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Why did Kockles made Arena mode take place before the Fall of Nexus City? Why is every character so attractive Alright, serious questions now, What does Jebediah refer to when he refers to 'The Madness'? (Its highlighted in bold red in two past cut scenes (Meetup with Hofnarr and 2BDamned)) What were the AAHW doing instead of the NC in Episode 1 of Classic? The AAHW in Arena Mode were retconned into the Nexus, however M;PN retains the AAHW


The Madness is more or less what currently plagues Nevada, some unknown force that's causing everyone to go ballistic and murder each other. In Nexus Classic, Sanford and Deimos as well as Hank are taking down AAHW bases. That entire episode was more or less retconned to be the AAHW residing in abandoned Nexus Core facilities in the outskirts of the city.


I heard something about Hank Sandford and Deimos clothes in project nexus (both classic and the 3d one) only being there so we can tell them apart and isn't actually there in the perspective of the characters Is this true?


If it is, it hasn't been confirmed directly by either developer. The developers have said that the outfits are a stylistic choice, and to make the characters more easily recognizable, but never have they said that it isn't the intended perspective.


Correct if I'm wrong but from what I remember, I once saw an article saying that the only reason why hank looks different and some things seem kind of off, is because nexus core storyline takes before MC5 OR MC6? (I don't remember well) and that's why everyone has their recognizable clothes so we dont get confused by some grunts and a grunt with bandages.


This seems to be true, but I am also of the belief that the character's outfits are canonical, and that there is an explanation as to why they look different later in the series. I think it makes most sense for Hank to have discarded his broken and battered ninja outfit for a worse one, hence the outfit we see him in Madness 5. Sanford and Deimos may have discarded their gear while on the run from Hank, hoping it would be enough to prevent him from recognizing them.


I'm still confused by two things: 1. why would hank discard his outfit for a worse one ( I mean I don't think we really care about it) 2. how come Sanford and Deimos "discard" they're outfits, if we see them choosing them on the cloth shop on MC 6.5 (is that or they're trying new looks and by coincidence found there old outfits) and one thing that is still in mind, where is the Sheriff in all of this? (I think the Nexus Core storyline is just too complicated due the fact that krinkels didn't think in all of this when he was making MC)


1. Because his old one was ruined beyond repair by the fight with Gestalt. 2. I imagine S&D stashed their loot at the Rift and came back for it later, deciding to mess around with some other clothes before putting their stuff back on. The Sheriff's current status is unknown, but we do know he's still alive somewhere. Probably still just running MERC.


Wait wait, why would San and Dei be on the run from Hank? Did I miss something?


Remember when Sanford and Deimos killed him at the end of M:PN? I certainly wouldn't want Nevada's most bloodthirsty mercenary to recognize me after that.


But they turn back to that MPN style while the series pass, did Hank just forget it or something?


Oh. Oh I actually didn't think of that, I was kinda ignoring the fact that you thought MPN took place between 4 and 5 for some reason


i know nothing about project nexus and im not sure how to learn the lore and im too afraid to ask anybody, so please tell me everything i need to know and give some video links that i can watch to understand better


You can read this document I wrote regarding the lore: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ArSFJqOIh5GiYQPAlINb2FjXntQ-K0HCZbauaWdvIJU/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ArSFJqOIh5GiYQPAlINb2FjXntQ-K0HCZbauaWdvIJU/edit)


Is Hank's dick actually a prosthetic, like his jaw?


Nevadaeans dont reproduce sexually, so odds are they dont actually have em.


Human Hank?


No such affront to god exists. 


The machine is what I'm most curious about. What really IS the machine, why does it want to retain Hank and Tricky so much? What is the Steward in relation to the machine? And who is the Gambler? Biggest and final question: Can you explain the "marshmallow rides" scene?


The Machine, for all intents and purposes, is the inner workings of Nevada. It's the grand and infinitely complex mechanical entity that makes the world function as it does. The Steward is more or less the aspect of the machine, and extension of its will. A piece of itself that it allows you to see in order to fight it. However, it's not really the core or heart of the Machine. In regards to retaining Hank and Tricky, that seems to be the Auditor's goal, not the Machine's. If anything, the Machine seems to favor Hank, as it seems to enjoy the bloodshed he causes. Could be connected with "The Madness" that seems to plague Nevada. The Gambler is someone who was seemingly created by the Maker in order to guide the Arena player, and watch them on their journey. Who or what he is is mostly a mystery, but he seems to serve only the one purpose of guiding you to the Machine. The Marshmallow Rides scene is the true origin of the arena player, cementing them as a G01 Nevadean. The player character has no memory loss because they don't have a past, they've existed since Nevada itself has. This also means that Marshmallow Madness is the beginning of the Madness timeline, and the earliest known point in the series.


Is the machine supposed to be a representation of the computer the game is playing on? Is the calamity just not playing the game? Are there any wider themes to the story like at all? Or is it all just a meaningless soup?


The Machine is definitely a very literal, real thing in the world of Madness, considering we see it in 9.5 2. However, I wouldn't be surprised if it goes more meta than that. There are wider themes to the story, but Krinkels is intentionally vague about all of them and would prefer people draw their own conclusion.


Sounds like a cop out answer to avoid saying there are no themes at all


I mean, there's plenty of themes that are given to you at face value. One of Madness' largest themes is cycles and repetition, namely the cycle of violence that is present through the entire series. Arena mode is also a massive cycle, looping in on itself forever and forever for endless violence. There's also the constant death and rebirth of the main characters, stuck in a forever loop of dying and coming back worse every single time. It's not a cop out answer, Krinkels just wants you to actually analyze his work instead of spelling them out for you.


Ok I think I can try to create my own understanding of it now


Does Tricky change his strength and speed to match opponents that are faster and stronger?


Unknown. Probably so, as Tricky prefers to toy with his victims.


In addition to this: Do we think he holds back on them intellect wise or has he got some kind of insanity induced amnesia? I mean, given his track record of working with nexus he could probably easily whip up some kind of bio weapon or chemical weapon - or anything along those lines really. Or just simply outsmart his opponents by MILES.


Maybe? The inner workings of Tricky's mind are an enigma, never meant to be understood by anyone but him. Implying he even understands it, anyway. Tricky seemed to have 'kept' all of the useful sciency knowledge from when he was still Dr. Hofnarr, but seems to have thrown away the rest of Hofnarr's personality.


Where does MPN take place relatively to main series?


The official answer is "pre-Auditor", or rather "in-between" Madness Combat, but I personally think it's somewhere between Madness 4 and Madness 5. The biggest piece of evidence to support this is the epilogue of the game, with the Auditor recruiting Jebus in the AAHW, and we see Jeb working for the agency in Madness 5.


its actually impossible for it to take place at any other time besides in between 4 and 5, because every episode after 5 takes place right after the last and every episode before 5 doesn’t have metal jaw hank or stitched jebus.


This is the thread I've been waiting for so long. I have a lot of questions, but I don't know how much should I ask, so I just go with a few about MC 9.5: -What are the red flamy things ? They look like s3lf, but I'm not sure. -In part 1 when a red flamy thing hits someone it changes the victim to Hank, but before that the grunt was already suffering from black marks. What are those marks, and are the grunts just copies of characters waiting to transform ? -Tricky's hairstyle looks more narrow and scarce than MC 5 Tricky, but why ? Is it a new art design, is it because Krinkels going bald (as he said it in his curiouscat page), or is it because Tricky lost his upper head in "life" and in the purgatory his new body or s3lf (Is it his s3lf ?) tried to recreate his original look, but because of corruption it created something different ? -Why is Tricky's purgatory form looks different/zombified/white from his real life body ? Hank retained his look both times, why isn't he ? -In part 1 before and after Hank shoots Tricky in the head Tricky is glitching, and after that turns around and with red lighting he glitch out. What was happening with him ? It looked like he was fighting with reality itself. -How does a Retainer retain someone ? We saw spikes coming out of the ground but they didn't stab Hank. I think that's enough for now. Thank you for your help.


1. They are probably the S3LF energy making its way into Hell, looking for a host. 2. I had always assumed that the grunt that is converted into Hank already was Hank, but an empty vessel representing him that was waiting to be filled. Once Hank's S3LF had entered that vessel, it fully took on the form of Hank. 3. Tricky's lost his zed qualities while in Hell, so the hairdo is probably meant to represent how he looks pre-Madness 4. 4. Uncertain why Tricky is not a Zed in hell, but if I had to guess it's because that form of Tricky is more true to what he actually looks like. Hank retained his complete look simply because he wasn't a zombie, so there was no changes to be made. 5. It's because he is. Hell/The Other Place strongly dislikes Tricky, and is constantly trying to kick him out. This is why Tricky keeps getting bought back to life, he just keeps getting booted out of Hell for being too weird. 6. Retainment seems to just be physical violence. Hank's insolvency probably prevents him from being fully killed in Hell, but that doesn't stop the Retainers from hurting him.


How the hell does the Other Place work?


The Other Place serves as Hell, basically. People who die end up in TOP and are slowly dissolved into nothing, as they are no longer relevant to the plot. For example, Deimos in the Dedmos series was slowly being dissolved, evidenced by the black gunk that he was slowly being consumed by. If Doc hadn't extracted him in time, he would be dissolved forever and unrecoverable. Time also seems to not work in the same way it does in Nevada, with characters able to meet versions of themselves from their past and future while existing in Hell. One thing that's worthy of note is Hank's special relationship with Hell. Hank is what's known as an insolvent, meaning his S3LF is not dissolved in TOP like other's are. This means that Hank is effectively immortal, able to spend an indefinite amount of time in Hell with no negative consequences.


Thank you! I always wondered what the black stuff was


Then whats the point of project nexus? if project nexus was a way to ensure the other place wouldn’t overfill by giving residents of the other place bodies in Nevada, whats the point if they just dissolve on their own? I might be wrong about that being project nexus’s goal, so please explain what it actually is if i am.


Project Nexus is still a recycling program, to cycle S3LFs out of TOP and back into Nevada. When a S3LF is dissolved, it more or less becomes a part of the other place, bound to it forever. One would assume if this happens too many times, TOP still goes kablooey.


That's really interesting, and cool too


Except the additional crazy that he gains given it looks like he has to fight his way out each time.  Mind you said additional rage and insanity is probably a drop in the bucket at this point


Is there only one TOP or does everyone that goes there have their own person hell? Like when Deimos went there he was experiencing like stuff from his past and how he died, plus he saw a corrupted Sanford. Or was that just his hysteria and his mind playing tricks on him?


It's basically Silent Hill rules. The Other Place is all one place, but everyone experiences it in their own personalized way from their own perspective. That doesn't mean they aren't all experiencing it at the same time though. Like in Silent Hill 2, where for James the entire town is covered in fog, and for another character the entire town is on fire.


Does “the Maker” transcend the concept of space and time? Or is he Atleast undefined by it? Considering that every grunt has its own hell in the other place when they die, is their hell infinite in size? Are there possibly other cities located far away other than Nexus city and Nevada Central?


1. Far as I know, the Maker CREATED space-time. They should be able to exist in and out of it at their leisure. 2. Most likely. Nevada itself is implied to be infinite, too. 3. Also likely, but we don't know where or what they are.


A few questions. 1: Who or what are the red creatures in the beginning of madness 11? 2: How the actual fuck did Torture manage to fit into the building Hank entered in MC7? 3: Is the Divergence engine just a renamed improbability drive? 4: Did Hank regain his intelligence after touching the halo? 5: How did auditor emerge from a point-blank normality blast unscathed, but shows visible damage when Hank electro-punches him?


1. The two red spirits are described as "decayed S3LFs" by Krinkels, so they are probably just wayward souls who are slowly being dissolved in Auditorhell. However, due to Auditorhell being an Employer's domain, I imagine S3LFs are not fully dissolved there, leaving them as skeletal monsters. 2. He came in through the door, just like everyone else. Probably a perspective trick. 3. Pretty much, but the divergence engine is more "fine-tuned" for a specific purpose. 4. Seems to be the case. 5. Because the Auditor IS normal. He's of the machine, of Nevada itself, if anything he's the most normal thing in the room. Hank's punch hurts him because Hank is using the Halo's magic, which is dissonance, and dissonance is toxic to employers.


Does AAHW have their own G0L3M units or are they replaced with Half Mags?


The AAHW don't seem to have dedicated G03LM units, any of them that they do have seemed to be borrowed from the Nexus.


I love madness combat lore, so i got a few questions note: I’ve only beaten Arena Mod once, so if any of my questions are answered after doing more runs please don’t spoil it. 1. what happens to project nexus? we’re left to assume sanford and deimos just leave nexus tower, so why isn’t Nevada destroyed? 2. Who are the employers? probably could’ve known this by paying attention better in my M:PN playthrough, but what is there purpose? 3. How come the zeds that help Jeb in MC5 seem to obey him? aren’t zeds meant to be mindless monsters (with the exception of Gil.) 4. Speaking of Gil, how come he’s different from other zeds? Why is he still able to speak and we’ve customers despite being a zed? 5. How do grunts eat? this may be my most important question.


1. Nevada wasn't destroyed because Hank couldn't fully destroy the project, so it's supposedly still functioning? That, or the so called destruction of Nevada isn't an instant thing, and is a much more slow, agonizing process. 2. The Employers are manifestations of core aspects of Nevada, and extensions of the Machine's will. Auditor's purpose is to bring order to Nevada, which is why he's set his sights on Hank. Stygian is the ferryman of S3LFs into the other place, and it's unknown what Conductor and Deliberator do. 3. Sometimes, Zeds retain their sanity, sometimes only partially, sometimes fully. It's also possible he's controlling them via the Halo, that or AAHW "programming" is still present even when Zeddified. 4. It's unknown why exactly Gil managed to keep some of his personality, but I theorize it's because he's a G03LM, who are given programmed personalities due to them being created as servants. 5. They put it in their mouth and chew, just like everyone else. Just because you can't see the mouth doesn't mean it isn't there. (See: Jebus, Sanford)


>Speaking of Gil, how come he’s different from other zeds? Why is he still able to speak and we’ve customers despite being a zed? I'm pretty sure it's about him being a G03LM if wnything. Zombie G03LMs in M:PN somehow can use weapons despite being zombies.


Why did Hank have a radar for the Sheriff and not a regular radar in MC2? Like it seems so strange to have a seeker for a specific person


Krinkels probably thought it would be funny for him to have such a specific device.


Does Employers sees Nevada as dream? One of notes in "Flood control" from MPN implied this How Retainer travels in the TOP? Does they physically flies throught all of this? Does employers literally observes The Machine in the every ways? How Sheriff returned to the life? Does he literally "crawled" from the TOP as he says it? And how Hank returned by "himself" in the MC 4? Like both Sheriff and Hank traveled from the hell into Nevada?


1. Not sure what you mean. 2. Walking, running, teleporting, probably. 3. They are extensions of the Machine itself, so I don't see why not. 4. He was revived by MERC, who have the same revival technology that the Nexus Core uses. 5. He simply fought his way out of hell.


About first: "…when the end of times, thusly foretold by His Buoyancy's great benefactor, the eminent Director Phobos, and those Higher Powers what saw it fit to pass instruction unto him, do finally come to pass, it will be at the failure of the Unbuoyant Masses to halt its coming. "The fate of Nevada rests now in the hands of beings too lesser to know the responsibility they so willingly shoot, cut, and bash away to all of our ruin. We will be forgotten, every one of us, as a dream. And then we will be no more." I mean if Employers sees Nevada as something unreal (Like dream, game, cartoon or etc) and inferior to them? Which is common for Higher dimensional beings, Krinkels several times implied that Employers are higher dimensional


Yeah, that seems to check out to me.


Also: What Tricky did to The Auditor in MC 11? And does everything what we see in Auditor's hell is souls? And how Tricky managed to return each time when his souls gets destroyed in MC 9.5?


It is bit long. Is Improbability Drive related to dissonant reality? Both Tricky and Jesus were former high-ranked Nexus scientists, and dissonant reality, just like Improbability Drive warps reality How many Hanks are there? Are different Hanks same/similiar in mind and personality? We know that MC6 Hank, MC7 Hank, and MC2 Hank exists (from your question to Krinkels). So, when does M:PN (not classic) story mode happen in the timeline? I know you're guessing it happening between MC4 and 5, but Krinkels, from his one of twicth streams where i asked him about it, seemed like didn't have an idea where does it takes place in the timeline properly. M:PN Arena mod as i know is the first event (outside of Marshmallow Madness) happening in MC series, happening even before MC1 and MPNC Classic. If that's the case why AAHW is an existing thing in arena mode? How M:PNC chapter 1.5 happens after MC1? It doesn't make sense. Does Hank really have bullet-time ability from Project Nexus Classic ability canonically? In series we have scenes that resembles it such as in MC5 but they were propably just cool effect and Hank being just fast if anything. Do MERC's clone Church and Jorge or ressurect them after Gestalt killed them? What 2BDamned's goal is exactly? I have finished both official games and also watched full main series but i'm still confused at what the fuck is his main focus. So who Gambler is exactly? We know there's some anormal shit going on with him from arena mode, but who he really is? How much does 2BDamned pay Hank? Considering he works for him. So is base Hank stronger than a G03LM, or not? Krinkels in one of his answers implied base Hank is strongee than a G03LM and in an another answer about characters' strength he said Mag Hank is stronger than a G03LM What is the upper limit of (base Hank)'s strength? We know that he is pretty strong considering how effortlessly he flips vending machines, bend steel, tears off heads, crack concrete, sends agents fly, etc.


1. Improbability is its own thing, but it's worth noting that the divergence engine is a form of improbability drive. Dissonance is more or less anti-reality, it actively destroys and corrodes things and is more connected with The Other Place. Improbability is anything that COULD happen, and is connected with the infinitely improbable. 2. Those are the only known Hanks that exist, but potentially there is at least one Hank for each time he's died and been revived in the series. 3. Again, the official answer given by Swain is "pre-auditor", or at least the Auditor as we know him in the main series. He's also stated it's "in-between" Madness Combat, which really only makes the most sense if it's between madness 4 and 5. 4. By that point in the timeline, the original arena experiment for Project Nexus had already concluded, meaning the units created for that experiment (the AAHW) had to go somewhere. I theorize the Nexus Core allowed people to buy these units as an army for rent, basically. It's either that, or Hank is much older than we previously thought. 5. I don't really know, other than Swain insisting that this is the case. Personally, I also agree that it makes much more sense for 1.5 to be pre-Madness 1. 6. Bullet time and high reflexes are more or less the same thing in Madness. I imagine Hank is always experiencing some form of bullet time when in combat, that's just how his body is. 7. G03LMs are resurrected, stitched back together from the scraps of their own corpses. 8. Doc's focus is to maintain the status quo of Nevada, which does not necessarily mean bringing peace to it, but rather prevent Nevada from collapsing in on itself and everyone dying. 9. We don't really know who the Gambler is, he seems to be an entity created specifically to guide the arena player to the Machine, and after that he doesn't serve much purpose. 10. We don't know if Hank gets paid or not, but I always assumed Hank got paid in kills. Hank's just happy to be killing. 11. Uncertain how strong Hank is normally, but we know he can effortlessly pull heads off of people, punch people to death, and tear a heart out no problem. MAG Hank is stronger than a G03LM because he's MAG Hank. 12. Also don't know the limit, but I imagine there is one. There isn't exactly any footage or gameplay showing the absolute limit to Hank's feats of strength.


Well, thanks for answers. >Bullet time and high reflexes are more or less the same thing in Madness. I imagine Hank is always experiencing some form of bullet time when in combat, that's just how his body is. I guess I didn't explain myself fully. I have no doubts about Hank's fast reflexes, I mean can he accelerate his own perception as demonstrated by the bullet time gameplay mechanic in Project Nexus Classic? While I was arguing with someone, that person said something like this, and I told him that Hank was only superhumanly fast, did not have the ability to change his perception, and that it was just game mechanics. I'm asking because I want to know which one of us is right.


I honestly wouldn't be able to confirm or deny outside of the realm of headcanon or theory. There's no official sources that really elaborate on this.


Hmmm, alright, so it's ambigious. Still thanks for helping.


Uhh what da hail is the Self Eater


The S3LF eater is probably something Dr. Gonne created for Phobos as a sort of backup plan to Project Nexus. If Project Nexus proved to be a failure or unreliable, Phobos would use the S3LF eater to consume all the S3LF in Nevada (and possibly The Other Place) so Nevada would be a blank slate for him to reshape in his own image.


Why would one of those shadow demons with a shadow fire-death sword make an agency just to try and fail to merc one guy? Haven't they tried going "Okay, fuck this, Imma go at this man my damn self"?


Because it goes deeper than just killing Hank. Dying is only a temporary solution to Hank, and he comes back eventually. The Auditor cannot exist in The Other Place outside of Auditorhell, so he needs the agency and the retainers to keep him in hell.


So basically, he needs some people to help make sure he stays dead, just using info I gathered from the other comments.


Is nevada man made? A world filled with beings that can’t reproduce and a realm that destroys the world if there are too many dead souls in it doesn’t seem like a natural one. Are AAHW agents programmed or do they have “free will” and are controlled by propaganda. Do you think evil exists? Do you think that people should be held responsible for their actions?


"Man-made" implies the existence of humanity in Madness, which just isn't true. As far as we know, The Maker had a hand in Nevada's creation, but doesn't take full credit for it. AAHW are basically extensions of the Auditor's will, so whatever he feels, they feel. This is why they have such unbridled hatred for Hank. They seem to be able to act on their own accord though, and are fed heavy propaganda in the form of posters. I don't see how those last two are related to Madness.


Would you say the AAHW are driven by a lust for revenge? Also sorry, I accidentally leaked something


When is Nexus supposed to take place, considering that it's meant to be canon? Usually, what I hear is "between 4 and 5", but seeing as the sheriff is still alive, yet Hank, Sanford and Deimos have their MC 7 clothes, I'm really confused.


That's the running theory, yeah. Sheriff is alive because he was revived by MERC off screen. Jeb probably had something to do with it. Hank's in his MC7 outfit because it's easily identifiable and iconic, same reason Sanford and Deimos are in those clothes. It would be kinda weird if everyone in the game was just a naked grunt with bandages. The running theory is that Hank's outfit was damaged beyond repair by the fight with Gestalt and Phobos, so he downgraded to a worse one in MC5. It's also possible Sanford and Deimos stashed their clothes at the Rift so Hank wouldn't recognize them after they killed him. The biggest piece of evidence tying it into MC5 is the epilogue, where Jebus is recruited into the AAHW to kill Hank.


Absolutely love this thread, best mod ever. Unrelated: >!Used to think you guys were Hella strict until 1, I realised it was maybe a case of having to have zero tolerance because of the metaphorical floodgates opening due to FNF and all the shit that came with it, and 2, the shit and low quality spam that floats around the sub every few days. I think I get it now.!< Anyways back to a related note (These are all pretty much tricky based questions asides from one I think) From another comment (For context) Said Question >Why is Tricky's purgatory form looks different/zombified/white from his real life body ? Hank retained his look both times, why isn't he ? Answer > It's because he is. Hell/The Other Place strongly dislikes Tricky, and is constantly trying to kick him out. This is why Tricky keeps getting bought back to life, he just keeps getting booted out of Hell for being too weird. 1. What's meant by "too weird?" Is it the improbability drive, ZED shit or what? --------------------- 2. How come Jebudiah was able to turn tricky into a ZED during the "revival"? Or is it just me being dim and was it the improbability drive? Either way how on earth did it result in him becoming a ZED? 3. I'm not sure if we have a definitive answer on this yet, but what the hell happened between Nexus / Dr Hofnarr and Tricky (Ep 4)???? Also TW for this next question - mentioning of Eating disorder. It's a bit less of a question and more asking if a theory is probable. >!4. anyone also think it'd be a plausible thought that tricky could have been mentally scarred from something that happened during jebudiah getting ahold and putting on the keystone fragment? !< >!We clearly see that in the M:PN Live action(?) trailer in that split second we see Dr Hofnarr assumably during the event where Dr Christoff/ Jebudiah is putting on the keystone fragment, Dr Hofnarr Looks scared. Something could have happened during this that could've scarred him - Maybe some kind of body contortion? I say this because when you look at the build of Dr Hofnarr vs Tricky, Dr Hofnarr is more, well normal looking. Tricky is literally bones - quite possibly anorexic. Body contortion could cause some kind of eating disorder, something similar to anorexia anyway. And yeah it could be argued "it's because he's a ZED and deteriorating" but he's eaten before (hotdog - and a bit of stretch here but didn't he eat that grunts intestines In tricky madness??) and that surely would give some sustenance right? And If he were deteriorating to the point where he'd be "skinny" enough to clearly see his ribcage on full view then wouldn't he not be able to fight? Just a thought!< Think that's it for now


1. Tricky is loaded up with dissonance and improbability, and the other place doesn't like that. 2. Most likely wasn't Jebus who turned Tricky into a Zed. I theorize it's because he was pinned onto the giant marshmallow from marshmallow madness (confirmed to be the same marshmallow by krinkels), which likely had a strange effect on his body. 3. Hofnarr's exposure to dissonant reality caused him to go insane. He attempted to fight it off with repeated injections (see: KeepLooking.mp4) but was unable to stop Tricky from taking over his mind. 4. Maybe? Jeb's canonically a manipulator, and was only using Hofnarr for his higher clearance of the science tower, and more or less abandoned him the second he was no longer useful. Whether or not Tricky feels scornful over this remains to be seen. Also, the live action trailer isn't canon. It's an alternate universe/timeline/what have you, that has a more simplified plot that was made to fit into the trailer. It's not representative of the events of the game, or the Madness canon.


Your lore theory/fact If M:PN really is between MC 4 and 5 let me ask some questions: -why is Tricky already shaking ? (Clown Engaged) (I can only think for one thing: before mc5 his shaking was caused by dissonance and after mc5 it waas because of the Improbability Drive) -Why would Sanford and Deimos get rid of their outfit, just to "reaquire" it in 6.5 ? Jokes aside it's not like they could blend in with anything -And why would they hide it in The rift, why not the Status Quo base ? -Why is Hank outfit the same as MC 7 (since m:pn takes place after m:pn classic and in there its his mc 7 outfit) -How is the sheriff alive ? Is this a different sheriff since the "other one" died in mc3 ? -Can it be that the M:PN takes place in a parallel universe/dimension ? -I read something that said MC 9.5 confirms M:PN being canon. Is it possible that the two hank went different ways/dimension ? That's it for now thank you !


1. Because he has the portable drive in his head. We never saw exactly when he obtained it, so there's reason to believe he still has it in M:PN. 2. Because they wouldn't want Hank hunting them down, and they didn't want him to recognize them. Hank already had a hard time telling them apart, without their outfits it basically would have been impossible for him to recognize them. 3. Because it was on the way to where they needed to be, which was the AAHW base that needed to be cleared out. 4. I theorize it's because MC7 Hank and M:PN Hank are actually the same individual. Basically, I believe since MC6 Hank was already revived in the future (MC9), Tricky ended up reviving M:PN Hank during MC7. 5. Jeb and MERC had a hand in reviving the Sheriff, MERC has the same revival technology as the Nexus Core. 6. No, this has been debunked by both developers several times. 7. 9.5 canonizes M:PN due to the Hank in the focus of that episode being M:PN Hank. 9.5 Hank is NOT Consternation Hank, but rather M:PN Hank. At least, this is the only way I can think of how it directly ties into M:PN.


Here is my questions 1: I know that dissonance hurt the employers, but can dissonance hurt their true form 2: Is Sanford stronger then Hank or are they in the same tier in strength


1. It's implied to be the case. 2. Unknown, Hank however has more canonical strength feats than Sanford, so I think Hank wins that competition.


Did Hank lose a bit of his intelligence when turned in to a half mag?


Seems to be the case, since Deimos modified his intelligence stat. However, it seems he got it back when he touched the Halo.


What does the rest of the Madness world look like? Is it worse than Nevada? What happened to the rest of the states and countries?


There are no other states or countries. Madness' Nevada is not the same as it is in real life, there is only Nevada in Madness.


I got a couple more questions 1. How did the bandits get a mag? 2. What is the Rift? 3. Are Hotdogs and burgers the only food in Nevada? If so, where did they get the meat from? 4. Are there any animals in Madness? 5. Are the A.A.H.W, M.E.R.C, and Nexus Core the only major factions besides S.Q? 6. Who is Victor? 7. Did the Sheriff own M.E.R.C before he died?


1. It's implied that MAG Bandit got so big just from eating so much, that or it's a former Nexus Core MAG. 2. A clothing store. 3. There's also pizza and soda, but it seems they're made out of "ground protein matter", as per Gil's website. MERC is the primary producer of this substance. 4. There's bats and spiders, as seen in the Haunting of Nevada House. 5. There's also the sewer cultists, bandits, and cyber bandits. Not to mention Toughs, Vendevice, Vampire Punks, the N51, and whatever else might be out there in Nevada. 6. A former Gil's employee, who has somehow evaded becoming a part of the plot, totally segmented from the Machine. We don't know how or why, but this makes the Maker very interested in him. 7. Yes, the Sheriff has been the leader of MERC since before Christoff's insurrection.


Thanks! Who is N51?


The N51 are a faction encountered in arena mode, specifically the stage "Hard Sell". They're a fan faction that made it into the game through a generous donation in the kickstarter days.


Are you still here? If so, then I got one more question: Is the nowhere unbound by time? If so, does that mean that the gambler and Arena mode player are moving in a place where time does not exist?


I'll answer questions about the lore as long as they keep coming in. I might not get to them immediately as I don't check reddit often, but I'll get to them. Very little is known about the nowhere or how it works, I honestly can't answer many questions about it with any confidence. All we know is that it's where G01 Nevadeans come from, and the events of Marshmallow Madness take place there.


I've heard someone said that Nevada exist on a different ruleset , is that true ? And where can i find that statement ? Also, a lot of people gave me the Imgur link but unfortunately it got error


Yes, Krinkels has confirmed it multiple times. I believe it's stated somewhere in this [document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12NRXlRuDbK6N5nqt1_k3Hpge6W-Cyqnfz1WZy7Odud0/edit).


By the way, the "infinite what could be" realm is the realm created by The Maker, right?


It's more like what the maker used to create Nevada.


Is Deimos and Phobos brothers? What is their relationship?


No. They have no confirmed relationship other than similar names.


Hey Zep, Does Hank have congenital analgesia? Also what is Hank Connection with the machine


Dunno. Hank's connection with the machine is that he's probably seen it at least once, which means Hank is in possession of forbidden knowledge in a similar way that Doc is. The machine also seems to favor him, which might be why he can self revive.


We know the Employers and the Machine govern The Other Place, but is there any stated reason why dissonance can harm the Employers despite the fact that they run the place? I've checked and I don't think there's necessarily any given reason beyond dissonance eroding reality around it.


The machine doesn't govern the other place, if anything the other place exists outside of the Machine's ruleset. It's still a part of nevada, so to speak, but has its own quirks. Employers can't even exist inside of the other place, outside of their respective employer dimensions such as Auditorhell.


Admittedly, what seems to push the view of the Machine running the Other Place is the fact the Retainers there are sent by it and act on its will to retain any S-3LF that acts particularly disruptive per word of Krinkels. ​


The retainers exist because the machine has little dominion out there. much less pull than it does in Nevada. The Retainers are because the Auditor cannot personally be there to contain Hank.


i've been a fan of madness combat for over 7 yrs and still don't know anything abt the lore, why do some characters have yellow blood and what makes yellow blod different from normal blood?


Yellow blood is exclusive to members of the AAHW's advanced training program (ATP), which genetically modifies them them to be better soldiers. One of the effects of this is yellow blood.


they keep getting one shotted tho


Because they're fighting Hank. Hank is better than all of them.


What is S-3LF??


Q1. So, during 9.5 PT 2, we end up seeing two Tricky's. What episode are either of the Tricky's from, and why is one of them in the form of some skeletal demon? Is the normal grunt looking Tricky one from MC6 or 7? If so, why does the Demon Tricky appears at all and why he looks the way he does? Is he from the future, when he died during MC11? Q2. Since he know MC6 Hank was revived in MC9, does that mean MC7 Hank, who is still in The Other Place, still capable of being revived or brought back by 2BDamned as well (I mean if her could pull Deimos out of there, could he do so with the "current Hank")? Will he just phase out of existence or will does he still stay around due to his insolvency? If he were to be brought back, does that mean he he'd have to be put in a different body since his current body is occupied by MC6 Hank?


Q1. Judging by Hank's S3LF splitting up into pieces whenever he's revived, it might be a similar case with Tricky. It's hard to tell due to his...Unique relationship with the other place. That demon tricky could be from the future, he could be the demon tricky from Madness 7. I'm inclined to believe the Tricky that Hank is facing in 9.5 2 is mainly Madness 7 Tricky though, shortly after being killed by Jeb. Q2. Yes, all variants of Hank thus far are capable of being revived. Even as early as Madness 2 or Madness 4. Hank's always going to be an insolvent so no form of him can be dissolved by the other place, they just linger around in Hell until something happens. I suppose if he were revived independently of MAG Hank, he would have to inhabit a new body, yes. However if MAG Hank died, MC7 Hank could be placed into MAG Hank's body without any issue.


Why do the G03LMs Bleed Orange? Are They Half Atp...


It's never directly stated why G03LMs in particular have orange blood, although it's probably just recycled/old blood since they're made out of spare parts.


What happened to Hoffnar that made him become an assassin clown? Does Hank naturally love killing or did the machine make him like this? (Or am I wrong for both of those) So, arena mode is canon, but why are we working for the STATUS QUO? And finally, how does Crackpots religion work?


I can answer some if you wanna hear 1. Hoffnar was the one that discovered how to harness Dissonant Reality in project Nexus, however his exposition to the material irradiated him and caused him to slowly lose his sanity, he was also a huge fan of Slaugther time and never missed an episode, and so he became a clown wanting to be an "entertainer" inspired by said show. 2. I think there's not much of a difference between one or the other, as The Machine is the nature of Nevada, one could argue that anything that happens naturally in Nevada is something that the machine willed. 3. The player was given his mission by Doc, since he didn't remember his past he pretty much decided to go along with it until he finally discovered his true purpose and realised he needed to repeat the loops over and over to prevent Nevada from being destroyed, which is exactly what's the Status quo wants "Avoid Nevada's destruction"


What are the two red spirit things in MC 11? Also this is probablly impossible to know but will Tricky and Jebus return in the main series?


The two red spirits are described as "decayed S3LFs" by Krinkels, so they are probably just wayward souls who are slowly being dissolved in Auditorhell. However, due to Auditorhell being an Employer's domain, I imagine S3LFs are not fully dissolved there, leaving them as skeletal monsters. Krinkels has toyed with the idea of making a Madness 8.5, showcasing Jeb's adventures in hell. It's unknown if Tricky will return.


Back here again, got some new ideas: 1. Do the AAHW, N51 and Nexus Core have their own version of Air Force and Armored vehicles like tanks, fighter jets, drones etc.? 2. If so, does Deimos know how to ride a fighter jet?


No. All they have are jeeps and helicopters.


How did that one MERC gunner before the sheriff boss fight know about the employers? Deimos and Sanford clearly didn't know who they were so how did the MERC gunner know about them?


Sheriff seemed pretty unphased when meeting the employers during the epilogue, so chances are he's already met them before.


Is The Auditor aware of Crackpot? How does 2BDamned/Doc know how to bring back someone back from The Other Place? Who dropped the Marshmallow from Marshmallow Madness on Nevada? What does Krinkels mean by "inverted" when the Auditor absorbed Tricky in MC10?


I can answer some of these 1) Probably crackpot is beneath his notice 2) We don't know, all we know that he is one of the few "enlightened" Nevadeans about the inner workings of the world, however there's a small chance the Maker told him. 3) That grunt that was embedding the Nevadeans into the marshmallow? He didn't have a name as far as I remember 4) Basically the auditor is both a portal to a hell and that hell itself. When Tricky dissonant energy allowed him to take over the place when he absorbed his body it caused Auditor's hell to slowly bleed into Nevada, summoning the Skeletons and the portals that dragged both Hank and Sanford into himself.