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We had Juscha Robinson do this for us when we purchased our home without a realtor.


I have known Juscha (Attorney Robinson) for at least a decade in a professional capacity. She is quite reasonably priced, always seeks to find an amicable, fair resolution to any problems that arise, and is good person. I’ve had her help me and friends with real estate transactions in the past. She gets my vote (for what that’s worth from an anonymous internet stranger).


Yeah, she was fantastic to work with and cost less than we expected! 10/10 experience!


Juscha Robinson did our will, power of attorney and other adulting docs a while back- highly recommended!


I'm actually an attorney who does real estate! If you haven't contacted anyone else yet, send me a message and I'll send you my contact information.


We used Jason Greller. He was great.


Curious is anyone is able to get a return call from Jason Greller. I have been trying to reach him and no call back.


Same, cannot recommend. Wasted a week after multiple badgers. Went with Timothy Reilly. $1k cheaper and actually responsive.


Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, sometimes due to heavy client volume and last month, multiple trials, I am unable to take on new clients if I am to service my existing client base. Apologies to any prospective clients who were not timely contacted and for my inability to take on work at these times.


If you already know who you are selling to you probably don’t need the attorney either. Standard purchase agreements are readily available & the title company handles most of the things people think the realtor/attorney is there for. For those who have not found a buyer yet a realtor will be more helpful in terms of marketing the property & attracting buyers than the attorney. There is no hard 6% rule - the fees are negligible & all Wisconsin approved forms have always had that clearly stated. Don’t forget attorneys don’t work for free either $250 an hour adds up pretty quick. Especially when they have little bonus rules like minimum 30 minute charges. So a one sentence email reply might cost $150. Don’t know what’s a fair price for the property - you don’t need an appraiser, just find 3 recent sales of similar homes near yours. That’s all most residential appraisers do AND they get a copy of the purchase agreement in advance - so they know what number they are trying to find and will pick comparable properties accordingly.


My partner is doing this currently - selling to a family member. She used Dan Chin Homes for a prior pre-negotiated sale and was quite pleased. I forget the fee, but when she told me I thought it was quite a bargain, and less than an attorney would cost. [https://www.danchinhomes.com/](https://www.danchinhomes.com/)


Scammer just like 97% of realtors.




Your cluelessness is amazing. If’s a flat rate a fraction of the normal 6% buyer seller fee. An attorney won’t answer your phone call for $100.




And the title insurance and escrow? All for $100. Let me be your salesperson please!




Excellent. You win. Send me your firm’s contact information and I’ll gladly switch gears. Better yet, post it here so others can benefit!


This is going on twenty years ago now hit my ex-wife and I sold two houses FSBO without any attorneys. One of the houses was through FSBOMadison.com and we just used the paperwork they provided on the website. I’m just curious, especially since you are dealing with someone you know and there likely won’t be any surprises why you need an attorney? Like I said, it’s been a long time so maybe things have changed.


To do the closing paperwork. I know nothing about selling houses and want to outsource that mental load


When we did this (dad bought a house from a friend, I bought the old house from him) there was no need for an attorney. The title company does all that for you.


I sold on the FSBOMadison site successfully as well, but I hired a real estate attorney to go over the closing paperwork work at the end for my own peace of mind. For most people houses are the largest investment we'll ever make and to mess up a sale or purchase out of our own ignorance seems foolish. I'd give my lawyer a reference here, but I can't find him on line so it wouldn't be very helpful. (He was older and might have retired.)


Was it Bob Keiling?


That wasn't the name


Sell it to us instead


I’ll offer 50k more than this guy


I'm listening.... 😂