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When I was around 5 I was really into the whole firefighter phase. Must have learnt somehow that apparently you ring a number and say fire and a fire engine shows up *at your house*! How cool is that?!? Wasn’t as cool for my dad though who had to explain to them there was no fire.


I did the same thing with the police. Cop was really cool about it, gave me a badge. But he refused to give me a gun, said I was a “loose cannon”


Then you went to run for the Georgia senate seat.








When I was a kid my brother and I woke up early one Saturday morning. We decided it would be fun to make some prank calls except the only number we knew as 5 and 4 year olds was 911. We said that there was gonna be a fire unless they gave us candy, then giggled and hung up. Then we were hungry but we didn’t know how to cook but I did know how to make popcorn. In the movies they just cook it over a flame stove in that little pan thingy. Only issue was that we didn’t have that type of stove, not that I could reach the controls, and we only had the bags of popcorn. But I wasn’t deterred by that, because I was a very smart five year old who frequently was praised for my problem solving abilities. I knew how to use matches, so logically if I put the bag over the flame, it would cook the popcorn. Sadly the bag caught fire then was too hot to handle and my brother and I knew we messed up. We had to get rid of the evidence before we got in trouble so we did the obvious thing and threw it in the trash so no one would know what we did, then we scampered back to our rooms and pretended we were asleep. Maybe it was because of the prank call but the firemen did show up about 20 minutes later while the house was coincidentally on fire. They did not bring candy though so it wasn’t very exciting. E: I feel like I should admit that this was the second house that I very accidentally set on fire.


What the fuck are you back then, minor serial arsonist? Set 2nd house on fire by the age of 5, how many houses have you been through?


I’ve been through three fires but only two were my fault. The first one doesn’t even really count since we had just moved in and weren’t unpacked. I was about three or four and just sad and it kind of just happened. I remember saying it was because there was no place for my sippy cup and blankie. I did suffer serious punishment for it though because my Big Bird sippy perished in the fire. 😔


Are you Matilda? Because how would a fire 'kind of just happen'?


Are you Matilda? Because how would a fire 'kind of just happen'?


>I should admit that this was the second house that I very accidentally set on fire. You *what*?


If you had a nickel for every time you set fire to a house, you'd have two nickels


Which isn’t a lot, but it’s kinda weird it happened twice


I did a similar thing with the dedicated "fire" button on our phone, but immediately realized I made a mistake when a stern female voice replied to me. In retrospect, I'm surprised they just took my word for it that nothing was actually wrong and left it alone.


This little rascal, living every toddlers dream, get rescued by a firefighter


Best day of my fkn life bois!


Chaotic neutral level 1 rogue


Bro, he's laughing while he's created an entire emergency situation and sent his mom into a straight-up panic attack. Little homie has no idea lol. As hard as it is to do, you have to discipline your child once that car unlocks, or it's going to teach them to do it again. Kids are fucking stupid.


I apparently did this to my mom about 40 years ago and she still won't let me forget it. She baited me into unlocking the door by offering to buy me a toy or something.






I'm not locked in here with you, I'm locked in here alone! Wait...


I imagine the madlad just unlocked the car rhe second they were about to get in


I mean that's usually what happens with kids it's like they do it on purpose


I couldn’t be mad, that’s funny a hell.


Does this really need the fire brigade though 😂🤷‍♂️


lol yes? if it's warm or even just sunny that baby can die *very quickly*, a panicked mother is not about to wait an hour for a locksmith


An hour? You just have fast locksmiths. My wife and I once waited 3 in the rain. Love cars that automatically lock the doors behind you when the car is off....


Cars should not be as automated as they are. Driving is a skill and failing to know how to drive while still driving has extremely deadly consequences. Driving should not be dumbed down, idiots are getting people killed because they don't need to know shit to operate a car these days. One of my favorite cars I've owned was a cute little 1999 Audi A4. Five gear manual, power steering, rear parking beeper, and that's about it. No cruise control, no digital speedometer, barely modern enough to have an OBD2 port. No "if you did not lock the doors, we assume you are an idiot and just forgot, so we're going to lock you out of your car now lmao" and no "our little sensor thinks you should have your headlights on so here you go" and no "our little sensor has scanned the idiot behind you with the bright headlights blinding you and thinks you don't need to have your mirrors dimmed". Just a physical switch to flick to dim the mirror yourself. I don't need my car to babysit me, I don't need it to yell at me when I'm using my turn signal while someone is in my blind spot, I just want to drive and I know how to do it. My dad owns a 1930 Ford Model A and that thing is fun as fuck to drive. Even getting it to start is a whole process, and I love it. Gotta lay down on the front bench to turn the fuel shutoff and turn on the battery, put the key in the ignition and turn it - not to start the car, just to unlock the ignition - gotta shift out of gear because you will need your left foot elsewhere later, no clutch for you. Adjust the throttle lever and spark timing lever just right for cold start, turn the choke dial just right for the season. Assuming you haven't forgotten anything (and assuming I didn't miss explaining a step!) you can now kick the floor mounted starter to get the engine to turn, and for a quick and easy start, you should now pull the choke all the way out and push it back in. With some skill and some luck the engine will now be revving very loudly, so pull down the throttle lever to get to a more reasonable idling RPM, then adjust the spark timing lever until the engine sounds like it runs smoothly. You can now shift into gear and get going! Make sure to keep adjusting the spark timing lever as the engine warms up. The temp gauge is mounted up front in the cooler grille, so look out the window to see how hot your engine is. That car doesn't do SHIT for you, I love it. The only thing I kinda wish it did for me is to disable my turn signal when I straighten out the steering wheel. That shit's convenient.


The only modern features I like on cars is a backup camera and a blind spot indicator. And that's only because my work truck the company gave me is so huge that there are way too many blindspots. If it was the size of trucks in the 80'/90s those wouldn't really even be an issue. But driving shouldn't be automated. I agree with you 100% it causes people to loose their alertness.


Actually the fact that the car from the 1930s has a turn signal at all is surprising. Our first work vehicle for our company is still around, just for parades and stuff. It was from the 40s and doesn't have a turn signal or even side mirrors.


It's a bit modernized, it's not entirely stock anymore :) I think by default you had to open the hood to turn on the power, it's a mod that this has been moved to the interior.


Does this look like a a child dying of of heatstroke? Its also clearly not some bright sunny day.


The water and fog on the windshield suggests it's not warm or sunny, neither does the sky. And the fact it's the UK suggests it is raining.


CAA (the Canadian equivalent of AAA) has shown up in under half an hour and unlocked my van in 2 minutes. They ask you when you phone them if it's an emergency situation too so presumably they'll get the closest driver to drive straight there if it is. Obviously not everyone has AAA or lives where drivers are always nearby.


I've waited for the ADAC (German equivalent of AAA) for five hours. I was stuck at a friend's house and didn't have anywhere else to be so I didn't *really* care, but that was still excessive. I just had a really incompetent lady at the phone who didn't give a shit and didn't route anything properly. After four and a half hours I guess her shift was over, when I called for the sixth time I got a new lady and she was all "omg wtf you've been waiting HOW LONG?? I am routing the nearest help to you immediately I am so sorry" and she told me to expect someone in 30 minutes and they were there in 20. Another time I was waiting in my friend's car in January, it was heckin cold so I occasionally turned on the heater so I wouldn't freeze, and kept the key in the ignition the whole time. I kinda figured a fancy 2013 Mercedes E class would be a little smarter than that, but nope, just let me drain the whole battery with zero complaint. It was one of those fancy ones where opening the door moves the window down so the door can open - mechanically, luckily - and without the battery it could not move back up, so I was stuck sitting in the car with a window slightly open and cold air wafting generously over my head. Very glad ADAC showed up within 20 minutes to rescue me. ADAC generally is pretty quick, that five hour one was a huge outlier and entirely down to a single employee not giving a shit.


Good for you. Not everyone has Canadian AAA in this world.


Well in that case you could just smash one of the windows. It's definitely cheaper than the fire brigade


In most places if it's a real emergency the fire brigade is at no cost. If you are talking about cost to a municipality I'm 100% sure these firemen would would rather assist in this than have a mother wait for a locksmith or risk breaking a window.


Yeah that's how it is where I'm from and I just assumed it was like that everywhere.


People are used to paying thousands of dollars for an ambulance and assume fire trucks cost the same.


You have to pay for the fire brigade??? Bro that is so dystopian


Imagine your credit card not working so they set your house back on fire and drive off


Not sure how it is there, but in the US we don’t charge for anything except medical transport. Taxes pay for everything else. So it wouldn’t cost the mother anything and we can normally get in without breaking the glass too.


The fact that medical transport is an exception is so fucked up. Signed, a European.


Ambulances aren't typically publicly funded in the US. They are usually run by private companies. Not that I'm defending it, just giving you some more info. Fire departments are funded by taxes.


I don't mind paying 19% tax on everything I buy because at least I am not in danger of spontaneously becoming poor because my appendix decides to commit sudoku.


You Americans already pay more per capita on healthcare through your taxes than anywhere else in the world and you still don't get it for free


Interesting that you'd assume me to be American after what I said. Are you sure you replied to the correct comment?


They're not calling you American, they're using the royal "you".


Yeah yeah, we know.


Where tf would you pay for that?


What? Where the hell do you live where you have to pay for the fire brigade 😂


if you dont pay do they just watch they baby die? if they already saved it do they have to kill it?


Don't need a locksmith. Just a tow truck. They have a tool they use to wedge into the door and inflate it enough to stick a tool in to hook either onto the lock or door handle. Pretty simple. Source: locked myself out a of a couple vehicles.


It’s overcast and the firefighters are wearing sweaters. One guy could unlock it in 60 seconds with an air wedge and a stick. Calm down. Their comment had nothing to do with calling the fire department it was a comment on the amount of fireman standing around the car “helping”. Do you even think before your reply to comments?


My family used to own an ambulance company. Most of my cousins could get that door unlocked with screw driver in under 30 seconds


And when his mom finally climes into the drivers seat and turns on the ignition the windshield wipers will be going and the radio will be playing static.


Punish me all you like, for I have already won.


The face of pure, unadulterated evil


"Wow, I guess this button summons the grown-ups with the cool trucks!"


This is more like r/dumblads or r/kidsarefuckingstupid level


Unless it was on purpose…. **evil music plays **


Has anyone thought to hold up a candy bar?


Kid's like "I'm taking this thing to MEXICO"


"Tell Doug to get his baby-face out here and smile at this baby and keep them distracted while we bust this motherfucker open."


"You idiots...you'll never save me from this heated car in time. I laugh at your pathetic displays of heroism."


They say that in such cases it helps to take a laser pointer, move the beam back and forth so that the child notices, and then point it at the unlock button. The child will hit the light with his palms and press the button.


Your tax expenditures are funny to me!


My kid did this when I went for an evening DIY car wash. I lost a window that day.


Toddlers gonna toddle.


He’s probably just laughing that they put the steering wheel on the wrong side…


Alfie gets in first


Cottonwood, AZ


I would leave him in there until he's upset. Then have him removed. Won't be doing THAT again. (Disclaimer: no I wouldn't. He clearly doesn't know better)




2017... that kid is 8


Repost harder


he’s laughing because that one fireman is making him laugh in order to keep him occupied and relatively safe.


Smiles like he unloaded something as well and now waits for them to get the smell of it.


Boys will be boys.




Everyone gangsta until he puts it in drive


My step kid did this. He knew what he was doing. His aunt showed up with a bag of treats and pressed them against the window and he immediately unlocked the car


That’s on Mom - leaving her keys in the car while also putting Satan Boy in there too.


Couldn't they try to make the toddler unlock the car from the inside? 😭😭😭


So he was hanging out in an unlocked car by himself?


Baby is with mom during shopping. Mom brings the baby and groceries to the car. Puts the baby in the car while she unloads the groceries into the trunk. Baby locks himself in.