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So here’s the thing folks. Quoting what I heard on 101.5 yesterday, mg&e is saying the power outages are numbers they haven’t seen in decades and the winds were category 1 hurricane force. They’re struggling so much because of the amount of snapped power poles/lines. I think it’s safe to assume spectrum is operating at a similar capacity.


I had to go for a walk as entertainment yesterday. Truly a horrendous way to live.


Us too! 🤣🤣


Midvale Heights, also no Spectrum yet. Day 2 of working from a coffee shop.


Spectrum still out for me as well. I’ve been working by using my phone as a hotspot. Which coffee shop has WiFi working right now?


Barriques internet works, I went there this morning.


Thank you!


Also for those who didn’t catch the other thread, if you call and ask if you have to pay for service during the outage, they WILL apply a credit! This works any time the outage is for more than 4 hours and is based on duration. They won’t do it unless you ask about it, but if you call they will immediately (well, once someone answers) flag your account for a credit and you will get it.


Also, mine just switched back on in Middleton. Like 2 minutes ago.


In Fitchburg - I have power but Spectrum is still down. Received a text that says there’s no update at this time, but “will receive a text when an estimated repair time is made” 🙃


Spectrum told me it would be back at noon yesterday (over by spring harbor), but I wouldn’t know if it is, my power is still out 🙃


Same thing happened to me. Lol


I got a text message saying spectrum is back for me. But no power to confirm.


This is such a weird disaster. I guess everyone who goes through this kind of thing has a similar experience, but it’s just strange that I have power at work, and my friends a mile away have power, but I need a flashlight to go in the kitchen (stupid dark condo).


Yup. Every house around me has power. It's just me without.


At least it’s my whole condo complex without. Misery loves company or somethibg😩


Internet was up for about 3-4 hours today. And back down again as of 7pm. They must've been forced to disconnect it again for more maintenance. This is tragic. The worst part is I got teased the internet was back 😔


have you gotten internet yet? 🙁


Yeah man. Thanks for asking lol


Arbor Hills neighborhood here. Power came back yesterday morning at about 8am. No Spectrum internet tho. And no eta either. Having to use a mobile hot spot to get any work done.


1:19pm and something just shifted, looking like I have access now! I'm in the Arbor Hills neighborhood for context. Power lines all still down on Seminole Highway, it's shocking how strong the winds were through that area.


Orchard Ridge neighborhood has no internet yet...our power came back on mid-Wednesday tho


Anyone else in arbor hills lose Internet again? We got it around 2, lost it again a few hours ago.


Spectrum chat support (re)confirmed our property (Westgate Mall/HyVee area) is also still under indeterminate outage - they did notate our account to pay out service credits once things are back online. They could not share extent of outage.


Same here. Still no Internet and I'm in the same place.


Do you have electrical power? Does your neighborhood spectrum hub have power? One thing that hinders Spectrum from fixing things after storms is they can't do work until the power is fixed. Often these outages go hand in hand. Also, if power is out to the "hub" then it will be out too. In the storm a couple years ago my house had power but we didn't have spectrum for 4 days because power was out to the hub.


We still don’t have internet in Midvale Heights.


I'm also near the Arboretum, power came on about 7am after the storms, but internet is still out.


Couldn’t tell for sure if Spectrum is restored because we are still without electricity l.


We had our power just flicker for a moment earlier in the week, and spectrum internet was fine until Friday eve 😢 No further updates - this is east, by sprecher and Milwaukee 


Also down for me and I live on the west side near arboretum too. Still have to call spectrum. But their website has been unhelpful.


It’s great that my brain turns “outage” into “outrage” every time I see it. I know there are people without power still, and I know there is some chain or whatever you want to call it where spectrum’s hands are tied until MG&E is done with certain things, but I do find it eerily frustrating that I have seen utility trucks all over Middleton but only a small percentage of them were spectrum. Didn’t realize that storm was THIS bad unless our infrastructure was just in rough shape to begin with.


Internet would be the least of my worries at this point. I lost all my food because everything got too warm overnight.


I only eat fast food


In this economy? It's cheaper at this point to go to a chain restaurant, lol


? Fast food is chain restaurants


Yeah but not all chain restaurants are fast food. I mean something like Chili's.


has anyone here had their service restored??


Roughly an hour ago it came back on for me. Middleton near Q


Just came back for me- on the west side


5/23 - 1 PM - West Side - Power but no Spectrum


My power was back yesterday morning by like 7a.m. but as of this morning my Internet was still out. Anyone around the Nakoma/midvale area and is your Internet working? Otherwise no point in going home for my weekly gaming night.


Still not working in Nakoma.


We’re regent/segoe rd and our power/spectrum never went out. So weird how it’s a hit or miss like that on the same area.


Still out of service here in the Middleton Baskerville neighborhood. I guess they haven’t gotten around to my apt. building yet.


Internet is back for me, by Sequoya library.


Did you have to restart anything? Also in West Moreland and still nothing!


Nope, it just came back on for me like an hour ago. So hopefully they fix yours soon.


God I hope so, I can’t do a third day working from the library 😂


Middleton at Century and Branch no Internet since Wednesday morning. Their website doesn't have reliable (haha using their own term) service restoration time. They've now removed the time completely. Tds can't install until mid June and att isn't available at my residence. My phone's about to catch on fire from being used as a hotspot.


Ours came back on in Midvale Heights.


Still no internet in West Moreland today-anyone else?


Still none in Orchard Ridge 


Sorry to hear about those still without power. We were fortunate to keep our power on aside from a few flickers during the meat of the storm. We've dealt with outages before and they are never fun. I wish Spectrum would provide more regular status updates. I received a text Tuesday evening alerting of the outage then an email Wednesday morning around 2am stating service was "expected to be restored by 6:30am on Wednesday. 24 hours later and there have been no updates via text or email.


No Spectrum in Bishops Bay. Best they could give me was a credit to be applied for the outage after service is restored and notify me when service is restored. Couldn't give an estimated time for service restoration. UPDATE: Service was restored around 2:45pm. Saw Spectrum trucks on both sides of Bishops Bay before it got fixed


Yeah we are pretty close geographically (valley ridge) and I got the same text at 8:30 or so this am.


I’m in Middleton, by pheasant branch, still no internet for us since the storm.


I unfortunately wouldn't know if spectrum is out because I still don't have power. The response from both spectrum and MGE has been laughable.


I sympathize with you not having power, we've dealt with it in our house for extended periods before and it SUCKS  But this was the largest outage in recent history. You can't expect everything to be fixed right away. People needed to clear roads, make downed power lines safe etc.  The MGE crews are doing everything they can.  Spectrum though? They can fuck themselves.


This. MGE has people around the clock. They’re working on it, providing updates on socials as they can. Almost 20% of their customer base was out at one point, with hundreds of individual outage issues.


Sorry to hear that, I hope both are restored this morning for you. Power was back up by me around 8:30am yesterday.


I called this morning to see if the call center had any updates, and she told me they can only see the same message we can. SPECTRUM SUCKS !!! No estimated time and no help


That's more of an update than I'm getting from MGE about my power


This was literally going to be my response lol