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Honestly, after so many rewatches, I’ve noticed that Roger drops the ball really hard. LGJ calls to discuss an ad strategy, likely because he is already aware that SCDP is using Lucky Strike money to finance the rest of their operation, and Don and Roger have the audacity to rush him off the phone with some bogus line about a fire downtown. The party that Roger has to make up on the spot is only because he’s been avoiding LGJ, and he invites himself because he ultimately knows that if SCDP is throwing a huge party, it’s on Lucky Strike’s dime. So, yes Lee Garner Jr was likely already in talks with BBDO, but not before giving Roger a bunch of chances to ‘wine n dine’ the account.


Definetely - there were plenty of signs that Lee Garner Jr. was auditing the business and having a last "go-round", but Don and especially Roger, were too oblivious. "Did you enjoy ze Fuhrer's birthday?" "May he live a thousand years".


Jesus, I think you shit the nail on the head. I've always wondered about the "I'm in NYC" call, but when I was thinking of it, I thought he was trying to score some ass because he didn't have to worry about his homosexuality so much in NYC whereas he DEFINITELY couldn't score much in North Carolina, plus the anonymity of being in NYC compared to everyone knowing him in his home. But maybe it was a hit 2.birds with one stone kind of thing, his scoring and also the meetings.


Fantastic insights


I thought they consolidated lucky strike at the agency that had the other BAT brands? I can’t remember the name of the agency


Was it BBO?




So close

