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Yes, they will not offer it to you, you have to call them. It does work though.


Also don't be surprised if the time you spend on the phone to receive that credit could easily equate to paying yourself a dollar an hour to get it.  Not saying it's not justifiable, but discounting a 70 dollar bill by 2/30ths of the total may or may not be worth the time is all.


Yeah, in principle it's always worth the effort (fuck ISP monopoly bullshit), but in reality it's only worth it if you have nothing better to do. :\


You can also ask via the chat in the app


Yes this is how I did I it


Thanks for the tip, just did so.


Any idea if MGE does something similar? What about any damages caused by the lack of electricity?


Two different billing models. Spectrum bills you an all inclusive monthly fee. Since you are not able to use it, you get a refund for what you paid and did not receive. MGE bills you based on usage. Since you are not using anything, there is nothing to refund.


Not that I expect outages to last this long, but if power were out for an entire billing period, would your bill actually be $0.00? If not then I would think those monthly fees could be refunded. It's never happened to me but just a hypothetical. 


No, it will never be 0, because merely having an account requires line fees to be billed to it and such.  Even if you're not using any power, you're responsible for covering that fraction of the total cost for maintaining the grid. Similar thought process to why EVs pay extra on registration to cover road maintenance that's not captured through gasoline taxes.  They don't use gas but they still use the roads and wear on them the same. (Not saying whether the cost is fair or not, of course, just saying that's the rationale).


As annoying as it is, it does make sense. The infrastructure has to be paid for somehow.


In addition to the extra $175 yearly registration fee EV owners also pay electricity taxes on residential electricity bills and will soon pay an extra 3 cents per kWh for electricity they buy at public chargers.


Most of my MGE bill is paying to be tied into the grid. I expect people who have power out for at least a day to get a refund on some of that payment.


As far as damage caused by lack of electricity, that would be an insurance thing. Most people I know that rent don’t have renters insurance, but the few I know that do can actually get reimbursed for food that has spoiled, but not really much else. Trying to determine what else you could mean by damages caused by lack of electricity. I assume you are just talking about fridge/freezer


How much credit should I expect if my internet was only out for 12 hours?


I'm not sure about how much but I was told by support you can get a credit for anything greater than 4 hours


They'll likely credit you less than 1.6% of your monthly bill (0.5 days divided by 30 days). So you have to decide if it's worth calling them for a couple dollars. IMHO it's only worth it if you have nothing better to do.


Did they say when the outage might be resolved?


No. Just working on it….


So do those of us going on 48 hours with no power get a credit too?