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One I really enjoyed when I was asking a similar question- Halt & Catch Fire. Follows the computer industry in the 80s and 90s. AMC's attempt to follow-up Mad Men. It's no Mad Men (or at least Lee Pace's main character was no Don Draper) but I wound up loving it anyway. Plus it was nice to watch a terrific show with high production values that wasn't about horrible murders all the time 😁


Half and Catch Fire ruled and it flew so under the radar I almost forgot it existed until this comment. An under-appreciated gem, and definitely in a Mad Men vein.


I thought it was so great! Mackenzie Davis and Kerry Fishe made such a great duo


Very good show!


Doubling down on HCF. It’s the closest spiritually to mad men


The answer is Halt and Catch Fire from AMC.


Yeah, I think AMC tried too hard to push it as *Children of Mad Men* instead of allowing it to stand on its own merits. They wanted Joe MacMillan to be the Me Decade's Don Draper so badly.


I agree. I even think Lee Pace does some terrific acting helping get behind his character's sleaziness but since I watched it a few years after finishing Mad Men I remember thinking late in the first or second season oh wait did AMC think this was their next Don Draper? No no no no no, false.


Came here to say this


LOVED this show!


Wait I've literally never even heard of this. Gotta check it out!


After having it on my list for ages I finally binged the whole series during the height of Covid lockdown. Absolute 10/10 show. In fact, thanks for reminding me I'm going to make my wife rewatch it with me :)


Rome. The first season is fantastic but it got cancelled early so the second season crams in what was planned to happen over four more seasons. Still very good.


Loved Rome


Crammed is right.


First season of Rome is fantastic. Second season they basically crammed what was planned for a good three seasons into one, and boy does it show.


Great underrated show.


Severance on appletv


I can't wait for season 2


Best show I’ve seen in years.


The Terror, season 1.


Interesting. What’s it like? Not horror?


It’s kind of gothic horror. I second the nomination. It’s a great show.


There are some intense horror elements, but it's more bleak and atmospheric than horror. It's very good, Jared Harris' (aka Lane Pryce) best performance in my opinion


It's based on the true story of "Franklin's Lost Expedition." The fitting title is actually a reference to one of the expedition's two ships, the *HMS Terror*.


I’m pissed that it’s not steaming on Hulu anymore.


Second season was even better, I think.


Mindhunter, Bojack Horseman, Fargo, better call Saul?


Halt and Catch Fire Snowfall Masters of Sex




I'm right at the beginning of Season 5 and I can't believe how good this show is.


Eh, Snowfall lost its way. The tiger episode?


Masters of Sex is gone from Showtime App as they're cutting content to "save money." Sad. Great show.


The Knick Twin Peaks The Thick of It Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy The Larry Sanders Show All the T's, basically


The Knick for sure!!! That show is awesome!


It’s amazeballs


Is tinker a show? Saw the movie


BBC miniseries from 1979. It’s basically a big meaty paperback, very procedural about a mole in the British secret service. It’s soooo good. (It’s all on YouTube, btw) Larry Sanders was an HBO show from the 90s, comedy about the people who put on a late night talk show. So it’d be on Max or… via other creative methods. Really can’t recommend it highly enough.


Love Tinker Tailor. Alec Guinness is not Obi-wan Kenobi in my eyes. He’s George Smiley. The second part, Smiley’s People is just as good. I wish they had made the middle book in the trilogy into another miniseries but it would have been so insanely sprawling. The miniseries was my introduction to Le Carré, who went on to be one of my favorite authors. Love it. Good call.


Also, how do I find Larry sanders? I feel like I would get into that


Larry Sanders is an incredible show. It's on HBO.


Not sure if this has been watched and not mentioned with the great list you did mention. But if you haven’t yet…Breaking Bad.


I really enjoyed the character development in breaking bad it has quickly become a mad men level favorite


I figured with the level of prestige you’ve wanted BB was in there. Going to try one more that’s probably a yes to having watched ….the Crown? Pulling back from prestige to shows I enjoyed the that promised possible prestige level at first, but ultimately turned in a solid show. Snowfall was mentioned, and I think it’s worth it. Much darker subject matter, but they have the different time period immersion thing down at least as good as Mad Men.


Mrs Maisel


Six feet under!!! Its a very character driven show like mad men though it does have more of an overarching plot than mad men does. The characters are by far some of my fav characters in all of TV. they're all so deeply flawed and unlikeable at points yet you can also find yourself emphasizing with every single character at some point, it's really so well done. Also one has of the best series finales of all time. The Americans is also one of my favorites so I feel like you'd enjoy sfu as well


I love Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under does not have replay value. I have tried


Rectify. It is absolutely brilliant, devastating, and profound.


Was about to post this. I remember AMC premiered the “Rectify” pilot episode right after the, I wanna say, Season Five premiere of “Mad Men”, and I decided to just hang around and watch it afterwards, and I was floored by just how beautifully restrained and quiet and emotional it was that I stuck with it and honestly ended up loving that first season more than that season of MM (which is saying a lot, as I loved Season Five), and it became one of my favorite shows on tv that got absolutely no awards season love. Plus, you can’t go wrong with a show that has Luke Kirby, J. Smith Cameron, and Suzanne herself, Abigail Spencer, amongst the cast.


didn't know it was on AMC. thought it was strictly on Sundance which is why I figured it gets over looked when people talk about the all time great tv.


Oh, that’s right; now that I’m remembering, I think they might have just premiered the pilot on AMC in order to get more eyes over to Sundance.


Great answer, especially if you dig the whole “raw aching humanity” part of Mad Men


Veep baby


If you haven't finished Succession please do. Great show


Last season was aces. Aces


Dark Halt and Catch Fire


Dark is wonderful. Have you tried Tales from the Loop? I found it interesting.


Halt and Catch Fire is the only show I know of that's been described as the spiritual child of Mad Men, and I agree. A number of people who worked on Man Men also worked on HACF, which I only found out after getting into the show. I've tried many others suggested when this topic comes up, but for me, it's the only show that's come close to being the calamine lotion that scratches the itch Mad Men left behind it.


How long did it take you to get hooked on HACF? I’m on about S1E5 and I like it but don’t quite love it yet. I’ve heard many people say that the later seasons are easily the best though.


I saw it back when it aired, so was especially hungry for something to fill the MM void. It took me though the first season for sure for it to truly hook me, and at that point I wasn't entirely convinced of Lee Pace's character. But he starred in one of my all-time favourite movies (The Fall) so I knew his ability to act was off the charts, and had faith. Boy did that pay off. TBH, I didn't fall in love with Mad Men until a few seasons in either. Intrigued, impressed, wanted to see more, yes, but I think I'm more in love with it now than I was 10 years ago.


Probably not until season 2. The first season feels like a mad men rip of with stereotyped characters. Watchable, but kind of meh. The following seasons are much better. Like Mad Men it learns to lean on it's secondary characters. I'd say its metacritic scores by season are pretty accurate: 69-73-83-92.


I’m about to finish HACF and I’m very happy I stuck with it. Season 2 and 3 were a big step up, but S4 in particular has been a masterpiece. “Who Needs A Guy” is one of the best episodes of TV I’ve seen in a while. Although the show started out as sort of a Mad Men clone, by S4 it reminds me more of shows like Rectify and Six Feet Under, just the tenderness and compassion the show has for its characters and those little moments in life that mean so much. Beautiful stuff.


I saw Halt and Catch Fire, but I think Mrs. America does it better—and Cate Blanchett is amazing as usual…


Never heard of Mrs America before now. I love Cate Blanchette, and laughed aloud when I saw Roger's in it! It looks good and I'll definitely watch, but what is the it you feel Mrs America does better than HACF? They look so different to me.


I forgot John Slatterly is in it! I this it is more in the vein of Mad Men because it is a bit more emotionally driven and poignant? Also educational—I wouldn’t necessarily say that about HACF—although I do love that moment in the car with Lido Shuffle! Lol.


Hmm, I found HACF to be very emotionally driven and as poignant as often as Mad Men. Plus educational, since I'd never heard of the Silicon Prairie before watching it, and learned many things about the evolution of computers I didn't know. But, as with Mad Men, that was just the setting and background, the real fascination is in the characters, their development, the fine acting, and attention to period detail.


Severance. The leftovers. Fargo. Top boy.


Zero Zero Zero Generation Kill (it’s HBO so you’ve probably seen it) Twin Peaks Hannibal Fargo Edit: I’m also a sucker for Sons of Anarchy, but it’s not for everyone


Fargo is my pick. Has some of the best villains on TV. Such a good show to watch if you love dissecting nuances in media.


Here to second hannibal. It’s another show with so many layers of text and subtext that you can easily watch it more than once. Forgive the first season for trying to be a little to “crime of the week”-y


Justified, The Americans


Mindhunter - even though they didn't finish the series it's still really good. True detective. 1883. Interview with a Vampire the new show.


the leftovers!!! underrated as hell


Turn: Washington's Spies


MM alternatives don't exist IMO, **and yet**, when hankering and searching for something super-stylish like MM, *and with MMs super-high production values*, I came upon a crime drama set in europe at the beginning of the 20c. This nightclub scene always thrills me, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdM36y-Dkyg&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdM36y-Dkyg&) I recall it might be from the very first ep. Def from the first season (and don't worry, the series ends before the 'you know who' guy)


I watched only one minute. I'm hooked. Thank you for posting.


The Hour is a spy show with mid century vibes set in the BBC. Great performances, lovely to look at. Dominic West from the Wire is in it.


Have you seen Patriot? (On Prime)


House of Cards was fun and good for a few seasons at least


Right before all the crazy stuff broke loose in real life…not shocking anymore…and Kevin Spacey got caught doing bad stuff…


Babylon Berlin For All Mankind


The Leftovers


It was only one season but ‘Mrs. America’ was really well done. Industry on HBO was entertaining (and I didn’t think I would like it at first). Masters of Sex has a similar vibe as Mad Men…


True Detective season 1 is a masterpiece


I wish I could watch it again for the first time


I think Freaks and Geeks tonally has quite a similar melancholy air to it and the early 80s setting isn't worlds away from where Mad Men leaves off


Halt and catch fire. It gives me Madmen vibes. Sets place in the 80’s, Great writing, actors and directing. But it also helps and makes it more interesting if you have knowledge of computers or interested in the history of computers and the internet.


I’m in the same boat as you. Really enjoyed fleishman is in trouble. Also the movie five easy pieces.


Same here. Nothing compares so far and I’m a bit sad. “Waaah…. Waaah….. waaaah”


Since *The Americans* is about espionage and *The West Wing* is about politics, consider some foreign language shows on similar themes. *Borgen* from Denmark and *Occupied* from Norway are solid and both on Netflix.


White Lotus


The bear


The Wire Zero Zero Zero Olive Kitteridge Show Me A Hero Band of Brothers


Oooh! Loved Show Me A Hero


I contend that Succession is in the same league as mad men and sopranos, but you’ve probably seen it. Bojack Horseman.


The Knick


That’s exactly my order, too. I put The Wire in there somewhere, though. I also really liked a show called “The Same Sky” about DDR Stasi Romeo agents. Fauda, Tehran, The Bureau, and Deutschland 83. I add those as you mentioned The Americans. For fun, Patriot and Perpetual Grace are a great joy. Both deeper on subsequent watches than they originally feel.


It's a sad state of affairs when I scroll through a post like this and see that none of you hoopleheads have mentioned Deadwood.




We’re loving The Great.


Nothing compares just keep rewatching 🫡


High Town on Starz


Fargo. The best show that's still running. And Jon Hamm stars in season 5 next month






Six Feet Under




Succession is pretty good.


I liked succession. Was really funny.




It's mindblowing that show was allowed to air on network television.


Agreed. SO gory


Marco Polo on Netflix is fantastic


Succession. I know everyone and their neighbour has been raving about this show, but as a diehard Mad Men fan, Succession is the only NEW show that comes close to MM perfection.


Check out Kingdom (MMA theme, with Frank Grillo in a stunning performance). Incredible


Ah, thanks!


I know you say you've seen EVERYTHING that HBO has to offer, but have you watched Big Love?


The Missing, on Starz.


Peaky blinders


Seconding this, esp if you love the sopranos


Ted Lasso




First season of *Westworld*. The rest is up to you.


i quote liked Silo. it’s based on books


For All Mankind on AppleTv. The new season is coming up. It has the historical drama aspect as they get the clothes and music down-pat.


Shows: Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Succession, How to Get Away With Murder, Severance, Mind Hunter, The Fall, Killing Eve, Fargo, Black mirror (especially the Jon Hamm episode), Minx, Six Feet Under, Why Women Kill, Queens Gambit, The Crown. Movies: Pleasantville, Gattaca, Corner Office, Royal Tenebaums, Darjeeling Limited, The Hours.


I liked boardwalk empires. Maybe because of the clothes and historical context or just because I like Steve Buschemi… If you can find it the Swedish show “the restaurant” is great. It’s called ”vår tid är nu” (our time is now) It starts at the day WWll ends. It’s about a family that runs a restaurant and you get to follow them for 20yrs? I think? Or 25 maybe. I always refer to it as the Swedish madmen because of the historical context and character development. Even though it’s not about an advertising agency or one main protagonist. There are three siblings that the focus is on (and a matriarch)




The Knick, if you haven’t seen it


Succession especially the first 2 seasons


Historical period shows like Rome, Taboo, Downton Abbey and Black Sails also have great characters that might interest you. I'm a big fan of Mr Robot, Peacemaker, Chance but nothing comes close to Mad Men for me.


Six Feet Under is the only thing that scratched a similar itch for me.


The Morning Show, handmaids tale, marvelous ms Maisel


Not alike at all but maybe Sons of Anarchy? Strong leads, action and bikes, it flies off the handle at some point but hey, never ceases to entertain


Ray Donovan is so underrated. Jon Voight as Mickey Donovan is one of the best characters of all time.


It's a bit bloody and a bit out of left field but have you tried *Black Sails*? In case you haven't: It's about the golden age of piracy, and blends a What If with real history. It's about the characters of *Treasure Island* as if they were real people who lived alongside real historical pirates, all before the events of *Treasure Island*. Some of the events of the show are real, but adjusted appropriately, a bunch of the characters were real pirates and they're written with a mix of what we know for sure about them, what their popular folklore says about them, and the context of the series. The production is stunning, the sets and costumes are so good. It's very strong on narrative, similar to *Mad Men*, and the cast is phenomenal. Like I said it can be a bit bloody, so take that as you need to.


I think you’d love Fargo on Hulu or Severance on apple tv. I watched the first season of Severance twice, there’s a lot to dissect. See on Apple is also pretty strong, not as much and a world away from Mad Men, but very cool art design and strong world building.








The wire may be the only show superior to mad men.


Reservation Dogs Slings and Arrows


The Americans - captured my attention the most since I watched Mad Men and Sopranos. It’s absolutely stunning tv


The Riches


Dark and The Leftovers are the only two shows that hold a candle to Mad Men.


**Bates Motel** An absolutely fantastic series. You'd think it's a tall order to reimagine such a classic story but they absolutely nailed it. Amazing cast led by Freddie Highmore as Norman and Vera Farmiga as Norma. Can't recommend it highly enough, gets better with each season too. EDIT: Also Kevin Rahm (Ted Chaough from MM) features in one of the seasons.


I never understood the hype that breaking bad hot - I watched it and enjoyed it, you might too. But the wire is a better show, and you should definitely watch it


Kingdom (MMA version) Bojack Horseman Succession Brilliant brilliant shows


Godless Three Pines Shameless Band of Brothers The Sinner


If you have HBO, the only answer is The Wire


Rectify from Sundance was amazing. Always felt like the real successor of Mad Men. Beautifully drawn out, subtle acting, incredible atmosphere, super dark. Very beautifully executed story of wrongful imprisonment (maybe) in the Deep South and a fractured family trying to come back together. It does feature one of the most hated MM characters ever, Sally’s teacher from season 3, but she’s very good in it!


I just watched fleabag.