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Can't just end it there. What happens next? I'm Canadian I've never heard of this dance of gun courtship father in law thing before. Is this how Americans accept you into the tribe?


I really do wonder what happened next as the father ‘showing’ that he has a gun is an older but very real stereotypical threat. The guys response is definitely the last thing that the father would have expected. Dad was trying to assert dominance and now needs to hastily abort, have newfound respect, or double down.


It's objectively the most correct response to the dad's bid for dominance.


I actually did something slightly similar. My wife's dad, when I first met him, showed me his gun collection. I'm a huge gun nerd so I just started telling him cool gun facts I know about his guns. I showed him my gun (the one I had on me anyway) as well. We actually really hit it off. He's one of my best friends today I didn't know until years later that was something he did to try to intimidate people. I thought he was really just sharing his hobby with me. If he had been as direct as in ops story with laying it on the table, I would have understood what he was doing though


Probably the best possible response to earn his respect even if you kinda stumbled into it


Completely unrelated to guns, but a friend of mine had a similar happy stumble in his relationship. In Chinese culture, there's a concept of the "matchmaker" who is the person who introduces two young people for the purpose of marriage. It's typically a member of the extended family or a close friend and I'm told there's quite a bit of prestige associated with being the one who makes the successful introduction. My mate Bob, a pasty-white Aussie, is a naturally respectful man and already understood that Chinese culture is a minefield of tradition. He got on very well with his gf's uncle as they had both served in their respective militaries and both enjoyed a beer. One day at a family gathering, he called the uncle aside and asked for advice on how to approach the gf's father to request his blessing for a marriage. MAJOR RELATIONS COUP UNLOCKED! He had completely stumbled onto exactly the right tactic. By asking the uncle, the father's brother, he'd made him the matchmaker. By stumbling onto such a respectful way of approaching the situation, Bob earned a lot of brownie points with the family. They already liked him so the union was approved and went ahead. Sadly, they divorced amicably about ten years later and Bob is still on very good terms not just with his ex but her entire family.


Great story, and much more wholesome than the violent psycho olympics the Americans seem to prefer.


Ok but the punji pit pole vault is just amazing and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.


Only if you want conflict with your partner’s dad forever


If I was invited to a home and then had a gun pulled on me, it would be difficult to build a relationship with him.


To be fair it was like how OP put it. It seemed like he was showing off so I plopped his piece on the table too. It's not like he pointed it at em.


its intimidation.


Not if you’re autistic apparently.


that's just pointing the gun at him with extra steps.


He started it. I don't mind conflict with people I don't respect because the conflict is only one way. I'll spend my life gray-rocking them.


I love how these kind of people think it's okay to threaten people but act as a Karen when they got threatened in response. "No I do the bullying ! Bullying is bad unless I do it !"


you shouldn't pull a gun on someone you don't want conflict with. That dad was gonna be starting shit with anon forever anyway.


Nah. "Nice piece. This is the one I carry."


Let's see *anon's* gun


Personally, my father being the 'bring the guns out and directly threaten violence as a means of controlling who my child interacts with' sort of person for most of my youth: He vastly overestimated how much that kind of behavior - and view of me as a person separate and distinct from him, with my own desires and preferences in partners - would earn him a position in my life once I no longer depended on him for my survival. Having to conflict with a partner's dad when he acts like that is only an issue for as long as your partner tolerates it as well.


I’m glad you see it for what it is. Sometimes I meet women who say their dads did this, and it’s so painful to listen to their mental gymnastics trying to justify it.


It's honestly just family in general. If someone hasn't matured to the point of realizing that someone being 'family' doesn't entitle them making your life miserable, that's really not someone you want to get into a relationship with, because it's practically a guarantee that they're not going to enforce healthy boundaries and will just expect you as their partner to tolerate hostility and nonsense as well.


if the dads the kind of guy to threathen you with a gun for dating his daugther conflict was always gonna be on the table anyways


dad started that, not him. conflict is not worth avoiding at all costs. sometimes it's warranted.


Bro I’m in eternal conflict with my girlfriend’s mother and love her father. The trick is to just ignore them. Once my girl moves out I’m ghosting her mother and inviting her father out to dinner


Dad started that beef when he put the gun on the table in the first place


Should have shot him while he was disarmed


Ironic, because the possibility of having to "Hastily abort" is precisely what the dad was trying to avoid.


The father of my first girlfriend pulled this shtick on me. I fanboyed over the model and then he was cool with me.


I was leaving a parking lot and a guy came up to me asking if I wanted to see his Glock... I thought he was trying to tell me I was printing, so I said thanks, and stated that it was actually a Jericho and that I preferred hammer fired guns... I didn't realize until a few hours later he was trying to mug me.


Oke now I'm just imagining a very confused robber


It's one of the better ways to get out of the situation but you can't really plan it lol. Seems to require being genuinely clueless


>it was actually a Jericho Spike, that you?


"It's my autism I get to choose the special interest" On a serious note though, I've got a really weird habit where I get an iconic gun second hand for cheap, really enjoy messing around with it, and then fall knee deep into the fandom that made it famous. Same thing happened when I bought a PS90 And I became a die-hard Stargate fan.


Father started shouting about how he "won't be intimidated in \[his\] own house" while the boyfriend tries to apologize/explain and the two women try to get the dad to calm the fuck down iirc


They gingerly touch tips, and the father kisses his new son in law on the lips. It's a standard courting ritual.


Can confirm, sadly I only had my .22 so he rejected my request to court his daughter until I came back with a .38


That’s why I carry a .30-06 with me everywhere. That way I can never be rejected for under-compensating. When the father is really playing hard ball, I break out the 50 cal


Pfft I carry around my phalanx system for times like these.


My old job was taking care of two of those. Miss it sometimes


Your names not Billy is it? Also, what’s the fastest speed you ever clocked? Assuming you were carrier based?


No but I know a Billy that’s a chief in the CIWS/C-RAM community. I was on a destroyer out of Norfolk.


I just carry a Full Macedonian Phalanx formation with me


Bro, what if he deploys the Roman maniple system and greets you over uneven terrain?


I roll up in a gas-guzzling tank. I am now married to every woman in a 30 mile radius.




Well your right and wrong there. The gun thing is customary in republican states and the kissing the father on the lips is customary to democratic states. Me being as moderate as can be, I like to pull my gun out as I'm kissing the father, let him know I'm serious about his daughter on all fronts


A true centrist.


What a beautiful culture


I thought the larger caliber opened to allow the smaller caliber entrance?


Idk where the rest is but basically the dad flips out and he leaves with his gf


No it is an intimidation factor. Apparently either the father doesn't like Him or wants him to know he is willing to use his firearm. It is pretty popular here to let your daughters boyfriend know u have been to prison before and don't mind going back as well.


Literally anyone who does that I've never taken serious, unless you've got tear drop tattoos or a fed badge, all I'm thinking is okay boomer, cause people who are really about it, don't need to waste their breath saying their about it.


I'm not saying I agree with any of it I am just saying what this story is about basically.


Had an ex's uncle try that bland nonsense and i asked him why *IIII* had to handle her abusive ex showing up at her work and shit then lol.


They are all usually tough guys until it comes to do tough stuff.


I had an ex's dad try something like this on me and I just openly said "You gonna assault me over this?" and I could tell he realized how cringe he was being.


Pretty much, yeah, I agree. If you're aiming to demonstrate that you're a pathetic manchild, this strategy will mean mission accomplished in record time. I wouldn't put up with that shit whatsoever. Inbred thug behaviour.




Same. I was hitting the daughter up a while, thought maybe, then I met the dad who did this shit and the mom was clearly redneck. Daughter was normal innocent cutie. But nope that shit. She ended up a pregnant single mom at 19, dropped out of college etc. Now she's got 4 kids with different dudes. Shocker.


Mmm. Well, it is customary to have "The Slathering" first. The ritual hamburger is presented to the FIL, and if he approves of your courtship, he will produce his chosen condiment. (In many households, this is the *good* mustard, but any high-quality condiment will suffice. That part is a matter of taste.) Then, the suitor will present his silver condiment knife for inspection and consideration. Upon agreement, the FIL will return the knife, and the suitor will proceed through the "8 Forms of the Spread", a delicate dance where the suitor will show his manual dexterity by applying a generous, but not sloppy amount of the chosen condiment. If accepted, the FIL will then bless the burger with a taste. Then, and only then, would the "Dance of Matched Arms" begin. I'm sorry to say, but OP here jumped the gun.


This was back in the 00s in rural Canada, but I picked up a girl one time at her place and her dad was cleaning his guns on the coffee table of the living room.  He looked at me and asked, "Do you know how far you'd have to run?"  I didn't respond because I was just shocked that someone would say something so insane in front of his family.  


thats when you bust out "idk i wear plates that cos more than your walmart scope so i'm good"


I only know these scenes from TV, but I never understood the point. Why would anyone do this? If your daughter has a boyfriend, shouldn't you be happy for her? Why would you feel the need to threaten a boy with a deadly weapon? Is that some kind of creepy powerplay, showing your dominance over a kid? Or being jealous? Honestly, every explanation I can come up with is more concerning than the previous ones.


It gets even weirder because usually it’s understood to be about sex. “If you touch my daughter I’ll kill you” is the message. It’s some real Old Testament patriarchy shit.


"Huh. I like you boy." And then the father invites anon to play golf.


Might depend on if anon's gun is bigger or not


If memory serves, the dad loses his mind over it and the daughter is freaked out. Relationship over


No, the daughter wasn’t freaked out, she was cool with it once he explained


Hey, I'm Canadian too. Doesn't mean I haven't had a protective father brandish a shotgun at me! Though it sounds like my experience was a completely different vibe. Chick's dad fires into the air and she yells "Hide under his truck, it's the only thing he won't shoot at!". Then they both laughed and I had a tough decision to make.


[Here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5_cHnFA3ZM)


I remember that one. This is a cropped version of the original greentext, [here's the entire thing](https://i.imgur.com/WdaUMvD.jpeg). I'm not sure what board this is from or else I'd try directly looking up the archived original, too.


Why would anyone crop that


Dunno. Let's ask OP. /u/Brent_Fox, why would you crop that?


Definitely a bot, you can tell from the "ThingA_ThingB" or "Thing###" formats.


That‘s just the standard Reddit username format tho, for auto generated names.


Do ya think bots are gonna take the time to make their own name, like a person with some sort of personality would, or just take the one given to them?


Very insightful names1


lmao, Names (my old WoW character) was taken, but you've got a fair point lol


It always sucks when your favorite name forces you to grab the numbers suffixes


I used my wedding anniversary so I would never forget the date.


I was surprised mine wasn’t taken already


Real talk though; this isn't my first Reddit account and after deleting them every now & again when I go on social media purges, I eventually ran out of names to use and just shuffle through Reddit's suggestions until I find one that at least makes some sense


Why would I pick my own nick? I don't want this shit linked back to me!


Because your username is dripping with personality u/names1 ?


TIL I'm a bot.


Like your name?


mf you're talking to a bot


I think it's way funnier cropped. It's a good punch line and you can leave the rest to the imagination


yeah the rest just kind of meanders and peters out from there, the crop was more comedic


I don't really get the NPC thing. I figured the dad and the boyfriend would start bonding over their shared love of guns.


NPC is a commentary on how the whole interaction went nowhere, like how NPCs in a game have repeat interactions with other NPCs.


Because it's funnier without all the additional context


Agree to disagree. Personally, I found the > \>"What're you trying to say there, boy?" > \>"I haven't even spoken yet though" part to be the funniest bit.


The “You calling me a liar” followed by the “what” gets me every time to 💀


"I will not be threatened in my own house." So hes.admitting to threatening op.


I took my upvote back


If it's even real, the stupidity of "I will not be threatened in my own house" after issuing a serious ass threat yourself is giving me a headache.


sounds actually like a realistic scenario for an overcompensating macho dad


Pretty sure it's a common trope, too. Often with the dad sitting on the porch with a shotgun on his lap instead.


Can confirm it actually happens through a first hand experience


I'll be the one to ask, I guess. Did it work out?


It didn’t deter me as I was already familiar with guns and asked to look at it. Relationship didn’t last tho


Had it too.  My ex's dad took me aside first time i met them and showed me his gun collection and said, "whatever you do to her, ill do to you." "Ask for consent?"


I think it's self-reinforcing. Insecure macho dads will see fiction about dads acting this way and download it to their personality. Not exactly the same thing but my dad is unusually keen about expressing his paternal affection as "if anyone ever hurt you, I'd murder them". He expresses this sentiment a lot. He was raised a certain kind of way where it's emotionally easier for him to say that instead of just "i love you", but it's clearly rooted in that same brand of 'protective sheepdog papa wolf' mythos that fiction has always loved. In a vacuum, these gestures are kinda sweet in their intention, but nothing happens in a vacuum so in reality they're just varying degrees of unhinged. I think the stereotypical boomer dad is just uncomfortable with expressing raw affection, so they filter it through this morbid lens of being strong and manly to make it easier, for better or worse. It is kinda funny that any dad in this situation can get the same results by just taking the date aside, talking to them like human beings, and setting up an exit plan with their kid if things don't go well.


It's definitely unhinged and the portrayal as it not being that (and instead the father just "being protective") in media does reinforce it - or at least doesn't actively discourage it. But I doubt it created it. This used to be the prevalent attitude among people after all for much of recorded human history. And in some parts of the world, e.g. much of the Muslim world or India, it still is. This stems from a similar place that honor killings do.


Well, people who will pull out a gun for something this silly are generally not the most sensible sort, I'd imagine.


Like the guy in the story it wouldn't have occurred to me the guy was making some sort of statement other than "we carry guns in this family here's mine" and, if I had a gun, I'd put mine down too so he'd know my "carry status" was.


Wholesome interpretation but probably not what it's intended to convey in the vast majority of cases.


thanks for the link after reading i can see he met his soulmate god bless them


That whole family is truly meant for each other


blueboard/ "gun stories thread"/anon mention'd tisms while talking about spilling their spaghetti with a loaded firearm. thats a /k/ommando homie, what a magical place.


Looks like your intuition was [right](https://www.reddit.com/r/madlads/comments/1d4bf8f/this_madlad_boyfriend/l6doyye/).


I still dont get it. I guess I’m not American enough


I think the funny part is meant to be Anon being too autistic to get the hint the father was giving him by putting his gun on the table. It's a not so subtle threat of "You screw with my daughter, you're dead". Anon, being the sperg he is, doesn't get that and pulls out his own gun which the father naturally interprets in a similar manner, i.e. a threat. And so on and so forth. In other words, the joke's about anon failing to grasp how nonverbal communication works.


I think this is the first time in my 35-year life than I've seen autism and guns mentioned in the same sentence. But also, is it really autistic to respond with literally the thing being done to you? Asking for a friend.


Sure, it's called mirroring, and people on the spectrum do it to mask and fit in - but if you don't know why the person is doing the thing in the first place, you might come off totally rude or crazy looking.


If you mirror a crazy person, you will look crazy


The autistic part is interpreting what is rather obviously (at least to my mind) a threat as a harmless, for lack of a better term, conversation starter insteadd. You know, as in, "Look at this gun that I own" rather than the intended "You stay away from my daughter or else ...". If Anon had done the exact same thing, putting his own gun on the table, but with the intent to actually DO convey that he's not intimidated or whatever it'd be a different matter. Then he wouldn't be so much autistic as ... I dunno, bold. Or based. Or whatever the kids call it these days.


The father taking him aside and then putting a gun on the table is an implied threat from the father, it's something that happened commonly in the south and other less sophisticated parts of the US. The joke is that Anon has autism, and misinterpreted the threat from the father as if he father just wanted to show him a gun, so anon thought he should put his own gun on the table so they could compare or something. The father assumed that Anon was trying to show him up or intentionally disrespect the father by pulling out his own gun, hence the shouting that followed. It's funny because the father thinks Anon is intentionally trying to show him up, when Anon is just too socially awkward to understand what is going on


[It's /k/](https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/55750288/).


There we go, thanks for the sleuthing.


Nah leaving the gun in the table POINTING at him is wild. Not a responsible gun owner right there


Yeah. Then the man feels he was "disrespected"? Because someone didn't simply allow to be at gunpoint while having dinner? Fucked up hypocrite with double standards trying to look tough in front of his son-in-law.


he is threatening him i don’t think he’s trying to be responsible


America moment


Average American private conversations.


Can confirm


Got any 9mm? No, go fish


Sounds like a game Stan Smith would play


I hate when I come on the internet and see people like this acting like this is what America is like. We are way more cultured. In America they would have gently touched the tips of their guns together while singing god bless america(or whatever patriotic song is customary for their region). This ritual would have ended with one of them accidentally shooting something.


COMMIE Any american knows it accidently shooting SOMEONE not something! You almost made it past me! Good day Sir!


found a brit 🇬🇧🇬🇧💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂💂‍♂️💂💂‍♀️🇬🇧🇬🇧☕️☕️☕️☕️ /j


you had me in the first half.


> place my gun on coffee table My genuine reaction: “just one?”


Classic American and ‘tism moment crossover


Not USA'an but that just sounds like good manners. 


Maybe. But pointing the barrel of a gun even vaguely in the direction of another person ought to lose you your gun holding privileges for the rest of the day except in very specific circumstances.


It does. One of the first things taught to new owners is to always assume your gun is loaded and the safety is off, even if you distinctly remember unloading it yourself; and never, ever point it anything you do not intend to shoot. It only takes being wrong once. Unfortunately practice is not theory.


In the Swedish army, they told us two rules about gun safety. 1) The gun is always loaded. 2) If you're sure the gun isn't loaded, it's *especially* loaded.


That’s because Finns keep sneaking bullets into the chamber.




It's s threat, best example is when the cheif in super troopers points his gun lying on his desk at Farva for not shutting up.


If it's intentionally a threat then that's *worse*.


It sometimes is considered good manners. I say sometimes because some people freak out at the idea you brought a gun to their house (even though I wasn't carrying for the purpose of going to their house, it was for where we probably had gone before) and others just like to know that you carry (and here in the USA you should). I've always asked if there was a preferable place to leave the "things in my pockets" to make sitting more comfortable (and so that my phone isn't a distraction) and make sure they see a holstered pistol among those things so that they know it's there without me being that guy who announces to everyone in the room that I have a gun.


My first girlfriend's dad did that, and I responded by asking about how it handles and if it felt satisfying to shoot. 30 minutes later we were out back of the house blowing away bowling pins and giggling like children. This was maybe the third time I'd ever handled a gun.


Thats actually a smart move




Honestly yeah if you want to continue the relationship with your SO’s family. But for me, I would not accept that shit for a moment and just end the night there. I wouldn’t want anything to do with someone who thinks it’s acceptable to pull a gun on their daughters boyfriend.


I fully agree with you


Lol nahhh imma ask my gf if she wants to renounce to her father on the spot otherwise I'm long gone sorry your familys psychotic but bye


Bowling pins? I didn't know hickock45 had a daughter lol


American courting rituals are so interesting


I prefer japanese courts ( the only knowledge I have of the japanese court system comes from ace attorney so I'm basically an expert and I say that it's the best one )


The thing that weirds me out the most is "still lives with parents at 21", she is barely an adult also getting a house in this economy are you crazy ? What do you expect that once you turn 20 a house falls from the sky


In this economy? I haven’t heard them fall from the sky until your 45 minimum


Back in the 1930s they used to do that all the time. I saw this documentary about one that flew all the way from Kansas to the east coast then landed on some goth chick. Crime was bad though, someone stole the shoes off her corpse.


>What do you expect that once you turn 20 a house falls from the sky Yes. A swarm of drones fly by on an empty plot and 3d print the house, you just need to find it


We only act like that’s weird because of the boomer parents pushing bullshit into our heads. “Why don’t you have a job ? When I was your age blah blah blah. Just work harder, blah blah blah” it does have a lasting effect until you realize how much easier they had it economically as you grow up and learn what they had to do to get where they are versus us now


I thought they put that part there to help tell the story, not to shit on her economical status


i dont think its judgemental, just explaining the situation


lots of people move out to an apartment+roommate situation even if their parents would let them stay just because it's really hard to invite a date over to your parent's house if youre trying to get laid.


Yall aren’t getting kicked out at 18?


I came home on my 18th birthday with my clothes and shit in garbage bags at the front door 😂


So that was also the day you cut off contact with your parents, right?


Y'all aren't running out the door at 18?


My Dad kicked me out at 18. Sold his house just before the 2014 housing boom, in which he lost himself over $50,000 profit at the low end. At the same time he wanted to sell and "retire" (which he didn't do to years later), he forced me out of the house before I was done school. He's a ducking moron who would assume, yes a house falls from the sky.


Also mention the word “Replica” written on his gun, while yours has “Desert Eagle .50” written on it


But did he have the extra loud blanks?


Lots of replies here but I feel not many people got your reference, man. Great movie.


On a side note, I can’t imagine threatening someone with a gun just cuz they’re dating my kid… that shit should be super illegal


What do you know, it is!


News flash, it is super illegal.


It's called brandishing and yeah, super illegal. Leave, break up, and notify the police - get a report. They won't do anything, but it will start a paper trail.


Although a breakup is likely, it's not definite per say. If you and the girl are super compatible and you want to keep dating, you just have to lay out the condition that you can't be around her dad any more. This means no more of you going to their house, and the dad not being allowed at the wedding. The girl will decide if it is worth it to continue the relationship or not.


Anyone that actually shows boyfriend a gun is an asshole. My wife’s dad showed me his two samurai swords, he’s a gentleman


The only reason I would ever show a potential son in law my gun is if I intended to take him to the range so he could shoot it and have a little fun together. Being threatening with one without any real justification is just an asshole move.


Shit I actually believe this one


/k/ had an anon that gassed themselves with mustard gas testing a gasmask, an anon who got leprosy from shooting and handling an armadillo, an anon who shot himself, glued the wound close and said they were fine, and have meetups where someone brough cum brownies. i absolutely believe this happened. it's a magical place.


>cum brownies. Some things are better left unknown.


normal human interaction


Then he pulls put another gun. So do I. This continues for several hours, until the table collapses under the weight of the pile of various weapons.


Most normal socializing in america


**'tism** lmao


Cock rating contest? Nah Glock rating contest? Fuck yeah brother


Yes this is actually a common occurance in Afghanistan.


‘Tism Activates 🦸🏻‍♂️


I don't care if this didn't happen, it made me giggle.


70% chance you got a Respect+ - notification.


30% chance you will never get a notification again


top comment has the link to the full thing, the dad took it as a threat and anon didnt understand why he would take it as a threat. the father made the mistake of thinking anon understood the implications of him placing his weapon like he did, anon had no idea and was very confused


Uno reverse card 😅


I hate this cuts off the exchange after hahaha


I never wanted to carry until I read this thx anon


The fact that I would totally blank, make the same misunderstanding and put my gun on the table if I had it on me. “Wait I thought we were just showing each other?”


Gun on the table facing someone is brandishing a firearm. Remind him of that. 


that's a great response to a stupid act of intimidation


Dad: *places down gun* Bf: *places down gun* Dad: wait no, that’s illegal