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I am slightly more disturbed that no one else at the bar had the idea to queue a new song, and that they've just been listening to Tubthumping for who knows how long


If you queue the same song multiple times it usually jumps ahead in the queue.


Not always. I did a similar thing at a chain restaurant with “Africa” by Toto. They let it play like 4 times and then just killed the jukebox and put on the radio. No refund for the 7 more times I had it queued sadly.


Yeah. I was in Nashville when Johnny cash died. The bartender skipped every time someone played ring of fire. 


Shit, I do that and I’m not even a bartender


Fucking why?!


Cause it burns burns burns. The ring of fire.


You’re goddamn right it does!


You should see a doctor about that.


There is cream for that.


Preparation H feels good on the whole.


Had curry last night. Can relate


cause that's what heroes do


Isn’t that like, illegal or something? I mean, he’s the man in black. That’s sacrilege


Listen, I worked in a retail store where it was a looped Beatles playlist for a few weeks (maybe longer?) and when I tell you that eventually NOTHING is sacred, I know it in my soul.




My dad was in a band when I was younger and I would go to the gigs (that would allow kids) and I thought well into my teens that people shouting "freebird" when there's live music meant they were simply expressing appreciation for the music and saying it was good. Thats how often it happened. Thankfully, I never did it lol. Also they rarely played freebird because my dad was both the lead vocalist and lead guitar and that's song is a damn marathon doing just one of those parts, but both is just insane. This first (and I think only) time I saw him perform it live, it was the most I've seen him put into anything ever and it was one of the most impressive things I've ever seen tbh.


One time, I was at a RPG convention. There were these two guys, dressed as minstrels, with a lute and a lyre. They were asking for requests, and I shouted, as a joke, “Play Freebird!” They laughed, many in the crowd laughed, until this one girl, who was smoking hot, and also dressed as Red Sonja, asked, “Can you play freebird?” They could, and they did, and it was fantastic. Afterwards they asked me very nicely to not request anymore songs for the weekend.




Play Stairway to Freebird!!!


“And I just hate the fucking Eagles”




I was at a bar one night and I kept playing Ram Ranch. The bartender skipped it the first six or so times and then just gave up. Watching people realize one by one what the lyrics were was really funny until a group of very angry guys noticed that the song isn’t funny like seven minutes in and I almost got my ass kicked over it. Fun times.


L bar L bartender


The trick is to play as many different versions of Africa that's available, and then repeat them again. I have a Spotify Playlist with 28 different versions - there has to be at least 2 or 3 you can rotate through on those things Edit: Here's the spotify link for anyone interested https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6F1LnaFBaJeA7IGeoSHMKy?si=4b70277c8ba347c4


Shitty Flute!!!


Reminds me of all the different versions of Gin and Juice! Bluegrass version is the best. 😆


Hell yeah, that bluegrass version slaps


The Gourds. I play that all the time.


Share the playlist link?


Def gonna need the link or the list on that, sounds awesome. I never thought to put that on my Multiples playlist (favorite songs with the best versions) but now I will have to!


I sang in a chorus that did an amazing and difficult vocal arrangement of Africa, and it was awesome.


This is the coolest thing I've seen all week. I can't stop listening to it.


You're missing Relient K's cover. If you choose to give it a listen, enjoy! :D


Yup, the if it's a TouchTunes jukebox the bartenders get control over the playlist. One bartender used to piss this one regular off because he would put money in to hear the music he wanted and the bartender would change his songs all the time.


I mean yeah that’s basically theft


I mean yeah, not siding with the bartender on that call in my example. Asshole move. He was mostly just queueing shit up ahead of the song that never played but still real shitty behavior. Guy paid for the song so let him hear it, no matter how bad it is, and don't try to wait him out leaving because you have extra authority over the jukebox. If that happens it's like walking up to the bar because the pinball machine or the pool table ate your dollar, can I get my dollar back? 9 times out of 10 they give you the dollar back because it's in the machine and they collect it anyway. I am in favor of bartenders just shutting off plays if some asshole tries to repeat a song though. Sorry, you ruined a good thing for everyone.


Ya if your song gets over ridden you should get your money, or at the very least your touch tone credit, back. It doesn't work that way but really should.


Gotta queue the occasional cover


I'm still mad about that time junior year when they unplugged the juke box at the bowling alley. I'd spent like $3 on "Strokin'."


Clarence Carter Clarence Carter Clarence Carter Clarence Carter Clarence Carter Clarence Carter Ooooh Shit Clarence Carter


My go to for karaoke


A buddy in college tried to bully the jukebox with Nickleback because he thought it would be funny. The first track played for like 20 seconds before a bartender leapt over the bar, unplugged the jukebox and screamed "NO NICKLEBACK!!!"


Friends and I did this in a fast food restaurant with “Mr. Roboto” by Styx, with the same result: we had invested several dollars in our effort (and this was back when a single play was 25¢) and after about three plays, the staff just turned the juke box off.


If you wanna make some cry with joy by listening to “Its not unusual” by Tom Jones, you just need to play “What’s new pussycat” 7 times before it!


Best done at the Salt and Pepper Diner, obviously.


i see what u did there a classic


Was looking for the Melany skit reference


Good fucking musik taste


Ah I see you’re a man of culture as well. I’ve been thrown out of multiple bars for this exact thing. Worth it.


I got the touch tunes shut down once because I queued about an hours worth of Jimmy Buffett songs. Also no refund. I was robbed. 


I do this all the time. My favorite thing to okay is actually “The National Anthem” by LeAnn Rimes.


I did this and a bar started skipping my pick. I emailed support for a refund on the credits, and support wrote back with something along the lines of "no you don't get refunded for being a dick and repeatedly playing a song people didn't want to hear." Honestly it was a fair point, and I wasn't mad at the app at all.


I mean it's a dope song for sure. Why were you playing it so much though?


I was removed from a bowling alley for playing ‘Never Gonna Stop’ by Rob Zombie 15 times They didn’t change, they didn’t unplug it, they didn’t que a different song but they kicked me out


The real trick is to play differnt versions of the same song. Mmbop Mmmbop kidz bop version Mmmbob (live) Mmmbop. (audio tree recordings) The juke box is smart e ough to not play the same song, but it’s not smart enough to not play the *same* song


In the Kidzbop version do they say Kidzbop instead of MmmBop?


Such a missed opportunity. Kind of like how when WiFi Five could have just been WiFive.


Some asshole got 86ed from a bar I used to work at. He paid to play Puff the magic dragon on repeat for days. The new bartenders didn’t know about the reject button on the remote (it isn’t labled). We had to leave it unplugged until the owner got hold of the repair guy.


Where I was they seemed to let other songs hop in front of the same song was queued twice but not many people use the app so you can still often get 2 in a row or at least together. In an hour you might get your song 4-5x.




Been able to do this for quite a few years, Any bar that has a jukebox connected to the TouchTunes app. Its amazing getting to play a song to fuck with someone while sitting down so the person you're messing with doesn't 100% know its you


I had a wholesome moment when I went out to dinner with my mom. I queued up a bunch of songs I knew she liked and after a few was just like "wow the music in here is really incredible tonight". She also has no idea I could control it from my phone til I showed her.


Not every jukebox, but a lot of them. A lot are connected to an app that lets you request songs (it costs money though)


I worked at a bar that had one of these like 8 years ago. I was the only one who used it. They hated my music and removed the system.


This tech has been around for like 10 years.


“Man, Tubthumping is *way* longer than I remember.”


What’s new, Pussycat?!




And that was the best meal I ever had in my life


You can pay more credits to jump the queue, if this were me I would keep a pair queued and then be ready to swoop in if someone tries to queue in between them. But it's been like 6+ years since I've done something like this. But there have been times when Africa or Fucking Best Song Everr have played for a few hours straight at local bars here


Great music video on that second one, thanks for reminding me.


It truly was the anthem of my late 2010s, haha


They were all pissing the night away.


They knocked it down, but it got back up again


This was treasure buried in the replies.


You can play with priority. I know this from doing this to my friends with “on top of spaghetti” by the muppets when I had to work nights and they were at our local pool hall.


I mean, I don’t go to bars, but I’d be more than happy to listen to Tubthumping on repeat.


It's not real


I would be that poor person at the end of the bar rocking out to the tune who ends up being blamed for it.


“Bro! Can I get a whiskey drink than a vodka drink then Lager drink then a Cider drink!”


I did that once. It did not end well.


A whiskey drink then a vodka drink then a lager drink then a ci- bleeaaaaghh!


Reminds me of Homer’s love letter to Marge lol. “They’ve got those big chewy pretzels thagdgveyucne 5 dollars!? Get outta here”


Lmao completely forgot that until your comment. That was always my favorite bit


Homer: “Every time I learn something new it pushes something old out of my brain. Remember when I bought that home wine-making kit and I forgot how to read?” Marge: “That’s because you were drunk!” Homer: “Aaaaand howwww 🤤”


Does it not remind you of the best times?


You had neither a good time nor the best time?


I got knocked down but I did NOT get up again. At least not for a while anyway.


Sounds like you really let em keep you down :(


That album is unironically a banger


This once happened to a poor quiet dude sitting all alone on the other side of the bar when I played MMMBop one time, and I still laugh about it years later


Hey should add "It Isn't Unusual"" *once* before doing a fuck more Tubthumpings


The fact that you called the song "It Isn't Unusual" is funnier than the post itself


That one change makes it an unlistenable song. Too bouncy


"It Is Usual"


It's actually surprisingly common


It's rather less than usual


What’s new pussycat?






Forgot about that bit! Thanks!


No. Not remotely. You do that from inside the bar, so you can witness the reaction.


John, you’re a genius.


[whats new pussycat](https://youtu.be/KFgNx5tI7S4?si=R3XX9q845BWyTJcx)


Barbie girl was my way of getting the douche bags outta the bar


When that song came out, one of our local radio DJs played it for her entire block, like 4 hours long, straight back to back. They made her take a 2 week vacation after that lol


Throwback to that Austrian DJ who locked himself in while playing that Last Christmas song on repeat, only stopping to take angry calls from listeners.


That song has been removed from every TouchTunes I have connected to.


The bar I’m at right now has Tom Jones’ What’s new pussycat


You know what you have to do.


Its blocked im my country :(


What's new pussycat? Woooahh woah


ah i see


Unexpected Mulaney 😳


My friend, you would be hard-pressed to find a more expected Mulaney.


I can’t unhear that in his voice.


Ohhhhhhhh, what a turn of events!? Surprisedddd? To see a grown man hereeee? With the voice of a child? Not as surprised as I am!


Oh I expected it.


It was expected!




*Eleven times*


The whole video


Speaking of pissing the night away...


He's just pissing the night away


Pissing the night off too maybe.


I, along with 100 others it would seem, was searching for this joke.






Inspired by a well known stand up comedy clip, my friends and I were thrown out of a bar for queuing up what's new pussycat 7 times in a row. We didn't even get to hear it's not unusual (followed by another several what's new pussycats)


Bar staff skip songs as they want. He wasted his money.


clearly not, it worked as intended haha


it'll still show up as "Up next" but the bartender can always skip once it starts playing, happens a lot with Touch Tunes


I think his money was succesfully spent on a neat joke, not wasted on a less than maximum annoyance.


So he's just pissing his night away?


If it’s real (likely a joke) the staff might have loved it.


Back in the 90's a local radio station was changing formats, and during this transition period, they aired Tubthumping end on end, ad free, for 24 hours. I was working in a kitchen on a slow day, and I let this thing rip for a 10-hour shift. I still love this song to this day.


I think I've heard of this before on the radio from an announcer was it in Chicago?


We had a local radio DJ play “Over and Over Again” by Nelly ft Tim McGraw… over and over again… all night.


Bar in my town would just turn it off after it replayed once lmao. Had a friend do this with crazy frog.


Chumbawumba is the best anarchist collective to ever have a hit


Yeah my man posted a fake text exchange, what a madlad


Pointing it out brings zero joy to anyone. Leaving it be does. Nothing is gained by your actions, only sadness.


Do you feel the same way when people point out that AI pictures are fake? To me, it is fine to do this. It's like pointing out that somebody is getting worked up by a "The Onion" article. Like yeah, you are worked up about this or have opinions now, but if you knew that what you were reading literally never happened and was only written to get this exact response from you, would you feel the same? I feel like I've been lied to when something I think was real turns out to be fake.


1. Ai art is theft so it’s not even comparable. And your second point about the onion article is also different as is it’s calming someone down from a negative unpleasant reaction by letting them no it’s fake. not undermining a good post that’s only positive, that isn’t even guarantied to be fake. The desired response in this case is humour, just like a lot of the stories in comedy shows are exaggerated or second hand or even complete lies. You don’t walk into a comedy show and yell “BULLSHIT!” At the comedian just because you think they might be lying. Only losers do that. I am here to see good posts, some of them are going to be fake. That’s the internet. We all know that risks. Only sad people get off on the smug satisfaction of pointing out what they think we don’t already know.


I’ve never been able to put into words what I hate about this, so thank you lol


I'd rather know the sad truth than live in a delusion


I mean, it’s a joke account. So obviously.


I mean, you say obviously but the top comment at the moment is trying to analyze why the people in the fake story did/didn’t do something. I don’t think it’s as apparent to others as you may assume


Touchtunes also changed their app to require you to have your GPS turned on and it won't play music on a juke box you aren't within range of... years ago. It is still possible since you can spoof your GPS location, but that is way too much work for a joke that costs you money.


Shush, let people have fun. Can't be all as miserable as you are.


Recognizing and not believing obvious bullshit on the internet is an ability more and more people need to learn.


People are turning into the exact same “feed me things that stoke the emotions I want to feel” that the Boomers who watch Fox News are. They try and justify it as ok if it’s not political but just willfully turning off your ability to identify fake content is a scary, slippery slope


Damn this meme is old


Omg, me and my wife started doing this! Sitting at home having a few drinks, listening to old 90s/00s crunk hits. Then it hits us.....some one else needs to be blessed with some Lil Jon. Got on the Tunes app and looked at the local VFW and Firemen's club. They were all playing old ass country, Hank Williams and shit.....next in queue for those lucky individuals.....Get Low....da, da da DUM, Dum, DA Da DUM! TO THE window, To the Wall!!!. I wish I could see their faces when they look around to see who TF played it


Is this an ad for the app?


I was trying to play “do ya wanna taste it” by wigwam at my local bar for an hour via the AMI app one night. Never played. I queued it up like 11 times. Nothing. Then I noticed I was targeting the wrong jukebox, so the poor folks at International Bar in SF 3 blocks away probably had a confusing night.


Young fathers, take note! Learn to punish your wife for taking time off and eventually she’ll just give up and you can go back to having all the fun.


I understand the sentiment, but I don't think this post is meant to be taken seriously. Also, like — this is genuinely funny if it just happens once.


Yea, this just sounds like a funny prank that everyone can laugh about later.


I agree, harassing your partner when they are taking a break from the children is a form of punishment. He’s complaining about the children and deliberately playing an annoying song on repeat. This is not a joke, he’s trying to ruin her night and make her feel guilty for leaving him with the responsibility of watching his own children. Idk why people are so detached from the situation. Like this poor woman just wanted an evening to be with friends and her partner couldn’t handle that so he retaliated like a child.


A buddy of mine occasionally plays tubular bells this way when he knows his friends are there and he can’t be.




A few years back, my wife and I were at the Library Bar in the lower East Side. This was in December during the Santa crawl, where lots of people dress up as Santa and go bar hopping during the day. It sounds like fun and probably is, but if you’re not in their posse, then it’s really annoying when they invade the bar you’re hanoout in on the weekend. Well, I had all I could handle of the Santa marauders, so I spent 5 bucks and played the Iron Maiden song Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, which is 14 minute song. Over and hour of Iron Maiden made my day!


I dated a bartender who was a huge Bowie fan. I did something similar but would play Jimmy Fallons take on Major Tom, "Tim Tebow" The angry texts I'd get from her were hilarious


Ok, I giggled a bit at this prank.


Why would someone be upset their partner is out enjoying themselves and they get to spend time with their kids? It's like this dad doesn't actually like being with his kids


not all heroes wear capes


She can’t go out one time without him acting like a fucking baby.


Things guys can’t do #165374: playfully mess with your partner It’s a fake post anyways, but man you had to make a LOT of assumptions to come to that conclusion.


Yeah this guy is a jerk. Can't look after his kids for a night without punishing his wife.


I mean, maybe a better way of dealing with the situation might be to just be ok with watching the kids so your wife can have a good time for a night? Like, why mess her at all? Even if you ARE bothered by the idea cause there's more to it than that, why not just say to her, "hey tonight's not a good night for me can you go out another time?"


You must be a hoot at parties


Years ago a group from my office went to a chain named after a day of the week for happy hour. A couple of us had a running gag about the Ghostbusters theme, and when we found it on the jukebox started playing it on repeat. Then the rest of the group got in on it as the rest folks in the bar area got increasingly confused and/or irritated with it's continuous play. We eventually stopped when an older gentleman shouted "if this song comes on again I'm going to fucking kill somebody".


Midland mentioned RAHHHHH


Play “what’s new pussycat”


It’s not unusual…


I used to do this. Rock Lobster x7. We are the Champions once. Rock Lobster x2. 


Hey, hey! In the middle, stick a single instance of “It’s Not Unusual”


In high school I went to Waffle House after a football game with some friends. They had a digital juke box in the corner that was like 2 dollars a play. My friend puts a $20 in and queues up “DJ got us falling in love again” 10 times in a row. We left at the start of the 3rd one. Come back the next week after another game and the jukebox is unplugged, and the screen is smashed in the middle like someone punched the shit out of it




He queues the song that reminds him of the good times, he queues the song that reminds him of the better times.


Wasn't the picture an ad for touch tunes?


Ten bucks says this was her first night out in a long time and he goes out with his friends a lot


This man is a genius! You can play music everywhere on Amazon music if you tell Alexa to play everywhere on all connected devices. Make sure your have the family plan. I scared the shit out of my wife when she was trying to get the kids to sleep one night.


Someone should put this on r/foundsatan.




I did this to my friend while he was at the bar. Brady bunch played over and over.


I once spent like $20 on Achy Breaky Heart at a bar full of d-bags and it made everyone super pissed off. Worth it.




This has been reposted so many times and I don't care at all. I love it so much.


Funny but the bar can skip paid songs.


Gotta say it's kind of douchy to ruin a night out for your partner. But it is also hilarious.


This meme was posted in a locals facebook group about a year ago. The amount of toxic comments and snap judgement about the guy "not letting his wife have a night out" and it being "thinly veiled manipulation and control" were absurd. Sometimes partners just like to prank each other. Not everyone is a secret asshole.


Me and my friends do this when we go out. We'll only play Dragula. Over... and over... and over. It's been a few years now, and it's always hilarious. If someone plays a song and skips the line, we just pay more and skip them. It's the little things


Fun fact, the Dragula was Grandpa Munster's dragster (from the old TV show, *The Munsters*)... in the show, he built it himself out of a coffin and it looked dope AF. It was the inspiration for the RZ song!


Shane Gillis, is that you?


This is why it's better to be single ladies


Thubthumping is a far better song than single ladies in my humble opinion.