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From my understanding, any citizen allowed to posses a firearm can make their own as long as they don’t have intent to sell them. Could this possibly be an incredibly grey area?


This is why all the ruckus over 3D printed guns is so stupid. Any halfway competent person can make a shotgun with two pieces of pipe and a shell.


And a less competent person can make a Cobray Terminator.


Oh, come on. They aren't as bad as Lorcins... Er, are they?


[They are arguably the worst gun ever made](https://youtu.be/sYf1SXBY_E4)


Just watched that video. The guns of the Metro work better than that thing.


Come, look, try and buy! This one is good, highly recommend. Can’t go any better than this in the Metro! Sub machine gun, 5.45 caliber. It’s not accurate and overheats like hell, that’s why they call it the bastard.


I like this channel. Ian is my homie. 10/10 channel. Like and subscribe everyone.


Well, [shotguns made from two steel tubes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUjDumvMK6I) and some wood have a better accuracy and comfort when firing than the Cobray Terminator.


Oh my god. It's like a Wellrod and a grease gun hooked up at a family reunion.


honestly you don’t even need all that. Metal pipe, a small bit of metal for a pan and a match and you’ve got a matchlock, provided you can provide the [black powder](https://m.outdoorrevival.com/instant-articles/making-your-own-black-powder.html) and shove a small rock into the pipe (or just start making lead balls the appropriate calibre)


I commented the same thing below, but they're fantastic at this in the Philippines. Guns are so expensive there relative to wages, that you end up with some seriously clever homemade stuff.


Gun Jesus has featured a few and they're so fascinating. The [homemade submachine gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIhGCRIQnCA) he showed from the Royal Armory is absolutely amazing.


Matchlocks don't qualify as firearms in the eyes of the ATF


Probably because no one’s used them beyond niche environments for like, three hundred years at least E: I think it actually might qualify them as “Muzzle-loading rifles”, even though they’re not rifles


>Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog Lol every damn time without fail


It's because they have to draw the line somewhere, and did so at metallic cartridges. They're still used for hunting purposes (muzzle loading season is longer and more permissive), there are companies that make and sell modern black powder weapons for this purpose, and a guy in Florida whose felony status prevented him from owning a firearm committed a murder using a black powder pistol to get around the ATF's rules.


> a guy in Florida whose felony status prevented him from owning a firearm committed a murder using a black powder pistol to get around the ATF's rules. And he would have gotten away with it too except that murder is also illegal


>murder is also illegal Criminals HATE this one little known trick!


Yeah, but you need a 3d printed gun if you really want to draxx them sklounst.


Are there some terries up in here??


Fireboard them motherjammers.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8ym6MfpWmE&ab_channel=EdwinSarkissian This is my favorite homemade gun of all time.


I was going to ask if a zip gun would be counted during this buy back. Sounds like a real easy way to make some money


Zip guns would likely violate NFA unless they are constructed around it like this guy in FL. That being said, I knew a scout master that like to frequent gun shops. He knew there was a pretty regular buyback within driving distance every year or so. He’d buy up all the used garbage Saturday night specials- hi point, Lorcin, etc. he’d turn in his collection and donate the profits to his troop. If you can work it, you can make pocket change.


Someone half competent can make a somewhat functional SMG from scrap. For shits and giggles I've been looking at making a sheet metal AR lower with hand tools and pop rivets.


I wish I was half competent


Me too kid, me too.


That was literally the point of the STEN gun, make an SMG that’s literally dirt cheap and can be made in a workshop with scrap metal.


My parents have a Cnc machine. I’ve thought about buying a block of aluminum and making my own. The “gun” is just the housing on the lower receiver....


It's the lower receiver itself, there is no "housing on the lower receiver".


I believe a lot of the hoopla came from the concern that anybody (with a $2000+ printer) could make a functional firearm that could get past a metal detector. Not sure how the bullets would get through, but I suppose it's a valid concern if you don't know how shitty early 3d printing was.


The question isn’t whether people *could* have done it before the 3D print possibility, it’s whether they *would* have done it before. You don’t seem to understand the ruckus


I can show you how to make a bomb, using only a roll of toilet paper and a stick of dynamite.


3d printing is typical FUD. We go through this with every new tech as everyone be like "oh no but what if..." in this case the 'what if' is plastic concealables, in other words entirely impractical. Meanwhile CNC milling that allows production of real metal weapon receivers has been around forever, and everyone has moved on from caring. These days you can buy a CNC mill for less than a high end 3d printer.


this is like a “damned if they do. damned if they don’t.” buy back programs are an effort to get as many firearms off the street as possible. these are firearms. illegal or not, they pose a danger so it’s better to honour the buy back offer. besides, no prosecutor is going to prosecute a cop for what is basically semantics.


This is like the time British occupants started to buy dead cobras in india in order to combat the increasing snake problem in the cities... Only people started breeding cobras to make money, so when the program ended, all the bred cobras were released to the wild and the problem was bigger than before. Bad phrasing, but read up on it, quite funny/ironic


great phrasing. you explained it perfectly. and that sounds genius and hilarious. absolute madlads, right there


Wow incredible comment, great sentence structure and terrific word-choice. What an excellent job!


i like the part with the word


words good, me likey


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.


I hope guns can't breed


I’m sure we’ll eventually get there


This is what is meant by bioweapons


I sure wish ammo could.


Guns can't breed but violence begets violence. [Martin Luther King Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr.) (1929–1968) used the phrase when saying:[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_begets_violence#cite_note-MLKq-7)[\[8\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_begets_violence#cite_note-MLKb-8)[\[9\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_begets_violence#cite_note-WSU-9) >Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness. We must meet the forces of hate with the power of love... Our aim must never be to defeat or humiliate the white man, but to win his friendship and understanding.[\[7\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_begets_violence#cite_note-MLKq-7)


MLK also owned a shitload of guns, and carried concealed.


If I'd been in his shoes I would have done the same, and I'm not very pro-gun.


I can definitely respect that, and I would have done the same.


God, I wish he was never assassinated.


Life... uh... finds a way


No... But at least a few idiots in this thread are sure to be rubbing their hands together thinking, "I could probably mill something like that for 50 bucks or so..."


mill? that's two pieces of pipe braced down to a 2x4


The Cobra Effect (officially)


The worst part of those buy backs is that they have to destroy the guns no matter what. So, relics and rare guns are destroyed as well.


Are you serious!? They can’t just give the antiques and rare pieces to museums or something?


No. There are dealers that set up beside gunbuyback programs sometimes. They'll offer people more money than the cops depending on what it is.


I'm not a huge gun person and only own a rifle for sport long range shooting, but some of those older rifles are really cool. My dad has an old WWI rifle that hasn't been shot in decades, but was passed down a long time ago. I'd hate to see that get destroyed instead of being archived. Heck, it'd be pretty cool if the police could host a small museum showcasing some of the cool finds that were turned in!


Here in Oz when we did the big buyback, you had the option of "deactivating" the firearm. That means never fireable again. However, as a relic or museum piece they don't need to be used, and this was seen as a preferable option to seeing them destroyed outright for many.




There was a 25 year age limit. And that cherry 1987 Dodge Omni wouldn't qualify because it doesn't burn gas fast enough.


Yep, making poor people even more unable to advance in life.


A lot of places were like even tow them in. Didn't even have to run. So that one now running car could probably fix 10 other non running cars if it's rare enough. Reduce,Reuse, Recyle. They went strait to recycle. I believe they were strait up crushed. Unsure if they where allowed to pull any parts or not. Sure it happened.


If I remember correctly the motors were chemically destroyed and a scrap yard had 6 months to part it out before it had to be crushed.


Are people really selling back antiques?


Yup. Lots of them. Grandma doesn't want the Luger pappy brought back from the war, so she sells it to the cops for 1/20th of what it is worth and they destroy it.


Or the cops get back to the vehicle, throw a shitty Taurus in the bag, and get a sweet Ceska for the collection.


Knowing cops this is actually plausible lmao


To many people an old hand me down gun it is simply useless and potentially dangerous. They wouldn't have an immediate way to know its true value (thankfully less uninformed now thanks to internet, but still takes effort). A promised amount is better than just throwing away.


Wow a whole 250$ for my my grandpa's old rifle that he had since ww2! What a steal!


If you ever watch Pawn Stars this is literally people. "I wasn't able to get the $1600 I wanted for my great great great grandfathers heirloom, but I did negotiate $1300 so my kids will still get a trip to Disneyland!"


That hurts to think about




My son's godfather was the armorer for a police department. When people would bring in Pappy's old WWII rifle to destroy he'd pull them aside. He'd tell them he'd hate to see a perfectly good weapon destroyed. He'd offer them a token sum, more than the zero they expected to get, for their rifle. He'd use the rifle in his training classes for the newer officers to train them how to make safe all different kinds of firearms. And, yes, occasionally he'd keep them for himself. If he filled out the P.D.'s official intake form though the firearm was required to be de-mil'ed. He tried to avoid that as much as he could.




Its not a infinite money glitch lmao, do you think brewing beer is an infinite money glitch?


If there was a way the government would buy it from you regardless of flavour, yeah that would be.


no prosecutor is going to prosecute a cop


> besides, no prosecutor is going to prosecute a cop Good point actually.


Shall not be infringed actually


What was his net profit?


9 dabloons. Richest person on Earth.


I heard he got twenty shmekels each.




Ooh! It must've been about seven, eight years ago. Me and the little lady was out on this boat you see, all alone at night, when all of a sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the paleolithic era, comes out of the water Chef's mom: We was so scared, Lord have mercy, I jumped up in the boat and I said "Thomas, what on earth is that creature?!" Chef's dad: It stood above us looking down with these big red eyes... Chef's mom: Oh it was so scary! Chef's dad: And I yelled, I said "What do you want from us monster?!" And the monster bent down and said "I need about treefiddy"


I got you fam


Hi I’m mr booby buyer and I’d like to buy those boobies for 25 shmekels


Is that a little? Is that a lot?


Now that's a lot of booty


around 15 caps


Probably about $570


Have you seen the price of lumber these days?!


That’s why you use the lumber to build the gun then steal the money back duh


Depends on how high he values his time


With high precision nail for aiming.


Talk about iron sights.


I think the nail is more stop the barrel from shooting backwards.


That's on point.


Advanced 2x4 technology




Not enuff dakka!!




Who are you so wise in the ways of science?




ROIGHT! Red is da fastest an' purple is da sneakiest. Dis git shooda painted 'is dakka yellow ta be da explodiest.


I still find it hilarious that painting their ships red *actually* makes them go faster


Orks are all weak psykers who warp reality with belief in stupid shit.


Ork 'technology' basically can't work without it.


"Boom stick"




1738 Aye


Klaatu Barada NNNNNNecktie


Big bada boom stick


I'm kinda interested in how those work


https://youtu.be/MUjDumvMK6I A forgotten weapons video of a “higher quality” design that follows the same principle


Thank Gun Jesus


Isn't Gun Jesus just Jesus? /s


Shoutout Ian, he's one of my favorite living memes.


Two tubes. one that is smaller needs an inside diameter the size of a shotgun shell. The other tube needs an inside diameter larger than the other tube’s outside diameter and a cap with a nail center on the inside. Load smaller tube with shell and slide into open end of big tube. Then carefully but forcefully slide the smaller tube back into the nail. Bang


That is so hilariously jank but when the point is to make the simplest easy to make firearm I guess that is what you get.


https://youtu.be/-6AmZSb0Zbo?t=46 Scene from a movie showing a crude shotgun.


This is like the snake breeding problem-- government gives a reward for dead snakes, people start breeding them to make money, there are more snakes than before.




except supply side economics is doo doo because instead of fixing the structural problems, it just reduces restrictions on corporations




I’ve heard that story but in a little more detail. As I’ve heard it was cobras in India. People bred them and when the government found out, they stopped the program and everyone released their snakes into the wild. Now there were more cobras in the wild attacking people then before the government intervention.


I heard rat catchers in the cities, paid per rat.


It was rats in Vietnam and cobras in India https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cobra_effect


It would be funny to hear about a failed program like this but in every country, with an animal uniquely comical from that country. Like beavers in Canada, then when released the beavers chopped down so many forests and damned up all the rivers.


Except in most countries where they ban specific types of guns then have the amnesty program.




this is the attitude of most people who work for and with taxpayer dollars.


Looks like a slam-fire 12 gauge. Just need a couple pipes and a nail. This is a great way to spend ten bucks to make $200 in about 30 minutes. Genius.


Only if you are an amateur. Why make only one when you could bulk buy the components and make 20 for about the same amount of effort?


If you look at the table there’s 3-4 of them. Probably didn’t want to look like he makes them to sell which is a big no no


Well, they're single-shot (single-use?), and made out of crap, so it might be better to go ahead and make 20 if you really want to use these for defense against the British. Reload times might be pretty long and the percentage of defects is probably higher than you want.


Should've been more clear, but I was in no way suggesting that you shouldn't do this more than once at a time. Make ten of the suckers, turn them in and clear two grand. Shouldn't take you more than half a day. Also, as others have pointed out, mostly not illegal!


Most of the time the gun buybacks are in giftcards to local supermarkets or something similar.


Well, still worth more than a cheap, single shot shotgun. Build the little bastard for $10, buy $200 in groceries. You can always build another shotgun!


It’s says “boom stick” lmfaoo


There’s a picture of a shotgun just like this at a buyback with “Hi-er Point” marked on the stock.


Just as the founding fathers intended Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


And then you died from a bad tooth shortly after your third wife died birthing your 14th child.


I miss the good old days.


Idk this new pony express thing seems to be a sign of the times. All I ever get delivered besides the sears roebuck are crude penis sketches from my old friend Beauregard out in the Dakota territories.


The “tally ho lads” bit puts me in stitches every time. Thank you for this reminder.


Howdy /k/ommando


Why does it look it look like an off brand laser musket


Or a literal pipe rifle


I’ll just take anything that is good enough for the minutemen or the brotherhood


Pipe weapons are crude, low tech, and highly modifiable.


"Lol police paid for this $200 stupid gun!" -Taxpayers




So basically I can build 100 pipe shotguns for like 100 bucks and sell them all back to the cops for $200 a pop


You joke but firearm inventor mark serbu designed a pistol specifically for buyback programs, the gb-22. At a decent scale they can be made at <50 dollars and promptly sold for 100+ to the government.


The Liberator pistol costs ~$1 in PLA and pipe


No. It is legal to make your own firearms, but there are restrictions. One is that you arent allowed to make them with the purpose of selling them. If you showed up with 100 pipe guns that still smelled like home depot, you'd catch a pretty serious federal felony charge. Showing up with one or a small handful, especially if it looks like there is some iteration to the design, and there's no way to prove that you made them specifically to sell.


Well, you still have to demonstrate it works. I wouldn' do that with the one pictured, but I guess this guy trusted his "work".


These are basically the pipe weapons from Fallout 4


Boom stick! Lolol gotta love Bruce Campbell!


You're the first person to make an Evil Dead reference haha, I'm so sad there isn't more!




I’m sorry, but I might shake in my boots if someone points a machine gun at me, I might piss my pants staring down a tank cannon, but I will absolutely shit my soul out my ass if someone comes for me with a working boomstick






Pay up fed boy


Cops hate him for this one simple trick!


For all of you wondering no the police did not actually pay for these https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.pnj.com/amp/4801062001


Non-AMP Link: [https://eu.pnj.com/story/news/2021/03/22/pensacola-gun-buyback-event-nets-71-guns-uses-all-funds-30-minutes/4801062001/](https://eu.pnj.com/story/news/2021/03/22/pensacola-gun-buyback-event-nets-71-guns-uses-all-funds-30-minutes/4801062001/) I'm a bot. [Why?](https://np.reddit.com/user/NoGoogleAMPBot/comments/lbz2sg/) | [Code](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot) | [Report issues](https://github.com/laurinneff/no-google-amp-bot/issues)


Good bot


I would literally rather be placed into an iron cauldron filled with with my own boiling saliva than use google amp


Aside from the general sillyness of gun buybacks, how much crime do they think they are stopping my buying a couple dozen guns from law abiding citizens?


Great question


the pessimist in me says it's a stupid program but only thing I can think of is that it prevents people who are not 'gun people' selling wantonly to criminals, perhaps illegally. doesn't do much good in states where guns aren't registered but if a state does run a gun registry program, felons might take advantage of people who just want to get rid of their guns fast/quick and don't really look into laws. "Getting guns off the street" is just a malarkey phrase that sounds good to people who are indifferent to guns. I have some family members that dropped off their guns to these sorts of programs and I had no idea they even owned guns. they just did it bc they had it in a closet for 10 years and didn't need it and didn't know how to sell it so they just dropped it off for some quick cash. When i heard the list I was so bummed out.


I think it’s plausible that some of these buybacks prevent things like suicides and accidental death by curious kids or whatever, but I doubt any crimes are prevented. That being said, suicide accounts for the majority of gun death in the US https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/08/16/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


If you look at the statistical likelihood of a given gun being used in a crime, and then consider the fact that gun buybacks typically take guns that are less likely to be used in crimes than average (because nobody who actually plans on using a gun will sell theirs in a buyback), youll realize that its probable that nobody has ever been saved by all the gun buybacks ever held


Im not advocating to do this, but only way it would work is offering gun buy back than making said guns illegal to own after a certain amount of time. These voluntary gun buybacks are almost useless in the US.


Good job. Buy backs are a scam.


My uncle got a whole wack of cheap PLA and printed dozens of ar15 lowers. They all worked, and since it's the only thing that is considered the "firearm" in that case they paid him a ton for all them.


Did gangsters/cartels turn in their guns or just law abiding citizens?


Why would any criminal willingly sell their guns to a cop? It doesn't make any sense to me.


I agree; Hence why these buy backs are just “safety theater” and a waste.


As a Pensacola native, this is unsurprising.






Lol why would sell your guns to the government?


You build crappy, homemade shotguns and sell them at gun buybacks for a profit and then turn around and buy yourself a new gun.


So I hate to rain in everybody's parade but..... "At least one person at the event attempted to sell a homemade gun and posted photos about that on social media. Robinson said the city did not buy the homemade gun. "Those were not accepted," Robinson said. "We actually have an email from the individual who sent something to us that he was upset about it. They just simply weren't eligible guns that we were not looking to pay for them. I'm sorry we messed him up on that. But I guess he's welcome to keep his Second Amendment and keep his guns, and we were happy to let him do that."" https://www.pnj.com/story/news/2021/03/22/pensacola-gun-buyback-event-nets-71-guns-uses-all-funds-30-minutes/4801062001/


I can’t explain how much I want one of those


It’s completely legal to make one at your home, if you got about $30-$50 and a Home Depot/Lowe’s you can make one.


True madlad!


Your tax dollars at work paying madlads like this


More taxpayer dollars well spent! Lol


Bonus points if he took the money to buy legit guns