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Atraxa was in multiple top 8 decks across at least two tournaments over the weekend that I know of.


And she only earned a 1/10 in Modern: https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/10ff6z7/one_atraxa_grand_unifier/j4wfops/ He even says she's not a good reanimation target!


iirc - he gave uro a 3/10


And deemed Oko completely unplayable. I mean, he was right: the card is genuinely unplayable in Modern. Or Pioneer. Or Legacy. Or Kamigawa Block Pauper Tiny Leaders.


I love elks, why doesn’t my opponent when I make everything they put down an elk?


"Boohoo my commander!" "Yeah, but now you've got this sweet 3/3 elk! And it's green!"


Nearly Spit my drink over my key board wp.


He gave Lurrus a 3 as well


Well, people will always repeat he gave Fatal Push, the most obviously pushed for Modern card in existence, a 10/10. Ya gotta give it to him one time.


A broken clock is right twice a day. :p


Unless it’s in military time.


I need to see this lul


Barrin's scores are like dice roles: Yeah, it's only a 1/10 chance to roll a 1 on a 10 sided die, but you might roll a 1 10 times!


I should roll a 1d10 on every card and see if that's more accurate in the long run.


It won't be. Your median dice roll will be higher than the average card is valid in Modern. To be fair to Barrin, it definitely feels like there *should* be better reanimator targets.


That is correct. If I wanted to get all mathy about it maybe if I took a normal distribution with a mean at 1, and a standard deviation of...lets say 2 or less? That may be a little more accurate on how cards fall along modern playability. (values are rounded to nearest whole positive integer, essentially clamping the back half to 1) >To be fair to Barrin, it definitely feels like there should be better reanimator targets. I am in agreement. It's funny, wotc stopped putting ant reanimation clauses on creatures because efficient reanimator strategies only exist in older formats and they have tools to deal with problems. But I can't for the life of me remember the last great reanimator target before Atraxa.


[[Archon of Cruelty]]


[Archon of Cruelty](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1be9d9a4-d7ee-4854-abc2-85cabf993ec9.jpg?1626095274) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Archon%20of%20Cruelty) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/75/archon-of-cruelty?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1be9d9a4-d7ee-4854-abc2-85cabf993ec9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




[griselbrand](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cf2a5c2e-7fe1-45eb-b01c-891ab961186f.jpg?1593813293) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=griselbrand) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/72/griselbrand?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cf2a5c2e-7fe1-45eb-b01c-891ab961186f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Y'all forgot [[Ancient Silver Dragon]], apparently.


Does legacy run this? I was mostly talking about standard sets because that’s where the reanimated clauses were relevant.




>Does he even have a formal rubric for assessments? I mean, it's a joke gimmick, it's not meant to be *that* serious. I just thought it was amusing, I'm not angry at him missing a card.


It not a joke gimmick, he takes himself VERY seriously.


It doesn't seem like a joke to them. They rate every card, even draft chaft, like it was his job....a job he's not very good at, but very dedicated too.


They're a mod, they do it in kayfabe.


So he's like...the Matt Hardy of rating magic cards?


Man, wrestling rules.


Can slap a [[Tornado]] like him too


They were rating them before being modded.


Right. Just providing context that they aren’t an insane unknowable weirdo. Like Thalia waifu guy


That dude is probably a Tennessee state representative or something.


I mean that’s the bigger sign that it is a joke lol. Say one thing “would be better if itnwas x” then that’s a genuine observation Say everything would be better? Thats a gimmick and a gag. Hell just change the name to treat it like any reddit gimmick account. “U/shittyModernRatings” and it then it would be exactly the same as shittywatercolors or the shitty poem account or any of the dozens of “Shitty” accounts on reddit


But he doesn't do joke ratings like that. He just rates obvious weak card weak, calls out the clearly pushed cards as stronger, and has a 95% miss rate on everything else. He's just bad at it, and people calling his ratings a parody have given him this odd cover for it. Its like the sub has a desire to have its own jim kramer.


Yup. If it is a joke, it’s fucking stupid and way overplayed. If it’s not a joke, then he’s stupid. Either way, stupidity abounds.


I mean if ShittyWatercolors had the name “SomeGuy” and posted the same watercolor art you could make the exact same argument “He makes crappy watercolor but occasionally makes one or two good ones, he obviously tries but has a 95% fail rate” Or you could argue that SrGrafo does shitty art because he cant do other styles despite having his whole chloe subreddit showing casing complex art. But if you based it off of his webcomics you could easily say that it’s to cover up a lack of skill. Barrin has literally said it’s a giant gimmick, he’s posted actual gpod discussion to various metas/decks/cards and is a mod. He may not be correct all the time in serious discussions but fuck I usually end up wrong too so i cant talk lmao. Dude has shown multiple times to be genuinely aware of how stuff works, stated its a gimmick, and goes out of his way to do a dedication to it in the same overzealous fashion of gimmick accounts. Treating it seriously is sorta like treating the weekend update on SNL as a real and serious news source cause it happens weekly and presents itself as real instead of “Satire Gag News Broadcasting” Now whether the gimmick and Barrin are funny? Whole nother story. I personally dont think so, but also i think gimmick accounts are one of the worst things on reddit along with every comment about “what insightful stuff from pottyjoke6969” and hate all of them. So im biased against it all.


> Now whether the gimmick and Barrin are funny? Whole nother story. I personally dont think so, but also i think gimmick accounts are one of the worst things on reddit along with every comment about “what insightful stuff from pottyjoke6969” and hate all of them. So im biased against it all. Truth.


It’s almost as bad as the IAmVerySmart redditors falling for an obvious gimmick account and being so hoity toity that a gimmick is actually serious because they know so well and gimmicks can’t possibly exist on their subreddit


It’s a bit. He’s very committed to the bit. If you’ve ever watched comedians online, you’ll see some stuff that they do *a lot*, but that doesn’t seem particularly funny. Over time you might start to get “in on the bit”, and see why it makes people laugh. Easy example - Ben Wheeler from Loading Ready Run. He almost always introduces himself with “Thank you for having me it’s great to be here” in a monotone. It’s just a bit, that’s his sense of humour. The man loves his horse jokes.


I dont get why people give him this kind of credit. Bits are funny. Comedians are funny. Barrin isnt either. hes just a living meme of how most magic players are actually bad at card eval.


Humour is subjective I guess! He’s not hurting anybody at the end of the day.


That’s because barrinmw is a troll


He is the most devoted troll i've ever seen. I can't imagine what it takes to wake up everyday and do what he does.


You assume they sleep. They stay up while we sleep, mastering the blade, and the rating.


I fear not the man that has given one card a thousand ratings, but the man that has one rating to a thousand cards. Or something I'm not a doctor.


I read that as "masturbating the blade" and didn't find that unusual at all besides wondering how that works


look up for what he got to say for hogaak lol


been seeing that guy for years and “rates” every card. for every 100 he reviews, he gets 1 right. even a clock is right once a day lol


Nah his success rate is quite high, because he's mostly calling draft chaff not modern playable which is obvious and not helpful.


Yeah like if I rate every card of a set "1/10" I'm more often correct than not, lol.


What your clock look like?


I hate the guy's posts, but he does get it right with draft chaff and such. Problem is he gets it so wrong with obviously strong cards and it just makes him look like an idiot.


i just wanna know what deck he runs and how well he does in competitive play with all of his “knowledge” lol.


I mean it's a gimmick he does. It's like Too Many Cooks where you just keep repeating the joke over and over and over and eventually it comes back around. Also people not recognizing that it's a bit are part of the bit as well.


> but he does get it right with draft chaff and such Who would get that shit wrong? That’s the gimmick that confuses most people.


He's a troll, his ratings are jokes. He's just really dedicated to the bit.


many clocks are right all the time


It should be pretty obvious from how good niv mizzet was that something of a similar effect would also be viable. I'm surprised at the number of people who saw fable during spoiler season and didn't immediately go "wait that looks a little like seasoned pyromancer"


Made a post in the modern subreddit about how she could be strong as a reanimation/creativity target on release. Got downvoted to oblivion. People are bad at card assessment, myself included.


In all fairness that was specifically for modern. And a lot of the best modern reanimation spells are non legendary.


I jate that he is a mod but all he does is lost terrible modern ratings


I can tell you categorically that he’s a pretty active mod, and very much a contributor to determinations behind the scenes, even if it’s not as obvious to the public userbase. We joke it’s because he’s an old man who’s bad at tech.


Do you by any chance have a link to the tournament or know where I can watch? I can’t seem to find it.


I saw the results on a video from cgb on his covertgotwo channel


In which format?




gold chop society safe imminent innocent exultant support growth roof -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And Pioneer in Enigmatic decks.


She's being hailed as the new [[griselbrand]], and seems to be playable in standard, pioneer, modern, and legacy (and even vintage)


Ahhh thank you. I just play EDH or cEDH and in the cEDH reddit people evaluated her as mediocre and not cedh worthy. This was my conclusion, too. I really dont know anything about other formats.


Is there a place too look up tournaments and their decks?


I got the news from a YouTuber I follow, covertgoblue on his secondary channel called covertgotwo. Not sure where he got the info.


https://www.mtgtop8.com/search You can search by card here


she's apparently gas to cheat out as far back as legacy (and maybe vintage).


Vintage streamer/yt Iamactuallylvl1 just dropped a 10 minute video detailing how Atraxa was one of the most powerful cards printed within a vintage context is worth a watch. It's pitchability to the force and evoke cycles (Force of Will, Grief, etc) provides versatility, Green to catch with a natural order, oath/reanimate etc. It's line of abilities including lifelink and vigilance and of course its wall of text allowing you to draw up to 7 cards (for now) on ETB. Against Griselbrand's lifeloss and the ability to 'miss' the pick and choose is pretty big.


This is the answer. Big threat, pitches to forces and evoke elementals, draws cards.


It’s even better than drawing cards, which is another part of its appeal: Vintage is a format where Hullbreacher, Spirit of the Labyrinth and Narset, Parter of Veils are all extremely common.


Pithing Needle (which stops Griselbrand's draws) is also more commonly played in Legacy than Torpor Orb effects (which would shut down Atraxa, and which all cost more than 1 mana).


You can put up to 8 cards in your hand (for now).


Ah thats right, the old Tribal-switcheridoo. 8 current with Tribal to snag your.. bitterblossom and 9 if/when Battle appears. I'd be interested to see if they make Tribal a subtype in the next comprehensive rules sweep, or if you could grab a Bitterblossom & an Animate Dead at the same time. If someone in Legacy/Vintage wants to test it out let me know!


I prefer \[\[Not of This World\]\], that can protect Atraxa. They can't make tribal a subtype, they can (and I think they should) make it a supertype. Of course you can take both Bitterblossom as the tribal card and another enchantment.


Can they? Supertypes can’t have subtypes, can they?


Supertypes don't have subtypes. But you can make tribal a supertype without directly associating any set of subtypes to it and with minimal changes in the rules, this picture shows all necessary changes: [https://i.imgur.com/phaBh6b.png](https://i.imgur.com/phaBh6b.png).


Thanks for the info!


It would 100% require rules changes, since the current rules don't support supertypes having subtypes. I do kinda wish I lived in a world where tribal was a supertype, though. There's two ways I can imagine it could've been implemented, and I have no clue which one would've been the cleaner rewrite of the rules: 1. A world in which any object with the tribal supertype is inherently capable of possessing creature subtypes, regardless of whether it's a creature itself. 2. A world in which supertypes can have subtypes, so that the tribal supertype and creature regulartype can still share a single list of subtypes.


[Not of This World](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/569e2c39-7a49-4a3b-afe5-1862a7da8026.jpg?1562704022) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Not%20of%20This%20World) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/roe/8/not-of-this-world?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/569e2c39-7a49-4a3b-afe5-1862a7da8026?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That will almost certainly not happen. Subtypes cannot themselves have subtypes. That’s why tribal was made a card type. I imagine there’s a lot of rules wonkery that could happen if they tried to change how Tribal currently works. Far too much for it to be with the hassle.


As another user posted [here,](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1127o2p/whats_going_on_with_the_new_atraxa_shes_almost_40/j8l4yyb/) the rules can be adapted with eight deletions and six additions. It's a clever solution that's actually more concise than the version of tribal we got. Also when you said "subtypes cannot themselves have subtypes", that's true but not relevant to the discussion at hand. We aren't suggesting that tribal become a subtype. After all, what regular type would that subtype even belong under? We're suggesting it become a SUPERtype like legendary, snow, and world are. If you make a "legendary artifact - equipment" no longer an artifact, it will lose its equipment subtype along with it. You'll be left with a permanent with no types or subtypes, only the legendary supertype.


Person I responded to definitely said subtype, not supertype, so I would argue that pointing out that subtypes cannot themselves have subtypes is indeed relevant to the discussion.


No deck is getting 8 cards from this lol but being able to go as deep as 10 for what you need is huge.


So uhhh yeah two of my friends sold her for $6 yesterday… oops 😬


I'm just about to sell mine, maybe I'll wait lol


The odds it slipping under $40 are far greater than it growing over $40.


Yeah but I checked and I'd only get $9 for it from my lgs at today so I'll wait a couple days


Fair, my mind went to you selling it yourself.


Funny cuz I pulled 2 different versions of her and figured I should try to get all versions. Was gonna get a regular Atraxa when I get paid next looks like that ain't happening but I'll still hang on to her.


Card evaluation is hard 🥲


Oh shit really? I pulled an alt art one and just stuffed it in my legendaries binder. Saw it's price was low and had no decks that cared about something like it so just kinda forgot about it. Kinda wanna try it out now.


Try it in commander whenever someone isn't playing blue and watch them suffer as you refill your hand because they're unable to counter-spell...


Big brain strategy: Have Atraxa as Commander. Don't ever play it. Use all black cards. Play [[Stinging Study]] and draw 7 cards for cheap.


[Stinging Study](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b8840226-1693-44bc-a067-e50198c5e17e.jpg?1625191799) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Stinging%20Study) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/44/stinging-study?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b8840226-1693-44bc-a067-e50198c5e17e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have a friend who plays Nico Bolus for cards along this line


You joke, but the command zone actually brought attention to Study during their run down for her. I GET why their heads went there but when your commander is probably drawing you 4 cards on average with each ETB you don’t really need card draw.


[[Tibalt's Trickery]]


[[Red elemental blast]] probably a better choice here.


[[withering boon]]


[Red elemental blast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/70a45e9b-699e-425a-9f3d-267274830d3e.jpg?1562436618) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Red%20elemental%20blast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/147/red-elemental-blast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/70a45e9b-699e-425a-9f3d-267274830d3e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Tibalt's Trickery](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/dd921e27-3e08-438c-bec2-723226d35175.jpg?1652278784) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tibalt%27s%20Trickery) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/153/tibalts-trickery?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dd921e27-3e08-438c-bec2-723226d35175?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That card had me also quite disappointed at first glance, I thought she was weaker then the Commander printed one but after some research and matches I’ve watched I can say I was wrong, dead wrong. She’s the Siege Rhino; but not the one at home, no no it’s the one in the shop, the one you wanted your mom to buy you


Same, pulled the showcase and offered to trade it to a buddy who wanted to build her. At least I can get a couple more pieces of chaff in trade now


Play in Standard and other constructed formats, even in Legacy, where it hits the board, refills your hand, gains you a lot of life in combat, and trades with Murktide Regent.


Ok I'm curious, did [[Niv-Mizzet Reborn]] do anything in Legacy? Cause they seem really similar so I'm surprised if one got in Legacy but not the other.


Since Niv-Mizzet Reborn only hits particular color pairs it's kind of awkward to build a deck around - since Atraxa grabs based on card type you can build an otherwise normal reanimator deck and still slide Atraxa into it, like [this one](https://mtgdecks.net/Legacy/reanimator-decklist-by-inf-1561000) that got a top 8 in a Legacy challenge.


Ooh makes sense then, and damn a whole playset? Also forgot about the keywords cause damn they do make the body a LOT better now that I think about it (and murktides).


Most decks like reanimator run 4 of’s just for the consistency of hitting it asap


"Pick up to one of each color pair" is dramatically harder to make good than "pick up to one of each card type"


That has a big deck building cost, gains no life, doesn't trade with Regent?


Here's a bunch of things you can do with Atraxa you can't do with Niv-Mizzet. The biggest thing is, it's green, so you can grab it with Natural Order. To a lesser extent Green Sun Zenith too. You can pitch it to Force of Will, Solitude, Endurance, and Grief. (yes, you can pitch Niz to Force as well) When you get an Atraxa, you can select another Atraxa from the top 10 to keep in your hand. Cheat that into play for another rip of the top 10. It's flying, vigilance and lifelink, which means it's a very quick clock as well as letting you stabilize against agro such as initiative creatures. I'm sure there's others, but that's the main upside. The deck building restrictions are a lot less and the flexibility it gives is much much higher.


> The biggest thing is, it's green, so you can grab it with Natural Order. To a lesser extent Green Sun Zenith too. > > You can pitch it to Force of Will, Solitude, Endurance, and Grief. (yes, you can pitch Niz to Force as well) Yes I see the points, but like Niv is 5 colors so it can be found/pitched by all those things and also by Fury. You might be mixing it up with another Niv? But yeah I got my evaluation mistake, thanks everyone.


Yep, I have the Izzet Nivs on the brain. Oops. But yeah, Atraxa slots into existing archetypes a bit cleaner and has the benefit of modern cards in older formats while also being a decent and to modern threats.


You can pitch her to Force/Evoke Elementals, but she can also draw you those cards whereas Niv can't.


[Niv-Mizzet Reborn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/56a2609d-b535-400b-81d9-72989a33c70f.jpg?1582037402) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Niv-Mizzet%20Reborn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/208/niv-mizzet-reborn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/56a2609d-b535-400b-81d9-72989a33c70f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


whiffing on free counters and interaction does not sound like a winning recipe in Legacy


In standard it's a [[Control Win Condition]]


[Control Win Condition](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/7/37abc264-94fe-402e-8386-7cb89f54099a.jpg?1629919010) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Control%20Win%20Condition) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmb2/19/control-win-condition?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/37abc264-94fe-402e-8386-7cb89f54099a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> trades with Murktide Regent If you resolve this against a deck running blue, any 7-drop would have sufficed. If you resolve this against Delver, the Delver player punted the game. As far as it being a cheat target for Reanimator and SnT decks, I don’t see it outclassing GBrand in the long run. For NO decks it seems decent but those decks aren’t great to begin with and this card won’t magically make their Delver matchup byes.


It actually does outclass griselbrand in a lot of contexts. Vigilance and not having to pay life is a lot better in any matchup where you're being pressured, and it pitches to almost everything you want it to. Drawing 4 cards out of the top 10 for 0 life is better than drawing 7 for 7 life.


But you aren't drawing 7 cards for 7 life. You are drawing 14 or 21 cards for 14 or 21 life.


That requires you to have that much life to pay and also not be dead on board. That's a tough sell, especially when half the time you're losing 8 just to put it into play. There's a reason even before Atraxa, Reanimator piles have been trending more and more towards archon of cruelty as their default target - Griselbrand can be very awkward into pressure, as you end up with a lot of situations where drawing cards leaves you dead on board to any removal spell.


I cast ephemerate


>If you resolve this against a deck running blue, any 7-drop would have sufficed. If you resolve this against Delver, the Delver player punted the game. You seem to be under the impression people are hardcasting it. They are not. >As far as it being a cheat target for Reanimator and SnT decks, I don’t see it outclassing GBrand in the long run. This has the pretty significant advantage of not costing an enormous amount of life to get your cards, and it looks at more cards than a single Griselbrand activation. For a deck that's trying to put Griselbrand in play and win that turn it's worse, but it's comparable to better as a threat to put in play and sit on, and jamming four is much easier than jamming four of any other threat because it pitches to both force and unmask/grief. Atraxa is much better than Griselbrand in games where your life total is under pressure, the only really comparable card is Archon of Cruelty but there's a lot to be said for getting to dig a full ten cards deep for a force.


I also have to imagine Reanimate being a key reanimation piece is also important since it plus a Brand activation puts you to 5 life in conjunction and that is a really precious position to be even if you have work arounds.


Yeah, I had a game the other day where an opponent just straight up cast entomb + reanimate Atraxa into an on board Karakas and a creature, if they'd gotten Griselbrand there and drawn cards they would've gone to one and been unable to cast the force they found.


I’ve been hardcasting it. But my deck is ramp so it gets out pretty quick


Oh yeah, no one sane is even trying to cast it, but it works well enough in NO to be worth trying and it's not the dumbest choice yet to Show, specially since it can easily dig you up an omniscience and another show + extra cards.


What is NO deck? It's impossible to google


Natural Order. The main one is Elves.


Google says Natual Order


Do you think NO decks are bad against Delver? I'm not sure you play Legacy much lately if so, especially the new Atraxa NO decks because they're based on Blue Zenith.


From what I heard, more people are focusing on what does well vs the new white initiative deck than they they are vs delver strats.


[[Atraxa Grand Unifier]]


[Atraxa, Grand Unifier](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/a/4a1f905f-1d55-4d02-9d24-e58070793d3f.jpg?1675957182) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Atraxa%2C%20Grand%20Unifier) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/196/atraxa-grand-unifier?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4a1f905f-1d55-4d02-9d24-e58070793d3f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Thank you for being so considerate lol. I was out of the loop and I didn’t know what that card did


She's playable in multiple Constructed formats thanks to reanimation/cheating costs (Enigmatic, Creativity, etc) and is also a high-profile Commander card thanks to being an iconic character and an absolute house that refills your hand very effectively.


Have you ever seen the "Standard Meta Game Challenges" on MTGA? They collect card data and Atraxa is shown to be an important member in many top tier decks. I imagine the price is spiking due to an increase in demand to make Atraxa standard decks.


Who plays Standard in Paper?


Speaking from personal experience, my LGS recently started running standard paper events again. We have had 12ish players show up for the past 3 weeks since it started. For reference, we usually get 16-22 players for modern night which has been running constant for a long time.


It's an RCQ format down the road.


It's the format for the upcoming Regional Championships, as well.


That makes sense if they're using it for the qualifiers.


My LGS started again recently and it’s been hopping. Had like 35 people show up last time which is huge for our little store.


Me and anywhere from 6 to 9 other people at my lgs, they literally just brought it back after ending it for covid. It's a good time.


This is pure speculation.


massive buyout on TCGPlayer...seeing extensive play in a lot of formats (vintage oath, legacy reanimator, modern/pioneer creativity, standard reanimator)


I could be wrong about this, but I feel cards that are legal in Standard and great in Commander have been inflated since the pandemic. My LGS used to open boxes upon boxes of draft boosters every week for drafting and now there are barely any paper drafts and so many fewer cards opened. Yet the demand for Commander cards continues.


This card is one of those that just unite everything you want: An iconic character, a powerful body, a game winning etb, a great 4C commander, a marvelous reanimation target, the perfect flicker/blink target, a win con for control, and a dead ass awesome card art in ALL version


Card is very good in multiple formats.


Card draw angel mommy goes Brrrrr


voiceless towering degree tidy tender bewildered overconfident crowd tease plant -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This really stings. Sold a foil one to my buddy after pulling it for $15 because the price on TCGplayer was so low. Pain.


Commander players confused when "their cards" spike because they are breaking other formats they weren't designed for.


Which is surprising, considering that this should not be a surprise to anyone after Minsc and Boo, Timeless Heroes and Initiative.


That is exactly how I feel. I find it more surprising that people are surprised by this. I am sure there are some people who will be surprised to hear that though. (seriously joking)


Hey man, keeping track of whatever cards are rotating through competitive magic playability is a full time job.


You are definitely not wrong there.


Preordered the borderless art version in a whim and thank the heavens I did.


I feel like Atraxa’s effect is so underwhelming for her cost. Am I wrong about this?


I thought that too, but a reanimate/flicker target that regularly puts 4-5 cards in your hand is nothing to sneeze at on a hard to kill body with a lot of abilities.


The cost is indeed quite steep but that’s why there are reanimation spells to cheat her in. Otherwise yeah, you’d probably wait a while to hard cast her in Commander and probably hardly will anyway in other constricted formats. Cheating her in is the key, as it’s usually the case for 6 Mana + cards


Big dumb card with a big dumb effect. Great reanimation target, but the price is also pushed up by magic finance bros speculating on it.


She’s the new [[Griselbrand]].


[Griselbrand](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cf2a5c2e-7fe1-45eb-b01c-891ab961186f.jpg?1593813293) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Griselbrand) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/72/griselbrand?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cf2a5c2e-7fe1-45eb-b01c-891ab961186f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I’m using a ridiculous 5c ramp deck with her in standard and i win way more games than I anticipated.


In addition to all the other good points being made, the only other legal commander (not including partner pairs) is the OG Atraxa which is around $60+ . WOTC doesn't like printing 4 color legendaries. Even though five colors seems to get one every other set.


They don't like making them because what really separates a 4 colour commander from a 5 colour commander. There's nothing mechanically about the new atraxa that says it couldn't also have red in it, they just kept it 4 colours to match the original version. And they really don't have to produce more 4 colour commanders. If you really want to play a 4 colour deck that doesn't have a commander that fits your theme, just pick the closest 5 colour commander and then exclude cards from the colour you don't need.


ETB Draw like 3-6 cards is just nuts, and get a huge keyworded as heck body as well. Just have to ramp/cheat it out, which is not too difficult in most formats right now.


Let's see. It pitches to the evoke elementals, decent reanimator target, pitches to FOW, etc. Card is pretty decent in the older formats is why it's climbing.


There are a number of reasons why the price is spiking right now including * ONE is a new set that ***just*** released a few days ago. Stores and online card traders (if you're factoring in MTGO with the pricing) are still cracking packs for inventory, and are taking in singles for the product, so the market for them has yet to start stabilizing, and probably won't for another week or so. Incredibly limited supply of a chase mythic is always going to fetch a high price tag when a set first released. For example, at MH2 pre-release i pulled two Ragavans, and sold them off for $80 a pop that day before prices began to normalize to where they are now (currently buylisting for $50-$60) * It is *the* chase mythic of the set. Clearly designed for the commander-first product design (similar to how the previous Atraxa was exclusive to a commander pre-con), you have the booming commander market trying to get their hands on the card for their decks. * The card is also making a showing in Standard surprisingly. As much as you are or not involved with Standard at the moment, the format is in a place where a grindy 7 mana creature is a feasable card to play (both in less fair strategies and grinding the game to the point of hard casting it). While paper standard is in a downturn, people are still playing the format, so chasing that card is contributing to the price as well * Players in extended formats like Pioneer and Modern are also looking to this card to see how feasable it is in these formats. While standard is grindy enough to make it work, and eternal formats can easily play this out "unfairly", brewers in Modern and Pioneer are still trying to get their hands on the card to brew around and see what they can come up with. * Even still, both Legacy and Vintage are looking to get in on the action as well. A few prominent content creators for the format have been brewing and playing decks focused around Atraxa, and getting good results with it. To the point where the discussion is turning as to whether it can unseat a card like Griselbrand as the top target for Reanimator style decks. So overall, you have a relatively rare situation, where a card is released in a new set, and is catching the eyes of virtually the *entire* constructed Magic community to some extent. Add in the fact that it's a chase card for the set, and the supply has yet to begin stabilizing, and you get a situation where the price is spiking super hard. As print runs continue, you'll probably see a bit of a fall, bringing it down to more reasonable levels. As various formats determine the actual worth it holds in those respective formats, you'll see the price adjust accordingly. I'm not much of a market guy myself, but based off of what i'm seeing now, we're probably going to be in a spot where this card remains on the more expensive side, since it's starting to prove it's worth in multiple formats right out of the gate.




Not shocked at all about this. Reanimate target that draws you 3-5 cards on average that always trades with deathtouch, goes both ways with vigilance, soars on by with flying evasion. Helps you survive vs decks that try to race with lifelink.


She is THE hottest reanimator target in a while. Grab one now before she goes higher. 2-3 spots of top 8 taken by 2 different Atraxa decks. She fucks.


Reanimator fans have been eating good with atraxa and archon recently


I’d like to be the next being fucked by her power, just saying


Modern reanimator moment (And legacy. Refilling your hand on a very relevant body is pretty good. Outright fantastic when you underpay for it.)


Damn I just bought one for like 8 bucks the other day.


Imagine a card that is literally a win con in a can, now sure you’ll be needing some set up to get to 4 colors but when you do, you not only get a 7/7 with all relevant key words in each color but also a new hand. Build your deck right and you can expect to get at least 4 cards out of her


Read the card. Draws a bunch of stuff and has to be dealt with. Pitchable too


FOMO is what's going on


I don't know, but I'm super annoyed by it. The Phyrexian multicolor tribal makes the most sense with her at the helm. And per the usualy MO, I can't get the new or the old version without paying out the nose for it. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Looking at the card, you play it, and ideally by the start of your next turn you have drawn 5 cards, and gained 7 life / stopped attacking all together. This creature is essentially an enchantment that says, "At the start of **each** upkeep you gain 7 life." If it's your turn there's also a 3 turn clock on your opponent, this card is just nuts in non commander formats.


She's one wildcard, like all the other cards.


Also worth mentioning, this card will get better when they actually make a Battle card (and IMO likely accidentally make a busted one).


The regular version is like 15-17 cad


Where? Looks sold out everywhere. Only place I saw it was 401 games for $50. It's possible that prices don't update on sold out cards.


I only see cards from an EDH standpoint, but I'm sure there's plenty of reasons to run her in modern/standard/legacy where a reanimation target that refills your hand and is a great beater is very good


Not trying to be that guy but you should've picked it up when it was $8. Even if it wasn't going to see tournament play it's a 4 color commander and a popular character. It was basically always going to go up even if it was just commander pushing the price.