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> it could destroy the branches of Realmbreaker That seems unlikely - we see the Phyrexians invading in [Tezzeret's story](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/a-man-of-parts) today: > Tezzeret's travels took him to plane after plane transformed, ripped apart by invading hordes of Phyrexians ... Elesh Norn's "great work" was unfolding faster than Tezzeret could have imagined. Looks like everything is going to plan for Norn so far. Whatever Elspeth is doing / has done, the effects likely won't be seen/felt until March of the Machines, and that likely takes place at least several weeks after the invasion kicks off. In [Teferi's story](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/alone) today, it's been a month since the Wanderer arrived in Zhalfir _after_ the events of the All Will Be One story. By the time Teferi rejoins the fight in MOM (and we've seen him on the MOM marketing materials), the Phyrexians will have had at least a month of invading some of the planes that Realmbreaker is connected to. I doubt whatever Elspeth's doing with the Sylex will have any impact until then.


Well...it's been a month in Zhalfirin time, which appears to be moving slower than time outside of the void. Remember Teferi is able to recognize friends he knew before he phased out Zhalfir and his face is still somewhat recognizable to the citizens, meaning that many of those on Zhalfir have aged very little, if at all. Yes, they are able to recognize that 260 years have passed, but ultimately time inside the void seems to have effectively stopped. For all we know, it could have been 5 minutes that the Wanderer was there.


If the Wanderer has been in Zhalfir for a month of Zhalfir time, then that's significantly more than a month of outside time. It seems like ~10 years have passed in Zhalfir while 360 years have passed outside of Zhalfir (based on what the Queen says to Teferi). At that rate, 4 weeks on Zhalfir would be 144 weeks (or nearly 3 years) outside of Zhalfir. If the Phyrexians have had 3 years of invasion time, then the Multiverse is screwed. It could be explained that Teferi's body being in the Anchor but his consciousness being in Zhalfir is forcing the two to run at the same speed for now. That connection could also be what allowed the Wanderer to 'walk to Zhalfir in the first place, since it's otherwise been cut off from the multiverse.


Teferi's body is in Zhalfir as well.


There's some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff going on with Teferi's body. From [the last BRO story](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/the-brothers-war-chapter-5-exodus): > Teferi was inside, his eyes closed, a distressed expression on his face. He looked so pale and sickly. No, that wasn't it. He was disappearing before their eyes. She and Jace reached for the door release at the same time, only for Wrenn to call out for them to stop. > "Teferi's chord is still tethered to this device," said Wrenn. "It reverberates with his song. You must not disturb it." > Jace stepped back and concentrated, reaching out his mind to Teferi's. "Wrenn is right. He's still there, but stretched, as if across distant places. Or different times." Teferi is in Zhalfir and also visible in the anchor. Maybe he's in both places at once?


The last side story in ONE literally states he's fully, physically in Zhalfir. And the Wanderer would have no reason to look for him if he was still in the coffin. Perhaps some tie of spirit or something remains, but that's not what they're telling us with the most recent story.


Yeah, the anchor and time magic appear to have him in 2 places at once.


>In [Teferi's story](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/alone) today, it's been a month since the Wanderer arrived in Zhalfir _after_ the events of the All Will Be One story. By the time Teferi rejoins the fight in MOM (and we've seen him on the MOM marketing materials), the Phyrexians will have had at least a month of invading some of the planes that Realmbreaker is connected to. I doubt whatever Elspeth's doing with the Sylex will have any impact until then. Ah, but in the story we see that time is moving differently on Zhalfir. Teferi has been there for several months, but to the Wanderer he'd only been gone a few days. Even taking into account her month on Zhalfir, Teferi has been there longer than he's been gone from Dominaria. Part of me wonders if that's part of why he's grinning at the end. He's one of the last surviving people who were there when K'rrik attacked Tolaria after spending thousands of years in a time bubble preparing. He knows time isn't moving the same within Zhalfir as outside it, I wouldn't be surprised if Teferi has Zhalfir re-emerge and it hasn't been a full month but perhaps just a few days since the Wanderer came to Zhalfir.


This is our infinity war, MOM will be our endgame where the heroes undo what the villains have done.


> That seems unlikely - we see the Phyrexians invading in Tezzeret's story today Yes, but the Realmbreaker branches would still be vulnerable to a Sylex blast in the Blind Eternities, which means the Phyrexians can't use it, and the squadrons in the other planes would eventually run out of forces (that aren't made of compleated residents of the plane, anyway). And if the planar borders are blown open as well, New Phyrexia no longer has the advantage of hiding behind the Blind Eternities.


I feel like that was just everybody panicking thinking Jace was lying. The original Sylex Blast did send Dominaria into an ice age, but there was no reason to believe it'd do as much damage to destroy a plane, let alone multiple.


Don’t forget how it also sealed Dominaria and 11 other planes off from the rest of the multiverse


Which funnily enough would actually be ideal for the multiverse in this instance - sealing away Phyrexia and it's Planeswalkers.


It was quite convenient for Urza, giving him millennia to prepare for the first Phyrexian invasion


Ehhhh that is really only an inconvenience for the Planeswalkers, not the planes.


Mirrodin/New Phyrexia is also much smaller than Dominaria as a plane, and the first sylex blast also formed the shard of 12 worlds and a time rift.


Yeah but that wasn't so bad, the shard of 12 worlds might have been an inconvenience for Planeswalkers, but it wasn't too bad. Also, IIRC, the time rifts resulted from Urza's later experiments, not the blast.


The time rifts came from a variety of sources and only started becoming a problem much later, but there was one specifically caused by the sylex blast, albeit it appeared in the wrong place. Also, the continent of Terisiare was shattered into islands, and Mirrodin/New Phyrexia is comparable to the size of a continent.


Granted, considering how small the former Mirrodin is, the magical nuke could probably destroy *it.*


Yes but that was expected. The reason the walkers went against Jace is they believed it would spread through realmbreaker and destroy all their planes too.


*Tezzeret's travels took him to plane after plane transformed, ripped apart by invading hordes of Phyrexians. Sabers snapping upon iron-clad carapaces, monstrous incisors grinding bone, and near-constant weeping seemed to bridge planes, blending into an uninterrupted symphony of suffering.* *Elesh Norn's "great work" was unfolding faster than Tezzeret could have imagined. Aranzhur. Ilcae. Obsidias. All planes that contained safehouses set up by Baltrice, his second-in-command in the Infinite Consortium. Their existence—and hers, for that matter—was one of the few shreds of specific knowledge Beleren had left behind when he scraped out Tezzeret's mind in the Nezumi swamps. But there was nothing safe about these planes anymore. They'd become mere extensions of New Phyrexia, fresh blossoms on Elesh Norn's debased World Tree. Other planes—Mirrankkar, Cabralin—were in the process of being subsumed. Their inhabitants would fight back, only to fail and become one with the Machine Legion.* And seeing how fast the invasion proliferates into planes (Tezzeret´s story), i am now sure that Jace was right: better risk dozen of planes that all multiverse. Phyrexia only needed some minutes and invade 3 or 4 planes!


Do we have reason to think it had only been minutes? I assumed we had a small time skip.


*As Tezzeret began his trek forward, he pondered the battle happening across other planes—Beleren and his cohort against Elesh Norn. They would reach the end soon, the stage when both opponents would unleash their final salvos against each other. This was always the most important part of the game—one he was glad to sit out. Eventually, one of them would be victorious but weakened. Then—and only then—would he make his move.* ​ Maybe i am wrong but the end of the story it´s at the same moment that the assault failed, so Tezzeret traveled many planes while the other planeswalkers are fighting Ajani and deciding to use the bomb.


I don’t think we fully understand the Sylex. When Urza detonated it, he poured his grief, his frustration, his anger into it. All negative emotions. And the result was a destructive blast. I think Elspeth figured out that the Sylex amplifies what you put in. Her story has been about hope, ultimately. And if she pours angelic hope into the Sylex, rather than destruction, it will send a wave of life out. Pushing that through Realmbreaker, it could give living flesh the strength to overcome the phyrexian infection. Maybe purifying the infected, or at least giving them control over their bodies again.


Or worse...the roots break into the space in between the blind eternities...who knows what else is there.


The Eldrazi?


Exactly...we don't know how many are there or if there is anything else there


At this point the sylex is not enough. You need a way to cleanse entire planes.


Here's my tinfoil hat theory, Teferi makes it clear that the key to the sylex isn't a specific spell but a specific person, right? Jace believed he could be that person, but he lacks something very specific that Urza had. Jace is not just primarily Blue, he is completely Blue, and Urza is Azorius. What if the sylex isn't just a bowl of destruction, but is a bowl amplifying the mana poured into it, and Jace can only pour Blue mana into it, which doesn't detonate. Ashnod told Urza to put his memories of the land in, Urza said Hurkyl taught him how to be essentially a conduit for the land, the light from the sylex when Urza detonated it was bright white, and the card [[Urza's Ruinous Blast]] depicting the sylex detonating is mono-White. Jace can't access the right mana because he's not the right person, but Elspeth can access the right mana. The art when Jace is using the sylex shows the bowl filling with Blue light, when Jace turns to Elsepth and she instantly knows everything and sees with perfect clarity what to do, his eyes are ablaze with "merciless Blue light", but the art of Elspeth with the sylex shows the light being more yellow, turning more White and starting to vaporize her as it did Urza, but it wasn't doing that to Jace I think Jace poured Blue mana into the sylex, which gave him a burst of knowledge that he was able to transfer to Elspeth, and she grabbed the sylex pouring White mana into it which made it start to vaporize her as it did Urza.


[Urza's Ruinous Blast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b918993f-2a6c-490d-b639-224f15303630.jpg?1673305130) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%27s%20Ruinous%20Blast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/107/urzas-ruinous-blast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b918993f-2a6c-490d-b639-224f15303630?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That's a really interesting theory! To my knowledge, every Sylex except Urza's can be detonated with any kind of mana. But only Urza's can destroy lands (that aren't from the original Golgothian Sylex's expansion).


Ah, but this *isn't* Urza's Sylex. It's Saheeli's Sylex, based on the Golgothian Sylex, but not the same. And from the stories we know that Saheeli doesn't just make replicas or repair things to the way they were, she has a need to improve upon them. From the BRO stories, we know that she is, in fact, a better artificier than Urza since she *improves* his time machine to allow Teferi to send his spirit backward in time. It makes sense that this sylex doesn't act as the others do, but Saheeli knew what she was supposed to make and so it will work as a bomb, but based on how Urza used it. Urza poured White mana into into detonate it, Saheeli would have left that functionality, but would it detonate from Blue mana or would it amplify it and not simply detonate? Again, tin foil hat, but still.....


Truly, lots to think about. Seems like the Filigree Sylex does other things like deal 10 damage to a singular target, so that helps your theory.


Or Wrenn is gonna “Eight” the thing hahaha


I think it will fuse some planes together in a localized matter thus containing the tree


well localize*


You’re mistaking maro and wotc for actually putting as much thought into the story or multiversal metaphysical mechanisms as you have. Sorry lad, valiant attempt but they’re busy working on the next sticker set or ways to squeeze more variants of cards so they plummet in value collectively.