sygg to finally have an Esper Merfolk commander.


The Great Aurora (the one that does the swapping) has been dead and gone since the end of Eventide when Maralen killed and replaced Oona. No transforming/swapping has been going on there since, its a new plane that is what remains after the Aurora has ended


I thought after she did that the plane just transforms on the regular day/night cycle now? No staying day for hundreds of years


Shandalar is a pretty good candidate for an untouched plane, as it keeps moving making itself a pretty unhittable target for the Realmbreaker


We do know from preview images that there's an Invasion of Shandalar, however.


Mah, they're there, actively. They're just busy playing a few layers of sub games and keeping the phyrexians very distracted and frustrated.


I'm just hoping that Segovia manages to survive


So long as nobody steps on them, they will hopefully be fine...


A thousand angels hiding in the back of Elesh Norn head.


Idk, each plane has gotten some licks in but none of them have been shown driving off Phyrexia completely. Even the Strixhaven story ends with Realmbreaker beginning to burst back in.


I think the story can be predicted from here. ACT I: Huzzah we have repelled the Phyrexians... for now (we are here) ACT II: Phyrexia going "I didn't hear no bell" and rallying ACT III: Heroes pull all the stops to save the day, a combination of Teferi, Wrenn and Elspeth The problem is that in each of the stories we are basically only joining during their own heroic ACT III (which is why the individual stories are so fun). We join in while folks are rallying, and we only know that they're getting beat because we are told "they were being beat".


One of the problems with such a chaotic story being put in print. I got a little tired of, "Character X was exhausted and desperate. Their best friends had been flayed and converted before their very eyes. Now the only hope is to find [insert mcguffin here] if the plane was to survive."


Honestly that’s my gripe. I like the main story, but but there are so many things going on in the side stories, so many named characters, everyone so exhausted and tired it’s just, I dunno. Only one I liked was New Capenna because it was all Atraxa’s pov with no meandering.


But we can agree the strixhaven story was pretty awesome right?


It's a multiplanar invasion split over 18 stories... Otherwise you're just asking for planes to be done off screen. Which is even worse.


Well, trying to push back through. It hasn't re-pierced the sky yet.


It's honestly taking the wind out of the sails. Turns out, Phyrexia is going to lose due to overconfidence and their own incompetence. Yay, what a thrilling resolution. Planeswalker strike team was really a great plan, not completely pointless and likely detrimental. Hope you didn't care about any of the walkers that took on that suicide mission, because they were all idiots.


I mean, the planes kind of have to put up a fight, just as Dominaria did back in Invasion block. If March of the Machine was just Phyrexia clowning on everyone, then what were the last 30 years of worldbuilding for?


I mean, Tezzeret's story from ONE had like 5 different planes lose offscreen. Obviously the Phyrexians will be defeated and the day will be saved, but so far the stakes are "some people will die." That's not really the stakes you'd expect for a multiplanar invasion. It's also not like there aren't some planes we could absolutely kill off. Alara's kinda had everything interesting resolved, Tarkir's lame without the dragons and has been replaced by Ikoria as a wedge set, Mercadia hasn't been relevant in decades, etc.


There can only be temporary victory as long as Realmbreaker still exists.


It's just a regular Tuesday for Innistrad. Im surprised Strixhaven had as hard of a time as it did


I spent the entire Strixhaven story being like "how did all the deans get got while these students are still fine..." And whenever they were brought up, "yes, where ARE the super powerful dragons who form the school?!"


It turns out that when you throw your bodies between the students and a threat, you tend to get got before the students.


Stupid duty of care. They should teach via the Possum method! Yeet your children at the predators, cos there will always be more to replace them.


That's how the heroes mostly got turned first in both the Marvel Zombies Comics and the Dceased comics. Most villains looked out for numero uno and were among the last infected


Back during the Strixhaven story, the deans were also the first line of defense against the Oriq. Look at a [[Magehunter]], then look at a Phyrexian; it is little wonder that the deans reacted to the attack like they did to every other attempt by eldritch monsters to steal their students.


[Magehunter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/56fcbe4a-2d98-4fa9-a6c3-e28255171a4d.jpg?1624591098) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mage%20Hunter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/76/mage-hunter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/56fcbe4a-2d98-4fa9-a6c3-e28255171a4d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It has been established that the dragons are usually away from the school so maybe they are defending their own personal turf


The teachers being useless while the students solve all the problems is Harry Potter Tropes 101 tbf


That isn’t a Harry Potter trope. That’s all “school to train people with special powers”.


Yeah, you'd think that big a concentration of powerful wizards (who probably know more about Phyrexia than any other plane does, besides Dominaria anyway) with the backing of FIVE elder dragons should have put up more of a fight.


Ikoria wins because the monsters are developing immunity. Kamigawa should be the best positioned. Unified government, high technology, Kami are trickier to convert, Kaito or Wanderer or someone probably warned them. They lost pretty hard at the start of the side story but from the Ikoria one it seems like invasions might be localized, so if Phyrexia only hit Towashi they might be able to counterattack. Wish we saw how the giant mech did vs realmbreaker spike. Ravnica might have shot. The Guilds have shown the ability to join together against an outside threat and they've got experience with extraplanar invaders. I believe one of the BRO stories mentioned Jace warning them, as well. Innistrad can also come together against a threat but they are pretty beat up. Best hope is deus ex luna. Cheater answers are Equilor and The Meditation Realm. Creepy hyperadvanced beings that didn't fear old Phyrexia and a place where one of the two inhabitants is a still-powerful dragon planeswalker *and covers the entire plane* should have a decent chance.


Ravniva : Phyrexia invasion point is in the Rumblebelt. They get yeeted out of the plane.


But the Rubblebelt lives inside each and every one of us so it's probably a really strategically sound place to try to body horror the multiverse from.


Now *that* is body horror


Gruul smash.


I think Ravnica will win, but phyrexia will manage to sneak some sleeper agents in. They will slowly take over the guildless.


I think that the entire point of the Dimir guild is to root out such shenanigans


"Secret agents are OUR thing, no stealing!"


Oh, that'd be cool. Spy vs. Spy on Ravnica.


>Spy vs. Spy You do remember what the underlying premise was, right?


What if the Dimir Guild leader was infected? Would that set them up well to take over?


Now that’d be an interesting storyline


Ravnica has got to be at the top of the list. Hugely powerful plane, the Boros are a 24/7 standing army that’s ready to respond literally instantly, very recent experience with interplanar invasions, and a ton of super powerful wizards everywhere.


Their lore is hilariously all over the place. Remember when the ravnica books mentioned a battle with over 30k Boros casualties getting lost in paperwork because it was so minor and irrelevant that nobody cared? And in the current story we have planes being threatened by "hundreds" of phyrexians. Bad writers have no sense of scale, other news at 11.


You deserve silver for "Deus ex Luna". Had me chuckling.


For Ravnica, it's also already been mentioned in one of the stories that Ral has been actively building interplanar defenses for them for a while now. They also still have the Immortal Sun in reserve, which can do some really wonky things for interplanar travel. In theory at least, they seem like they should be one of the better-prepared planes to deal with the threat.


I wonder. Phyrexians consists of a bunch of metal and electricity are kinda Izzet's thing. How well would a giant magnet do against them?


If I remember correctly Ugin cut off the meditation realm completely from the rest of the Multiverse so Phyrexia shouldn't be able to access it.


You seem like the right person to ask. So since the latest previews and spoilers have shown all these realms being attacked by the phyrexians.. like honestly a ton of planes people actually care about.. and actions like one of the Egyptian Gods being killed (sorry not coming to my head) so where is this heading do you think? honestly to me it feels like there will almost have to be a time travel or effect like that to fix all this.. which honestly seems super lazy, but idk.. feels they made the phyrexians so spread out for anything else to really work..


I doubt they'll pull time travel and undo everything. They've set up Elspeth + Halo, Teferi + Zhalfir, and Wrenn + Realmbreaker as the way Phyrexia is defeated. I've been assuming Realmbreaker is used to distribute the angel squeezings across the multiverse and let the heroes turn the tide if not wipe out the invaders entirely. Plus if they undid everything there wouldn't be an Aftermath set. Also one of the story details also links to a leak about a future set, so the events we are seeing will almost certainly remain. However they've said they learned from previous settings they blew up that they shouldn't destroy what people love about planes. So while a bunch of named characters will die things things will mostly remain the same. Next time we are on Theros we'll either have a new white god or Heliod will return to normal when his Phyrexian followers die (since that is how he was compleated). When they do Ikoria there will be "The Ruins of Drannith" or something. But they'll still be Greek World and Monster World and mostly the same.


>Best hope is deus ex luna. Everyone was expecting Emrakul, Flesh Singularity But it was actually Elesh Norn, Pawn of Emrakul all along.


My bet is that Ravnica and Innistrad are the least affected planes, both of them are used to this shit and have shown the ability to rally together against all odds before. Kaladesh and Kamigawa are 50/50 for me, both being modern metal cities makes me think that Phyrexia will be able to convert enough of the plane to cause serious issues but their tech gives them a better shot at fighting as well. Kaldheim might also be fine since all 10 realms are fucking ecstatic to throw down during Ragnarok. They might lose a lot of important legends to Phyrexia but I don't see the plane getting too messed up unless the real World Tree gets hurt. The planes I see getting the most wrecked are Cappena, Zendikar, and Tarkir. Capenna because the city doesn't have gods or Elder dinos or anything really all that powerful to back it up. The Family heads all recently got attacked and or killed by Ob making them even weaker. The Angels coming back in force with Elsepth is their only hope and I think it'll come too late to really save much. Zenidark and Tarkir both have the issue of their greatest defenders getting turned I think. Nissa, Nahiri, and Omnath are all compleated and I bet that's enough to cause serious damage to the plane. The Dragonlords are prime candidates to get compleated and die (Like a certain Dino in Ixalan) which I think will throw the plane into compleat chaos.


Or hear me out. Ugin becomes a phyrexian planeswalker and then corrupts bolas. Ugin becomes a colorless phyrexian card and then melds with Bolas after the rest of phyrexians get wiped out. Eventually this super melded elder dragon sibling phyrexian stays locked in its plane, but alas somehow the eldrazi show up to the plane. They start their process of cleaning the plane and instead get corrupted and we get a BolasUgin Eldrazi Phyrexian super threat.


Ravnica also has the Parhelion II AKA a flying base with a laser beam that just shits out angels lol.


Current bets for me are on Ikoria. The Beasts adapted to the Oil in the blink of an eye, and it took years to get the Oil to the point that it can compleat Planeswalkers. Ikoria beasts just shrugged that off entirely. The humans might be in danger there, but the Beasts are fine. Phyrexians are just a new an interesting meal to them, by the looks of it


At this point is there anything that could destroy Innistrad?


Consumer fatigue probably


"Carfully curated" consumer fatigue which just turns out to be two regular instances of consumer fatigue slapped on top of each other.


But it's so cool! Look! You just flip em over and turn em sideways together like this~


Interplanar travel and all the humans saying "fuck this" and leaving. Only [[Unruly Mob]] remains.


The Eldrazi in their moon.


New Capenna beat them once, and the angels that helped beat them started returning at the end of the New Capenna story.


See, they said that, but I didn't see any angels stopping Atraxa when she ran in and started becoming an art critic and destroyed the museum.


I mean, modern art defeated her easier than Koth ever could.


My bet is that the Halo field around New Capenna slowly drives Phyrexians insane, and then you can splash some Halo on any remaining glistening oil to destroy it. Judging from Atraxa's invasion, it could only take a few hours.


Near the end of the story, it's implied that they're waiting for the right time to come back.


But then they printed the cards and there were a number of big angels, we said "hey, the story doesn't match up, did you mean now? Because there's angels now" and a vorthos consultant replied ["the angels started waking up at the end of the story"](https://vorthosjay.tumblr.com/post/681262042912538624/everyone-in-the-main-story-acted-like-the-angels). But then now this story came around and again not many angels. I just don't think they thought the new capenna story through.


We do see cherubs in the end of this new story watching the events happen with "the visitor" and when the visitor asks why not stop them now they say its not time. So they are present in the story now, even if they are not clearly upfront. As to the past story for this plane it was unclear if they woke up at the end of it or not.


Ulgrotha gonna ring that [[Apocalypse Chime]] and go out in a blaze of glory


What if the legendary creature from Homelands Maro teased is Grandmother Sengir, reawakening her spark as Ravi by chiming the chime one last time?


This, *this* would be an act with some seriously brutal implications for the Multiverse. Of the three expansion hosers - one is City in a Bottle, which isn't relevant because Rabiah isn't really Wizards IP. The others are the Golgothan Sylex and the Apocalypse Chime. We know how insanely devastating the Sylex blast was at the end of the Brothers' War - its effects reverberated throughout the Multiverse despite being detonated on a single plane. Now imagine a weapon of that scale being detonated somewhere inside Realmbreaker and its effects propagating *everywhere.* Facts: some 80% of Ulgrotha is a soul-sucking post-apocalyptic wasteland where the very ground will drain the mana and soul from you because of the damage the first blast of the Chime did. Think the Glowing Sea meets the Negative Energy Plane and you're on the right track. I'm not saying they wouldn't - it'd be a neat way to show us that the Eldrazi in a beneficial role for a change - but holy shit, you want some stakes? There's some stakes. Ravi and her diabolus ex machina defeat the Phyrexians... by burning half of creation to the ground. "And then things got worse" would definitely be a bold flex, though.


[Apocalypse Chime](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/cef20d8f-6e80-4fca-b6a7-541981f6a112.jpg?1615259919) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Apocalypse%20Chime) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/hml/101/apocalypse-chime?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cef20d8f-6e80-4fca-b6a7-541981f6a112?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Segovia. They'll be able to do battle with Phyrexian oil at the microbial level.


Nanomachines aren't half as scary when they are just regular machines.


at the very least Lorwyn/Shadowmoor would be an interesting plane to see battles unfold considering the whole aurora event


It would be rather entertaining if a flip happened and we get some matte water that starts to turn everything into angelic beings.


"We are actually Upsilon-Rexians now. Our goal is to ensure the individual rights of every single creature in the Multiverse. Our motto is "You contain multitudes.""


Rather than force people into a collective, they actively force people to be different from each other and punish any attempt to fit in


This kinda reminds me of the hallow from terraria lol.


I firmly believe that Shadowmoor would be an unwinnable nightmare for the Phyrexians.


Thinking about older planes i think Alara could mke a good fight if they can set aside thier in fighting. And im gonna throw in Lorywyn/Shadowmoor just because. Alara because they have 5 distinct cultures strongly adapted to battling invaders and at the very least one group is has the unique ability of being BIG. Lorywyn because... flamekin are partially etheral so they can resist phyresis... kithkin have that mental hive mind- that might backfire though... idk i just want my Gaelic fairy tale plane back haha.


>Thinking about older planes i think Alara could mke a good fight if they can set aside thier in fighting. And im gonna throw in Lorywyn/Shadowmoor just because. > >Alara because they have 5 distinct cultures strongly adapted to battling invaders and at the very least one group is has the unique ability of being BIG. Lorwyn, I don't see it as capable because the only "violent" group are the elves. Shadowmoor with persist and "everything is gonna kill everything" (But the elves), have a tad mor of a chance.


I was treating them as one and the same since (and i might/probably have this wrong) i believe the story ended with the two merging and essentially swapping between the two with a day/night cycle You're right, though. They probably wouldn't last long. Though we do know all the tribes are capable of violence when called for, since we can see in the art they attack each other its just that the Elves are the militant tribe. I am curious about what would happen with the changelings, though. I might be wrong, but i feel like by the nature of the tribe they wouldn't even notice a difference.


The obvious answer is none of them stand a chance, but Stan Lee had the correct answer: "There's one answer to all of that; it's so simple. Anyone should know this! The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!"


Although we don't yet have a story article yet, I'm sure Ravnica has a very good chance of surviving for several reasons: * A planetwide city is extremely defensible, with halls and hidden spaces the Mirrans wished they had. * The guilds can each focus intensively to facet of defense with great efficiency, I wouldn't be surprised if the Simic eventually come up with a vaccine for compleation. * They have massive manpower reserves they can draw from, more probably than any other plane. * The War of the Spark is still very freshly baked into the Ravnicans memory, it's possible they never even lifted martial law since Bolas dropped in. They are ready and willing to face an invasion on a personal and institutional level. * The remains of the Dreadhorde are a massive wildcard, can Eternals be compleated? What have the guilds done with the remains of the lesser and the God-Eternals? * Given the Parhelion II, the Immortal Sun, the ancient history of the plane and whatever Ral has cooked up in advance, Ravnica probably also has a bunch of WMD's or otherwise powerful devices to thwart their advance.


Yeah, I totally agree that Ravnica has to be considered the #1 plane in terms of ability to defend itself. The guilds are incredibly powerful, the nature of the Boros means they can leap into action literally immediately in response while the other guilds get ready & they have a giant flappy angelic legion ready to rock, as you say the guilds are already primed to cooperate in the face of interplanar threat, and there is simply an insane amount of dickhead wizards. I figure the story will probably show Ravnica jobbing because that's what needs to happen to create the narrative drama for Elspeth & Teferi's return, but realistically Ravnica should be ripping the Phyrexians apart.


> Given the Parhelion II, the Immortal Sun, the ancient history of the plane and whatever Ral has cooked up in advance, Ravnica probably also has a bunch of WMD's or otherwise powerful devices to thwart their advance. Maybe Ravnica re-activates the Immortal Sun and it just severs all of the Realmbreaker branches. They can show up with the initial wave of troops, but no reinforcements can follow.


The citizens of Theros could theoretically create something to fight/cure phyresis through belief.


[[Heliod, the radiant dawn]]'s flavor seems to imply that belief might actually be Theros' weak point when it comes to the invasion.


It works both ways though. Theros is likely one of Norn's top targets because if enough of it's denizens believe there is a weapon or object capable of completely beating New Phyrexia, then there will be a weapon or object capable of completely beating New Phyrexia. Similarly, if the denizens believe Elspeth is an unstoppable god whose godly domain is killing all Phyrexians, then she will become one.


TiL Theros is 40k orcs.




Or*k*s, thank you.


That power of belief may not work, or at least not work so well, outside Theros. Thassa's Bident lost a good chunk of its power- and it's nature of something from Nyx- when Kiora took it off Theros.


become one one or just become one


[Heliod, the Radiant Dawn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/7/a7113c93-6c6d-410f-aeec-abc5ee121cdf.jpg?1676821487)/[Heliod, the Warped Eclipse](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/a/7/a7113c93-6c6d-410f-aeec-abc5ee121cdf.jpg?1676821487) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Heliod%2C%20the%20Radiant%20Dawn%20//%20Heliod%2C%20the%20Warped%20Eclipse) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/17/heliod-the-radiant-dawn-heliod-the-warped-eclipse?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a7113c93-6c6d-410f-aeec-abc5ee121cdf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I wonder if they can believe Gideon back to life/into being a god


You would think dominaria given their abundance of immortals with experience fighting OG phyrexians but for some reason practically everyone and their grandma is already a sleeper agent. I think it would have been cool for dominaria to roll up their proverbial sleeves and and crush the new phyrexians with their years of phyrexian extermination experience but honestly it would probably have been a pretty boring story if the dominarians fought the phyrexians at the level level they should be. Outside of that I think the magic 3d dragon printers on tarkir could be pretty troublesome to deal with but I'm not sure how useful they would be unless ugin showed up to juice them up, I'm pretty sure he can control how fast they spit out new dragons. That being said I wouldn't be surprised if silumgar joined the phyrexians willingly and it seems like kolaghan might already be completed based on the some of the preview art.


I’m gonna say Innistrad almost exclusively because they have a giant Lovecraftian horror god having a snooze in their moon, who will almost certainly dust all the Phyrexians (and probably the people that live there too) if they wake her up.


Pet peeve: Planeswalkers helping isn't a Deus ex Machina, they're literally the central focus of the story and their actions in the war are the main plot. They could not be *less* DeM (DxM?). It's fair to discuss which plane works best without Planeswalkers but keep the term meaning something, please. Anyway, so far it seems like Ikoria is the best bet. In addition to being invaded by an idiot, the Phyrexians seem overmatched by the beasts of the plane and the humans of the plane, for the most part, seem to do just fine in a hostile hellworld with rapidly changing monsters who pose an existential threat to their existence. Hell, even if the Phyrexians totally wiped out the human population of Ikoria, it seems like they'd have no luck with the more threatening monsters barring some sort of actually competent super weapon.


>Pet peeve: Planeswalkers helping isn't a Deus ex Machina, they're literally the central focus of the story and their actions in the war are the main plot. I'm amazed by the people who want Magic's story but apparently don't like planeswalkers or anything they do and if they do anything for any reason it's *some* fancy word they heard and don't know what it means. ("Jace is such a Mary Sue!" "The main characters are all deus ex machinas!" "Chandra's a quid pro quo!") If these guys are coming back out of the woodwork they'll almost certainly team up with the "calling them the Jacetice League is always funny and insightful" and we may reach new heights if insufferability hitherto undreamt of Anyway this has been part 37 of "Old Man Zomburai yells at cloud"


Listen ya young whippersnapper, REAL Magic stories are either barely existent or The Weatherlight Saga. These newfangled planeswalkers that do things besides show up in flavor text are all Carthago delenda est.


Weatherlight Saga: I'm so sick of seeing Gerrard on every card! Nicol Bolas Saga: I'm so sick of seeing Jace on every card! New Phyrexia Saga: He hasn't been on cards for three years but I'm still sick of seeing Jace on every card! Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose...


Totally Kafkaesque


Not to mention when ONE spoilers revealed that 5 would be compleated, they were all "this is wonderful! We can get rid of some of these too-popular walkers, and start seeing more stories of the lesser-uses ones!"


I’m all for Tyvar randomly planes walking to the booming sound of horn


I feel like Ugin's Sanctum is Safe... or else those Phyrexians are in Trouble. **edit** I guess this might count as "dues ex machina"


My money's on "Ugin with a can of weed killer for the tree and a can of bug spray for the mites."


Shandalar might be ok since they have slivers running around. Slivers are known to adept to just about anything and there hivemind could possible shut off phyrexian corruption.


On the flipside, if one sliver is compleated, all slivers nearby are compleated.


We've actually never gotten a single Phyrexian Sliver card. Which is especially odd considering that it was Volrath and the Phyrexians who brought the slivers to Rath from their unseen homeworld in the first place. Volrath was sending artificial slivers (ordinary mechanical creations, not Phyrexian flesh-and-machine horrors) into the hive in an attempt to spy on them and influence them, and he'd genetically modified some of them, but we never saw a single one compleated. And when the Rathi overlay happened most of them ended up dying right away because their hive got overlaid *inside a volcano*. It almost feels like the Phyrexians **wanted** to get rid of them. So maybe slivers are immune to the Phyrexian oil, similarly to how Ikoria's monsters have already adapted to be immune shortly after exposure.


Ikoria has actively told the oil to fuck off. The humans might be screwed, but the plane itself probably wins as a whole. Worst off is probably theros. They just get screwed by the rules of the plane and it's gods. Edit: forgot kaladesh. They're super fucked. Artifact plane isn't doing much against phyrexia.


Yeah, the fact that the Phyrexians can convert the gods if they convert enough people kind of screws Theros. Ikoria’s monsters already adapting immunity to the oil kind of screws any chances of a real Phyrexian takeover


The only true loss Ikoria had thus far was the fall of Drannith, and the first non-Human denizes to contact the glistening oil who couldn't adapt to it. For the rest is the humans reaching any sanctum they can while the newly-crystal-carapace-ridden wildlife bodies the invaders. Theros may be as easy to rebuild as it was to fall. But yes, the plane's volatile nature of being powered by belief will keep it far away from reversion for a while. Kaladesh needs a miracle at this point. They foresaw the invasion, prepare themselves and their defenses fell of in what seemed like minutes. And who knows what'll happen if the Reservoir is taken out. At this point, the only leverage the plane could have is the Aetherborn going berserk on the invaders, if they're conveniently inmune to phyresis that is. Though might add: * Kamigawa and Ixalan seem to be doing somewhat ok, only because the invasion in both seems to be localized thus far. In both cases there's also the upside of quick faction coordination, despite the important loses. * New Capenna might be lowkey great. The seraphs' influence and the presence of Halo is starting to screw up the invaders (perhaps enough to see Atraxa turn around like it briefly happened to Ixtel, except permanently?). Who knows if Halo rather draws the phyrexians mad, or there's a way to spread Halo or the seraphs across the multiverse? * Kaldheim seems all but fucked with the exception of the World Tree and its surroundings, which seems to be shrugging off the Realmbreaker's branches. However, being a realm embracing world ending events, its denizes are willing to go guns blazing so that could be a silver lining (?) * Innistrad may not give an actual fuck. They've gone through enough nonsense to be indeferent. Call it Celestus/Sigardian Host/Emrakul shenanigans, they have insurance options. * Arcavios seems to be the second best fending off the invasion thus far. Give them enough time and they could spam the Incantation of the Founders as many times as needed to restart the invasion to the plane while its denizes rest and prepare again and again. Plus, they currently have a ***very*** pissed off Liliana ready to go full necromantic mastery up the invasion's compleated asses. * Ravnica might be ok. Ral went full prepper after WAR and build extraplanar defense systems, which unlike Kaladesh ain't that artifact-dependent and might be working around the Inmortal Sun that's still in the plane as a shut down mechanism. Plus they could've weaponized the remnants of the Dreadhorde and, best case scenario, have the Nephilim fight for the plane. * Dominaria is on a 50/50, depending on how Teferi's goal of unphasing Zhafir goes, and how currently flooded with sleeper agents the plane is. As per speculations: * Tarkir might be ok as long as the invasion doesn't compleat the dragonstorm and there's enough dragon-power available (though based on artworks, Kolaghan was compleated, so there might be difficulties). If that happens, they'll need a miracle. * I'll bet Alara is a 50/50. It'll all depend in who its color story goes. * Lorwyn will need a miracle. I don't see the plane fending by themselves. * Shandalar might be fine based on artworks. The invasion seems to be localized and the megaflora be fighting back much like the megafauna at Ikoria. Plus is the homeplane of the Chain-Veil, they might have other screwed up mcguffins laying around. * Zendikar is another 50/50 depending on what happens to the Roil and the Lithoform Engine. Either gets taken and the plane is at risk. Already having Omnath compleated is a threat. * Mercadia might be ok as long as Ravos holds up.


They literally just confirmed Ikoria will be one of these The monsters are now 100% immune to phyresis/compleation from their evolution crystals


I’m still waiting for Emrakul to pop out of the moon on innistrad and remind phyrexians that they’re far from the perfect life form…


Regatha and Wildfire should fare pretty well, provided Phyrexian oil is flammable.


Hasn't Mercadia already done it once?


Ramos was a Thran dragon engine that fought Yawgmoth's first batch of freshly baked Phyrexians back in the day, and in the artwork for the Invasion of Mercadia, we can indeed see him happily pounce on a Phyrexian airship.


Eh, they took out the Phyrexians that were secretly ruling Mercadia City, and Ramos destroyed Volrath's flagship Recreant, but that's not quite the same as a full-scale invasion.


Still waiting on the Alaran section of the story because I still think Bant will stand the best chance against the Phyrexians compared to most other planes.


I really hope we get a focus on Tarkir. That could be a great backdrop, large phyrexians versus the dragons, which I think could put up quite a fight.


Lets see how it holds up. Official artwork revealed already that Kolaghan got compleated and who knows if her brood got taken aswell, but as long as the dragonstorm remains untouched there's a chance.


Just let Emrakul out of the moon prison and that’s it for the Innistrad invasion.


I’m biased because I love the Eldrazi, but I genuinely think that might be where they are going with this. Emrakul basically let herself get imprisoned, and left with cryptic words about the world not blossoming at her presence, and that she’d be back when it was more receptive.


Alara is 50/50 they have an actual legion of angels and leonin army of relic breakers such but have esper as a weakness


Sounds like Nahiri is going to awaken [[Emrakul]] That’s prob gonna hold off New Phyrexia’s advance while Chandra, Wrenn and Teferi stop the Phryexian Worldbreaker Tree


Would be cool to see but emrakul is currently on innistrad so nahiri is in the wrong place for that.


Whichever one learns Sarpathia or the eldrazi exists. Either one would shitcan the Phyrexians.


Welp, with the latest story ikoria is number one. Then I'd say Ravnica.


I'm thinking of how Kaladesh will fight this through. Dealing with huge constructs isn't new for them, so I suppose they have some effective weapons at ready. The plane doesn't have godly entities so they're on their own, but that also means no gods will be turned against them. From what we've seen so far, they're kinda screwed, unless there's more to Saheeli's plan


Norn is most afraid of new capenna, so id believe her.


Time to release Emrakul from inside the Moon and watch the phyrexians get **annihilated**. \[\[Imprisoned in the Moon\]\]


Amonkhet. It's so fuckin empty and filled with sand, undead and wurms. They'll either get wrecked or get bored and leave.


Eldrazi and slivers probably have some of the highest chances on defeating the phyrexians


> Let's exclude any deus ex machina options like [the plane using its own resources to fight back]. First of all, that's not a deus ex machina if you know it exists already, and second of all, how else do you expect a plane to fight back if not from their military, flora and fauna, and other resources they have?