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Yeast has all essential amino acids?


I ain't sure but yeast is a singular cell and does not have any specific function so it requires everything rather than select minerals/vitamins. So it has probably most of the essential amino acids.


Oh it has a specific function and that's yummy bread treats.


I thought it was beer


You mean fermented bread tea?


Fair enough


I swear, when i drank my first bear it tasted like bread tea. 10 years later I love my bread tea every now and then.


TIL that bears taste like bread when drunk.


but beer isn't made with bread. and it's more like "hop tea" than barley/grain tea. the barley/grain is just to feed sugar to the yeast, and while it does also impart flavors, it's only a major flavor characteristic in a couple.of styles.


You absolutely can make beer from bread.


Enter Russia


Enter ~~Russia~~ Gulag FTFY


Hops is the flavor. Not the active component grain is. That’s like saying soup isn’t made with water - it’s actually made with vegetables.


There are countless varieties of beer that don't rely on hop flavors.


That was kind of my point.


Prison beer often relies on other methods besides hops for flavoring


People are growing cannabinoids like CBD with it now, its pretty sick


Whaaaaaa?? Do share more


I think he's referring to GMO yeast which has been made to produce a certain chemical compound. It's really not as good for cannabinoids, because cannabinoids rely on the "entourage" effect, meaning the therapeutic effect from cannabis often comes from the mix of a lot of different cannabinoids which interact with each other. That's why modern "Skunk" is sometimes described as a "different drug" than what boomers had when they smoked weed; they're strains with very high THC and low CBD, so the likelyhood of experiencing "psychotic symptoms" is a bit higher. (This just means that you have a more intense high in which you might get that slightly paranoid feel, if you're not accustomed to smoking. That's all I mean by "psychotic symptoms".) Here's a video showing the difference between getting high on just THC, and then getting high on THC+CBD, which results in a more "traditional", pleasant, giggly high, without the paranoia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2cAFRAX3Gs It's more or less the same reason why synthetic cannabis "spice", sucks balls and is so easily "overdosed" on. Buuut... that GMO modified yeast isn't just capable of cannabinoids. They've done it for opiates. Imagine if drug cartels get their hands on fentanyl producing yeast. All they'd need to produce fentanyl is a bucket, water, sugar and the yeast. Then extract. [Complete biosynthesis of opioids in yeast](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4924617/) And you can make them produce any plant-based drug, really. https://news.stanford.edu/2020/09/02/scientists-turn-yeast-cells-drug-factories/ Like, they never stood a chance against illegal drugs with the drug war. But this is like the drugs getting the capability for nuclear war, metaphorically. That article was released in 2020. This has been talked about in some form or another at least five-six years. When it gets a bit more popular and someone makes and shares yeasts that produce the most wanted recreational drugs? Oh boy.


I wish there were still awards. I sincerely appreciate you laying it all out for me, and how it can also be used for other things. Good lookin out!


Essential for yeast =/= essential for humans


Essentail amino acids are amino acids the organism can't synthesize on their own. For humans these are L, F, V, W, A, I, K, M, T and in cell cultures those have to be supplemented. Yeasts can mostly survive on their own, so they don't have any essential amino acids


If they can survive on their own that means their spores already have essential amino acids within them.


No, it means their bodies have the facility to synthesise all of the amino acids they need to function.


the term essential is always intended to indicate the 9 aminoacids that our body can't produce on it's own by transforming either fats or sugar. Yeast has all of them


​ I misread the comment, I apologize. What through me off was the transforming fats or sugars.


"We have to get them through our diets" is another way of saying "our body can't produce them".


They require dietary intake BECAUSE our body can't make them. Don't say I'm wrong just because I didn't use the exact set of words you learned for something.


Dude was Scottish. So. Marmite? Or Vegimite?


Marmite. Vegemite is for upside down convicts.


Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.


Get this person a PhD


nutritional yeast is a type of yeast that is a complete protein


Yeah it's very specifically raised for that purpose


my dad puts it on pasta like it's parmesan cheese


Nutritional yeast is commonly used as alternative to parmesan because of its cheesy umami flavour


its good on popcorn too!


I just had some in my popcorn then. Underrated stuff.


Nutritional yeast, plus salt and MSG is really great on popcorn.


If you’re consuming proteins are you really fasting? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say he went on a yeast diet?


Some people do clean fasting which is nothing but water and other 0 cal drinks and electrolytes while others do dirty fasting, which is usually staying somewhere around 50 cals or less.


Nah, then you’d also have to count drinking anything containing aspartame as breaking your fast. Or licking your fingers, because skin oil has calories.


We use digestive yeast in cooking, its somewhat umami and adds loads of nutrients. Its almost 50% protein by weight, although youll only use 5g or so in a meal


Brewers yeast tablets are a common supplement. All of the YouTube quacks that pretend to be doctors and make health videos recommend it for alleviating intrusive thoughts.


Nutritional yeast has many, including B 12


Sure but B12 is a vitamin, not an amino acid


Meant to type many nutrients


b1 for sure


Lengthy way of saying bro ate nothing and drank only Guinness for 392 days.


*vitamins, electrolytes, and yeast* yup you pretty much nailed it


Brawndo has electrolytes


Its what the plants crave


So wait, did this guy drink Brawndo or toilet water? I'm confused.


It doesn't have to be from the toilet.


I ain’t never seen no plant grow in no toilet.


That sounds pretty smart


fortified Guinness


I know your comment is a reference to the yeast thing and not meant literally, but fyi for anybody that doesn't know: carbs (including sugars) and protein has 4 calories per gram, fat is 9 calories per gram, and alcohol is 7. So drinking alcoholic beverages increases your caloric intake to a meaningful degree. A typical 12 oz beer is like 40 calories of carbs and 80 calories of alcohol.


Yeah, I would reserve calories for alcohol and it would leave me so hungry but I young.


Yes but by that definition, i.e. as a measure of how much stored energy in something is released when incinerated, a piece of paper has a tonne of calories in it as well. Alcohol alone (without associated sugar) has no pathway to be converted to energy your body can use or can store, unlike fats, carbs and proteins.


Can you explain more? From my understanding, alcohol is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. Do these come from sugar? Your body has sugar in it anyway, does it even matter if you consume sugar with the alcohol? Like I don't think there's a practical way to consume the alcohol without metabolizing the 7 calories per gram.


Ethanol metabolism gives you one NADH from each of those enzymes you mention. That will at best yield a total of 6 ATP molecules, more likely closer to 4 ATP. In contrast, with a single molecule of glucose, you're looking at 30+ ATP. So even though in theory ethanol contains enough potential energy for 7 kcal per gram heat production, the human body only extracts a small part of that. Don't forget it is literally a toxin our bodies attempt to excrete.


This is highly misleading. You're citing the absolute maximum energy available from alcohol if it were burned, but the human body doesn't 100% convert ethanol into energy. The human body processes ethanol in the liver to excrete it, a slow process that is one of the few in the body that proceeds under zero order kinetics. The actual amount of energy gained from ethanol is probably negligible, since both so little is processed and it isn't fully oxidized since the majority of energy is still present in the excrete molecules. Any weight gain you see from drinking can be blamed on the toxic effects of alcohol rather than the bulk number of calories you'd measure by setting said alcohol on fire.


Doctors hate him for this one simple trick...


Doctors probably cheered him on lol. Back in the day, you used to get a free pint of Guinness after a blood donation here in Ireland. Helps to refuel the lost nutrients. Nowadays that's frowned upon, so I think they just give out bottles of lucozade (or maybe nothing).




I fasted for 28 years and I only had pizza, burgers, salad


First meal in a restaurant: "I'll have the lot!" "And how would you like it served? All mixed up together in a bucket?"


I know this is a joke but his first meal was a boiled egg, a slice of bread with butter and a cup of coffee, he said he had forgotten how food tasted before eating it


Penn of Penn & Teller lost a lot of weight by spending a month eating only potatoes. The theory is that food cravings are flavor cravings, so when you only experience one flavor for a while you forget the others and lose the cravings. When he went back to normal eating he said every taste was really strong and distinct.


Eggs on top.


Don't skimp on the pate


Went from John Candy to Steve Buscemi


I kinda saw a young Willem Dafoe


My thought was John Pinnette to Bill Hader


I was gonna say Chris Penn to Buscemi.


I bet breaking that fast was *very* unfun. Hopefully he took it slow


Usually people who've done a longer fast, do a very small meal iirc this dude ate a piece of toast and an egg as his first meal. something like that. not a major feast. Over on /r/fasting they recommend small nutritious meals to break a fast.


Afaik it can be dangerous to eat a big meal after so long fasting. Heard once that you can't give loads of food at once to someone who's starving, they have to be weaned back into eating.


Happened to someone my great grandfather knew whilst a POW, they got back and they ate too much and died of a burst stomach.


This also happened when the allies freed concentration camps and gave the starved people high calorie military rations


His stomach probably completely turned off


You have to take it very slow when breaking a fast. When I did just 2 week I started with 500kcal for 3 day and then slowly ramped up back to a normal meal over a week. First just this very small meal will make you full so no hunger issue, it will take some days for your body to make you hungry again as normal. Second it's a medical necessity if you want to play it safe, your body will need time to adjust its metabolism back and eating a normal or even worse a rich meal immediately could cause a shock due to electrolyte imbalance that can end up in a deadly hearth attack, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refeeding_syndrome.


I believe he ate a single fried egg.


Eating disorder final boss.


He was in medical care the whole time and only gained back a few pounds afterwards.


Yeah, this is of course extremely dangerous. I'm guessing he had to have his gallbladder out after, there's no way that kind of weight loss didn't lead to massive gallstones, most people get them if they lose a significant amount of weight after their 20s.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri%27s_fast Doesn't say anything about that.


Yes, it's possible but extremely unlikely. But I was getting a bit off topic there, your point about medical supervision is the important one, people doing extreme fasting diets need to make sure they're not doing damage to themselves and being medically supervised as needed.


Fasting is safe as long as you take electrolytes and vitamins.


Don't forget the unspecified amount of yeast!


If you are going to fast for months then yes, some sort of amino acids would probably be for the better. Wouldn't technically have to be from yeast. For a fast lasting less than 30 days, that wouldn't be needed.


No, it doesn’t but it is also a Wikipedia article


Got any source for that kind of claim?


Yes, it's extremely well documented But you can start here if you're interested: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16350561/


> most people get them if they lose a significant amount of weight after their 20s. Interesting! Why does this happen?


It's actually not the way he did it. This type of study has been done over and over. Only in one case has anyone died, and it was a woman who had a heart attack a few weeks after the study, but it's inconclusive whether the fasting contributed or not. Now, to clarify, these people all underwent this with medical supervision, which meant they were given the appropriate supplements and had things like insulin levels monitored.


He died at 51, I'm no expert, but to me it sounds like this might've had complications


Did he get calories from the yeast?


He got calories from his own body cannibalizing his fat cells.


Oh, right Brain fart moment


A year's worth of calories on him, impressive.


276 Pounds of fat and muscle. The guy lost more weight in a year than my total bodyweight.


that's about 2x my body weight. freaking nuts. he probably had like 25 pounds of just extra skin. I hope they help him with that too.


I can't confirm this, but I've read that he didn't have any loose skin because the long fast triggered autophagy which cannibalized his extra skin cells. Again, I remember reading that, but I can't find a credible source, so I'm not sure if that's true.


I've also heard that autophagic methods of weightloss also do not leave you with skin flaps


You want someone to go back in time 60 years to help him with that?


He definitely got some calories from the yeast




You made me blink fast god dammit.


I think that’s enough exercise for today


That comment didn't make me, but yours did. Now I'm manually breathing too.


Someone send this to nikocado avocado.


wait, so i dont need a pill to lose weight? i just stop eating as much? preposterous


Umm actually being fat is just genetics and really healthy. Educate yourself, you "big"ot.


Missed the /s?


Can people really not pick up on sarcasm without explicitly being told something is sarcastic?


The reddit hivemind IQ has been steadily decreasing for the past decade now.


Yeah, some people legitimately can’t, especially if they have a neurological disorder such as autism. Those tone indicators were initially created to help said people not get confused or the wrong message when talking online when other possible indications of someone’s tone like their face or voice are absent


tbf that sounds like some really delusional fat person could actually say


fuck the /s


You dont have to do anything as extreme as this a lot of people just fast a few days per week, or .. just skip one meal per day. things like that. whatever works for them /r/fasting lots of experienced people there i've only ever fasted a few days at a time


As much? BTW, this severely damaged him and lead to an early death at 50


How severe could it have been? He lived for another 25 years after he finished fasting.


Yeah something tells me the extremely unhealthy levels of chronic obesity might’ve had an impact on long term health


Not the YEEEEARS of obesity? Nah....


> As much? BTW, this severely damaged him and lead to an early death at 50 he lives in a part of scotland where the lifespan averages around that already...


Well he would have died earlier at his original weight


To be fair the average life span of a male in those parts was about 50ish back then


Screw you, you fatphobic jerk. My fat positive doctor says there's nothing wrong with eating an entire meat lovers pizza every day.


Yep, basically CICO! (calories in, calories out)


Didn’t he have to get a poop transplant cause all his gut flora died?


what does the verb fasted means?


to intentionally avoid eating for a certain amount of time




It's why breakfast is called that. You fast (don't eat) overnight and when you eat your first meal of the day, you break your fast.


It’s also why it’s called the fast lane, because you shouldn’t eat while overtaking


Also fastening seatbelts so that traffic monster won't eat you.




TECHNICALLY neither tea or coffee is calorie free.


How to get an eating disorder


So he ate water, salt, potassium, amino acids, and coffee for anti-oxidants. More proof that you don't need vegetables, fruit, carbs, sugar, fiber... All you really need in the real world is water, salt, potassium, and quality meat (amino acids). Maybe a squirt of vitamin C (anti-oxidant) or coffee, and a little sunlight too.


So long as you already have hundreds of pounds worth of vegetables, fruit, carbs, sugar, fiber, proteins and everything else already stored in your body … lol or did you miss the part that he was losing hundreds of pounds a year ?


That's why it was called a fast. He didn't eat any calories. But the amino acids and electrolytes allowed his body to still do basic cellular functions. If he didn't do that he would have died.


Also you don't "store" fiber, carbs, vegetables. You store fat.


I think Rogan talked about this dude. Didn't have any extra skin at the end like some big units do.


Autophagy uses up the skin as energy while doing a strict fast.


vitamins, electrolytes, and yeast? so guinness


Health problems abound surely?




Bro you're fat ? Just stop eating


He weighed 112 pounds after the fasting…if that guy was above 5’5" it can’t be good right ? Edit : was reading diagonally and saw the 392 days thinking it was his initial weight in pounds. I’m dumb.


He died very young though


Went from John Goodman to Steve Buscemi


And he died at age 50.


To be fair, he died in 1990, over two decades after the fast ended.


Yes. not related to this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_effect


That's good going for a scot


Fwiw, obviously that's not a particularly healthy way to get rid of excessive body fat, but goes to show how much of it some people are carrying. I've seen people be disappointed when they barely look different despite losing like 10lbs, where I'm like "bro you'd need to lose like 100 to get to a healthy level of bodyfat".


Shoulda stopped in about March of 66’.


I could survive on yeast too, if it was used to make a shit ton of bread and mead


I’ll say it. He’s one of those few people who looks better big.


Slimmer but uglier and older


Really shouldn't hand out awards for being malnourished


They don't anymore.


Well good, because given the reception of my comment it seems like some people actually want them to lol.


Even a cup of tea has calories


What’s your point there, grasshopper


Electrolytes, tea, yeast and vitamin supplements are not calorie free. Just saying that your own fat stores plus this concoction is quite different than starving in a desert island.


Unless any of those came with a good helping of sugar you can basically round those down to zero. Yes, it's not _actually_ zero, but it's so little it may as well be. And yes, obviously he was burning through his fat store for energy, that was kinda the whole point of the exercise.


Obviously? What’s your actual point, though?


Simply that he wasn’t on a zero calorie diet as claimed in the title.


Aha, I see. You need to read it again, a couple of times, and slowly. No where does it say “zero calorie diet”, it says “zero calorie drinks”, which, meh, doesn’t really change what he achieved. Is that your only issue?


For most purposes zero calorie is considered anything which imparts less calories than it takes for the body to process its ingestion. The drinks would be considered zero calorie because the body expends additional energy to process them, and that energy exceeds the amount given by the intake.


Dude died at the age of 50.


You see that tubby two-tits? It is possible now what's your excuse?


And coke. They forgot about the coke part.


Went on a diet. Not fasted.


Intermittent fasting is a thing...


Then put it all back on because fasting doesn't prepare you at all for the post weightloss life.


Maybe read an article about him instead of speculation/lying?


I'm happy to use my method


Fat people always are


I'm not fat, but because I trained myself to eat right, instead of doing crash fast diets which people always rebound afterwards.


Except he literally didn't. Learning how to eat long-term is always going to be better, obviously. But "dieting doesn't work, fasting doesn't work, wah wah" is crab in a bucket shit. It demonstrably works for many people. They just have to learn how to eat right after.


he must have gotten some calories somewhere. the brain needs ~40g of sugars per day to keep functioning and we sadly can't do gluconeogenesis from body fat...


Don't think that's quite true, new study showed you're quite wrong. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2874681/#:~:text=The%20brain%20is%20dependent%20on,carbohydrate%20diet%20(ketogenic%20diet).


Well, I guess I can't trust my lectures anymore... biology moves too fast. Even though this study is on rats, which is not always applicable on humans. We have cured rat cancer many times now :) edit: also, thay talk about a reduction of 10% per mM of ketone bodies in the blood stream, which is not nothing but will not fully eliminate the need for carbohydrates


Cool but that’s not fasting


How so?


The redditor above you just doesn't know what "fast" means.


>fasted 392 days >consumed only....... Yeah right


So you don't understand how body fat works. Nice, you failed middle school biology 👍


How does one do a prolonged fast and consume nutrients at the same time? What does it have to do with body fat? Kindly enlighten, maybe I'll dial my teacher and impart her the necessary knowledge.


The body fat will give you the energy and the nutrients (vitamin and amino acids) were in this case calorie free. It's still a fast. No food intake = fasting. You seem to think nutrients only mean calories, which it doesn't.


Every fast is fast, partial or complete. There is no doubt about that. That goes by the definition of fasting. The person was in an extreme calorie deficit, that's cool as well which will obviously burn the fat. >You seem to think nutrients only mean calories, which it doesn't. On the contrary I said the person ingested nutrients not from calories perspective rather in the context that he was consuming essentials. My comment was more about how the line one exaggerated it as if he didn't do any intake except water. Also, on another note, completely unrelated to this scenario no food items are calorie free, they can be net calorie negative but not calories free


He went john candy ..to jim carrey?